2 minute read
From the President
"Quality means doing it right when no one is looking."
Henry Ford
Our industry is booming, and demand has never been higher. As we struggle with the same issues every year, we also face new challenges. The best thing in this industry is that we work together to overcome these challenges. We need to continue to work with our researchers, vendors and other industry leaders to find solutions to the deadlines, shortages, and diseases we’re facing today.
Tennessee nurseries and landscapers always have one thing in mind when they go out everyday to serve their customers, and that is quality. With the extremely high demand that we have seen these past few years, it is very difficult to meet the requirements and maintain quality. We as nursery growers, landscapers and horticulturists are always working silently and unseen to take care of the little things that make a huge difference. This is a moment to take a breath and realize that all the hard work is paying off.
I look forward to serving the association as President this year. We are looking forward to working with two new board members this year that are excited to participate in the growth of this association. We are also very excited for the “TNGRO” trade show in Lebanon, TN this fall. It has been three years since we have been able to provide our members with the opportunity to show their products and services. This will be a wonderful chance to meet new customers and catch up with old friends. Spring is around the corner and shipping and planting is about to begin, so don’t forget the small things that continue to bring quality to our customers.
Terri Turner
TNLA President 2023