MTC Turf News - Spring 2018

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Spring 2018

Orchardgrass and Sweet Vernalgrass: Two Commonly Misidentified Grassy Weeds in Mid-Atlantic Lawns Another Top-5 Finish at the 2018 Turf Bowl The Jim Claxton Scholarship Fund Call for Applications

MARYLAND TURFGRASS COUNCIL 303 S. Talbot St. #389 St. Michaels, MD 21663 MTC Turf News is published quarterly for the MTC by:


Leading Edge Communications, LLC 206 Bridge St. Franklin, TN 37064 Phone: 615-790-3718 Fax: 615-794-4524 info@leadingedge

2018 Board of Directors President Jamie Roell AA Co, Rec & Parks Millersville, MD Office: 410-222-6250 Cell: 443-370-2582

Vice President Geoffrey Rinehart National Turf Federation /IAA Beltsville, MD Office: 202-245-5956 Cell: 253-592-3528 geoffrey.rhinehart@

Secretary Cheryl A. Gaultney Churchville, MD Home: 410-734-0650 Cell: 410-322-8275


Treasurer Katy Cooper St. Michaels, MD Office: 410-745-9643 Cell: 443-496-0750 Fax: 410-745-8867 Treasurer@

Contents • Spring 2018 10 Recent Event


Another Top-5 Finish at the 2018 Turf Bowl

6 President’s Message

12 Scholarship The Jim Claxton Scholarship Fund Call for Applications


7 Calendar of Events 8 From the MTC Executive Director 9 MTC Membership Dues Form

14 Cover Story

20 News from MTC

Orchardgrass and Sweet Vernalgrass: Two Commonly Misidentified Grassy Weeds in Mid-Atlantic Lawns

22 Index of Advertisers

MTC Turf News

22 UMD Turf Team

Past President

THREE-YEAR DIRECTORS Brandon Sands MNCPPC Upper Marlboro, MD Office: 301-780-2426 Cell: 240-821-7139 Brandon.sands@ Kim Bohn Newsom Seed Edgewater, MD Cell: 443-875-5533 Ben Ellis The Courses at Andrews Waldorf, MD Cell: 571-340-0122 Office: 301-440-9882

TWO-YEAR DIRECTORS Perry Whaley Newsom Seed Fulton, MD Office: 240-554-0359 Chuck Wilkes MTC Independent Towson, MD Cell: 443-791-8796 Ryan Howard Winters Run Golf Course North East, MD Cell: 610-334-3541

ONE-YEAR DIRECTORS Les Phelps Phelps Lawn Care Linthicum, MD Cell: 443-623-5472

Bill Warpinski Central Sod Farms Centreville, MD Office: 800-866-1387 Cell: 410-320-7791

Doug Lechlider Laytonsville Landscaping Laytonsville, MD Cell: 240-372-2788 doug@laytonsville

Executive Director

Dave Nehila Genesis Turfgrass Fallston, MD Cell: 410-404-0112 dave@genesis

Vernon W. Cooper 303 S. Talbot St., #389 St. Michaels, MD 21663 Cell: 443-742-6618 Office: 410-745-9643 Fax: 410-745-8867 ExecDir@

Advisor David Coble A.A. Co. Recreation & Parks Millersville, MD Office: 410-222-6250 Cell: 443-764-6444

Spring 2018


President’s Message

It’s the Start of

Another Year


have just finished a very unusual winter, and, if you are like me, then you are ready to take on Mother Nature and make your clients’ turfgrass the absolute best it can be. The MTC Board, working with the University of Maryland and the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA), are preparing to provide several new and additional activities that you have requested. If you take a minute to look at the Executive Director’s page, you will see that we have increased the number of combined pesticide and fertilizer applicator recertification classes and expanded the areas of the state where we will have classes. You will see that not only is the University of Maryland Summer Field Day becoming an annual event, but a Fall Field Day is also planned. This fall event will include stressing fertility, variety selection, weed control, and other fall/winter issues for your education. While we are continuing to be a part of the Mid-Atlantic Turfgrass Exposition

(MATE), which is an excellent program, we are also bringing back to Maryland a one-day conference and trade show here at the Turf Valley Conference Center and Resort in December. All this and more is only possible from the dedication of your MTC board of directors and officers, plus an excellent group of advisors from the University of Maryland Turfgrass Professionals and the MDA, Turf & Seed, Pesticide Regulation, and Urban Nutrient Management sections all working together. Kim Bohn from Newsom Seed and Ben Ellis from The Courses at Andrews have agreed to continue working on the MTC board for another three years. Brandon Sands from MNCPPC-M&D Randall Farm is our newest three-year director. Perry Whaley, warehouse manager for Newsom Seed, has been elected to fill a two-year director’s position that became vacant late last year. The last addition to the MTC Board is Katy Cooper, who was elected as our treasurer. In addition to being an engineer in both electrical and computer science,

she also has a degree in mathematics and is a practicing attorney. We also have added two new advisors to the MTC board. Advisors are individuals interested in turfgrass and the operations and functions of the MTC. Advisors attend the monthly MTC meetings, work on committees, and express their opinions, but are unable to vote. Our new advisors are David Coble (from Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks) and Rick Boldissar (Turf & Seed Program Manager at MDA). Rick is replacing Dale Morris, who is retiring after over forty years of service to MDA and Maryland agriculture. The MTC is your organization. You are welcome to attend any of our meetings, which are usually held the second Wednesday of the month at 4 PM at the MDA Headquarters or occasionally at the University of Maryland Turfgrass Research Farm. Remember the MTC is only as good as YOU make it.

Jamie Roell

2017–2018 MTC President

Meet the New MTA Leaders for 2018 The Maryland Turfgrass Association (the Association of Sod Farmers) held their annual elections for Officers and Directors on February 21, 2018 at the Fisherman’s Inn, Grasonville, MD. Results of the election include: President Jack Warpinski Central Sod Farms


MTC Turf News

Vice President Alan Wilber Oakwood Sod Farms

Secretary/ Treasurer Vernon Cooper All States Turfgrass Consultants

Two-Year Director Bryan Shufelt Royal Sod Farms

Two-Year Director Jon Straughn Chesapeake Valley Seed Co.

One-Year Director Ross Moreland Shady Oaks Sod Farms

One-Year Director Harry Kenney Nutrein Co.

Calendar of Events

Mark Your Calendar &

Save These Dates! June 22 – Procrastinators Class MTC / University of Maryland Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Class Turf Research Farm College Park, MD

July 18 – Early Bird Class University of Maryland Summer Field Day with Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Class Turf Research Farm College Park, MD

August 22 – On The Shore MTC/University of Maryland Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Class Easton Area Location to be determined

October 11 MTA Equipment Field Day Central Sod Farms Centreville, MD

December 11 MTC Educational Conference and Trade Show “Returns to Maryland” Turf Valley Conference Center Ellicott City, MD

MTC Turf News is the Maryland Turfgrass Council magazine. Subscriptions are complimentary to MTC members. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, its board of directors, MTC Turf News, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as MTC members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in any issue of MTC Turf News. Copyright © 2018 by the Maryland Turfgrass Council. MTC Turf News is published quarterly. Presorted standard postage is paid at Nashville, TN. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: MTC allows reprinting of material published here. Permission requests should be directed to MTC. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor

January 28–31, 2019

for contribution information. Advertising:

M-A-T-E: Mid-Atlantic Turfgrass Expo

contact Leading Edge Communications,

Fredericksburg, VA

For advertising rates and insertions, please LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Franklin, TN 37064, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524.

Spring 2018


From the MTC Executive Director

2018 You

as members of the MTC have proposed several ways that the MTC could help prepare you to better serve your clientele and improve your business. Here are just a few ideas we are working on for YOU with the University of Maryland Turfgrass Specialists!

1-day Joint MD Pesticide and MD Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Classes Both recertifications in just one day (your license is valid from July 1 to June 30) Increasing offerings from two to at least four classes this year, perhaps more Reach out to additional portions of the state • March 30 (Friday) at MDA Headquarters • June 22 (Friday) Procrastinators Class at the University of Maryland Turfgrass Research Farm • July 18 (Wednesday) at the University of Maryland Summer Turfgrass Field Day (if interest) • August 22 (Wednesday) looking for a location on Eastern Shore (Easton Area) • University of Maryland Fall Field Day (if enough interest) • December 11 at MTC Conference and Trade Show All classes free for members, but you must register in advance


MTC Turf News

University of Maryland Summer Field Day becoming an Annual event

J uly 18 (Wednesday) at the University of Maryland Turfgrass Research Farm All research and plots shown Great time to see and discuss nutrient and disease issues

University of Maryland Fall Field Day becoming an Annual event ate in late October or early NovemD ber at the University of Maryland Turfgrass Research Farm Nutrient, pesticide and winter damage, plus more will be discussed

Turf Conference & Trade Show Once Again in Maryland ecember 11 at the Turf Valley D Conference Center, Ellicott City • We have heard that many could not travel to the M-A-T-E conference in VA • We have heard that many are looking for a single-day conference and trade show • So we are trying a 1-day educational conference & trade show, as you requested

4th annual Mid-Atlantic Turfgrass Exposition (M-A-T-E) Conference and Trade Show continues J anuary 28 to 31, 2019, at Fredericksburg Convention Center This is a fantastic opportunity that brings together the expertise and contacts of the University of Maryland and the VT turfgrass specialists An opportunity for the MD and VA turfgrass grad students to present and compete An opportunity for you to interact with your peers from VA Unfortunately, not enough turfgrass professionals from MD are able to travel to VA We continue to look for facilities (ie, convention facilities, educational classrooms, reasonable hotels, and ample parking to alternate and have the program in MD. Today, nothing satisfactory exists.) If you as an MTC member have ideas or desires for other activities we can work to bring to you, please feel free to contact me or anyone on the board.

Vernon W. Cooper MTC Executive Director

2018 Membership Dues Form

Maryland Turfgrass Council

2018 Membership DUES FORM Thanks for your continued support!

Name | Home Address | City |

State |

Zip |

State |

Zip |

Company Name | Company Address | City | Send my mail to |

Home Address or

Company Address

Email Address | Business Phone |

Cell Phone |

Additional company members | Please list on back, or attach a listing of additional members with addresses, email and phone numbers, if different from yours.

Membership Type Individual Member Student/Educator/Retiree Member Master Gardener/Non-Profit Volunteer Member Public Agency (First 10 Employees per County or Location)* Additional employees above 10 Business: • (1–5 employees)* • (6–10 employees)* • (11–15 employees)* • (16 –20 employees)* • (21+ employees)*

$50 $15 $25 $150 $15 (each) $175 (Bronze) $350 (Silver) $500 (Gold) $1,000 (Platinum) $1,500 (Palladium)

Payment Method Amount Included |

Check made to MTC

Credit Card (MC or Visa)

Name as it appears on credit card | Address where card is billed | Card Number | Exp. Date |

3-digit code |

Send To Vernon W. Cooper, Exec. Dir. Or Office: 410-745-9643 Maryland Turfgrass Council Fax: 410-745-8867 303 S. Talbot St. # 389 Cell: 443-742-6618 St. Michaels, MD 21663

Any questions please email or call! Dues year is February 1 to January 31. Members are entitled to discounts and/or benefits at all MTC and M-A-T-E functions.

Spring 2018


Recent Event


Top-5 Finish By Max Sturges


is the Super Bowl of turfgrass. Its timing makes the Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Competition feel like a pre-season game, a warm up for the big event. It is Turf Bowl, an annual competition held at the Golf Industry Show (GIS), hosted by John Deere. The 2018 Turf Bowl competition was held in San Antonio, Texas during the second week of February. The competition consists of a written exam developed by superintendents, and a written essay. The exam focuses on all facets of the superintendent profession. The written essay is based on a business/ financial case-study scenario. Each team submits one exam and essay, which are then graded by superintendents. With 53 teams comprised of 194 students from 28 colleges spanning the continent, we knew it was going to be a challenge to break into the Top 10. Just like for STMA, we began preparing in early October; sections were divided up and scenarios were assigned. For the Turf Bowl, we knew we would have to dive into greater detail in order to reach the same height of success we experienced with our Top-5 finish at STMA. This year, eight University of Maryland (UMD) students divided into two Turf Bowl teams. Joining previous STMA competitors Kurtis Sommer, Brendan Keane, and myself were fellow IAA students Bobby Jeffrey, Nicolas Tardif, Clayton Young, Conrad Mellin, and Keaton Klee. Team A consisted of Tardif, Keane, Klee, and myself. Team B was made up of the remaining four students: Sommer, Jeffrey, Young, and Mellin.


MTC Turf News

The night before the exam, our group went to a Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents (MAAGCS) networking event held on the scenic San Antonio Riverwalk. At the gathering, we were cheered on and motivated by IAA alumnus Scott Furlong, the Superintendent of the Robert Trent Jones course located just outside of Washington D.C. Scott joined us in some good-natured bragging and gloating, to show Penn State who the “real” turf students were. The director of Penn State’s turfgrass program, Ben McGraw, was right there to respond with some friendly trashtalking which fired us up even more. As we took the exam the next morning, teamwork was in great display.

Working together to identify various diseases, insects, grasses, and weeds, we came out of the exam confident that we would breach the Top 10 with the hope of even making a Top 5 finish. With the impending 24-hour wait until the following night for results, the tradeshow provided a welcome distraction. During the tradeshow, our IAA Turfgrass Lecturer and Advisor Geoff Rinehart set up tours for us with the United States Golf Association (USGA) booth and the Toro Equipment booth. At USGA we glimpsed new rule changes happening in the game of golf and new innovations into the specifications of a USGA sand-based green. At the Toro booth we met up with another IAA

UMD Turf Bowl members for the 4th place team at Golf Industry Show. From left to right: Nicolas Tardif, Max Sturges, Geoff Rinehart (advisor), Keaton Klee, Brendan Keane, Alex Steinman (coach)

alumnus, Mark Dupcak; he showed us around what was arguably the largest booth in the entire show, taking us from machine to machine. The highlight: Toro’s new Outcross, a tractor-meetsutility vehicle. The night the results were to be announced, our team put on its Sunday best and headed to the closing ceremony. This year, GIS brought every team up to the front of the stage for the announcement. We were confident we had made the top 10, but uncertain how high we climbed. After months of work and preparation we thought we had a good chance of winning. Winning teams were announced beginning with tenth place, then ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth. When our name had yet to be called, anxiety quickly set in. I personally felt nauseous as I thought, “wait, did we actually get first?”

“In fourth place, Team 23, University of Maryland.” We were devastated. Not only had we not made the top-3, but we failed to beat Penn State’s number one team. Yes we had won an $800 check and IAA Director Glori Hyman was very proud of our performance, but to us, we felt we hadn’t reached our goal. Rinehart reminded us that 4th place was a huge success, considering the 2017 team had finished 9th. We’re looking forward to an even better finish for next year’s competition. In addition to the educational benefits of the tradeshow and competition, our team of “Turf Terps” experienced the culture of the famous San Antonio Riverwalk and networked with many turfgrass industry professionals. GIS is an event that I look forward to going to for many years as I progress in the industry.

The author, Max Sturges is a first year Golf Course Management Major in the IAA. He currently works at Worthington Manor Golf Club in Urbana, Maryland and will be doing his internship at Oakmont Country Club in Plum, Pennsylvania this upcoming summer. •

Spring 2018




Jim Claxton Scholarship Fund Administered by The Maryland Turfgrass Association


Jim Claxton Scholarship Fund was initiated during the spring of 2011 in order to honor Jim and his contributions to the Mid-Atlantic area turfgrass industry and financially support students pursuing a college degree. Jim worked as a salesman for Newsom Seed from the early 1990s until soon before his passing on March 20, 2013. He made great contributions to turfgrass-related businesses during this period, especially businesses involved in turf production. The Jim Claxton Scholarship Fund allows for a single, annual $500.00 reward to be issued to a winning applicant prior to the fall college semester. Written requests for applications for The Jim Claxton Scholarship Fund, as well as completed applications, with all essays, letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc., should be postmarked no later than May 31, 2018.


MTC Turf News

Mail applications to: The Maryland Turfgrass Association P.O. Box 389 St. Michaels, MD 21663 Attention: The Jim Claxton Scholarship Fund And/or: email the MTA executive director at and the MTA scholarship chairman at In addition to a possible interview with one or more MTA board members, the following criteria will be considered by the MTA board when deciding who will be awarded this scholarship: • The applicant should be a current high school senior or be enrolled in a fulltime two-year associate degree or fouryear bachelor’s degree college or university program. Proof of college or university enrollment in an associate degree or bachelor’s degree program may be requested by the MTA board.

•T he applicant should reside in the Mid-Atlantic area or be enrolled in a college or university located in the Mid-Atlantic area. • The applicant should have earned a high school or current college level GPA of at least 2.5. A transcript should be submitted along with the application. • Preference may be given to students enrolled in a turfgrass-related field. • Preference may be given to students with experience in turf production and/or turf maintenance. • We ask that you provide an essay of one page or less, using 12 point Times New Roman or equivalent with a oneinch margin. The essay can include how you intend to utilize your associate or bachelor’s degree. • A current high school and/or collegelevel transcript and up to three letters of recommendation can be submitted with the completed application. •

Maryland Turfgrass Council

The Jim Claxton Scholarship Fund Applicant Information Last Name |

First Name |

Date of Birth | Gender

Middle Initial |



US Citizen



If not a United States Citizen, list your type of legal United States residency | Current Address | City |

State |

Zip |

State |

Zip |

Cell Phone | Home Phone | Current or Intended Field of College Level of Study | College or University you will be attending this fall | Address | City | Will you be taking 12 or more credit hours this coming semester?



List any academic awards, extracurricular activities, leadership roles, etc. that you would like to be considered for this scholarship.

Signature of Applicant |

Date | Spring 2018


Cover Story

Orchardgrass and Sweet Vernalgrass: Two Commonly Misidentified Grassy Weeds in Mid-Atlantic Lawns By Shawn Askew and Mike Goatley, Jr.


rchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) is a very common cool-season perennial grassy weed in Mid-Atlantic lawns, and while experienced turfgrass managers have been successfully identifying this species in lawns for years, many homeowners misidentify it as goosegrass (Eleusine indica) because of its circular, compressed, clumpy growth habit. The other grassy weed that is rapidly expanding in its importance in Virginia turf because of its invasive nature is sweet vernalgrass (Anthoxanthum odoratum).


MTC Turf News

The appearance of these grasses as weeds in the lawn is very often attributed to their seed being contaminants in coolseason seed mixtures or as the remnants of previous pasture sites that have now been developed into managed turfs. Orchardgrass has a flat stem with wide leaf blades and a characteristic blue-green color (Figure 1). It has a distinct prostrate and clumpy growth habit. While most grasses have leaves that unroll as they grow, like a corn plant, orchardgrass belongs to a smaller group

of grasses whose leaves unfold as they grow. Other examples of grasses with leaves folded in the bud include annual bluegrass and goosegrass. One way to confirm orchardgrass identification is to check for the occurrence of a large membranous (plastic-like) ligule at the juncture of the leaf blade and the sheath. This ligule is so wide, it often splits when the leaf blade is bent back to reveal it (Figure 2); a characteristic similar to goosegrass. And when orchardgrass is in flower, it has a very distinctive seedhead

Figure 1 Wide blue-green leaf blades and a clumpy, circular growth habit are important identification features of orchardgrass.

Orchardgrass has flat stems with a wide, membranous ligule. Figure 2

Spring 2018


Cover Story • continued

Figure 3 The distinct, tufted triangular seedhead of orchardgrass is an important identification characteristic.

featuring tufts of puffy spikelets with a characteristic triangle-shape (Figure 3). So, while this is a relatively straightforward grass to identify, it is anything but easy when it comes to selective orchardgrass control – there are no currently labeled pesticides for selective control of orchardgrass in lawn turf. The only legal option is to spot treat with a non-selective herbicide such as glyphosate or hand dig the clump. The glyphosate treatment will cause less damage to desirable lawn grasses if directed dabbing or wiping treatments are made rather than using a pump sprayer. A method


MTC Turf News

we have recommended in the past for spot annual bluegrass control in bentgrass putting greens can apply here as well. Simply dab plants with a foamtipped stick soaked with a 5% glyphosate (Roundup) solution or use the “glove in glove” method where an absorbent cotton glove is placed over a chemicalresistant glove and undesirable weeds are wiped by hand after wetting the absorbent glove with 5% glyphosate solution. In research studies, selective control of orchardgrass in tall fescue has been obtained with fluazifop (Ornamec). Ornamec can be used in tall fescue lawns

to selectively control bermudagrass or Paspalum sp. but currently can’t be used to target orchardgrass. The manufacturer has suggested that additional weeds, like orchardgrass, may soon be added to the label, but for now we wait for this particular use to be added to the label. We caution the end users to always be sure to read and follow label directions on any pesticide and remember that the label is the law. Sweet vernalgrass is the cool-season grass in Figure 4 that has spike-like seedheads with long awns or points projecting from the lower lemma that partially covers the seed. This is a short lived perennial grass that is a very adaptable grass species around Virginia in that it doesn’t seem to mind where it grows in terms of soil conditions. It does tend to thrive in more acidic soils. The inflorescence seen in Figure 4 shows the characteristic white stigmas (female floral parts) that look like reflective, wavy strands of thread or spider web present during spring. Later on in its maturation, just like with orchardgrass, these flowers will dry to a very distinct light tan color (Figure 5). The open collar on the leaf sheath and the tall, pointed

continued • Cover Story

Figure 4 The seedhead of sweet vernalgrass featuring flower spikes up to 2 inches long, covered with oblongshaped and very crowded spikelets of seed with very long needle-like awns covered in thread-like, white stigmas. The seedheads form in mid-late spring in the midAtlantic. White, curly stigmas disappear in early.

Spring 2018


Cover Story • continued

Figure 5 Sweet vernalgrass seedheads turn golden brown in fall.


MTC Turf News

membranous ligule (Figure 5) are other important identification features. While it is not clear from these photos, another characteristic to look for to confirm sweet vernalgrass are sparse long hairs on the blade and sheath. And perhaps one of the best identifying features of all for this grass is its smell. As you might guess based on both its common and scientific names, it has a very distinct sweet smell when clipped (it releases a compound called coumarin), and the smell of freshly mown turf is quite aromatic (and gets even more pronounced as clippings dry), often described as smelling like ‘vanilla’. Whereas there really was no selective chemical control for orchardgrass, there are selective herbicides available for sweet vernalgrass control in cool-season turfgrasses. Use Tenacity (mesotrione) at 4 – 8 fl oz/A applied with surfactant (0.25% v/v). Apply twice at three week intervals and you should bring sweet vernalgrass under control. Research on selective orchardgrass control continues at Virginia Tech and most turfgrass managers are quite adept in identifying this grass and non-selective herbicide spot spraying remains a primary control method. While it is difficult to control, orchardgrass is not considered to be invasive. However, sweet vernalgrass is a relative newcomer to the world of Virginia lawn weeds and it is capable of spreading rapidly by way of prolific seed production. It is important to successfully identify and control this weedy grass over the spring and early summer months in order to slow its spread around the state. •

News from MTC

Update on

Changes at the Univ. of MD – Institute of Applied Agriculture By Geoff Rinehart, Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture – University of Maryland


many of you know, I began as a lecturer at the University of Maryland’s Institute of Applied Agriculture this last semester after Dr. Kevin Mathias retired after 37 years teaching in the IAA’s turfgrass program. I have appreciated that my last few years in this area have been a homecoming of sorts for me as a Marylandnative. Although I consider Bel Air my original hometown, growing up with a father in the Army, I lived in and travelled to different states and countries growing up. After finishing my Bachelor’s in turfgrass management at Virginia Tech, I completed my Master’s at Michigan State University, then worked for 5 ½ years as a turfgrass research technician at Washington. My industry experience includes 5 ½ years as a turfgrass research technician at Washington State University; golf course experience in Maryland, Colorado, and Washington state; conducting turf and landscape education and outreach for homeowners and landscape professionals in Washington state, and landscape contracting work in Hawaii. After being away for ~20 years I returned to the Beltway region to coordinate the construction and subsequent maintenance of the ‘Grass Roots’ exhibit at the US National Arboretum in DC in 2013 before beginning to teach turfgrass and landscape management courses this academic year.


MTC Turf News

My most important goal within this position is to continue the tradition of academic integrity and standard of excellence that is a hallmark of the IAA and the program Dr. Mathias built. Our program has a long history of training and equipping students with the fundamentals of the range of skills they will need to perform competently as they enter the industry and continue to develop more advanced skill sets as they progress. As has been said before, “learning how to learn” is one of the best skills that a graduate can take with them from the program moving forward and it is increasingly critical in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing work environment. Currently, the UMD turfgrass management program has 9 students in the IAA 2-year program and 5 in the Bachelor’s 4-year program. As many of you know, one of the biggest challenges of undergraduate turfgrass programs nationwide has been maintaining student numbers and engaging prospective enrollees. As we look forward to the future of our industry, I appreciate the role that we as the IAA advocate for the industry, and we are grateful that the industry has been an advocate for us. I believe that the IAA plays a strong role in supporting the industry as we train and educate the next generation of turfgrass managers. In turn, I am appreciative to now be a part of a program that reveres the industry and has maintained strong relationships with the industry in the mid-Atlantic region.

One of my goals is to continue to foster this relationship and continue to build the network among our students, alumni, and the industry in the region. As we continue to improve our promotion of the program and recruiting approaches to attract quality students to our industry, please consider your business’s crew members. Obviously, being able to go to school for 2 years (or part-time for longer) is not an opportunity everyone is in position to embark upon, but I believe one of our industry’s biggest opportunities lies within and includes those crew members who are aspiring in the turfgrass and landscape industry. Encouraging crew members who show an interest in the industry in their professional development and advancement is an important step that we can take to help improve our industry. Whether it is helping them attend the upcoming educational seminars, a “winter short-course” to help them gain a better perspective on the tasks that are done on the course, or encouraging those who are able to go to school to help advance their career, we all have a stake in helping to foster education of our crew members. As I did at ‘Grass Roots’, I hope to foster and cultivate the sense of community that we share in the turfgrass industry in the region. Thank you, MTC members, for your continued support of the IAA and I look forward to continuing the tradition of collaboration! •

Spring 2018


Index of Advertisers

All States Turfgrass Consultants, LLC...............11

University of Maryland Turf Team

East Coast Sod & Seed.....................................22

Alliance Material Handling, Inc..........................18

Fisher & Son Company, Inc.................................3

Brouwer Kesmac..............................................19

Mid-Atlantic STIHL, Inc............. Inside Back Cover

Pete Dernoeden, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-1337

Buy Sod....................................Inside Front Cover

Mitchell Products..............................................17

Central Sod Farms of Maryland, Inc..................21

Progressive Turf Equipment, Inc.......................21

Chesapeake Valley Seed.....................................5

Shady Oaks Turf Farm......................................22

Collins Wharf Sod Farm....................................16

Smith Seed Services...........................................7

CoverSports USA................................................7

Tom Turner, Ph.D. Dept. of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-403-4431

Summit Hall Turf Farm, Inc................. Back Cover

Crop Production Services Professional Products.......................................11

Virginia Sand & Stone.........................................5

Digital Marketplace Download your favorite QR reader to your phone and scan the code to learn more about these companies.

Mark Carroll, Ph.D. Dept. of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-1339

Joseph Roberts, Ph.D. Dept. of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture College Park, MD 301-405-4355

Dave Funk Manager, Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Facility University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-403-8195

Geoffrey Rinehart Institute of Applied Agriculture University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-4692

Rick Boldissar MDA / Turf & Seed Section Chief Annapolis, MD 410-841-5960 22

MTC Turf News

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