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Renew or become a member of the MTC
ATTENTION All Turfgrass and related Professionals involved in the Maryland Turfgrass Industry:
Once again it is time to renew or become a member of the MTC. Your MTC is the “umbrella” organization representing the entire green industry. Membership is the primary method used to raise funds that your elected Board of Directors utilizes to monitor the legislative action across the State, promote turfgrass use and support Turfgrass Research and Education at the University of Maryland. We just recently passed the 1000-member mark!
Please complete and return the combined “2021 Membership Dues, and Turfgrass Education Sponsor” form and e-mail, fax or US Mail back to our office. Our web page is going through a major face lift but should also be up and usable soon. Our web page is www.MDTurfCouncil.org Please note the Membership Dues and Sponsorship fees all remain the same as last year.
Combined on the same form, for your convenience, is a section of the form for continuing or becoming a Turfgrass Education Sponsor. With these funds the MTC Board works directly with the University of MD in promoting Turfgrass Education.
As MTC Members and Turfgrass Education Sponsors you are eligible for special benefits. Identified members get significant discounts at all MTC functions, plus recertification for Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator recertification classes offered by the MTC. Right now these classes are virtual, but hopefully we will be able to offer in person classes again soon at various MD locations. Either way, the fee for members will remain free to just $15 to cover actual costs.
The next MD combined Virtual Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator recertification classes, plus surrounding States recertification classes, sponsored by the MTC is scheduled for June 18, 2021. This is a last chance “Procrastinators Class” if your license is expiring June 30, 2021. Other “in person” or “virtual” classes will be scheduled dependent upon the Covid-19 restrictions.
The MTC Annual Winter Conference currently is scheduled for Tuesday, December 14, 2021 back at Turf Valley Resort and Golf Course.
As a “Turfgrass Education Sponsor” your benefits increase with the level at which you participate. Help the MTC promote and distribute information about the important Turfgrass Research that is done at the U of MD through your sponsorship. Also, this is a great opportunity to get your company’s name in front of your peers, while helping promote Turfgrass Education and Turfgrass Research. The Sponsorship levels are explained in the packet.
If you have any question, problems or concerns, please contact Vernon Cooper.
The Educational Sponsors for 2020 are listed below. Will we find your name here for 2021?
Advocate Sponsors: Chesapeake Valley Seeds, Genesis Turfgrass, Landscape Supply, VA, Newsom Seed
Benefactor Sponsor: SiteOne Landscape SupplySupporter Sponsor: Neudorff USA
Backer Sponsors: Central Sod Farms, Complete Lawn Care, Landmark Turf & Native Seed, Outdoor Creations Landscape Service
Patron: Burlingham Seeds LLC, Harford Co. Parks & Recreation, Kenwood Golf & C.C., Larry Ott – Retired, TPM (Sod Growers Association)