Mississippi Turfgrass - Winter 2018

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Winter 2018

The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine


Crabgrass and Goosegrass on Warm-Season Golf Courses Plus, Highlights from the MSU Turfgrass Research Field Day and the Deep South Turf Expo

Winter 2018

Contents • The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine Features

9 Upcoming Event —

MTA Hospitality Night at the GCSAA Conference

10 Cover Story —


Controlling Crabgrass and Goosegrass on Warm-Season Golf Courses

14 Recent Event —

MSU Turfgrass Research Field Day, August 22, 2017

16 Recent Event — Deep South Turf Expo, November 7–9, 2017


6 From the MTA President

7 MTA Membership Application

8 News from MTA (Meet Your New Leaders)

15 Index of Advertisers

18 Mississippi State Turf Team

18 Calendar of Events

Mississippi Turfgrass is the Mississippi Turfgrass Association magazine. Subscriptions are complimentary to MTA members. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, its board of directors, Mississippi Turfgrass, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as MTA members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in any issue of Mississippi Turfgrass. Copyright ©2018 by the Mississippi Turfgrass Association. Mississippi Turfgrass is published quarterly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of MTA. Presorted standard postage is paid at Nashville, TN. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: MTA allows reprinting of material published here. Permission requests should be directed to MTA. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For display and classified advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Franklin, TN 37064, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524.

4 • Mississippi Turfgrass • Winter 2018



The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine • 5

From the mta president

Time to David Leon


Mississippi Turfgrass Association Box 9555 MS State, MS 39762 Office: (662) 325-0517 Fax: (662) 325-2705 www.msturfassociation.org Published by: Leading Edge Communications, LLC 206 Bridge Street Franklin, TN 37064 Office: (615) 790-3718 Fax: (615) 794-4524 info@leadingedgecommunications.com Mississippi Turfgrass Editor James D. McCurdy, Ph.D.



ith winter well under way, I hope most of you were able to spend time with your family or loved ones during the holidays. This time of year gives us the opportunity to recharge our batteries from a long year and prepare for a new one. It’s a perfect time to reflect not only on ourselves personally but also on what future goals we may have for the upcoming year There’s one thing for sure — the daily grind of the green industry has an impact on everyone involved. Whether it’s your coworkers, employees or family members, everyone is affected by it. Take the time to rest because spring is just around the corner. The 2018 Golf Course Industry Show will kick off in February in San Antonio. Take the time on February 7 to check out MTA’s Hospitality Night (see page 9 for details). It’s a great event to catch up with old friends and make a few new ones. A few other dates to mark on your calendars include the YardDawg classic tentatively set for June 19, followed by the Turfgrass Research Field Day set for August 21. I would encourage you to sign up for the YardDawg Classic. This event helps raise money for scholarships and research. The more money we raise for our research team, the more tools they have to study the daily issues that affect us out in the field. These events could not survive without your participation. Encourage a friend, colleague or employee to come join in these events. I look forward to seeing everyone throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me or any of the board members. Good luck, and may 2018 be your best year yet.

David Leon

2018 MTA President

President David Leon Turf & Aquatic Specialties, LLC (601) 529-2458 Vice President Al Osteen (601) 214-9907 Secretary/Treasurer Wayne Philley Mississippi State University (662) 325-2728 Past President Erick Coomer The Bridges Golf Course (228) 860-5292 Administrative Secretary Linda Wells Mississippi State University Box 9555 MS State, MS 39762 Office: (662) 325-0517 Cell: (662) 769-7558 lmw218@pss.msstate.edu


Paul Battle Battle Sod Farm (662) 661-2040 Keair Edwards City of Gulfport (228) 861-5641 David Jumper Ole Miss Golf Course (662) 915-5181 Jeremy Tate Tate’s Turf LLC (662) 209-0023 Robb Webb GreenPoint Ag (228) 861-5641 Reuben Wedgeworth Agri-AFC (601) 498-0750

6 • Mississippi Turfgrass • Winter 2018

Membership Application Mississippi Turfgrass Association • Box 9555 • Mississippi State, MS 39762 • Office: 662-325-0517 • Fax: 662-325-2705 The Mississippi Turfgrass Association is a non-profit organization of individuals interested in promoting and expanding the turf and landscape industry in Mississippi and surrounding states.

MTA’s objectives are to: Promote quality turf and landscape management.

Sponsor needed research, scholarships for deserving students and conferences on timely topics.

Disseminate information and educational material on turf and landscape culture.

Cooperate with other organizations in advancing educational opportunities in turf and landscape management.

Any individual interested in the advancement of turfgrass or landscape management is invited to join the organization. This includes professionals in golf course and grounds maintenance, sod and seed producers, landscape contractors, landscape architects, horticulturists, agronomists, nurserymen, educators, athletic field managers, park managers and representatives of manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of turf and landscape equipment, chemicals and supplies.

Annual Dues: $75

for individuals and single business representative membership


for businesses requesting two to four individuals receiving the Mississippi Turfgrass magazine (attach names and addresses for additional newsletter mailings, business only)


for students


Donation to the Mississippi Turfgrass Foundation. Help us sustain more than 50 years of turfgrass research!

Membership year runs January 1 through December 31. Name:___________________________________________________________ Firm or Club Name:__________________________________________________ Street Address:_____________________________________________________ City:_ ________________________________State:_ _____ Zip:______________

Work Association Golf Course G rounds Maintenance

Telephone (Work):_ __________________________________________________

C ity/State Park Maintenance

Telephone (Cell):____________________________________________________

Lawn Care



P roduct Representative Education Athletic Fields Other

Make check payable to Mississippi Turfgrass Association (MTA) Mail to: MTA, Box 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762 If you prefer, you may pay by credit card:



Card #_______________________________________________

American Express Expiration Date:________________________________________

Signature:_ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine • 7

News from MTA

Meet Your New Leaders On

for 2018

October 8, during the MTA Annual Business Meeting at the Deep South Turf Expo in Biloxi, MS, the following officers and directors were elected to lead the association in 2018.

President David Leon Turf & Aquatic Specialties, Inc. P.O. Box 1797 Ridgeland, MS 39158 (601) 529-2458 turfaquatic@yahoo.com

Administrative Secretary Linda Wells Mississippi State University Box 9555 MS State, MS 39762 (662) 325-0517 (office) (662) 769-7558 (cell) lmw218@pss.msstate.edu

Vice President Al Osteen 104 East Hill Drive Madison, MS 39110 (601) 214-9907 osteenal@gmail.com


Secretary/Treasurer Wayne Philley Mississippi State University Box 9555 MS State, MS 39762 (662) 325-2728 (office) (662) 312-5701 (cell) wphilley@pss.msstate.edu Past President Erick Coomer The Bridges Golf Course 711 Hollywood Blvd. Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 (228) 860-5292 erick.coomer@ pngaming.com 8 • Mississippi Turfgrass • Winter 2018

Golf David Jumper Ole Miss Golf Course 147 Golf Club Rd. Oxford, MS 38865 (662) 915-5181 wdjumper@olemiss.edu Sod Paul Battle Battle Sod Farm 5475 Highway 4 Tunica, MS 38676 (662) 621-2040 paulbattleiv@hotmail.com Industry Reuben Wedgeworth Agri-AFC 60 Lampton Lane Purvis, MS 39475 (601) 498-0750 jcarlisle@bobladd.com

North Jeremy Tate Tate’s Turf, LLC 6477 Morgan Town Rd. Sturgis, MS 39769 (662) 209-0023 tatesturfllc@hotmail.com Central Rob Webb GreenPoint Ag 252 Country Club Road Canton, MS 39046 (228) 861-5641 rob.webb@greenpointag.com South Keair Edwards City of Gulfport 114 Reservation Drive Gulfport, MS 39503 (228) 861-5641 kedwards@gulfport-ms.gov Ex-Officio / Faculty Advisor Jay McCurdy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor & MSU Turf Ext. Specialist Mississippi State University Box 9555 Mississippi State, MS 39762 (662) 325-2311 jmccurdy@pss.msstate.edu


Upcoming Event

Night ”

GCSAA Conference & GIS

Wednesday, February 7, 2018 • 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Zinc Bistro & Wine Bar 207 N. Presa Street • San Antonio, TX 78205 (Firewheel & Courtyard)

Name:__________________________________________________________ Company:________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ City:_ ________________________________State:_ _____ Zip:_____________

Individual:................................................................................................. $25_ ________ Couple:...................................................................................................... $45_ ________ Total Enclosed:.......................................................................................... $_ __________

Payment Method (Pre-Payment is Suggested): Check*



American Express

Card #__________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:_ __________________________________________________ Signature:_ ______________________________________________________ ** Make check payable to Mississippi Turfgrass Association (MTA) Mail to: MTA, Box 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762

Zinc Bistro & Wine Bar

An elegant European wine bar with a casual Texas twist. Housed in a historic building in the heart of downtown San Antonio.

Hosted By



Call Linda Wells (662) 769-7558 or email lmw218@msstate.edu Send Registration Form to: Linda Wells, MTA Box 9555 Mississippi State, MS 39762 Fax to: (662) 325-2705

Catch Up

with all your peers and classmates!! Appetizers & Cash Bar $25/Person • $45/Couple RSVP January 24, 2018 The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine • 9

Cover Story


Crabgrass and Goosegrass on Warm-Season Golf Courses By Jay McCurdy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University


egardless of budget and expectations, preemergence herbicides are an important line of defense against most spring- and summeremerging weeds. Yet, I am astounded by the number of calls, emails and texts I get every summer concerning control of crabgrass and goosegrass. My response is almost always, “What preemergence herbicide did you use?” and frequently the answer is, “None.” Preemergence herbicides target the rapid root or shoot growth that occurs immediately after a seed germinates. To be effective, they must be applied prior to seedling germination. They must also be present in the soil at a lethal concentration, which correctly suggests that many of these herbicides have relatively long soil half-lives, enabling them to remain effective over an extended period of time. In fact, rowcrop farmers call many similar products “residual” herbicides, because 10 • Mississippi Turfgrass • Winter 2018

they provide lasting preventative control of many troublesome weeds. Due to microbial activity, sunlight and moisture movement, each preemergence herbicide degrades uniquely. Efficacy may also be reduced by the herbicide binding to organic matter and clay particles. Because these factors are somewhat predictable, companies often recommend repeat applications (sometimes called “split applications”). Typical reapplication dates range from 6 to 12 weeks after the initial treatment. Caution: Every preemergence herbicide can harm turf health and quality, so always read and understand label instructions.

Common weeds

Crabgrass emergence is initiated in the spring by soil temperatures of approximately 57°F at a 1" soil depth. In the mid- to deep-South, most preemergencecrabgrass applications are applied

in late January through early March. Preemergence herbicides can be tank mixed with postemergence, non-selective or selective herbicides for “reachback” of already germinated weeds. Additions may include a broadleaf herbicide such as Trimec or Metsulfuron. Many superintendents may add an ALS inhibitor to their preemergence herbicide (such as Monument, Revolver or Katana) for postemergence control of annual bluegrass; these herbicides need relatively warmer conditions to work best. Simazine is another common addition at this timing. Caution should be used when applying preemergence herbicides with potentially damaging non-selective herbicides, such as Roundup or diquat, for fear that the residual effects of the preemergence will hinder regrowth and recovery of injured turfgrass. Commercially available mixtures, such as Echelon (prodiamine +

Photo 1: Even labeled preemergence herbicides can affect turf growth and recovery. This herbicide prevented establishment from sprigs. Photo 2: Damage caused by excessive rates of Anderson’s Goose and Crab. Symptoms often manifest where overlap occurs.

sulfentrazone) are also commonplace for extended control, as well as postemergence activity, on existing weeds. In the case of Echelon, it should be noted that sulfentrazone does not provide appreciable control of annual bluegrass, but it does control young goosegrass and sedges. Thus, Echelon is an example of a combination product best applied in late spring at a timing suitable for control of these weeds.

Common herbicides for spring weeds

Mitotic inhibiting herbicides (such as Barricade, Pendulum and Dimension) disrupt cell division in the newly emerging root “radical” of germinating weed seeds. These three herbicides are the modern standards of yesteryear’s Surflan and Treflan. Sometimes called “yellow herbicides” or “root growth inhibitors,” these products are used for preemergence control of crabgrass, goosegrass and other spring- and fall-emerging weeds. In recent years, generic products have led to competitive pricing for all of them. Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO or Protox) inhibitors, such as Ronstar, block the production of chlorophyll in newly emerged seeds. In doing so, they destroy important cell structures. Ronstar Flo or WSP causes severe injury when applied as a liquid to green turf foliage. Many superintendents time liquid applications to coincide with turf dormancy. When applied on a granular carrier and immediately watered in, Ronstar is reasonably safe on several warm-season turf species. SureGuard is another non-selective PPO inhibitor commonly used to control annual bluegrass postemergence; however, it lacks the residual control of crabgrass and goosegrass that Ronstar has. SureGuard is most commonly applied as a liquid prior to turf greenup. Specticle compromises seedling development by preventing the produc-

1 2

tion of cellulose, an important molecule for cell structure and plant growth. This herbicide is somewhat unique in that it is used at ultra-low rates and has fairly long-term soil residual. While this can be beneficial, special attention must be given to avoid application to weakened or thinned stands of turf, for fear of delayed growth and recovery. Tower and Pennant Magnum disrupt production of lipids, which are

integral building blocks of cell membranes. These herbicides are commonly used in combination with other preemergence herbicides to broaden the spectrum of weeds controlled. They sometimes provide limited residual control of sedge species and earlypostemergence suppression/control of goosegrass and sedges. These four herbicide groups (mitotic inhibitors, PPO inhibitors, cellulose The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine • 11

Cover Story • Continued

biosynthesis inhibitors and long-chain fatty acid metabolism inhibitors) are the most commonly used preemergence herbicides for the control of crabgrass and goosegrass. Some work better than others, depending upon site and scenario. Some are notable for their control of one weed and lack of control of another.

Preemergence herbicides for bermudagrass greens

Preemergence herbicides for bermudagrass putting greens (and tees) are much more limited than for other heights of turf. This is mainly due to the inability of these surfaces to recover from routine wear and tear. The best means of preventing spring weeds on putting surfaces is a dense turf canopy maintained at a low mowing height. Ironically, many herbicides can weaken turf stands to the point that weeds become a problem. In a sense, you’re damned if you do, and damned

12 • Mississippi Turfgrass • Winter 2018

if you don’t. No superintendent wants to apply a preemergence herbicide to greens, but in some instances where weeds are a repeated problem, it is justifiable. Anderson’s Goose and Crab (a combination of bensulide and oxadiazon) may be applied on a granular carrier to avoid foliar injury. This is generally the most common preemergence product applied to bermudagrass greens in Mississippi. Bensumec, which contains the same bensulide active ingredient as Anderson’s Goose and Crab, is also labeled for application to putting greens. This lipid biosynthesis inhibitor is a unique mode of action for preemergence herbicides and may be an alternative for superintendents who wish to apply a foliar preemergence herbicide rather than using Anderson’s Goose and Crab. Bensulide provides good control of crabgrass, but it sometimes fails to control goosegrass emergence.

Kerb is commonly applied as a postemergence herbicide for annual bluegrass control in November through January, but it provides only modest suppression of crabgrass emergence. With rare exceptions, dithiopyr-containing granular formulations, such as Anderson’s products, are now restricted on bermudagrass putting greens.

Preemergence herbicides not labeled for bermudagrass greens Dow AgroSciences restricts the use of Dimension products on bermudagrass putting greens. There are rare occasions when products do not explicitly address use on putting greens. Ronstar is explicitly labeled against use on bermudagrass putting greens, but it can be used on tees and greens surrounds. Specticle and mitotic inhibiting herbicides Barricade, Pendulum and Dimension should not be used on putting greens.

Postemergence pro tips Crabgrass

• There are no labeled options for postemergence control of crabgrass on bermudagrass putting greens. • In severe cases, preemergence herbicides are a prerequisite for complete control of crabgrass. • Where legal, and certainly not on greens, MSMA provides the best postemergence crabgrass control. Solitaire (quinclorac + sulfentrazone), Drive XLR8 (quinclorac) and Dimension provide early postemergence control but, in the Southeast, require a follow-up application for escapes. • Manufacturers frequently discuss novel tank mixtures for crabgrass control. Most of them deserve further research to evaluate efficacy and turf injury. Several worth note: MSMA + Sencor + Dismiss; Princep + Tenacity + Pennant; and Pylex + Sprint 330. • In zoysiagrass, multiple applications of Acclaim or Fusilade are options for crabgrass control.


• There are few options for postemergence goosegrass control on greens, which means preemergence control is often justified, especially where hand weeding is not viable. Multiple applications of Anderson’s Goose and Crab are standard on low-budget courses, but ultimately, bermudagrass health and competitiveness will be crucial to preventing establishment. • Revolver is labeled for postemergence control of goosegrass on bermudagrass putting greens. Multiple applications are required prior to goosegrass tillering. Goosegrass germinates throughout the summer, especially when frequently irrigated; thus, using Revolver is a seasonlong commitment. • Illoxan was once a postemergence option on bermudagrass putting greens, but it is no longer manufactured. • Dismiss is clearly not labeled for application to greens and tees, but it is an effective option elsewhere on young, actively growing goosegrass. • In zoysiagrass, multiple applications of Acclaim or Fusilade are options for goosegrass control. v

The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine • 13

Recent Event

MSU Turfgrass Research Field Day August 22, 2017 • Rodney Foil Plant Science Research Center • Starkville, MS By Jay McCurdy, Ph.D., Assistant Extension Professor and Weed Scientist, Mississippi State University


2017 event was a great success. We had near-record attendance, and the weather was cooperative. Attending Field Day is possibly the most important way that our stakeholders can understand ongoing research at MSU. For our research staff and me, these field demonstrations are an important avenue for communicating results in

a timely fashion. Thank you for your attendance, and we look forward to seeing you next year. Next year’s event will take place on August 21 in Starkville. Please keep an eye out for registration information in the months to come. We could not have such a great event without the support of our sponsors!




Thank You to Our Field Day 2017 Sponsors

14 • Mississippi Turfgrass • Winter 2018

Index of Advertisers

Agri-AFC,LLC.........................................12 www.agri-afc.com Boshancee Nursery, Inc........................13 www.boshanceensy.com Color-Flex Distance Markers................15 www.color-flex.com CoverSports USA.....................................5 www.coversports.com Donkey Forklift...................... Back Cover www.donkeyforklift.com Humphries Turf Supply............................8 www.humphriesturf.com Jerry Pate Turf & Irrigation..........Inside Front Cover www.jerrypate.com JNT Turf Solutions LLC...........................15 Leading Edge Communications..............3 www.LeadingEdgeCommunications.com Progressive Turf Equipment, Inc............5 www.progressiveturfequip.com Riebeling Farms, Inc...............................6 Southeast Turf Maintenance.................15 www.southeastturf.com Southern Athletic Fields.......................18 www.safdirt.com Sur-Line Turf, Inc..................................13 www.surlineturf.com Winstead Turf Farms... Inside Back Cover www.winsteadturffarms.com

Mississippi Turfgrass is the Mississippi Turfgrass Association magazine. Subscriptions are complimentary to MTA members. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, its board of directors, Mississippi Turfgrass, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as MTA members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in any issue of Mississippi Turfgrass. Copyright Š2018 by the Mississippi Turfgrass Association. Mississippi Turfgrass is published quarterly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of MTA. Presorted standard postage is paid at Nashville, TN. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: MTA allows reprinting of material published here. Permission requests should be directed to MTA. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For display and classified advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Franklin, TN 37064, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524. The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine • 15

Recent Event

The Deep South Turf Expo, Held November 7–9, 2017

Another Big Success! Held at the Beau Rivage, Biloxi, MS

Congratulations to Our Award Winners! (shown below with MTA’s 2017 President Erick Coomer)

Skeet and Trap Tournament Winners Sponsored by Dow AgroSciences (shown with Kaelyn Knoche)

MTA Honorary Membership

Paul Welborn

Outstanding Turf Professional

Alan Sullivan

MTA Immediate Past President Lawn and Pest Solutions

Grand Bear Golf Course

Tommy Shook Trap Winner

Bud Thigpen Distinguished Service Award

Jack Harper (recently deceased) Agra Turf, Inc.

MTA Scholarships ($750 each)

Randy Magnum

Skeet and Overall Winner

Feliciano Grimaldo

East Mississippi Community College

(shown with his advisors, Danny Smith [left] and Will Arnett [right])

Will Young

Mississippi State University 16 • Mississippi Turfgrass • Winter 2018

Cameron Cobb

Mississippi State University

(shown with MTA President Erick Coomer, left)

Thanks to the Team Members for the Softball Game at MGM Park (home of the Biloxi Shuckers)


Regal Chemical Team Thank You to Our 2017 Sponsors!

Agri-AFC, LLC AmeriTurf AmpAgronomy AQUA-AID, Inc.

Aquatrols, Inc. Bayer Environmental Science Beard Equipment Co./ John Deere Golf

Dow AgroSciences FMC Greenville Turf & Tractor Harrell’s

Jerry Pate Turf & Irrigation Ladd’s PBI-Gordon Corp. Redox Turf

Regal Chemical Co. Syngenta Ventrac

Thanks to Our Expo Exhibitors Advanced Equipment Sales Agri-AFC, LLC Agromax, LLC Alabama Turfgrass Assn. All Things Print AmeriTurf AQUA-AID, Inc. Aquatrols, Inc. Athletic Fields, Inc. BASF Bayer Environmental Science Beard Equipment Co./ John Deere Golf/ Greenville Turf & Tractor Better Billy Bunker, Inc. BWI Companies, Inc. Capillary Concrete Chattahoochee Turf Products

Color-Flex Distance Markers Corbin Turf & Ornamental Supply Davison Fuels & Oils Donkey Forklifts Dow AgroSciences East Mississippi Community College EzLocator FIS Outdoor FMC Forestry Suppliers, Inc. GCSAA Geoponics Corp. GNC Industries, Inc. Graham Spray Equipment Grasshopper Company Greenleaf Technologies GreensGroomer WorldWide, Inc.

Harrell’s, LLC Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Humphries Turf Supply Huntsville Tractor & Equipment Jerry Pate Turf & Irrigation Ladd’s Magnum Master Craft Meg-Mo Systems Mid Tenn Turf, Inc. Mississippi State University Mississippi Turfgrass Assn. Nature Safe Natural & Organic Fertilizers Net Connection, LLC Nufarm America, Inc. Par Aide Products Co. PBI-Gordon Corp. Pennington Seed, Inc.

Pro Rain Irrigation Services, Inc. Professional Turf Equipment Profile Products Pure Seed Quali Pro Redox Regal Chemical Co. Residex, LLC SePRO Corp. SiteOne Landscape Supply Sod Solutions Southeast Turf Maintenance Southern Athletic Fields, Inc. Southern States Turf Division Sports Turf Company Standard Golf Co. STEC Equipment

Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. Sur-Line Turf, Inc. Syngenta Tamanet USA Textron Golf/Jacobsen The Andersons The Lake Doctors, Inc. The Turfgrass Group TriEst Ag Group, Inc. Tru Turf, Inc. Truckers Supply/ Hotsy of MS Turf Labor Turf Specialties, Inc. Turf-Tec International UPI VGM Club Weed Man Woerner Farms Woerner Turf Yara North America

The Mississippi Turfgrass Association Magazine • 17

Calendar of Events

Mark Your Calendar and Save These Dates February 3–8

Golf Industry Show Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center San Diego, TX

February 9

MTA Hospitality Night at Golf Industry Show Zinc Bistro & Wine Bar San Diego, TX

June 19

16th Annual YardDawg Classic and Golf Course Management Workshop Location TBA

August 21

Mississippi State Turfgrass Research Field Day Rodney Foil Plant Science Research Center Starkville, MS

November 27–29

Deep South Turfgrass Expo Mississippi Coast Convention Center Biloxi, MS

Mississippi State Turf Team Gary Bachman, Ph.D. Associate Extension/ Research Professor Specialty: Ornamental Hort. Coastal Res. & Ext. Center Phone: (228) 546-1009 gbachman@ext.msstate.edu Clarissa Balbalian, M.S. Diagnostics Lab Manager Specialty: Plant Pathology Phone: (662) 325-2146 cbalbali@ext.msstate.edu Donna Beliech Area Extension Agent IV Rankin Co. Extension Service Phone: (601) 825-1462 donnab@ext.msstate.edu John Byrd, Ph.D. Professor Specialty: Invasive Weed Mgmt. Phone: (662) 325-4537 jbyrd@pss.msstate.edu

Geoff Denny, Ph.D. Associate Extension Professor Specialty: Commercial Ornamental Horticulture Phone: (662) 325-1682 gcd42@msstate.edu

Wayne Philley, M.S. Senior Research Associate Specialty: Turfgrass Breeding and Evaluation Phone: (662) 325-2728 wphilley@pss.msstate.edu

Jason Ruffin Research Associate Specialty: Turfgrass Mgmt., Turf Research Facility Manager Phone: (662) 325-2640

Alan Henn, Ph.D. Extension Professor Specialty: Ext. Plant Pathologist Phone: (662) 325-4535 ahenn@ext.msstate.edu

Mike Phillips, Ph.D. Department Head and Professor Dept.: Plant and Soil Sciences Phone: (662) 325-2311 jmp657@msstate.edu

Barry Stewart, Ph.D. Associate Professor Specialty: Sports Turf Science Phone: (662) 325-2725 bastewar@pss.msstate.edu

Blake Layton, Jr., Ph.D. Extension Professor Specialty: Ext. Plant Entomologist Phone: (662) 325-2085 blayton@entomology.msstate.edu James McCurdy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Specialty: Turfgrass Extension Specialist and Weed Scientist Phone: (662) 325-2331 jmccurdy@pss.msstate.edu

Digital Marketplace Scan the QR code: Download your favorite QR reader to your phone and scan the code to learn more about this company. 18 • Mississippi Turfgrass • Winter 2018

Eric Reasor, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Specialty: Turf Breeding and Management Phone: (662) 325-8280 eric.reasor@msstate.edu Michael Richard Extension Associate Specialty: Sports Turf Mgmt. Phone: (662) 325-2311 mpr160@msstate.edu

Maria Tomaso-Peterson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Specialty: Turfgrass Pathology Phone: (662) 325-2593 mariat@pss.msstate.edu Jeff Wilson, Ph.D. Regional Extension Specialist Specialty: Ornamentals, Landscape, Turfgrass, Fruits and Vegetables North MS Res. & Ext. Center Phone: (662) 566-8019 jwilson@ext.msstate.edu

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