MTC Turf News - Winter 2020

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hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. This Covid-19 has turned the world upside down and affecting everyone of us. However, as professionals we have learned to adapt and march on to do what we love to do most – MAKE THAT GRASS GROW. This is a great time to take advantage of education as well. We were unable to have our Annual Winter Turfgrass Conference at the Turf Valley Resort on December 8th, but we had a good turnout by doing the same format virtually. The MTC Board decided to forgo a March Virtual Recertification Class since MASTMA, one of our member organizations, decided to do one on March 4th. Therefore, we are going to wait until Friday, June 18, 2021 to do a full virtual recertification to include MD Pesticide Applicator Categories 3A,

3C, 6, &10; (you need 8 CEU by June 30, plus MD Fertilizer Applicator Credits. Don’t forget beginning July 1, 2020, MD Fertilizer Applicator must have a minimum of 6 credits within a 3-year period. The current cycle ends June 30, 2023. In addition, we are working with the following States and Jurisdictions: DC, DE, PA, VA, WV for recertification as well as CEU’s for STMA. USGCA, and DNR Tree Expert License. Please give us 30-days notice to get out-of-state approvals. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Vernon W. Cooper MTC Executive Director

Don’t wait – REGISTER TODAY!! – List your license and information below: MD Pesticide |

MD Fertilizer: PFA |

DC | DE |

PA |

VA |

VA Lime & Fertilizer | Other |

REGISTRATION – Send to MTC Office Name | E-Mail | Company |

Last 4 SS# |

Mailing Address | City | State | Zip | Phone | Cell |

Payment – Cost is FREE for MEMBERS – $65 for Non-Members Check made to MTC

Credit Card (Amer Exp, Discover, MC, Visa)

Credit Card # | Name as it appears on credit card (if different from above) | Billing Address (if different from above) | Security Code (3 or 4 digit) |



Expiration Month | Year |

WV |

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