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Deep South Turf Expo 2024 – Just What the Doctors Ordered
This year the Deep South Turf Expo would have celebrated its tenth anniversary, if a little thing called Covid hadn’t derailed our plans in 2020! In any event there was lots of celebration with folks catching up with old friends; making new friends; enjoying the Golf Scramble, always such a popular event, at The Preserve; and staying afterward for the tailgate celebration. The Trade Show was very productive, as was the education program on offer.
Our keynote speakers provided great insight and some a path to the future of turf. Derek Kaye of Whispr Innovations spoke on “Tesla, Robots, and Truly Green Equipment.” Tony Mancuso, Escondido Golf and Lake Club presented “Recruiting, Training, and Retaining a Qualified Workforce” This important topic is always timely. In addition, we were fortunate to have Nathan Crace, ASGCA, PLA, of The Watermark Golf Companies talk about how “Golf and Sports Venues are Changing” as well as “Bunker Renovation.” Dr. Becky Bowling, University of Tennessee, spoke on “New Tools in the Poa Management Toolbox.” We heard from Amy Wilbur of Mississippi State University on “High Tech Meets Turfgrass Management: Trends to Watch For” and Dr. Pawel Petelwicz, University of Florida presented “Hasta La Vista, Weeds: Terminating Weed Control Issues with AI-Based Targeted Applications: Achievements, Aspirations, Anticipations (and Roadblocks Ahead).”
In all it was a great opening session on Wednesday, but Thursday’s presentations also excelled. A big shout-out to all the speakers who made the Expo a success, and our Education Committee who works tirelessly each year to find the best and brightest presenters in the field of turf. Thank you!

Thank You to our Sponsors
Thank you to everyone who spent some time with our exhibitors at the Tradeshow. They work very hard every year to put on a great show. Without them, this event would not be possible! The Tradeshow is an educational opportunity, so take advantage of it! Our vendors appreciate the opportunity to provide you the latest updates in turfgrass technology and products. And to that end, we want to thank all our sponsors who are listed on the following pages for supporting the 2024 DSTE. Please take every opportunity to let them know how much you appreciate their support!
Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Expo Sponsors

Thank You to our Vendors

DSTE Golf Scramble Winners
1st Place:
Neal Wisdom
Ethan Flournoy
L. J. Robinson
Wally Gresham

2nd Place:
Daniel Hicks
Aaron Grimes
Chance Caylor
Alex Marshall

3rd Place:
Chris Sheffield
Glenn McWhirter
Patrick Bell
Ian Grove

DSTE Tailgate Snapshots & More
Following Golf, we had a wonderful time at the Tailgate. It was a beautiful evening and everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather, the fellowship, the live music and the delicious food prepared by our sponsors. Tailgate Sponsors: FIS Outdoor, AquaAid, Ladds, BASF, Jerry Pate Turf, Beard, Simplot
Thanks so much to everyone who came and supported the Expo! And we will see you in 2025 in Biloxi !

Thank You – Deep South Turf Expo Exhibitors
Affordable Turf & Specialty Tire
AgChimp LLC
Alabama Green Industry Training Center
Alabama Turfgrass Association
Albaugh Specialty Products
Aqua Aid Solutions
Auburn University
Beard Equipment Company
BWI Comp
Capillary Flow
Chattahoochee Turf Products
Corteva Agriscience
East Mississippi Community College
Envu / Environmental Science US
Federation of Employers and Workers of America
FIS Outdoor
Fish Head Farms, Inc.
Golf Course Superintendents
Association of America
Haifa North America
Howard Fertilizer And Chemical
Huntsville Tractor & Equipment
Jerry Pate Turf & Irrigation
Mississippi Department of
Agriculture and Commerce
Mississippi State University
Mississippi Turfgrass Association
Modern Turf, Inc.
Net Connection
Professional Turfgrass Services
Quali Pro
Redox Bio-Nutrients
Regal Chemical Company
Rhino Golf and Turf
Scotsman Turf Robotics
SiteOne Landscape Supply
Southern Ag Service
Standard Golf Company
STEC Equipment, Inc.
Sur-Line Turf, Inc.
The Aquatrols Company
Timewell Drainage Products
Turfwell Athletic Fields LLC
Vantage South
Waters Agricultural Laboratories, Inc.