STMA Releases BMPs
ports field managers’ top priority is to provide safe and uniform athletic field playing surfaces. At the same time, they are under increasing pressure from local and state governments, activist groups, and the public to alter fertility programs, restrict pesticide use, and modify irrigation practices to protect the environment and alleviate public concerns. STMA’s new Best Management Practices for the Sports Field Manager: A Professional Guide for Sports Field Management provide chapters and members with the tools and resources to document solid environmental practices for legislators, regulators, employers and community constituents. While members have been following excellent practices, this publication validates them and positions the Sports Field Manager as a strong steward of the environment. Spanning more than 100 pages, the guide includes everything from planning, design, and construction to specific cultural practices like nutrient management, irrigation, and IPM.
The National BMP document is provided as a customizable template that can be edited and used as an advocacy tool. NESTMA plans to adapt the national BMP document to reflect the regional trends and unique needs of New England. Many thanks to Vickie Wallace who chaired STMA’s BMP task force and Ben Polimer who also helped with the development of this important document. Their volunteer efforts will serve STMA and NESTMA members well into the future. •
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