Controlling the Annual Grassy Weeds of summer Turf Disease Diagnosis
Coming Up.. The MTC Golf Tournament at the University of Maryland
Plus, Special Inside — MTC’s 2013 Membership Directory
You can rest easy knowing Zeon is hard at work creating some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country. From home lawns to golf courses, this fine-bladed turfgrass is specifically designed to be low maintenance and requires little fertility. It can handle full sun and is extremely shade tolerant. With its deep, rich color it produces a very lush turf and has already been called one of the most beautiful grasses of the warm-season cultivars. Available only through licensed producers, make Zeon your next choice‌and relax.
The Turfgrass Group, Inc. 1225 Savannah Lane • Monroe, Georgia 30655 (770) 207-1500 or (866) 967-2652
contents • Summer 2013 10 COVER STORY
Annual Grassy Weeds of Summer
MTC Golf Tournament, October 1
2013 MTC Membership Directory
Turf Disease Diagnosis
Celebrating the Life of Jim Claxton
Terps Take Top Honors
departments 06 President’s Message 08 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 38 University of MD Turf Team 38 Calendar of Events 38 Index of Advertisers
MTC Turf News
MARYLAND TURFGRASS COUNCIL 12 Pressie Lane | Churchville, MD 21028 MTC Turf News is published quarterly for the MTC by: Leading Edge Communications, LLC 206 Bridge St. Franklin, TN 37064 615-790-3718 (phone) 615-794-4524 (fax) info@leadingedge
2013 Board of Directors PRESIDENT
Lester Dubs Larchwood Landscape Co. Pasadena, MD Cell: 443-623-1745
Bill Warpinski Central Sod Farms Centreville, MD Office: 800-866-1387 Cell: 410-827-5000
SECRETARY/TREASURER Cheryl A. Gaultney Churchville, MD Home: 410-836-2876 Cell: 410-322-8275
Vernon W. Cooper All States Turfgrass Consultants St. Michaels, MD Office: 410-745-9643 Cell: 443-742-6618
Michelle LoConte Montgomery Village, MD Cell: 301-518-4449 Fax: 240-597-1420
ONE-YEAR DIRECTORS Brian Gietka Fountain Head C.C. Hagerstown, MD Office: 301-739-4286 Cell: 410-218-0131
Harry Kenney Agrium Advanced Tech. Ellicott City, MD Office: 800-235-6139 Cell: 410-375-6148 Doug Lechlider Laytonsville Landscaping Laytonsville, MC Office: 301-253-1481 Cell: 240-372-2788 doug@laytonsville
TWO-YEAR DIRECTORS Rick LaNore MRW Lawns, Inc. LaPlata, MD Office: 301-870-3411 Cell: 301-609-1852 rick127928@ Bill Patton Sr. Turf Center Lawns Spencerville, MD Office: 301-384-9300 Cell: 301-980-3094 turfcenterlawns@ Kevin Monaco Turf Equipment & Supply Jessup, MD 20794 Office: 410-799-5575 Cell: 443-250-1182 kevinmonaco@
THREE-YEAR DIRECTORS Tom Ritter Avenel Community Assn. Potomac, MD Office: 301-229-5916 Jamie Roell Anne Arundel Co. Rec. & Parks Millersville, MD Office: 410-222-6250 Cell: 443-370-2582 Damian Varga Scientific Plant Services Sykesville, MD Office: 410-321-0970 Cell: 410-241-4623
From the President
Help Us Ensure That
UMD Turfgrass Research Continues
a January meeting with Dr. Angus Murphy, the University of Maryland’s Chair of the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture (PSLA), the MTC board of directors was updated on the process and likelihood of how Dr. Peter Dernoeden’s position would be secured once he retires this June 2013. Dr. Murphy explained how the position and the UMD turfgrass program may be in jeopardy unless the turfgrass industry steps forward with support that will enhance and ensure the continued prominence of the turfgrass research, Extension and teaching program at the University of Maryland. Dr. Murphy discussed the development of an Endowed Chair in Turfgrass Pathology as the industry’s way to show its support to college and university administrators, not only in maintaining the quality of the turfgrass program at UMD but also in further enhancing its regional and national recognition. An endowed fund is where a large financial commitment is made to create an endowed chair that will use the interest on the principal of that fund. The fund becomes a permanent source of monies for the faculty member who is hired under the Endowed Chair Fund to use in developing his or her research, teaching and Extension program.
Front row (left to right): Lester Dubs, 2013 MTC President; Dr. Kevin Mathias, University of MD; Dr. Peter Dernoeden, University of MD; and Dr. Cheng-I Wei, Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of MD. Back row (left to right): Dr. Tom Turner, University of MD; Vernon Cooper, MTC Immediate Past President; Stephen Potter, MTC Past President; Mark Schlossberg, MTC Past President; and Bill Patton Sr., MTC Board Member. (Photo courtesy of Lauren Dubs.)
MTC Turf News
At the April board meeting, MTC voted to support the creation of a $1,000,000 endowment by donating $50,000 and then pledging $20,000 a year over the next five years for a total of $150,000. A $50,000 check was presented to Dr. Cheng-I Wei, Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources, at the University of Maryland. In order to achieve our endowment goal, we will need the full support of all our allied groups and businesses, associations and our general membership. More information on our goal to fund an Endowed Chair will be posted on our website and within this magazine. Also, we invite you to participate in our annual MTC Golf Tournament at the University of Maryland Golf Course on October 1. Proceeds from this tournament will be used to support the funding of the Endowed Chair in Turfgrass Pathology. This will be a great event for you or your company to sponsor a hole or play a round of golf and network with Maryland turfgrass professionals. Another upcoming event sponsored by the MTC is the Turfgrass Fall Field Day on October 23 at the Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Farm. Last year’s event was well attended, and many positive comments were made about the educational value of this meeting. If you have any questions or comments about our campaign to fund an Endowed Chair or about our upcoming events, please feel free to contact an MTC board member or one of our UMD advisors.
Lester Dubs
2013 MTC President
New MTC Dues Structure Now in Effect for 2013
the MTC General Meeting during Turfgrass 2013, the first dues increase since the organization was formed in 1975 was approved. Is it critical that membership in the MTC continues to grow and provides benefits for the entire industry, which includes you and your company or facility. This is a big change, but it is long overdue, and we hope that you can see that the value of membership surpasses the increased cost. We need your support to continue to meet our goals of making the turfgrass industry one of the strongest in Maryland.
Effective February 1, 2013, dues were increased as per the schedule below, on the membership application.
Membership Benefits There are many benefits of being a member of the MTC, including: • Discounts at our Annual Conference • Discounts at our Annual Golf Tournament • Keeping the bi-annual Turfgrass Field Day free to attendees • Free subscription to the improved quarterly MTC Turf News and Membership Directory
• I ncreased networking business contacts • Representation to state legislators, university deans and local politicians and employees • Unlimited access to the MTC website • Access to the latest University of Maryland turf-topic publications • Use of the MTC logo in advertising • Opportunity for MD Pesticide Applicator License Recertification • Opportunity for the new MD Fertilizer Applicator License Certification
MTC Membership Application __________________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________________ Home Address __________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code __________________________________________________________________ Company Name __________________________________________________________________ Company Address __________________________________________________________________ Company City, State, Zip Code
_______ Student/Educator Member
_______ M aster Gardener/Non-Profit Volunteer Member
_______ P ublic Agency (all employees per county or location)*
_______ Business: (1 to 5 employees)* $175 (Bronze) (6 to 10 employees)* $350 (Silver) (10 to 15 employees)* $500 (Gold) (15+ employees)* $1000 (Platinum) * Submit employee names for membership cards to the MTC Executive Director. Amount Included $ _______________________
__________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address
_______ Check made to MTC
__________________________________________________________________ Business Phone Cell Phone
_________________________________________ Name as it appears on credit card _________________________________________ Address where card is billed _________________________________________ Card Number _________________________________________ Exp. Date 3 digit code
Additional Company Members: Please attach a listing of additional members. Send to: M ichelle LoConte • MTC Executive Director 20667 Highland Hall Drive • Montgomery Village, MD 20886
TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP _______ Individual Member
MTC Turf News
_______ Credit Card (MC or Visa)
Cover story
By Peter H. Dernoeden, Ph.D., Professor, University of Maryland
aryland counties that are east of the Allegheny Mountains reside in an area of turf culture known as the transition zone. Cool-season turfgrasses (e.g., bentgrasses, bluegrasses, fescues and perennial ryegrass) grown in this region experience great difficulties in maintaining high summer quality due to prolonged periods of heat and drought stress. Conversely, warm-season grasses (e.g., bermudagrass and zoysiagrass) grown in the region struggle due to low-temperature stresses in winter. In particular, warm-season grasses are frequently damaged in low, wet areas where water freezes. Cold springs delay their greenup, and weeds slow the transition from dormancy to dense green cover. Thus, weather extremes imposed by the environment make the transition zone one of the most difficult places in which to grow quality turfgrasses in North America. In addition, weed competition ranks as one of the most important threats to maintaining quality turf. (Indeed, our region is often called “the crabgrass belt.”) Diseases and insect pests compound these difficulties. Although crabgrass is without question the single most important weed in turf, goosegrass, yellow foxtail and Japanese stiltgrass also are problematic in certain niches. All of these grassy weeds are annuals and are physiologically classified as C-4 or “warm-season” grasses. The C-4 grasses, including bermudagrass and zoysiagrass (which are perennials), possess superior physiological capacities in dealing with heat and drought stress. All C-4 grasses turn brown following hard frosts in the autumn. Frosts kill annual grasses, but these species survive as seed. This article is intended to serve as a compact ref-
MTC Turf News
erence on identification, growing conditions and niches, and control of the four most common annual grassy weeds.
Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) is among the most common and troublesome turf weeds in the U.S. Among the several species, the two dominant species in turf are smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum) and large or hairy crabgrass (D. sanguinalis). The seeds of these warm-season annual grasses germinate in spring and summer. As plants mature, seedheads are produced in mid-to-late summer, providing seed for next year’s crop of seedlings. Mature plants eventually are killed by frost in autumn.
Identification Crabgrass seedlings consist of one to three lance-shaped leaves (see Photo 1). Seedlings usually go unnoticed until early summer when rising temperatures stimulate plants to produce lateral shoots called tillers. The leaves and sheaths of maturing plants are “Granny Smith” apple green and coarse textured. Crabgrass usually becomes conspicuous in turf in early summer after plants have produced two or three tillers (lateral shoots; see Photo 2). Mature plants initially grow upright or tufted, but as numerous tillers are produced, they develop a spreading, prostrate growth habit (Photos 3 and 4). The sheaths of mature tillers are flattened or compressed. The relative “hairiness” (i.e., pubescence) of leaves, sheaths and the collar region can be used to distinguish between smooth and large crabgrass, but there can be great variation in pubescence. Large crabgrass normally has an abundance of hairs on sheaths, as well as hairs on both
sides of the leaves. Smooth crabgrass can have a few hairs on leaves and sheaths, but the most conspicuous hairs tend to be confined to the collar region. Seedheads consist of distinctive finger-like branches called spikelets that develop at the tip of the seed stalk (Photo 4 inset). Depending on maturity and growing conditions, there can be three to five spikelets associated with each individual seedhead. During autumn when night temperatures fall, plants may appear purplish and compressed. After two or three hard frosts, plants turn brown and die.
Conditions and niches Crabgrass is most invasive in full sun, but plants will germinate and develop in partial shade. Crabgrass dominates in stands of moderate-to-poor density turf and when the turf is maintained under low mowing and low nitrogen fertility. Seeds begin to germinate in spring when minimum daily soil temperatures average 54ºF, but major emergence does not occur until minimum daily soil temperatures reach 68ºF. Spring droughts and frosts hinder seedling emergence and development. Most crabgrass seedlings emerge by early summer (i.e., usually by early July in Maryland), but germination will continue all summer if soils are moist. Summer thunderstorms and other rain events can stimulate a considerable amount of seedling emergence. Plants tiller rapidly during hot weather, and frequent rain events accelerate the production of tillers and plant spread. Under conditions of poor turf density, crabgrass plants can produce 30 or more spreading tillers (Photo 4), and plants become firmly anchored in the soil and become
Photo 1. Crabgrass seedlings emerging among dead crabgrass skeletons from the previous summer. • Photo 2. Crabgrass in the four-leaf to three-tiller stage in early summer. This is the ideal time to apply a postemergence herbicide. • Photo 3. Crabgrass is apple green in color and initially grows in upright clumps. • Photo 4. Summer-hardened crabgrass can produce 30 or more prostrate tillers. Inset (top right corner) shows a seedhead with three finger-like spikelets.
difficult to remove by hand. Low mowing, low nitrogen fertility and wet soils in summer can enable crabgrass to dominate a turfgrass stand in as little as two years in transition-zone and southern regions.
Controlling crabgrass The invasiveness of crabgrass can be suppressed through the application of proper amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and by mowing high within the recommended range for the turf species. Once crabgrass becomes established, it can be controlled effectively only by herbicides. There are two approaches to herbicide use: preemergence and postemergence. There are restrictions on the types of turfgrasses and turf situations (e.g., home lawns vs. golf courses vs. athletic fields, etc.) for all pre- and postemergence herbicides. Carefully read current labels before applying any herbicide. The easiest, most effective and most economical approach to crabgrass control is through the application of a preemergence herbicide (Photo 5). Commonly used preemergence herbicides include Barricade (prodiamine), Dimension (dithiopyr), Pendulum (pendimethalin) and Ronstar (oxadiazon). Pre-packaged mixtures include Team Pro (benefin + trifluralin) and Echelon (prodiamine +
Photo 5. Crabgrass is best controlled with an early spring-applied preemergence herbicide. Note the effectiveness of the preemergence herbicide in the two spray-boom passes. • Photo 6. Goosegrass is highly invasive in compacted soils, such as in this bentgrass tee. • Photo 7. The spreading rosette of a goosegrass plant, with silverycolored tillers emanating from the center.
sulfentrazone). To be effective, these materials should be applied about two weeks prior to the time that crabgrass seed germination is anticipated (i.e., crabgrass emergence in turf is normally mid-April Âą 5 days in College Park), but earlier applications (i.e., February or March) when soils are cold also work well. To provide maximum control, all of these materials should be watered in within about 72 hours of application. In most regions, a preemergence herbicide is applied only once annually, but in warmer transition-zone and southern regions, two applications may be required for some products. Postemergence control can be achieved with two or more applications of Acclaim Extra (fenoxaprop-ethyl), Drive (quinclorac), Tenacity (mesotrione) or MSMA (several trade names). Effective postemergence control is difficult and not as consistently effective as using preemergence herbicides. Timing and good soil moisture are essential for effective postemergence control. The best initial postemergence timing is when crabgrass plants have reached the four-leaf to three-tiller stage (Photo 2). At this time, crabgrass leaf tissue has extended above the turf canopy and can intercept sufficient amounts of herbicides. Late-season herbicide applications when crabgrass is multi-tillered and summer hardened usually result in poor control. Acclaim Extra, Drive, Tenacity and MSMA generally are applied twice on a 14- to 21-day interval. For best control, Drive and Tenacity should be mixed with a non-ionic surfactant. All postemergence herbicides targeting crabgrass must be applied with high-pressure (i.e., 30 to 50 psi) sprayers that can be precisely calibrated. These herbicides do not work well when delivered through hand-pumped sprayers.
Goosegrass (Eleusine indica), also known as silver crabgrass or crowfoot, is a warm-season annual grass that germinates in spring and becomes a highly invasive and tough competitor, especially in compacted soils (Photo 6). Goosegrass seed germination follows crabgrass in a few weeks and accelerates as soils warm in early summer. Seedlings can emerge all summer. Plants rapidly mature in hot weather, and seedheads are produced in mid-to-late summer. Plants eventually are killed by autumn frosts.
MTC Turf News
Seedlings of all spring-germinating annuals are difficult to identify. Unlike crabgrass, yellow foxtail and Japanese stiltgrass, goosegrass leaves are folded in the bud. The ligule is membranous, medium long, notched and divided by the mid-rib. The notched or cleft ligule and the folded nature of leaves in the bud are key vegetative identifying charac-
Photo 8. A tap-like root system makes goosegrass difficult to remove from turf. • Photo 9. Plots were sprigged with “Latitude 36” bermudagrass and treated with Ronstar. The surrounding area also was sprigged, but was dominated by goosegrass (now brown and dead from frost), which outcompeted the bermudagrass. • Photo 10. The “foxtail-like” seedheads of yellow foxtail. Seedheads initially are light green, but turn yellow in late summer.
teristics of goosegrass. Leaves are smooth to sparsely hairy on both surfaces, and sheaths are flattened. During summer, plants rapidly tiller, and goosegrass develops a familiar appearance. Leaves are dark green and have silvery white stems in the center of the plant that lie flat on the ground (Photo 7). Tillers spread out to form a rosette similar to the spokes of a wheel. Plants become anchored by a deep tap-like root, making them difficult to pull out of the turf without the aid of a knife (Photo 8). Seedheads consist of 2 to 10 or more radiating fingerlike spikelets that develop at the top of the seed stalk.
Conditions and niches Goosegrass is most commonly found in the coastal-plain region along the Eastern Seaboard. Goosegrass seedlings emerge in spring about two to three weeks after crabgrass and after soil temperatures reach ≥ 62ºF for 7 to 10 consecutive days. Goosegrass can develop in higher-cut turf grown on well-aerated soil, but it is most common and invasive in moist, compacted soils. Goosegrass tolerates very low mowing and survives extreme heat and drought stress. Low-cut sports turfs (including athletic fields and golf course greens, tees and fairways) are primary sites for goosegrass invasion. Compacted paths on school lawns, parks and similar sites are colonized. Goosegrass also is an intense competitor with summer-sprigged bermudagrass and zoysiagrass turfs (Photo 9).
Controlling goosegrass Goosegrass is most effectively controlled by applying a preemergence herbicide. The timing is similar to crabgrass since both weeds often occur in tandem. Barricade, Dimension, Pendulum and Ronstar are effective preemergence herbicides, but Ronstar is considered most efficacious. Continuous use of the aforementioned preemergence herbicides over the course of a decade or more has led to cases of resistance, especially in the southeastern U.S. where goosegrass is a dominant weed problem. Postemergence control is very difficult for reasons described in the “crabgrass section” above. Acclaim Extra is the only effective material for targeting goosegrass in cool-season grasses, whereas MSMA is commonly used on warm-season grasses. The rates of MSMA needed for goosegrass control can be phytotoxic to cool-season grasses. The great challenge is that as goosegrass continues to emerge throughout the summer, multiple applications of postemergence herbicides may become necessary. Tankmixing a postemergence herbicide with an appropriate preemergence herbicide is an effective option in limiting the number of sprays, but only in situations where applications can be made in late spring or very early summer
(i.e., usually mid-June in Maryland). It should be noted that preemergence herbicides have long soil residuals that could negatively impact overseeding efforts in late summer. Thus, they should not be used within 10 to 12 weeks prior to the time that overseeding may be needed. There are many restrictions on using herbicides, and a current label should be consulted before applying any of these chemicals. As previously noted, postemergence herbicides do not work well when applied using a hand-pumped sprayer. See the “crabgrass section” above for other pertinent information on herbicide selection and application.
Yellow Foxtail
Yellow foxtail (Setaria glauca) is a warm-season annual grass weed. Its lifecycle is very similar to that of crabgrass. Seeds germinate primarily in the spring, but some seedling emergence can continue following rain events in summer. Seedheads are produced in mid-to-late summer, and plants eventually are killed by autumn frosts.
Yellow foxtail and crabgrass emerge at about the same time, and it is nearly impossible to distinguish between the seedlings of these species. Leaves of one- to three-leaf yellow foxtail seedlings are yellow-green and tend to elongate slightly quicker than crabgrass. Leaves and sheaths are smooth and reddish at the base. The collar region has a ring of hairs. Only when seedheads emerge can yellow foxtail and crabgrass be easily distinguished. Seedheads consist of clusters of compact, stalk-less flowers (i.e., spikelets) that appear bushy and foxtail-like. Initially light green, seedheads become yellow as they mature in late summer (Photo 10). Plant growth is upright and tufted, and unlike crabgrass, yellow foxtail does not produce large numbers of flat and procumbent tillers in late summer.
Conditions and niches
Yellow foxtail is not competitive in dense, properly maintained and well-established turf. It normally develops in lowmaintenance, open turfs that are not properly fertilized with nitrogen. Yellow foxtail is most competitive and invasive in spring-seeded stands of cool-season grasses (Photo 11).
Control Preemergence herbicides used to target crabgrass will also effectively control yellow foxtail. Acclaim Extra is highly effective, but Drive often performs weakly for postemer-
Photo 11. Yellow foxtail is most highly invasive in spring seedings of cool-season turfgrasses. • Photo 12. Japanese stiltgrass spreads and grows one to three feet tall and outcompetes turf in non-mowed and shaded areas. An early frost has elicited the purple-red color. • Photo 13. Japanese stiltgrass leaves alternate on stems, taper at each end and often are wider than crabgrass. Note the fine, straw-like seedhead stalks. • Photo 14. Japanese stiltgrass will tolerate mowing in partially shaded lawns. Plants look like coarse-textured clumps of crabgrass.
continued • COVER STORY
gence yellow foxtail control. In cool-season grass seedbeds, Tupersan (siduron) is highly effective, but Tenacity is ineffective against yellow foxtail. See the “crabgrass section” above for other pertinent information on herbicide selection and application.
Japanese Stiltgrass
Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) is also known as Japanese grass and Napalese browntop. Unlike crabgrass and yellow foxtail, Japanese stiltgrass plants are confined to shade or partially shaded sites. In non-mown turf areas, this warm-season annual grows tall, produces seedheads throughout the summer and is killed by autumn frosts.
Identification Seedlings emerge about the same time as crabgrass and yellow foxtail, and all three species appear similar in the one- to three-leaf stage. Leaves are sparsely hairy and the ligule is membranous with hairs. Due to its upright growth habit, identification is made easier in non-mowed or non-turf sites by early summer. In non-mowed areas, plants grow from one to three feet high in a branching and sprawling manner (Photo 12). Leaves alternate along a central branch that is reminiscent of small bamboo. Leaves are wider than crabgrass or foxtail and taper at each end (Photo 13). A stripe of whitish hairs is arranged along the midrib of the upper leaf surface. Seedheads consist of fine, straw-like stalks and may have one
to three finger-like spikelets growing from the tip of the main stalk. Upright plants growing in shaded roughs may turn a purplish-red color when damaged by frost (Photo 12). Under mowing, Japanese stiltgrass develops in prostrate clumps that look like clusters of coarse-textured crabgrass plants (Photo 14). Prostrate plants turn brown and die after a few frosts.
Conditions and niches Japanese stiltgrass is confined mostly to wet and shaded sites. It is highly invasive in shaded roughs, tree-lined areas and stream banks. Japanese stiltgrass rapidly spreads and can outcompete turf and other vegetation in shade. Less commonly, it is found in mowed turf, usually growing in shaded tree lines or hedgerows. Japanese stiltgrass tolerates mowing and spreads by forming clumps of coarse-textured plants.
Control Among preemergence herbicides, Barricade and Pendulum (i.e., dinitroanilines) are most effective. These herbicides should be applied in late winter or early spring in the crabgrass timing. Acclaim Extra will control Japanese stiltgrass, but only in early summer before numerous tillers have been produced. As previously noted, postemergence herbicides do not work well when applied using a hand-pumped sprayer. See the “crabgrass section” above for other pertinent information on herbicide selection and application. •
2013 MTC
Executive Committee and Staff PRESIDENT Lester Dubs Larchwood Landscape Co. Pasadena, MD Cell: (443) 623-1745
SECRETARY/TREASURER Cheryl A. Gaultney Churchville, MD Home: (410) 836-2876 Cell: (410) 322-8275
VICE PRESIDENT Bill Warpinski Central Sod Farms Centreville, MD Office: (800) 866-1387 Cell: (410) 827-5000
PAST PRESIDENT Vernon Cooper All States Turfgrass Consultants, LLC St. Michaels, MD Office: (410) 745-9643 Cell: (443) 742-6618
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Michelle LoConte Montgomery Village, MD Cell: (301) 518-4449 Fax: (240) 597-1420
2013 MTC
Board of Directors ONE-YEAR DIRECTORS
Brian Gietka Fountain Head C.C. Hagerstown, MD Office: (301) 739-4286 Cell: (410) 218-0131
Rick LaNore MRW Lawns, Inc. La Plata, MD Office: (301) 870-3411 Cell: (301) 609-1852
Tom Ritter Avenel Community Assn. Potomac, MD Office: (301) 229-5916
Harry Kenney Agrium Advanced Tech. Ellicott City, MD Office: (800) 235-6139 Cell: (410) 375-6148
Kevin Monaco Turf Equipment & Supply Jessup, MD Office: (410) 799-5575 Cell: (443) 250-1182 kevinmonaco@turf
Doug Lechlider Laytonsville Landscaping Laytonsville, MD Office: (301) 253-1481 Cell: (240) 372-2788 doug@laytonsville
Bill Patton Sr. Turf Center Lawns Spencerville, MD Office: (301) 384-9300 Cell: (301) 980-3094
Jamie Roell Anne Arundel County Recreation & Parks Millersville, MD Office: (410) 222-6250 Cell: (443) 370-2582 Damian Varga Scientific Plant Services Sykesville, MD Office: (410) 321-0970 Cell: (410) 241-4623
MAryland Turfgrass Council 2013 Directory
MTC Membership
MTC Membership (
Alphabetical by Last Name
Only those members who paid their dues prior to the cut-off date for publication are listed below. Robert Albert Piney Branch Golf Club 5301 Trenton Mill Road Hamptstead MD 21074 W (703) 915-7000 Rod Alexander English Farms Lawn & Landscape 46833 Trailwood Place Potomac Falls, VA 20165 W (703) 915-7000 Nate Allen Baltimore Country Club 11700 Jenifer Road Timonium, MD 21093 W (410) 252-9191 Joe Atwara Trugreen Lawn Care 16112 Business Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 573-9500 Chris Ayers, CGCS Swan Point Country Club 11550 Swan Point Blvd. Issue, MD 20645 W (301) 259-2504 Dan Baran Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2000 Jay Barnard Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Mike Barrett, CGCS Argyle Country Club 14600 Argyle Club Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 W (301) 598-6544 Joe Barth Sr. Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 W (410) 313-6983 Bernie Beavan, CGCS Breton Bay Golf & C.C. 21935 Society Hill Road Leonardtown, MD 20650 W (301) 475-8070 turf.bretonbay@ Gordon Benson Piney Branch Golf Club 5301 Trenton Mill Road Upperco, MD 21155 W (410) 239-3232 18
Travis Blackistone Blades of Green 4374 Solomons Island Rd. Harwood, MD 20776
Kathy Buck MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646
Teddy Blauvelt Hampshire Greens G.C. / MCRA 616 Firestone Drive Silver Spring, MD 20905 W (301) 421-0165
Blaine Burch Caves Valley Golf Club 2910 Blendon Road Owings Mills, MD 21110 W (410) 356-1317
Kimberly Bohn Blades of Green 4374 Solomons Island Rd. Harwood, MD 20776 W (410) 867-8873 Matt Bohn AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 Allen Bohrer Newsom Seed, Inc. P.O. Box 510 Fulton, MD 20759 W (240) 554-0359 Danelle Boling Buy Sod, Inc. P.O. Box 4089 Pinehurst, NC 28374 W (910) 673-2814 Danny Boone Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 W (410) 313-6983 Bill Brackett Messiah Village 740 Blossom Hill Lane Dallastown, PA 17313 W (717) 773-0202 Paul Breakall Washington County Board of Education 701 Frederick Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 766-2885 Harry Brown Calvert Co. Parks & Rec. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678 Brian Bruno Blades of Green 4374 Solomons Island Rd. Harwood, MD 20776
MAryland Turfgrass Council 2013 Directory
Dave Burdette Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2000 David Burkhart Cedar Point Golf Club 431 Dogwood Drive Lusby, MD 20657-3257 W (301) 342-3281 Matt Burton Little Bennett G.C. / MCRA 25900 Prescott Road Clarksburg, MD 20871 W (301) 601-9240 Bob Butterworth Newsom Seed, Inc. 6906 Ashbury Drive Springfield, VA 22152 W (703) 906-4322
George Casto Cattail Creek Country Club 3600 Cattail Creek Drive Glenwood, MD 21738 W (301) 788-5592 Ryland Chapman Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. 4220 Wolf Hill Drive Hampstead, MD 21074 W (717) 759-8151 Andrew Chiperfield Newsom Seed, Inc. P.O. Box 510 Fulton, MD 20759 W (301) 355-6366 Keith Clark Hillside Lawn Service P.O. Box 176 Darlington, MD 21034 W (410) 399-2207 Patrick Coakley Ripken Baseball 873 Long Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001 W (410) 241-3013 Kevin Coates MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646
Jeff Bynaker Rattlewood G.C. / MCRA 13501 Penn Shop Road Mt. Airy, MD 21771 W (301) 831-0498
Daniel Cochran Rattlewood G.C. / MCRA 13501 Penn Shop Road Mt. Airy, MD 21771 W (301) 831-0498
Gordon Caldwell, CGCS Green Spring Valley Hunt Club 30 Green Spring Valley Rd. Owings Mills, MD 21117 W (410) 363-2248
Stuart Cohen Environmental & Turf Services 11510 Georgia Ave., #211 Wheaton, MD 20902 W (301) 933-4700
Darren Carper Complete Landscaping Svc. 2410 N. Crain Highway Bowie, MD 20716 W (240) 876-7029
Wesley Cohen Hillside Lawn Service P.O. Box 176 Darlington, MD 21034 W (410) 399-2207
Mark Carroll, Ph.D. University of Maryland 395 Greenmeade Drive College Park, MD 20742 W (301) 405-1339
Andrew Collier Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2026 T.J. Collins Chevy Chase Club 6100 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 W (301) 656-6323
Charles Colson Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Chris Colson Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Greg Connor Howard Co. Public Schools 378 Long Meadow Way Arnold, MD 21012-3004 W (410) 313-6983 Eric Cook Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Matt Cooper Hampshire Green G.C. / MCRA 616 Firestone Drive Silver Spring, MD 20905 W (301) 421-0165 Vernon W. Cooper All States Turfgrass Consultants, LLC P.O. Box 389 St. Michaels, MD 21663 W (410) 745-9643 David Corley Baltimore Country Club 11700 Jenifer Road Timonium, MD 21093 Larry Cosh Finch Services, Inc. 1127 Littlestown Pike Westminster, MD 21157 John Costello Blades of Green 4374 Solomons Island Rd. Harwood, MD 20776 Mark Cox MLS, Inc. 50 Mulberry Lane Huntingtown, MD 20639 W (443) 532-6136 Ryan Cox McDonald & Sons, Inc. 1300 Gates Head Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 W (443) 528-2270 Allen Crosland Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 W (410) 313-6983
continued • MTC MEMBERSHIP
R.J. Crow Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 Duane Culbert Duey’s Lawn & Landscape 848 Hourglass Lane Lothian, MD 20711 W (301) 574-5339 Jeff Cummings Fountain Head Country Club P.O. Box 1947 Hagerstown, MD 21742 W (301) 331-1793 Tom Curry TruGreen Lawn Care 16112 Business Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 573-8838 Eric David Baltimore Country Club 11700 Jenifer Road Timonium, MD 21093 W (410) 252-9191 Tim Davisson Davisson Golf, Inc. 2600 Cabover Dr., Ste. B Hanover, MD 21076 W (410) 590-2133 Gus Day Maryland Seed & Environmental 706 Orchard Way Silver Spring, MD 20904 Mike Del Biondo Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. P.O. Box 7663 York, PA 17404 W (717) 759-8151 Matt Delaney Hillside Lawn Service P.O. Box 176 Darlington, MD 21034 W (410) 399-2207 Matt Dellinger Poolesville G.C. / MCRA 16601 West Willard Ave. Poolesville, MD 20837 W (301) 972-7301 Glenn Demastus Howard Co. Public Schools 7123 Fairbrook Road Windsor Mill, MD 21244 W (410) 313-6983 John Denholm Sparrows Point Country Club 919 Wise Avenue Baltimore, MD 21222 W (410) 477-1734 j.denholm@ Rowland Dennie Rowlandscapes P.O. Box 814 Clarksburg, MD 20871
Henry Dent Breton Bay Golf & C.C. 21935 Society Hill Road Leonardtown, MD 20650 W (301) 475-8070
Kelly Fadeley Blades of Green 4374 Solomons Island Rd. Harwood, MD 20776 W (301) 861-6636
Joe Denton Calvert Co. Parks & Rec. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Chris Fernandes Northwest G.C. / MCRA 15711 Layhill Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 W (301) 598-0052
Peter Dernoeden, Ph.D. University of Maryland 1112 H. J. Patterson Hall College Park, MD 20742 W (301) 405-1337
Brandon Franz Needwood G.C. / MCRA 6724 Needwood Road Derwood, MD 20855 W (301) 948-1981 Joshua Fuhrman Caves Valley Golf Club 2910 Blendon Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 W (410) 356-1317
Mark Fifer Floratine of MD/DE 464 Ailes Road Delta, PA 17314 W (717) 456-5172
Dave Funk University of Maryland 395 Greenmeade Dr. College Park, MD 20742 W (301) 403-8197
Alex Finch Finch Services, Inc. 1127 Littlestown Pike Westminster, MD 21157
Guanling Gao NTEP 11509 Elizabeth Street Beltsville, MD 20705
Joe Dick Howard Co. Public Schools 6755 Old Waterloo Rd., #337 Elkridge, MD 21075 W (410) 313-6903
Ray Finch Finch Services, Inc. 1127 Littlestown Pike Westminster, MD 21157 W (410) 848-7211
Cheryl Gaultney Maryland Turfgrass Council 12 Pressie Lane Churchville, MD 21028
Thomas Donegan Donegan Lawn Care 2710 Cheverly Avenue Cheverly, MD 20785 W (301) 773-0940
Daren Fisher American Turf 1401 Rossback Road Davidsonville, MD 21035 (410) 721-1861
Phil Desbrow Lakewood Country Club 13901 Glen Mill Road Rockville, MD 20850 W (301) 762-0570
Scott Gay TruGreen Lawn Care 16112 Business Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 573-9500 Philip Gerrior AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 W (410) 255-2535
Leonard Goddard Calvert Co. Parks & Rec. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678 Richard Gold Caves Valley Golf Club 2910 Blendon Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 W (410) 356-1317 Mark Goller Top Bud Lawn Care & Tree Farm 556 Pauls Lane Swanton, MD 21561 W (301) 616-1433 Wesley Goslee Complete Landscaping, Inc. 3336 Emperor Court Bowie, MD 20716 W (301) 218-1800 Kenton Grander Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Dean Graves, CGCS Chevy Chase Club 14816 Native Dancer Rd. N. Potomac, MD 20878 W (301) 977-7596
Tim Downey Swan Point Country Club 11550 Swan Point Blvd. Issue, MD 20645 W (301) 259-2504
Jane Fisher American Turf 1401 Rossback Road Davidsonville, MD 21035 W (410) 721-1861
Lester Dubs Maryland Turfgrass Council 305 Delma Avenue Pasadena, MD 21122
Jon Fisher American Turf 1401 Rossback Road Davidsonville, MD 21035 W (410) 721-1861
Marty Eader Needwood G.C. / MCRA 6724 Needwood Road Derwood, MD 20855 W (301) 948-1981
Lucas Fisher Absolute Landscape & Turf 1430 Buckhorn Road Sykesville, MD 21784 W (410) 795-9300
Randall England University of Maryland Donaldson Brown Ctr. 200 Mount Ararat Farm Rd. Port Deposit, MD 21904 W (410) 378-2555
Mike Fisher Fisher & Son Co., Inc. 110 Summit Drive Exton, PA 19341 W (800) 262-2127
Ron Gilbert Poolesville G.C. / MCRA 16601 West Willard Ave. Poolesville, MD 20837 W (301) 972-7301
Nikita Floyd Green Forever Landscaping 6007 South Osborne Road Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 W (301) 780-7500
Mike Giuffre Congressional Country Club 8910 Bradley Boulevard Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2026
Chris Harriman Cattail Creek Country Club 3600 Cattail Creek Drive Glenwood, MD 21738 W (410) 489-9178
Kevin Fox Aquarius Supply, Inc. 1120 Goffle Road Hawthorne, NJ 7506 W (973) 423-0222
Steve Glossinger, CGCS Caves Valley Golf Club 2910 Blendon Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 W (410) 356-1317
Steve Harrod Steve’s Lawn Care 1005 Joyce Drive Crownsville, MD 21032 W (410) 923-1065
Galen Evans Laytonsville G.C. / MCRA 7000 Dorsey Road Laytonsville, MD 20882 W (301) 569-8407 Steve Evans Hampshire Greens G.C. / MCRA 616 Firestone Drive Silver Spring, MD 20905 W (301) 421-0165
Brian Gietka Fountain Head Country Club 13316 Fountain Head Rd. Hagerstown, MD 21742 W (410) 218-0131 Barry Gilbert Bowie Golf & C.C. 7420 Laurel-Bowie Rd. Bowie, MD 20715 W (301) 262-8141
Michael Graybill Blades of Green 4374 Solomons Island Rd. Harwood, MD 20776 W (410) 867-8873 Jim Gregg Greener Lawn Care 10801 Old Johnson Road Cumberland, MD 21502 W (301) 777-1202 Jeremy Gregor Hawthorne Country Club P.O. Box 2418 La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 934-8422 Alan Hansen Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 W (410) 313-6983
MAryland Turfgrass Council 2013 Directory
MTC Membership • continued
Mike Hawley Sligo Creek G.C. / MCRA 9701 Sligo Creek Pkwy. Silver Spring, MD 20901 W (301) 565-0126 Keith Heinrich The Arc of Montgomery Co. 11600 Nebel Street Rockville, MD 20852 W (301) 294-6840 x 2227 Rob Hessler Davisson Golf, Inc. 2600 Cabover Dr., Ste. B Hanover, MD 21076 W (800) 613-6888 Bernard Hipkins Worthington Manor G.C. 8329 Fingerboard Rd. Frederick, MD 21704 W (240) 674-7006 superintendent@ Dan Hofmeister Poolesville G.C. / MCRA 16601 West Willard Ave. Poolesville, MD 20837 W (301) 972-7301 Brian Hogan Hampshire Greens G.C. / MCRA 616 Firestone Drive Silve Spring, MD 20905 W (301) 421-0165 Christopher Hood Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 M. Azhar Hossain NTEP 14804 Forsythia Terrace Burtonsville, MD 20866 Robert Hudler MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 870-3411 Ted Huhn BASF Corp. 23 Comanche Circle Millsboro, DE 19966 W (443) 206-1095 Al Hunter Buy Sod, Inc. P.O. Box 4089 Pinehurst, NC 28374 W (910) 673-2814 Dave Hutchinson Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2026
Pete Jackson Jr. Spring Valley Services, LLC 13308 Gallery Court Bowie, MD 20720 W (301) 805-8474 pjacksonjr@springvalley Mike Janzer Plant Food Co. 48 E. Clearfield Road Havertown, PA 19083 W (215) 280-6252 Marcus Johnson MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 870-3411 Randall Johnson Lawnscapes 1651 Crofton Blvd., #1 Crofton, MD 21114 W (301) 261-3998 Ron Johnson Lawnscapes 1651 Crofton Blvd,. #1 Crofton, MD 21114 W (301) 261-3998 Mike Jones MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 870-3411 Stanley Kapulka Falls Road G.C. / MCRA 10800 Falls Road Potomac, MD 20854 W (301) 983-9465 Matthew Katsuleres University of Maryland Paint Branch Facility 395 Greenmeade Drive College Park, MD 20742 Bill Kautz Rattlewood G.C. / MCRA 13501 Penn Shop Road Mt. Airy, MD 21771 W (301) 831-0498 Tim Kennelly, CGCS Baltimore Country Club 7 Manor Knoll Court Baldwin, MD 21013 W (410) 252-9191 Harry Kenney Agrium Advanced Tech. 3913 Walt Ann Drive Ellicott City, MD 21042 W (800) 235-6139 John Kenny TruGreen Lawn Care 16112 Business Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 714-0212
MAryland Turfgrass Council 2013 Directory
James Kernan Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Sam Kessel Newsom Seed, Inc. 9905 Dale Ridge Court Vienna, VA 22181-5348 W (888) 282-5295 Joseph Ketterer Brickman Group 15606 Thistle Downs Ct. Woodbine, MD 21797 Joe Kienke Chevy Chase Club 6100 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 W (301) 300-4316 Kurt Knost Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. P.O. Box 7663 York, PA 17404 W (717) 759-8151 Michael Kulesza Lawns of Excellence 11708 Browningsville Rd. Ijamsville, MD 21754 W (301) 798-0402 Darrell Kumsher TruGreen Lawn Care 16112 Business Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 714-0212 Margaret Lacey Breton Bay Golf & C.C. 21935 Society Hill Road Leonardtown, MD 20650 Barbara LaNore MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646 James LaNore MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646 Rick LaNore MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 870-3411 David Lantz Lanco Turf Service, Inc. 9568 Childacrest Drive Boonsboro, MD 21713 W (301) 665-1681 Robert Larsen Stewart Enterprises 176 Oak Drive Pasadena, MD 21122 W (410) 598-5745
C.J. Lauer McDonogh School 8600 McDonogh Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 W (410) 977-5958 David Lawson Howard Co. Public Schools 10920 Rt. 108, Bldg. E Ellicott City, MD 21042 W (410) 313-6983 Mark Leahy Blades of Green, Inc. 4374 Solomons Island Rd. Harwood, MD 20776 W (410) 867-8873 Patrick Leap Antietam Tree Service 405 N. Burhans Blvd. Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 791-3500 Doug Lechlider Laytonsville Landscaping P.O. Box 5216 Laytonsville, MD 20882 W (301) 253-1481 doug@laytonsville
Jose Lopez Sligo Creek G.C. / MCRA 9701 Sligo Creek Pkwy. Silver Spring, MD 20901 W (301) 565-0126 John Lovell Lawnscapes 1651 Crofton Blvd., #1 Crofton, MD 21114 W (301) 261-3998 John Lynch TruGreen Lawn Care 16112 Business Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 714-0212 John Lytle Little Bennett G.C. / MCRA 25900 Prescott Road Clarksburg, MD 20871 W (301) 601-9240 Dean Magyar Calvert Co. Parks & Rec. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678 W (410) 535-1600, ext. 2225 Mike Maher Calvert Co. Parks & Rec. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Basil Lewis Lanco Turf Service, Inc. 9368 Childacrest Drive Boonsboro, MD 21713 W (301) 665-1681
Brian Martin Greener Lawn Care 10801 Old Johnson Road Cumberland, MD 21502 W (301) 777-1202
Michael Lhotsky City of Laurel 8103 Sandy Spring Road Laurel, MD 20707 W (301) 725-7800
Craig Martin Greener Lawn Care 10801 Old Johnson Road Cumberland, MD 21502 W (301) 777-1202
Jim Lieb Aquarius Supply, Inc. 29995 Dixon Road Salisbury, MD 21804
Don Marvel AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 W (410) 255-2535
Robert Liebno Gibson Island Corp. 534 Broadwater Way Gibson Island, MD 21056 W (410) 255-1184
Patrick Mathers Laytonsville G.C. / MCRA 7130 Dorsey Road Laytonsville, MD 20882 W (301) 569-8407
Jonathan Lobenstine Falls Road G.C. / MCRA 10800 Falls Road Potomac, MD 20854 W (301) 983-9465 jlobenstine@montgomery
J. Kevin Mathias, Ph.D. University of Maryland 2123 Jull Hall College Park, MD 20742 W (301) 405-4692
Michelle LoConte Maryland Turfgrass Council 20667 Highland Hall Dr. Montgomery Village, MD 20886 W (240) 554-0359
Eric Maurer Engage Agro USA 118 E. Carleton St., Ste. A Prescott, AZ 86303 W (410) 703-3756 Dave McCart Buy Sod, Inc. P.O. Box 4089 Pinehurst, NC 28374 W (910) 673-2814
continued • MTC MEMBERSHIP
Erik McDonald McDonald & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 206 Jessup, MD 20794 Mary McDonald McDonald & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 206 Jessup, MD 20794 Robert McElwain A.R. Star Services, Inc. P.O. Box 118 Cockeysville, MD 21030 W (410) 343-2062 Kenneth McFadden Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. P.O. Box 7663 York, PA 17404 W (717) 759-8151 Jim McHenry Oakwood Sod Farm 29307 Waller Road Delmar, MD 21875 W (410) 896-4009 Walt McKain Calvert Co. Parks & Rec. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678 W (410) 535-1600 Jeff McMackin Fisher & Son Co., Inc. 110 Summit Drive Exton, PA 19341 W (800) 262-2127 Mark Merrick, CGCS Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. 609 Woodbine Terrace Towson, MD 21204 W (717) 759-8151 Jesse Milburn Northwest G.C. / MCRA 15711 Layhill Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 W (301) 598-0052 Randy Miles Lanco Turf Service, Inc. 9368 Childacrest Drive Boonsboro, MD 21713 W (301) 665-1681 Joe Milleker AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 W (410) 255-2535 Gary Miller Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Kyle Miller BASF Corp. 23 Comanche Circle Millsboro, DE 19966
Mark Miller Absolute Landscape & Turf 1430 Buckhorn Road Sykesville, MD 21784 W (410) 489-0655 Philip Mills Cumberland Country Club 212 Sunset Drive Lavale, MD 21502-1919 W (301) 722-6601 Jared Milner Baltimore Country Club 10306 Gelding Dr., Apt. B Cockeysville, MD 21030 W (410) 252-9191 Reid Mitchell Finch Services, Inc. 1127 Littlestown Pike Westminster, MD 21157 Paul Mogenhan Howard Co. Public Schools 702 W. Maple Road Linthicum, MD 21090 W (410) 313-6983 Kevin Monaco Turf Equipment & Supply 8015 Dorsey Run Road Jessup, MD 20794 Office: (410) 799-5575 Cell: (443) 250-1182 kevinmonaco@ Eric Monnig Falls Road G.C. / MCRA 9837 Dellcastle Road Montgomery Village, MD 20886 W (301) 983-9465 David Monti Howard Co. Public Schools 5844 Woodbine Road Woodbine, MD 21797 W (410) 313-6983 Eddie Moore Collins Wharf Sod 25361 Collins Wharf Rd. Eden, MD 21822 W (410) 334-6676 Fred Moore Jr. Collins Wharf Sod 25361 Collins Wharf Rd. Eden, MD 21822 W (410) 334-6676 Timothy Moore Newsom Seed, Inc. 6537 Beechwood Drive Columbia, MD 21046 Terry Moreland Moreland Lawn & Landscape 5323 Broadway Road White Hall, MD 21161 W (410) 557-4467
Jon Nagelvoort Arbor Landscapers 2214 Spencerville Rd. Spencerville, MD 20868 W (301) 384-0084 arborlandscapers@ Kyle Narsavage Greensweep, LLC P.O. Box 2225 Silver Spring, MD 20915 W (301) 588-1616 Dave Nehila Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. P.O. Box 7663 York, PA 17404 W (717) 759-8151 Ray Newcomb Pro-Turf Lawn Service, Inc. 194 Glen View Terrace Abingdon, MD 21009 W (443) 617-2867 Joshua Norfolk Blades of Green 4374 Solomons Island Rd. Harwood, MD 20776 Mell O’Donnell O’Donnell Enterprises P.O. Box 308 Glenelg, MD 21737 W (301) 854-6480 Chuck O’Neal Greener Lawn Care 10801 Old Johnson Road Cumberland, MD 21502 W (301) 777-1202 Eli Oliver Hawthorne Country Club P.O. Box 2418 La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 934-3295 Scott Orndorff Fisher & Son Co., Inc. 8719 Contee Rd., #303 Laurel, MD 20708 W (301) 997-8317 Keith Patton J. T. Patton & Sons 701 Norwood Road Silver Spring, MD 20904 William Patton Sr. Turf Center Lawns 1402 Harding Lane Silver Spring, MD 20905 W (301) 980-3094 Drew Peddie Caves Valley Golf Club 2910 Blendon Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 W (410) 356-1317
Jon Petrilak Complete Landscape 912 Eastham Court, #12 Crofton, MD 21114 W (570) 241-1679 Leslie Phelps AACPS 418 Sudbury Road Linthicum, MD 21090 W (443) 623-5472 Travis Pitts Complete Landscape 912 Eastham Court, #12 Crofton, MD 21114 Vincent Price Howard Co. Public Schools 7470 Jennifer Way Sykesville, MD 21784 W (410) 313-6983 Ricardo Quijada Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2026 Richard Quinones Stella Maris 16-D Misty Wood Circle Baltimore, MD 21093 W (443) 226-9235 John Reid Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 William Reinohl University of Maryland Campus Recreation 1115 Eppley Rec. Center College Park, MD 20742 W (301) 226-4406 Keith Richardson Howard Co. Public Schools 8800 Ridge Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Charles Ridgley AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 W (410) 255-2535 Tom Ritter, CGCS Avenel Community Assn. 9501 Berman Woods Way Potomac, MD 20854 W (301) 370-5485 John Robertson Buy Sod, Inc. P.O. Box 4089 Pinehurst, NC 28374 W (910) 673-2814 Kenneth Robertson MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Avenue La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 870-3411
Richard Lee Robinson Robinson Lawn & Turf 812 Oakwood Road Glen Burnie, MD 21061 W (410) 768-0413 robinsonlawnturf@ Marlon Rodriguez Hampshire Greens G.C. / MCRA 616 Firestone Drive Silver Spring, MD 20905 W (301) 421-0165 Jamie Roell Anne Arundel County Rec. & Parks 1010 Kinder Farm Park Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 W (443) 370-2582 Manual Romero Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2026 Darren Rowley AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 W (410) 255-2535 Jack Roxbrough Newsom Seed, Inc. 3436 Reedy Drive Annandale, VA 22033 W (703) 624-3101 Dan Rozinak Harrell’s, LLC 3107 Espresso Way York, PA 17406 W (717) 266-3600 Chad Ruby Greener Lawn Care 10801 Old Johnson Road Cumberland, MD 21502 W (301) 777-1202 Matt Sabine Absolute Landscape & Turf P.O. Box 27 West Friendship, MD 21794 W (410) 489-0655 Chris Sandels Chevy Chase Club 6100 Connecticut Ave. Chevy Chase, MD 20815 W (301) 656-6323 George Savisky Pro-Turf Lawn Service, Inc. P.O. Box 834 Abingdon, MD 21009 Anthony Scalzo AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122
MAryland Turfgrass Council 2013 Directory
MTC Membership • continued
Dave Schell BASF Corp. 23 Comanche Circle Millsboro, DE 19966
Wallace Spangler MRW Lawns, Inc. 5440 Washington Ave. LaPlate, MD 20646
Adam Schlipp Belle Haven Country Club 6023 Fort Hunt Rd. Alexandria, VA 22307 W (703) 283-8743
Wayne Spangler MRW Lawns, Inc. 11665 Gilbert Lane La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 870-3411
Mark Schlossberg Pro-Lawn Plus, Inc. 1406 Shoemaker Road Baltimore, MD 21209 W (410) 299-7979
Dennis Stansbury Hawthorne Country Club P.O. Box 2418 La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 934-8422
Paul Schultheis Finch Services, Inc. 1127 Littlestown Pike Westminster, MD 21157 W (410) 848-7211 Andy Sheehan Davisson Golf, Inc. 2600 Cabover Dr., Ste. B Hanover, MD 21076 W (800) 613-6888 Jason Shepherd Sparrows Point Country Club 919 Wise Avenue Baltimore, MD 21222 W (410) 477-1734 David Slater Yard Services 9629 Wandering Lane Hagerstown, MD 21740 Rick Slayton Norwood Turf, Inc. P.O. Box 152 Damascus, MD 20872 W (301) 482-0447 Steve Slominski Fisher & Son Co., Inc. 110 Summit Drive Exton, PA 19341 Lucinda Smetana Dow AgroSciences, LLC 18 Brighton Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20877 W (240) 743-9625 Kevin Smith Davisson Golf, Inc. 2600 Cabover Dr., Ste. B Hanover, MD 21076 W (800) 613-6888 Steve Smith Specialty Turf Services P.O. Box 3201 Chester, VA 23831-8460 W (804) 796-1498 Richard Sodegren Antietam Tree Service 405 N. Burhans Blvd. Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 791-3500 22
Mike Stansbury Hawthorne Country Club P.O. Box 2418 La Plata, MD 20646 W (301) 934-3295 Aaron Stanton Top Bud Lawn Care & Tree Farm 556 Pauls Lane Swanton, MD 21561 W (301) 616-6853 Mike Stanton Baltimore Country Club 11700 Jenifer Road Timonium, MD 21093 W (410) 252-9191 Philip Starkey Jr. Queen Anne County Parks & Rec. 1945 4-H Park Road Centreville, MD 21617 W (443) 262-5055 Alexander Steinman University of Maryland 6012 Jamestown Road Hyattsville, MD 20740 W (570) 394-0136 Bryan Sunderland Calvert Co. Parks & Rec. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678 Chris Swenson Caves Valley Golf Club 2910 Blendon Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 W (410) 356-1317 Lester Tanner City of Bowie 12730 Hillmeade Station Dr. Bowie, MD 20720 Mark Thompson ProGreen 5076 Kemsley Court Baltimore, MD 21237 W (443) 280-0347
MAryland Turfgrass Council 2013 Directory
David Thrasher AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 W (410) 255-2535
Spencer Wade AACPS 9034 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 W (410) 255-2535
David Wilmot Summit Hall Turf Farm 21300 River Road Poolesville, MD 20837 W (301) 948-2900
Derek Trenchard Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2026
Ed Walker Harrell’s, LLC 6972 Pindell School Road Fulton, MD 20759 W (443) 367-1099
Frank Wilmot Summit Hall Turf Farm 21300 River Road Poolesville, MD 20837 W (301) 948-2900
Jefre Tschudi White Plains Golf Course 1015 St. Charles Pkwy. White Plains, MD 20646 W (301) 645-1301 Ross Tuck Breton Bay Golf & C.C. 21935 Society Hill Road Leonardtown, MD 20650 W (301) 475-8070 Kevin Tucker Solitude Lake Mgmt. P.O. Box 969 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 W (757) 591-8780 Wilmer Turcios Northwest G.C. / MCRA 15711 Layhill Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 W (301) 598-0052
Brett Walters Chevy Chase Club 6100 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 W (301) 656-6323 Rick Waltrup Piney Branch Golf Club 5301 Trenton Mill Road Upperco, MD 21155 Bill Warpinski Central Sod Farms 111 Bavarian Turn Centreville, MD 21617 W (800) 866-1387 Ricky Warren Absolute Landscape & Turf 1430 Buckhorn Road Sykesville, MD 21784 W (410) 795-9300
Tom Turi Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817 W (301) 469-2026
Ben Webster Laytonsville G.C. / MCRA 7130 Dorsey Road Laytonsville, MD 20882 W (301) 569-8407
Tom Turner, Ph.D. University of Maryland 395 Greenmeade Drive College Park, MD 20742 W (301) 403-4431
Perry Whaley Newsom Seed, Inc. P.O. Box 510 Fulton, MD 20759 W (301) 355-6366
Jason Twigg TruGreen Lawn Care 16112 Business Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 714-0212
John Wiegand Piney Branch Golf Club 5301 Trenton Mill Rd. Upperco, MD 21155
Mitchell Twigg Rattlewood G.C. / MCRA 13501 Penn Shop Road Mt. Airy, MD 21771 W (301) 831-0498 mtwigg@montgomery Paul Van Tries Antietam Tree Service 405 N. Burhans Blvd. Hagerstown, MD 21740 W (301) 791-3500 Damian Varga Scientific Plant Services 6301 Blairhill Lane Baltimore, MD 21209 W (410) 321-0970
Alan Wilber Oakwood Sod Farm 29307 Waller Road Delmar, MD 21875 W (410) 896-4009 Gary Wilber Oakwood Sod Farm 29307 Waller Road Delmar, MD 21875 Matt Williams Falls Road G.C. / MCRA 10800 Falls Road Potomac, MD 20854 W (301) 983-9465 Tim Williams Congressional Country Club 8500 River Road Bethesda, MD 20817
Rayment Wilson Rattlewood G.C. / MCRA 13501 Penn Shop Road Mt. Airy, MD 21771 W (301) 831-0498 Tom Woods Complete Industries P.O. Box 1584 Bowie, MD 20717 W (301) 218-1800 tdvb@complete Clark Wooten Buy Sod, Inc. P.O. Box 4089 Pinehurst, NC 28374 W (910) 673-2814 Scott Wunder Piney Branch Golf Club 5301 Trenton Mill Road Upperco, MD 21155 W (410) 239-3232 Dave Young Fisher & Son Co., Inc. 9411 St. Andrews Way Silver Spring, MD 20901 W (301) 526-0674 Chad Zimmerman Hillside Lawn Service P.O. Box 176 Darlington, MD 21034 W (410) 399-2207 Matthew Zipper Cattail Creek Country Club 3600 Cattail Creek Drive Glenwood, MD 21738
MTC Company Contacts AACPS 2013 Public Members Philip Gerrior (410) 255-2535 Don Marvel (410) 255-2535 Joe Milleker (410) 255-2535 Leslie Phelps (443) 623-5472 Charles Ridgley (410) 255-2535 Darren Rowley (410) 255-2535 Anthony Scalzo (410) 255-2535 David Thrasher (410) 255-2535 Spencer Wade (410) 255-2535 Absolute Landscape & Turf 2013 Bronze Members Lucas Fisher (410) 795-9300 Mark Miller (410) 489-0655 Matt Sabine (410) 489-0655 Ricky Warren (410) 795-9300 Agrium Advanced Technologies Harry Kenney (800) 235-6138 All States Turfgrass Consultants, LLC Vernon Cooper (410) 745-9643 American Turf 2013 Bronze Members Daren Fisher (410) 721-1861 Jane Fisher (410) 721-1861 Jon Fisher (410) 721-1861 Anne Arundel County Recreation & Parks Jamie Roell (443) 370-2582 Antietam Tree Service 2013 Bronze Members Patrick Leap (301) 791-3500 Richard Sodegren (301) 791-3500 Paul Van Tries (301) 791-3500 Aquarius Supply, Inc. 2013 Bronze Members Kevin Fox (973) 423-0222 Jim Lieb
Arbor Landscapers 2013 Individual Member Jon Nagelvoort (301) 384-0084 Argyle Country Club 2013 Individual Member Mike Barrett, CGCS (301) 598-6544 A.R. Star Services, Inc. 2013 Individual Member Robert McElwain (410) 343-2062 Avenel Community Association Tom Ritter, CGCS (301) 370-5485 Baltimore Country Club 2013 Bronze Members Nate Allen (410) 252-9191 David Corley Eric David (410) 252-9191 Tim Kennelly, CGCS (410) 252-9191 Jared Milner (410) 252-9191 Mike Stanton (410) 252-9191 BASF Corp. 2013 Bronze Members Ted Huhn (443) 206-1095 Kyle Miller Dave Schell
Breton Bay Golf & C.C. 2013 Bronze Members Bernie Beavan, CGCS (301) 475-8070 Henry Dent (301) 475-8070 Margaret Lacey Ross Tuck (301) 475-8070 Brickman Group 2013 Individual Member Joseph Ketterer Buy Sod, Inc. 2013 Bronze Members Danelle Boling (910) 673-2814 Al Hunter (910) 673-2814 David McCart (910) 673-2814 John Robertson (910) 673-2814 Clark Wooten (910) 673-2814 Calvert Co. Parks & Recreation 2013 Public Members Harry Brown Joe Denton Leonard Goddard Dean Magyar (410) 535-1600 x 2225 Mike Maher Walt McKain (410) 535-1600 Bryan Sunderland
Belle Haven Country Club 2013 Bronze Member Adam Schlipp (703) 283-8743
Cattail Creek C.C. 2013 Bronze Members George Casto (301) 788-5592 Chris Harriman (410) 489-9178 Matthew Zipper
Blades of Green 2013 Silver Members Travis Blackistone Kimberly Bohn (410) 867-8873 Brian Bruno John Costello Kelly Fadeley (301) 861-6636 Michael Graybill (410) 867-8873 Mark Leahy (410) 867-8873 Joshua Norfolk
Caves Valley Golf Club 2013 Silver Members Blaine Burch (410) 356-1317 Joshua Fuhrman (410) 356-1317 Steve Glossinger, CGCS (410) 356-1317 Richard Gold (410) 356-1317 Drew Peddie (410) 356-1317 Chris Swenson (410) 356-1317
Bowie Golf & C.C. 2013 Individual Member Barry Gilbert (301) 262-8141
Cedar Point Golf Club 2013 Individual Member David Burkhart (301) 342-3281 Central Sod Farms Bill Warpinski (800) 866-1387
Chevy Chase Club 2013 Bronze Members T.J. Collins (301) 656-6323 Dean Graves, CGCS (301) 977-7596 Joe Kienke (301) 300-4316 Chris Sandels (301) 656-6323 Brett Walters (301) 656-6323 City of Bowie 2013 Individual Member Lester Tanner City of Laurel 2013 Public Member Michael Lhotsky (301) 725-7800 Collins Wharf Sod 2013 Bronze Members Eddie Moore (410) 334-6676 Fred Moore Jr. (410) 334-6676
Cumberland Country Club 2013 Individual Member Philip Mills (301) 722-6601 Davisson Golf, Inc. 2013 Bronze Members Tim Davisson (410) 590-2133 Rob Hessler (800) 613-6888 Andy Sheehan (800) 613-6888 Kevin Smith (800) 613-6888 Donegan Lawn Service 2013 Individual Member Thomas Donegan (301) 773-0940 Dow AgroSciences, LLC 2013 Individual Member Lucinda Smetana (240) 743-9625
Complete Industries 2013 Bronze Member Tom Woods (301) 218-1800
Duey’s Lawn & Landscape 2013 Individual Member Duane Culbert (301) 574-5339
Complete Landscape 2013 Bronze Members Jon Petrilak (570) 241-1679 Travis Pitts
Engage Agro USA 2013 Individual Member Eric Maurer (410) 703-3756
Complete Landscaping 2013 Bronze Member Wesley Goslee (301) 218-1800
English Farms Lawn & Landscape 2013 Individual Member Rod Alexander (703) 915-7000
Complete Landscaping Service 2013 Bronze Member Darren Carper (240) 876-7029 Congressional C.C. 2013 Gold Members Dan Baran (301) 469-2000 Dave Burdette (301) 469-2000 Andrew Collier (301) 469-2026 R.J. Crow Mike Giuffre (301) 469-2026 Dave Hutchinson (301) 469-2026 Ricardo Quijada (301) 469-2026 Manual Romero (301) 469-2026 Derek Trenchard (301) 469-2026 Tom Turi (301) 469-2026 Tim Williams
Environmental & Turf Services 2013 Individual Member Stuart Cohen (301) 933-4700 Falls Road G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Stanley Kapulka (301) 983-9465 Jonathan Lobenstine (301) 983-9465 Eric Monnig (301) 983-9465 Matt Williams (301) 983-9465 Finch Services, Inc. 2013 Bronze Members Larry Cosh Alex Finch Ray Finch (410) 848-7211 Reid Mitchell Paul Schultheis (410) 848-7211
Fisher & Son Co., Inc. 2013 Bronze Members Mike Fisher (800) 262-2127 Jeff McMackin (800) 262-2127 Scott Orndorff (301) 997-8317 Steve Slominski Dave Young (301) 526-0674 Floratine of MD/DE 2013 Bronze Member Mark Fifer (717) 456-5172 Fountain Head C.C. 2013 Individual Members Jeff Cummings (301) 331-1793 Brian Gietka (410) 218-0131 Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. 2013 Silver Members Ryland Chapman (717) 759-8151 Mike Del Biondo (717) 759-8151 Kurt Knost (717) 759-8151 Kenneth McFadden (717) 759-8151 Mark Merrick, CGCS (717) 759-8151 Dave Nehila (717) 759-8151 Gibson Island Corp. 2013 Individual Member Robert Liebno (410) 255-1184 Green Forever Landscaping 2013 Master Gardener Memb. Nikita Floyd (301) 780-7500 Green Spring Valley Hunt Club 2013 Individual Member Gordon Caldwell, CGCS (410) 363-2248 Greener Lawn Care 2013 Bronze Members Jim Gregg (301) 777-1202 Brian Martin (301) 777-1202 Craig Martin (301) 777-1202 Chuck O’Neal (301) 777-1202 Chad Ruby (301) 777-1202
MAryland Turfgrass Council 2013 Directory
Greensweep, LLC 2013 Bronze Member Kyle Narsavage (301) 588-1616 Hampshire Green G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Teddy Blauvelt (301) 421-0165 Matt Cooper (301) 421-0165 Steve Evans (301) 421-0165 Brian Hogan (301) 421-0165 Marlon Rodriguez (301) 421-0165 Harrell’s, LLC 2013 Bronze Members Dan Rozinak (717) 266-3600 Ed Walker (443) 367-1099 Hawthorne Country Club 2013 Bronze Members Jeremy Gregor (301) 934-8422 Eli Oliver (301) 934-3295 Dennis Stansbury (301) 934-8422 Mike Stansbury (301) 934-3295 Hillside Lawn Service 2013 Bronze Members Keith Clark (410) 399-2207 Welsey Cohen (410) 399-2207 Matt Delaney (410) 399-2207 Chad Zimmerman (410) 399-2207 Howard Co. Public Schools 2013 Public Members Jay Barnard Joe Barth Sr. (410) 313-6983 Danny Boone (410) 313-6983 Charles Colson Chris Colson Greg Connor (410) 313-6983 Eric Cook Allen Crosland (410) 313-6983 Glenn Demastus (410) 313-6983 Joe Dick (410) 313-6903 Kenton Grander Alan Hansen (410) 313-6983 Christopher Hood James Kernan David Lawson (410) 313-6983 Gary Miller Paul Mogenhan (410) 313-6983 David Monti (410) 313-6983 Vincent Price (410) 313-6983 John Reid Keith Richardson 24
J.T. Patton & Sons Keith Patton Lakewood Country Club 2013 Individual Member Phil Desbrow (301) 762-0570 Lanco Turf Service, Inc. 2013 Bronze Members David Lantz (301) 665-1681 Basil Lewis (301) 665-1681 Randy Miles (301) 665-1681 Lawns of Excellence 2013 Individual Member Michael Kulesza (301) 798-0402 Lawnscapes 2013 Bronze Members Randall Johnson (301) 261-3998 Ron Johnson (301) 261-3998 John Lovell (301) 261-3998 Laytonsville G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Galen Evans (301) 569-8407 Patrick Mathers (301) 569-8407 Ben Webster (301) 569-8407 Laytonsville Landscaping 2013 Individual Member Doug Lechlider (301) 253-1481 Little Bennett G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Matt Burton (301) 601-9240 John Lytle (301) 601-9240 Maryland Seed & Environmental 2013 Individual Member Gus Day Maryland Turfgrass Council Lester Dubs Cheryl Gaultney Michelle LoConte (240) 554-0359 McDonald & Sons, Inc. 2013 Bronze Members Ryan Cox (443) 528-2270 Erik McDonald Mary McDonald McDonogh School 2013 Individual Member C.J. Lauer (410) 977-5958
MAryland Turfgrass Council 2013 Directory
Messiah Village 2013 Individual Member Bill Brackett (717) 773-0202 MLS, Inc. 2013 Individual Member Mark Cox (443) 532-6136 Moreland Lawn & Landscape 2013 Individual Member Terry Moreland (410) 557-4467 MRW Lawns, Inc. 2013 Silver Members Kathy Buck Kevin Coates Robert Hudler (301) 870-3411 Marcus Johnson (301) 870-3411 Mike Jones (301) 870-3411 Barbara LaNore James LaNore Rick LaNore (301) 870-3411 Kenneth Robertson (301) 870-3411 Wallace Spangler Wayne Spangler (301) 870-3411 Needwood G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Marty Eader (301) 948-1981 Brandon Franz (301) 948-1981 Newsom Seed, Inc. 2013 Silver Members Allen Bohrer (240) 554-0359 Bob Butterworth (703) 906-4322 Andrew Chiperfield (301) 355-6366 Sam Kessel (888) 282-5295 Timothy Moore Jack Roxbrough (703) 624-3101 Perry Whaley (301) 355-6366 Northwest G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Chris Fernandes (301) 598-0052 Jesse Milburn (301) 598-0052 Wilmer Turcios (301) 598-0052 Norwood Turf, Inc. 2013 Individual Member Rick Slayton (301) 482-0447 NTEP 2013 Bronze Members Guanling Gao M. Azhar Hossain O’Donnell Enterprises 2013 Individual Member Mell O’Donnell (301) 854-6480
Oakwood Sod Farm 2013 Bronze Members Jim McHenry (410) 896-4009 Alan Wilber (410) 896-4009 Gary Wilber Piney Branch Golf Club 2013 Bronze Members Robert Albert Gordon Benson (410) 239-3232 Rick Waltrup John Wiegand Scott Wunder (410) 239-3232 Plant Food Co. 2013 Individual Member Mike Janzer (215) 280-6252 Poolesville G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Matt Dellinger (301) 972-7301 Ron Gilbert (301) 972-7301 Dan Hofmeister (301) 972-7301 Pro-Lawn Plus, Inc. 2013 Individual Member Mark Schlossberg (410) 299-7979 Pro-Turf Lawn Service 2013 Bronze Members Ray Newcomb (443) 617-2867 George Savisky ProGreen 2013 Individual Member Mark Thompson (443) 280-0347 Queen Anne County Parks & Recreation 2013 Public Member Philip Starkey Jr. (443) 262-5055 Rattlewood G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Jeff Bynaker (301) 831-0498 Daniel Cochran (301) 831-0498 Bill Kautz (301) 831-0498 Mitchell Twigg (301) 831-0498 Rayment Wilson (301) 831-0498 Ripken Baseball 2013 Individual Member Patrick Coakley (410) 241-3013 Robinson Lawn & Turf 2013 Individual Member Richard Lee Robinson (410) 768-0413 Rowlandscapes 2013 Individual Member Rowland Dennie
Scientific Plant Services Damian Varga (410) 321-0970 Sligo Creek G.C. / MCRA 2013 Public Members Mike Hawley (301) 565-0126 Jose Lopez (301) 565-0126 Solitude Lake Mgmt. 2013 Individual Member Kevin Tucker (757) 591-8780 Sparrows Point C.C. 2013 Bronze Members John Denholm (410) 477-1734 Jason Shepherd (410) 477-1734 Specialty Turf Services 2013 Individual Member Steve Smith (804) 796-1498 Spring Valley Services 2013 Individual Member Pete Jackson Jr. (301) 805-8474 Stella Maris 2013 Individual Member Richard Quinones (443) 226-9235 Steve’s Lawn Care 2013 Individual Member Steve Harrod (410) 923-1065 Stewart Enterprises 2013 Individual Member Robert Larsen (410) 598-5745 Summit Hall Turf Farm 2013 Individual Members David Wilmot (301) 948-2900 Frank Wilmot (301) 948-2900 Swan Point Country Club 2013 Individual Members Chris Ayers, CGCS (301) 259-2504 Tim Downey (301) 259-2504 The Arc of Montgomery County 2013 Individual Member Keith Heinrich (301) 294-6840, x 2227 Top Bud Lawn Care & Tree Farm 2013 Bronze Members Mark Goller (301) 616-1433 Aaron Stanton (301) 616-6853
TruGreen Lawn Care 2013 Bronze Members Joe Atwara (301) 573-9500 Tom Curry (301) 573-8838 Scott Gay (301) 573-9500 John Kenny (301) 714-0212 Darrell Kumsher (301) 714-0212 John Lynch (301) 714-0212 Jason Twigg (301) 714-0212 Turf Center Lawns William Patton Sr. (301) 980-3094 University of Maryland 2013 Public Member Mark Carroll, Ph.D. (301) 405-1339 Peter Dernoeden, Ph.D. (301) 405-1337 Dave Funk (301) 403-8197 Matthew Katsuleres J. Kevin Mathias, Ph.D. (301) 405-4692 Alexander Steinman (570) 394-0136 Tom Turner, Ph.D. (301) 403-4431 University of Maryland Campus Recreation 2013 Public Member William Reinohl (301) 226-4406 University of Maryland Donaldson Brown Ctr. 2013 Individual Member Randall England (410) 378-2555 Washington County Board of Education 2013 Individual Member Paul Breakall (301) 766-2885 White Plains G.C. 2013 Individual Member Jefre Tschudi (301) 645-1301 Worthington Manor G.C. 2013 Individual Member Bernard Hipkins (240) 674-7006 Yard Services 2013 Individual Member David Slater
Upcoming event
to last year’s washout cancellation of MTC’s “Angie Cammarota Golf Tournament,” we are once again planning to hold the golf outing this fall at the University of Maryland Golf Course in College Park. Scheduled for October 1, this annual event is held in fond memory of a true turfgrass professional and MTC member — Angelo Cammarota — in support of the University of Maryland Turfgrass Research projects. With a 1:30 p.m. shotgun start, the tournament will feature a shamble format. There will be several contests, including longest drive, straightest drive, closest to the pin and a putting contest throughout the afternoon. The event will wrap up with a reception, dinner and awards, starting at 6:30 p.m. Watch your mailbox and email inbox for more information and instructions for registration. We look forward to seeing you here!
About the UMD Golf Course Official discussions about constructing a golf course on the University of Maryland campus began in November 1954, when the president of the University instructed
the athletic director to spearhead a feasibility study. Within a few short months, plans were underway. Edwin Ault (club champion at nearby Indian Spring Country Club) and Al Jamison (golf professional at Virginia’s Goose Creek Country Club) provided the tee-to-green layout of the course, and golf course architect George W. Cobb was hired to provide specifications, construction plans and supervision of construction. Funding for the estimated $100,000 cost of building the course was covered by receipts from the University of Maryland’s participation in the 1952 Sugar Bowl and the 1954 and 1956 Orange Bowls. Construction of the course began in 1955. The driving range was opened to faculty and staff in June 1958, and the first nine holes opened shortly afterward. The full course was officially dedicated on May 15, 1959. In 1999, the original modest clubhouse was replaced. The present-day, $3 million facility includes a full-service pro shop, locker rooms, a restaurant, bar and spacious banquet facilities. In 2003, the course was named a “Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary” by Audubon International. The approximately 150 acres of wooded and rolling terrain are home to many species of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles, as well as dozens of varieties of trees.
Upcoming event • continued
Also, Don’t Miss the UMD Turfgrass Field Day
October 23 University of Maryland Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Farm College Park, MD
MTC Turf News
In summer 2008, the course closed for a $3.5 million renovation based on the design of renowned golf course architect William R. Love. The upgrades included (among many): • Rebuilt greens and green surrounds to enhance playability, improve drainage and facilitate maintenance. • Enlarged tee areas to provide more variety in tee locations and course setup. • Added and/or rebuilt bunkers to provide consistent playing conditions. • Enlarged irrigation system to provide coverage for roughs. Since re-opening in May 2009 (to commemorate the facility’s 50th anniversary), the course has garnered the following accolades: • Top 30 College Courses, 2012, by Golfweek magazine • Renovation of the Year, 2011, by Golf Inc. magazine • Top 25 College Courses, 2010, by Links magazine • Host of the 2010 and 2011 PGA Nationwide Tour’s Melwood Prince George’s County Open •
By Steve Kammerer, Ph.D., Technical Manager, Syngenta
lumped with all other day-to-day tasks, disease management can be one of the most challenging problems that face golf course superintendents. Sometimes when problems arise on turfgrasses, an unknown “disease” is the presumed culprit. Sample diagnostics can be useful in identifying the primary potential pathogens and when they are most likely to be infecting. This information is critically important in designing an agronomic program for the prevention of diseases. This article is a short guide to taking the right steps to diagnosing problems associated with pathogens and then extrapolating the results of a turfgrass diagnosis summary.
Turfgrass disease symptoms versus infection Diseases of turfgrass are symptoms of infection by a biotic (living) agent. Not all diseases of turfgrass are caused by
fungi. Plant parasitic nematodes are also classified as causing disease in turf. Interestingly enough, fungal pathogens and the diseases they cause have been documented as being more likely in turfgrass that has been damaged/stressed by nematode feeding. The time period between infection and the appearance of visible symptoms can be short, as in the case of Pythium blight (Pythium aphanidermatum) and dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa). Long infection periods that precede disease symptom expression exist with the diseases take-all patch and bermudagrass decline (Gaeumannomyces graminis varieties). In the case of leaf and sheath spot (Chrysorhiza / Rhizoctonia zeae), sometimes called “mini-ring,” while infection may be rapid and progress for months, no obvious visible symptoms may be apparent until stresses that slow turfgrass growth favor the growth of the pathogen over the host (the turfgrass).
It is important to search for both above-ground symptoms and below-ground symptoms before submitting a sample.
MTC Turf News
First steps to field disease diagnosis
First, get out your disease guides. The Turfgrass Disease Compendium, published by the American Phytopathology Society (APS), is a great guide that describes the biology of the pathogens, along with pictures. Second, invest in a good handheld field macroscope, and get down on your hands and knees. Dissect a portion of the affected turfgrass. Take photos, and make notes of symptoms where they are occurring. Close-up photos, where you can literally see the individual turfgrass leaves, are critical. You cannot assume that all the symptoms in one area or all over the golf course are due to just one pathogen. Third, cut into the soil, and observe the roots and soil profile. Many fungal pathogens of turfgrass are soil-borne and most active right at or below the soil surface, whereas the symptoms may appear on the above-ground tissue.
Plating the samples on growing media will help identify causal pathogens.
Steps for preparing a sample for laboratory diagnosis
For laboratory diagnostics at a university clinic or otherwise, take samples as early as possible. As part of my Ph.D. project at the University of Florida, I conducted a two-year scouting program in South Florida on seashore paspalum fairways. Twenty percent of the time when I visited a golf course and recovered a pathogen, there were obvious classic symptoms of the disease. However, 80% of the time, there were vague to slight symptoms not consistent with typical Rhizoctonia or Rhizoctonia-like diseases, yet fungal isolates within this group were still recovered. With regard to most of these “exceptions” where I obtained these fungal isolates from the surface of sterilized turfgrass tissue, the superintendents were largely unaware of any disease issues or infection. Another important finding was that 35% of these recovered fungal isolates were associated with samples of belowground root and rhizome tissues. As
many sprayed fungicides bind or enter leaf tissue quickly upon drying, generally less fungicide moves to below-ground turfgrass tissues as compared to above-ground tissues. Thus, there may be a better chance of identifying/recovering the causal pathogen from the belowground tissues. Take the samples prior to — not after — a fungicide application. Even if the diagnostic laboratory analyzes an attempt to induce the fungal pathogen to grow out of the affected tissue for more conclusive identification, a fungicide application (especially of a xylem-mobile fungicide) can really complicate the already difficult task of identifying the causal fungus. This can result in a diagnosis of “no pathogens found.” If you are sending a sample to a diagnostic clinic or lab, confirm that someone will be there to receive the sample when it arrives. Do not ship a sample on a Friday because your sample may sit for three-plus days before someone sees it. Keep the samples out of the heat and sun after taking them and prior to ship-
ping. If you will be traveling or outside for several hours or more, get a small cooler to keep the samples cool, but do not immerse the samples in ice or cold water. Samples should not dry out. Wrap the turfgrass samples in aluminum foil and then place in paper bags. Label each sample, if they are taken from different areas. Use overnight shipping so that the samples will arrive as fresh as possible. Most clinics have a submission form. It is extremely helpful to include additional information on the submission form or via email. Photos of the symptoms can be very helpful, and be sure to include any obvious cultural issues of the sample location, such as “This is a ‘push-up’ green that has drainage problems.” A short chronology of activities 30 to 45 days prior to the appearance of symptoms will also be helpful. This should include fungicides applied and major cultural practices recently performed. Any and all additional information you provide can be extremely helpful.
TURF TALK • continued
Disease diagnosis should not be rushed, if possible. Proper incubation can help identify causal pathogens so that effective treatment can be implemented.
A cup-cutter sample of the affected area is generally adequate for any diagnostic clinic. If variable symptoms exist, several samples are useful. Because no superintendent wants a green to resemble Swiss cheese, an alternative is to get a smaller core sampler. Additionally, multiple smaller samples are better than one big cup-cutter sampler. Sample from the edge of the affected areas. Typically, diagnosticians at turf diagnostic labs plate out several pieces of turfgrass tissue on selective media and then assess the plates following incubation over a period of days to help quantify the results. It can be common to identify more than one presumed fungal pathogen out of a sample.
Interpreting the diagnosis
Diseases such as Rhizoctonia zeae can be found in hard-to-find areas, such as the crown of the plant.
Sometimes, two diseases can be present and active at one location. Both Rhizoctonia and Pythium were identified in this location. 32
MTC Turf News
Disease diagnostics, especially for turfgrass, is a science and an art that takes experience. There are “tricks” to diagnosing the most likely causal pathogens. Some fungi grow optimally at high temperatures, some at low temperatures, and some can grow through specific fungicides that inhibit other fungi — selective media incorporate some of these fungicides into the media. Certain fungi express very definitive and unique characteristics when the infected plants are grown in a highhumidity growth chamber versus when they are grown in a petri dish. I receive phone calls from extremely frustrated superintendents or distributor reps who tell me, “I sent a sample to University A, then another sample to University B and then yet another sample to a third lab, and I got three different answers.” Or worse yet, “I got a diagnosis of no disease found.” I try to respond that “no disease found” is great information, as it means that either the pathogen is in remission and your efforts are providing benefit, or the problem is not a disease but something else. This will save a lot of guessing and unnecessary fungicide applications. I’ve had a few superintendents “test me” by letting me sample an area that they had already treated once or several times with fungicide or had spot-treated with a non-selective herbicide to see if my
diagnoses were just educated “guesses.” A credible laboratory is one where every diagnosis is not necessarily a disease. A turfgrass sample sent to a diagnostic lab is a “snapshot in time.” It can be quite common to get a different diagnosis each time you take and ship a sample, even to the same lab. It has been documented that zoysiagrass initially damaged by Rhizoctonia experienced delayed recovery due to secondary infection by Pythium. I worked with a golf course that had severe yearly outbreaks of Bipolaris leaf spot, even after several fungicide applications. Upon taking samples from this golf course, I recovered Pythium from about 15% of the surface sterilized tissue. We designed an economical preventive fungicide program, targeting applications prior to the heavy summer rains and focusing on a Pythium fungicide in conjunction with a contact fungicide for the Bipolaris. These preventive applications resulted in less fungicide applied, less spraying, less money spent and less time/ labor involved in fighting this continuing problem curatively. Most important, the turfgrass responded favorably, and the disease was much less severe. Remember that turfgrass damaged by disease requires time to recover and grow new tissue. If the weather or growing conditions are less than optimal, turf recovery may be slow. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the disease or the pathogen is still active. Additionally, weak turfgrass is much more susceptible to infection by secondary pathogens, so preventive fungicide applications need to be initiated or continued until the point that the turf has fully recovered.
Disease management is a challenging facet of turfgrass management. Planning and use of preemptive turfgrass sampling techniques for pathogen detection will help guide activities on the golf course and will assist in identifying the diseases of significance that need attention. Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in the February 17, 2012, edition of the USGA Green Section Record, Vol. 50 (4). •
You can rest easy knowing Zeon is hard at work creating some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country. From home lawns to golf courses, this fine-bladed turfgrass is specifically designed to be low maintenance and requires little fertility. It can handle full sun and is extremely shade tolerant. With its deep, rich color it produces a very lush turf and has already been called one of the most beautiful grasses of the warm-season cultivars. Available only through licensed producers, make Zeon your next choice‌ and relax.
The Turfgrass Group, Inc. 1225 Savannah Lane • Monroe, Georgia 30655 (770) 207-1500 or (866) 967-2652
in tribute
By Vernon W. Cooper, MTC Immediate Past President and Jim’s friend
Wednesday March 20, 2013, our good friend and colleague lost his almost seven-year battle with cancer and went home to be with his Lord. Anyone who had the opportunity to know Jim Claxton didn’t know him just as a salesman — you knew him as a Christian and a friend. Jim was born January 25, 1951, to a farming family in Iowa and grew up loving the earth and the people who worked it. After obtaining his BS degree from Iowa State in 1973, he returned home to the family farm and eventually took over the hog and corn operation from his dad. When the bottom fell out of the hog market during the economic downturn of the mid-1980s, Jim was forced to sell the family farm. This major obstacle in Jim’s life, though, brought him to all of us in Maryland. He moved here to be with his sister and to find his lovely wife Debbie, whom he married in 1992. With a solid farm background, Jim took his first job here in Maryland in 1989 working in commercial sales at Clovery Hardware, a Southern States
MTC Turf News
dealer, in Clovery, MD. This was my first opportunity to meet Jim. As a state turf and seed agronomist with the Turf & Seed Section of MDA, I was at Clovery Hardware one afternoon, checking that all their seed was in compliance. Suddenly, out of nowhere, this guy shows up wanting to know why, what and how I was doing the sampling. Once I explained why I was there, this gentleman rolled up his sleeves and spent the remainder of the afternoon helping me sort through all the seed products in stock. This helping hand turned out to be Jim Claxton. From that day on, Jim and I were friends, even though it was my job to regulate him and his company for the next 17 years. In 1994, Jim went to work for Newsom Seed and quickly became a frequent sight at many of the sod farms and hydroseeder and landscaper projects across both MD and VA, usually with a great big camera in his hand. Jim first became a friend to everyone; then, if they needed some of his product, he would get it for them. He also firmly believed in research and education, and he was
very proud to call everyone at the University of MD Turfgrass Research Farm his friends. After I retired in 2005 from MDA, Jim and I had the opportunity to work together on several perplexing turf problems, typically caused by Maryland’s frequently exasperating climate. Jim never wanted anyone to believe that he was just trying to sell his product, so he would ask me to come along as an independent consultant. Between the two of us, we either discovered the cause and (usually) could recommend a solution, or else we knew who to go to for the answers. Funny thing about Jim was that he didn’t care if the issue was related to his product or not — Jim was there to help a friend. Jim could always be found at the MTC conferences, MTA meetings and functions and the VSG activities, as well. Even after he got sick, Jim would push to help his friends and attend functions, always with his big grin, even though he paid for it physically for days later. In 2011, the Maryland Turfgrass Association (sod growers) presented
Jim with an Honorary Membership. Jim was the first Associate (Supporting Company) Member to ever receive this honor. They also established the Jim Claxton Turfgrass Education Scholarship Fund, which continues to grow and will provide the first scholarship to a turfgrass student this coming fall. Jim Claxton’s goal was to, first, be a friend and witness to all, and a salesman, second. From what I have seen over the last 25 years, Jim met and far surpassed those goals. Jim was actually much more — he was an icon of the MD/VA Turfgrass Industry! Jim will be sorely missed, but he will not be forgotten! •
News from UMD
Terps Win 2013 STMA Student Challenge
Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) hosted the 2013 Student Challenge held in conjunction with its winter conference in Daytona Beach, Florida, on January 14–18. This year’s Student Challenge hosted 34 teams within the two- and fouryear categories, and the Terps team of
Scott Hosier (IAA), Justin Patenaude (IAA), Matt Park (IAA) and Ryan Higgins (PSLA) won the gold with a stunning total of 149 points. They outpaced their 2nd-place rival Penn State by 15 points. The Student Challenge tests participants in various areas relating to sports-field maintenance — from
UMD team members pose with their first place trophy: (left to right, sitting) Ryan Higgins and Justin Patenaude and (left to right, standing) Scott Hosier and Matt Park.
Terps Take Three Honors at Annual Collegiate Turf Bowl By Gloria Hyman, Director, Institute of Applied Agriculture, University of Maryland
the turf gets tough, Terps get tougher as the turf wars continue. It was only a matter of time until perennial power Iowa State toppled in the Annual Turf Bowl competition, held each year during the Golf Industry Show. And that time came this year in San Diego,
CA, on February 7. Encouraged by a pep talk from IAA alumnus Scott Furlong, the Maryland team set out to win. Furlong, superintendent of Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Virginia, didn’t mince words as he good-naturedly egged the team to put an end to Iowa’s bragging. The team didn’t disappoint. Stu-
The 2013 Collegiate Turf Bowl team and coaches pictured with their checks (left to right): Justin Patenaude, Scott Hosier, Brent Waite, Brian Hogan, Dr. Kevin Mathias (coach), Trey Profili, Josh Malnik, Steve Brew, Bryan Shepherd, Brian Dearstine, R.J. Crow, Ryan Higgins, Matt Park and Alex Steinman (coach).
MTC Turf News
dents from the Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) and the Plant Science and Landscape Architecture Department (PSLA) set a school record by placing three teams in top spots (3rd, 4th and 11th) at the 19th Annual Collegiate Turf Bowl. Iowa State placed 5th out of the 68 teams (with 247 students) that took part in the competition. The Terps’ 3rd-place team consisted of veterans Bryan Shepherd (IAA), Josh Malnik (IAA), R.J. Crow (IAA) and first-year student Ryan Higgins (PSLA). Anchored by veterans Justin Patenaude (IAA) and Scott Hosier (IAA), the 4th-place team had two new members, Brian Hogan (IAA) and Brent Waite (IAA). The 11th place team — just shy of 10th place by only 2 points — was led by Brian Dearstine (IAA) and Matt Park (IAA), working with first-year competitors Steve Brew (IAA) and Trey Profili
turfgrass weed, insect and disease identification to field safety issues such as field hardness, traction and overall playability issues. This is the third year that the IAA prepared a team for this national competition. Dr. Mathias, who coached the team along with Alex Steinman, stated, “The students in this year’s competition had the gold medal as their goal and showed their excitement during the awards ceremony.” As the winner of the Student Challenge within the four-year division, the IAA will be awarded $4,000 to enhance lab activities in sports-turf management. The UMD team also attended a Welcome Reception, various educational seminars and the Awards Banquet. •
(PSLA). The Maryland teams, coached by IAA Advisor Dr. Kevin Mathias and UMD Sports Technician Alex Steinman, earned $1,800 in prize money. The University of MassachusettsAmherst took first, followed by University of Arkansas. The official blog of GCSAA’s Golf Course Management magazine noted, “The outright joy of the UMass students and faculty was matched by the two University of Maryland teams who placed third and fourth. The initial announcement of the fourthplace winners was greeted with whoops of joy, but when it was announced that Maryland had also taken third place, the students almost seemed too stunned to respond.” The Collegiate Turf Bowl covers an array of different subject areas and a case study. Students identify turfgrasses, insects, diseases, weeds and different types of soil. Students are also tested on personnel and businessmanagement-related topics, IPM programs relating to pest-control strategies, basic concepts of turfgrass growth and cultural practices related to golf turf management. The Turf Bowl competition came just one month after the Terps took 1st place in the Sports Turf Managers Competition in Daytona Beach, FL. •
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Turf Industry Calendar of Events
July 16
CHS Specialist Exams (Herbaceous Perennials) Contact: or 410-823-8684
July 18
PGMS Field Day American University Washington, D.C.
July 23–25
TPI Summer Convention & Field Days (Turfgrass Producers International) Chicago, IL
August 5–7
October 1
November 15–18
Philadelphia, PA 2013summerregional/
University of Maryland Golf Course College Park, MD
August 18–22
October 23
(American Society of Landscape Architects) Boston Convention & Expo. Center Boston, MA Contact:
PGMS Summer Regional Seminar
StormCon — 2013 Conference The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Conference Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Myrtle Beach, NC
August 27–28
Turfgrass Field Days Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA
MTC Golf Tournament for Turfgrass Research
UMD Turfgrass Field Day University of Maryland Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Farm College Park, MD
October 23–26
School of Grounds Management and Green Industry Expo Galt House Hotel and Kentucky Expo Center Louisville, KY
ASLA – Annual Meeting & Expo
January 6–7, 2014
36th Annual MTC Turfgrass Conference & Trade Show Adele H. Stamp Student Union University of Maryland College Park, MD
January 21–24, 2014 STMA Annual Conference Grand Hyatt Hotel San Antonio, TX
index of advertisers
All States Turfgrass Consultants, LLC .............37 Alliance Material Handling, Inc...........................5
Ernst Conservation Seeds..................................5
Oakwood Sod Farm, Inc..................................35
FMC Professional Solutions...............................9
Riverside Turf..................................................16
Kesmac Inc......................................................26
Smith Seed Services........................................37
Landmark Turf & Native Seed............................7 Maryland Turfgrass Association..............................Inside Front Cover Mid Atlantic Association of Turf Equipment Managers (MAATEM)......................35
Summit Hall Turf, Inc......................... Back Cover
Buy Sod................................... Inside Back Cover
Capitol Sports Fields . .......................................7
Central Sod Farms of Maryland, Inc. . .............31
Collins Wharf Sod Farm...................................15
CoverSports USA.............................................35
The Turfgrass Group....................................3, 33
Winfield Solutions, LLC....................................15
University of maryland turfgrass team Pete Dernoeden, Ph.D.
Tom Turner, Ph.D.
Mark Carroll, Ph.D.
Kevin Mathias, Ph.D.
Dave Funk
Dept. of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-1337
Dept. of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-403-4431
Dept. of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-1339
Institute of Applied Ag. University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-4692
Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Facility University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-403-8195
MTC Turf News is the Maryland Turfgrass Council magazine. Subscriptions are complimentary to MTC members. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, its board of directors, MTC Turf News, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as MTC members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in any issue of MTC Turf News. Copyright ©2013 by the Maryland Turfgrass Council. MTC Turf News is published quarterly. Presorted standard postage is paid at Nashville, TN. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: MTC allows reprinting of material published here. Permission requests should be directed to MTC. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For display and classified advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Franklin, TN 37064, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524.
MTC Turf News