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Procrastinators Recertification Class
Start NOW and take advantage of your first benefit of being a MTC Member for FREE!!
You are invited to attend ONE (1) virtual class from the comfort of your home or office and obtain all the Recertification Credits you need to renew your Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Licenses on Friday, June 18, 2021.
Once the program is finalized, we will be requesting Recertification Credits for:
• MD Pesticide Applicator (Category 3A, 3C, 5, 6, &10) Both Private and Commercial (8 credits are required each year before June 30)
• MD Professional Fertilizer Applicator (Beginning July 1, 2020, 6 credits are required within 3-year period. Current cycle ends June 30, 2023).
Cost is FREE for MEMBERS – $65 for Non-Members
For additional details and registration, visit: http://mdturfcouncil.org/