2 minute read
NE-SFMA announces the launch of our new Sports Field Forum, a premier event dedicated to advancing education and facilitating powerful connections in sports field management.

• Learn from leading professionals in the field who will share their expertise on maintaining high-quality natural grass fields, ensuring optimal performance and safety for athletes.
• The finest natural grass facilities for college football, baseball, and soccer are found at Holy Cross. Tour these outstanding fields, as well as their state-ofthe-art athletic facilities with the professionals who expertly manage them all.
• Connect with fellow sports field professionals, industry partners, and other stakeholders to exchange ideas and foster collaboration. Talk with peers about current challenges and future trends in sports field management and athlete safety protocols..
John C. Sorochan, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor of Turfgrass Science & Management University of Tennessee
Dr. John Sorochan is an internationally recognized leader in athletic field safety. In addition to new cultivar and species evaluation, John’s research focuses on actual athlete to surface interactions for performance and safety as well as ball to surface interactions for soccer, football, baseball and even lawn tennis. John and his team at UT, in collaboration with Michigan State University, are leading turfgrass research for the 2026 FIFA World Cup in North America. He’ll share trend setting research results that will positively impact natural grass field management well into the future.
Whether you are an athletic field manager, groundskeeper, facility manager, or athletic director, NE-SFMA’s Sports Field Forum at Holy Cross College is an invaluable opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills. Stay ahead of industry trends and learn from the best, as you continue to ensure the safety and performance of your athletes and your fields.