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Recent Event
MTA Annual Meeting
Welcoming everyone to the 2024 MTA Annual Business Meeting was President, Levi Jumper. Levi thanked them for their attendance and asked everyone to sit back and enjoy a slideshow presentation of 2024. Following the slideshow, he opened the business meeting.

Awards given were the Bud Thigpen Distinguished Service Award— Ken Edwards, the Outstanding Turf Professional Award—Cal Hill and Honorary Membership—David Jumper. Mississippi State University Scholarship winners were Samuel Arton and Justin Spencer. East Mississippi Community College Scholarship winners were Brandon Reynolds and Logan Anderson.
Election of Officers followed the Awards presentations. In accordance with the Mississippi Turfgrass Association By-Laws, the Vice-President/President Elect automatically moves up to President. Scott Hampton, Laurel Country Club is the 2025 President of the Mississippi Turfgrass Association.
The membership voted to increase annual dues from $75 to $100 for individual membership; Business membership from $100 to $150 (includes up to 4 newsletters), and student dues increased from $15 to $25. Dues increase becomes effective January 1, 2025. Membership year runs from January 1-December 31.
Officers elected were Vice-President/President Elect Zak Holloway, Old Waverly Golf Club and Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Barry Stewart, MSU.
Directors elected were Central Region Rep—Stephen Robertson, Baypointe Golf & Country Club; Golf Rep—Jimmy McPherson, MSU Golf Course and Industry Rep Scott Kuhn, Simplot.
Directors completing their second-year term are Chance MeredithWinstead Turf Farms, Sod Rep; Josh Smith-City of Columbia, Grounds & Landscape Rep, and Toby Thornton-Bayou DeChene Golf & Country Club, South Rep.
President Jumper thanked everyone for their attendance and support of the Mississippi Turfgrass Association. He also expressed his enjoyment of having served as President and encouraged members to continue supporting MTA.
At this time, incoming President, Scott Hampton, presented Levi Jumper with the President’s Plaque. Scott then closed the 2024 Annual Business Meeting. •

Scholarship Recipients