Tennessee Turfgrass - April / May 2003

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april/may 2003

The Official Publication of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association and the Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association


12 Reasons Why It’s the New Bermudagrass Standard For Golf Courses, Athletic Fields and Home Lawns If you’re involved with the installation or day-to-day care and maintenance of golf courses, athletic fields, home lawns or commercial properties, you’ll really appreciate how certified TifSport compares to Tifway and the other popular bermudagrass varieties in use today. Be sure to ask for Tifsport by name. It makes a dense, luxurious dark green turf.

Closer Mowing Heights

After three-times-per-week mowings at 1/4”, research conducted in Tifton GA shows that TifSport can tolerate closer mowing heights than Tifway and Midiron. Sod density was excellent.

Superior Turf Density

TifSport has a greater density than Tifway-about a 1 point difference on a 10 point scale. And it’s about 3 points better than common bermudagrass.

Good Lateral Growth

TifSport is more aggressive than genetically pure Tifway, especially during the cool weather months. This may account for TifSport’s rapid grow-in and repair time.

Superior Sod Strength

TifSport has superior sod strength. This translates into improved playing conditions and resistance to divot injury in football, golf and baseball.

Excellent Traffic Tolerance

TifSport’s density, sod strength and good lateral growth rate give it a high ranking for traffic tolerance. Athletic field managers and golf course superintendents are reporting outstanding re-growth from normal wear and tear.

Upright Leaf Blade Orientation

TifSport’s leaf blade orientation and stiffness is being touted by many golf course superintendents. They feel Tifsport gives a better ball lie in cut fairways and roughs.

Impressive Leaf Texture

TifSport has a similar leaf texture to Tifway, and a finer leaf texture than most other grasses used on fairways and tees. This also helps promote good footing on athletic fields.

Dark Green Color

TifSport has a dark emerald green color versus the somewhat lighter green of Tifway and Quickstand.

Drought Tough

TifSport developer Wayne Hanna has data from a 2-year study showing that TifSport has good drought tolerance. It not only stays green longer but it also recovers faster.

Cold Tolerant

TifSport has expanded the northern limits for warm season bermudagrasses, and has remained very consistent over multiple winters in Oklahoma.

Varietal Purity

In many cases common bermuda is being sold as Tifway 419, but Tifsport’s on-going purity is carefully controlled by a rigorous set of rules and guidelines.

Vigorous Root System

This inside view of a typical TifSport plug shows TifSport’s impressive root system, stolons and rhizomes.

To Order Your Certified TifSport Bermudagrass Sod or Sprigs, Contact One of These Licensed Tifsport Growers Turfgrass America •Brentwood TN 615 377-9007 •Nashville TN 800 666-0943 •Taft TN 800 627-8816 Mid Tenn Turf, Inc. •Manchester TN 800 782-4083 •Nashville TN 615 244-2333 •Murfreesboro TN 615 896-2252 McFall Sod & Seed Co. •Columbia TN 931 381-3667 & 800 869-7659 Quail Valley Grasses •Little Rock AR 800 666-0007 & 501 975-6281 Super Sod •Fort Valley GA 800 535-1320

The Official Publication of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association and the Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association


CONTENTS From the President 6 Executive Director Speaks 8 TGSCA Membership/Renewal Application 10 TTA Membership Application 11 Information About TVSTMA 12 TVSTMA Membership Application 13 Acronyms 101 14 TTA 2003 Officers, Board of Directors & Committees 16 Conversion Tables 17 Important Phone Numbers 17 TTA 2003 Vendor List 18 Pesticide Applicator Certification Info 20 Additional Requirements for Commercial Pesticide Certification TTA 2003 Membership Roster 22 TTA 2003 Company Contact List 34 The Ernest Hardison Memorial Scholarship Application 40 TVSTMA 2003 Officers & Board of Directors 41 TTA/TVSTMA Change of Address Form 41 TVSTMA 2003 Membership Roster 42 TVSTMA 2003 Company Contact List 48 Associate News 51 Calendar of Events 58 Index of Advertisers 58


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com



118 Park South Court • Nashville, TN 37210 Phone: (615) 244-9871 • Fax: (615) 255-4917

BOB LADD INC. P.O. Box 820269 • Memphis, TN 38182-0269 Phone: (901) 324-8801 • Fax: (901) 324-6814


D AN S T UMP The Official Publication of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association and the Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association

Tennessee Turfgrass is the official publication of The Tennessee Turfgrass Association 400 Franklin Road Franklin, Tennessee 37069 (615) 591-8286 tnturfgrassassn@aol.com


ith this issue of Tennessee Turfgrass being the membership directory I thought of how networking with our colleagues can help each and everyone of us have a much more successful year. Each of us has certain people we feel more comfortable talking with about challenges or problems we need to solve. Many times we can come up with a solution on our own, but there are instances when everybody needs a little help or guidance. The turf grass industry is second to none for colleagues helping one another in times of trouble. I for one know I do not have all the answers, but I do have many sources to get the right answers. Why be ashamed to ask for help. Asking for fellow colleagues help is a form of education. In an industry that is changing daily like the turf grass industry no one person has all the answers. But each of us has different experiences that may down the road be helpful to a fellow colleague with a problem or make our own operation more productive. One of the great advantages to the TTA is it is made up of all types of turf grass industry people. Yes golf course people make a big part of the TTA, but the TTA also has landscape people, sports turf people, and many vendors of all aspects of the turf grass industry. This issue is a great tool for finding colleagues that can help you or guide you in the right direction to solve your problems and make you even more successful.

Until next time,

Published by Leading Edge Communications, LLC P.O. Box 680142 Franklin, Tennessee 37068-0142 (615) 790-3718 Fax (615) 794-4524 Email: info@leadingedgecommunications.com Editors

Lynn Ray Jeff Rumph Tom Samples

TTA 2003 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Dick Breedlove Mrs. Monica Lalinde-Cooper Mr. Bill Francis Mr. Roger Frazier Mr. Bob Hogan Mr. Tommy Mittlesteadt Mr. Derek Oglesby Mr. Jeff Skinner Mr. Bobby Stringer Mr. Tim Taylor Mr. Tommy Warden Mr. Scott Wicker

TTA ADVISORY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Mr. Jeff Rumph Mr. Lynn Ray Dr. Tom Samples Dr. Dennis Shepard Dr. John Sorochan TTA OFFICERS President Mr. Dan Stump Chickasaw Country Club (901) 325-8320 Vice President Mr. Jeff Case Quail Ridge Golf Course (901) 388-9114 Treasurer Mr. Phil Luckett Brentwood Country Club (615) 370-8054

Dan Stump TTA President T

Executive Director Austin Bendheim Golf House Tennessee (615) 591-8286


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com



or those of you who do not know, my mother passed away suddenly on March 14. Let me first thank all of you who kept me and my family in your thoughts and prayers. I have received an overwhelming amount of condolences, and I can’t tell you what it means at a time like this. She was undoubtedly one of the most amazing women you would ever meet. Her beauty was so much

more than skin deep. She lit up the room when she entered it. Her laugh was infectious and her radiant smile and stunning blue eyes drew you in. She was an inspiration to her children, her husband, and every stranger along the way. She lived what she spoke and was gracious and kind. She was a lady, a friend and a comforter. She was a Christian—the real kind. She was compassionate and loving. She volunteered with the sick and the elderly, and devoted time to help animals at the shelter. She was graceful and strong. A steel magnolia. She was my best friend, my everything. She was the wind beneath my wings. One day, I want to be just like her. So should we all. I love you, Mom.



T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com



No machine maintains greens better than the John Deere 2500 Tri-Plex Greens Mower. After years of extensive testing feedback from literally thousands of superintendents worldwide, the 2500 has been engineered to give an exceptional quality of cut, the utmost in operator comfort, and the highest level of serviceability. Cut is king on the 2500. The cutting unit suspension carries the weight of the lift arms and grass catchers on the traction unit instead of the cutting unit. The 2500 also has the lowest psi of any tri-plex greens mower. And all controls are conveniently located at the operator’s fingertips. For a better look at the 2500, call your local John Deere distributor.


Greenville Turf & Tractor GT02ZK02

701 Sandy Springs Road Piedmont, SC 29673 1-866-485-8873

7526 Old Nashville Hwy. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 1-877-647-8873



MEMBERSHIP/RENEWAL APPLICATION Membership applications can be submitted at any time during the year. For more information, please contact the TTA Office at 615/591-8286 or fax your application form to 615/790-8600. Please Select Your Regional Chapter: ____East Tennessee

____Middle Tennessee

____Memphis Area ____New Member ____Member Renewal (Since_____)

Classification (please circle): A B C S AFF Dues are $75.00 for each Regional Chapter • FREE Student Memberships PLEASE MAKE CHECK(S) PAYABLE TO THAT(THOSE) ASSOCIATION(S) Form must be COMPLETELY filled out for acceptance Class A: Any person of good character who, at the time of application for membership, has served as a Golf Course Superintendent for more than three years and is currently employed in such capacity. Class B: Any person of good character who, at the time of application for membership, has less than three years experience as a Golf Course Superintendent and is currently employed in such capacity. Class C: Any person of good character who, at the time of application for membership, is currently employed as an assistant to a Golf Course Superintendent. Class D: Any person of good character who, at the time of application for membership is full time Turfgrass Student enrolled in a formal course of education in a recognized Tennessee school.(Fee waived for Students) Class AFF: Allows for participation in the Association without requiring GCSAA Membership PLEASE PRINT OR TYP E

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________ Club or School Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Club or School Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________________ State:_________________________ Zip:__________________ Office Phone:(

)__________________________________________ Office Fax: (


Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________________ State:_________________________ Zip:__________________ Home Phone:(

)______________________________________ Email Address:__________________________________________________

School Advisor(Class S):__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Expected Graduation:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Would You Like a Scholarship Application?


Preferred Mailing Address:


____ Home

GCSAA Membership Number:__________________________________



Member Since:__________

Effective July 1, 1997 all new Class A and B membership applicants must submit an application for membership or evidence of membership with the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Are You a Certified Golf Course Superintendent? ____Yes


I hereby certify that I will observe the bylaws and the Code of Ethics of the TN Golf Course Superintendents Association Signature of Applicant:_______________________________________________________________________ Class S Membership requires signature of Class A or B member of the TGCSA or School Advisor


Signature of Attester for Student:_________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN TO: TGCSA, 400 FRANKLIN ROAD, FRANKLIN, TN 37069


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Please make checks to ETGCSA, MTGCSA or MAGCSA. DO NOT make checks out to TGCSA.


MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Membership applications can be submitted at any time during the year. For more information, please contact the TTA Office at 615/591-8286 or fax your application form to 615/790-8600.

Please print or type the following information as you would like it to appear in the annual directory. Name __________________________________________________ Title______________________________________________ Facility__________________________________________________ Type of business_________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box_______________________ City__________________________________________ State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Telephone (__________)___________________________________ Fax (__________)___________________________________ Email address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional individuals from same facility requesting membership: Name ___________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________

Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________

Membership Categories: Regular Membership $50.00 Student Membership $10.00 Payable Dues: # of Regular Memberships # of Student Memberships Total $_________

______ x $50.00 = $_________ ______ x $10.00 = $_________

Please make check payable to: Tennessee Turfgrass Association Please send check and completed for to: Tennessee Turfgrass Association • 400 Franklin Road • Franklin, TN 37069

WHY YOU SHOULD BECOME A MEMBER OF TTA The Tennessee Turfgrass Association is a non-profit, professional organization dedicated to the enhancement of turfgrass management from all aspects. Are you searching for new outlets to advertise and promote your business? TTA offers you a publication with reasonable advertising rates that is distributed regionally and nationally.

Would you or a member of your family like scholarship dollars for higher education? TTA has developed a scholarship program to assist with the ever rising cost of higher education.

Do you have requirements to obtain State pesticide points or continuing educational points for other certification? TTA offers a wide range of points for pesticide and other certifications through its educational seminars.

The Tennessee Turfgrass Association is your statewide connection to the Green Industry. If you would like to become a member of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association, please contact the headquarters at 400 Franklin Road, Franklin, TN 37069; Phone: (615) 591-8286.



I N F O RMA T I O N A B O U T T V S T MA The Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association (TVSTMA) is a group of people located throughout Northern Alabama, Southern Kentucky and Tennessee. This group consists of groundskeepers, park and recreation directors, Turfgrass managers, maintenance personnel, commercial members, and anyone interested in Turfgrass and the ability to make fields playable and safe. The TVSTMA is the local chapter of the Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA), which is a national organization. The TVSTMA is a non-profit organization that through the use of educational and on-field seminars, allows members to receive knowledge regarding Turfgrass and any subjects that are related to athletics. The TVSTMA welcomes any person who wants to gain knowledge about athletic fields and how to manage them to make them safe and playable. The TVSTMA was formed in 1997 through a collective effort of professional people who had a desire to increase the knowledge base about sports fields. Through this organization, the TVSTMA chapter was formed and thus, the chapter became recognized on the national level. This chapter has grown from 35 members to over 250 members as of 2002. With an increasing presence in the communities located throughout the tri-state area, and in conjunction with the Tennessee Turfgrass Association, the TVSTMA is a growing chapter. We would like to encourage all members to stay actively involved in the field and educational seminars. T

Tennessee Turf Technicians Association SINCE 2000

MEETINGS HELD BI-MONTHLY • GUEST SPEAKERS, ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONS • MEETINGS CAN BE AT YOUR CLUB Please support the Turf Technicians by joining today. This may be the last chance we have for this opportunity. Most establishments pay association fees for you. For more information, please call (615) 847-0465 or fax (615) 847-7914. To join, send your name, address, company name, phone and fax number, along with $45 to:

TTTA • P.O. Box 6 • Old Hickory, TN 37138 http://hometown.aol.com/ttta4us/

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T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3


Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com


TVSTMA online at


The Tennessee Turfgrass Association serves its members in the industry through education, promotion and representation. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, or its board of directors, Tennessee Turfgrass Magazine, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or Turfgrass Association members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in this, past or subsequent issues of this quarterly publication. Copyright ©2001 by the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. Tennessee Turfgrass is published bi-monthly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. POSTMASTER: Send change of address notification to Tennessee Turfgrass Association, 400 Franklin Road, Franklin, TN 37069. Postage guaranteed. Third-class postage is paid at Franklin, TN. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: Tennessee Turfgrass allows reprinting of material. Permission requests should be directed to the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For display and classified advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, P.O. Box 680142, Franklin, TN 37068-0142, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524. Deadlines are the 1st of the month prior to the following month’s publication. (Example: August 1st for the September issue.)


MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Membership applications can be submitted at any time during the year. For more information, please contact the TVSTMA Office at 1-888-224-6426 or fax your application form to 931-380-0145.

Please print or type the following information as you would like it to appear in the annual directory. Name ___________________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Employer_________________________________________________ Type of business_______________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box_______________________ City__________________________________________ State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Telephone (__________)____________________________________ Fax (__________)__________________________________ Email address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional individuals from same facility requesting membership: Name ___________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________

Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________

Membership Categories: Sports Turf Manager $35.00 Sports Turf Manager (STMA Member) $25.00 Coaches & Educators $25.00 Sports Turf Student Member (Non-voter) $10.00 Commercial Member (2 members) $100.00 Additional Commercial Members $25.00 per member Total $_________ Signature ________________________________________________________________________________

Please make check payable to: Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association Please send check and completed form to: Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association ATTN: Robert Hogan 5018 East Robertson Road Cross Plains, Tennessee 37049

Promoting Better and Safer Sports Turf Areas in Southern Kentucky, Tennessee & Northern Alabama TENNESSEE TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION • TENNESSEE VALLEY SPORTS TURF MANAGERS ASSOCIATION


ACRONYMS 101 By Austin Bendheim, Executive Director TTC, TTA, TGCSA, ETGCSA, MTGCSA, MAGCSA


acronym: (n) a word formed from the first (or first few) letters of several words ebster didn’t

know the half of it when he included this one in the dictionary. Come to think of it, I didn’t know the half of it when I began working for you in November, 2000. Sure, it was explained to me. I thought I understood, but really all I ended up with was a bowl of alphabet soup. I had to swim in this concoction before I really understood it, and now it occurs to me that you, the membership, could possibly be drowning in it. I am here to provide you with the water wings necessary for survival and understanding. Please be sure to refer to the charts provided. They will help as we begin this journey of acronym understanding. Note the complete names of the Associations as illustrated in the accompanying graph. This will help guide you, as after the initial definition, I will use only the acronyms while giving this lesson. Think of it as being in Spanish class and your teacher won’t let you speak English. You learn so much faster, don’t you?! Exactly. For those of you who do not know, I am the Executive Director for the Tennessee Turfgrass Council (TTC), Tennessee Turfgrass Association (TTA), Tennessee Golf Course Superintendents Association (TGCSA), East Tennessee Golf Course Superintendents Association (ETGCSA), Middle Tennessee Golf Course Superintendents Association (MTGCSA), and Memphis Area Golf Course Superintendents Association (MAGCSA). The tasks necessary to accomplish this job are done from a cubicle about the size of an extended cab in an F350. Each Association has its own bank account, its own meeting announcements, sponsorships, and operates independently of the others. That being said, lets evaluate the relationships between them. At the very top of the graph, you see the Golf House Tennessee/Tennessee Golf Association oval, which is where my office is. Because the Turfgrass industry is so very important to the golf profession, the TTA is housed under the same roof as the TGA, and the Tennessee Golf Foundation(TGF). Actually, I am “employed” by the TGA, since my paychecks are written from their account. This brings us to the TTC. The TTC is basically a holding zone for funds paid to facilitate my position. My position is funded by contributions


from the TTA, ETGCSA, MTGCSA, and MAGCSA (the regional associations do this directly, not through the TGCSA). Funds are deposited into the TTC account, and then paid out of that account as I receive a monthly invoice from TGA. This invoice includes my wages, insurance, and a breakdown of the costs of any mailings I have sent out from the different Associations. If you look below the TTC on the graph, you will see two ovals side by side. The TTA and the TGCSA are peers. Being a member of one does not mean that you are a member of the other. You know that Conference and Trade Show you attend in January? Well, that is for the TTA. When you pay your dues for that show, it does not mean that you have renewed your dues for your local golf course superintendent association. More importantly, it does not mean that you have fulfilled your obligation to the GCSAA to belong to an affiliated chapter. What it does mean is that you are a proud member of the TTA, and are now eligible to receive this beautiful and informative 4-Color Magazine. The TGCSA is the only affiliated chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) in Tennessee. You must belong to this Association, or one of another state to comply with the requirements of the GCSAA. In Tennessee, we are fortunate to have broken into three regional associations: ETGCSA, MTGCSA, and MAGCSA. The only way to become a member of the TGCSA is to become a member of one of these regional associations. By filling out the application, and making payment to the APPROPRIATE REGIONAL ASSOCIATION, you are automatically a member of the TGCSA, thus being a member of an affiliated chapter of the GCSAA, and complying with the National requirements. The individual regional chapters are not themselves affiliated associations of the GCSAA. They are only facilitators to the TGCSA. As a unit, the TGCSA acts more as a conduit between the Regional Associations and the GCSAA than as an active association. There is only one meeting a year, lasting approximately 15-20 minutes during the TTA Conference and Trade Show. For each of the Regional Associations, however, there are approximately six meetings a year, including a Scholarship and Research Tournament. As I tend to the needs of each of the Regional Associations, I have become increasingly aware that

(as defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary)

T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

A C R O N YM S 1 0 1


they are extremely similar in policy and execution. They just have three different bank accounts, schedules and speakers. They are all reaching for the same goals and offering their members a venue for education, strategy, and maybe even a little enjoyment on the side! And let’s not forget the Pesticide Recertification Points!! For all of these Associations to succeed, it is imperative that we embrace a philosophy of cohesion. As Vince Lombardi said, “The achievements of an organization are the result of the combined effort of each individual.” For us, the “individual” is not only each member within an Association, but each Association operating under the TTC umbrella. Hopefully, this has helped some of you to comprehend our own little Scrabble board of Associations. So next time you call the office and I answer the phone with: “TTC, this is Austin.” You won’t hang up on me, because you know that somewhere in the alphabet soup of the TTC, is the Executive Director of your acronym! LOL!! – AB ________________________________________________ This article is reprinted from the August/September 2001 issue of the Tennessee Turfgrass magazine. T

TGA Tennessee Golf Association TTC Tennessee Turfgrass Council TTA Tennessee Turfgrass Association GCSAA Golf Course Superintendents Association TGCSA Tennessee Golf Course Superintendents Association ETGCSA East Tennessee Golf Course Superintendents Association MTGCSA Middle Tennessee Golf Course Superintendents Association MAGCSA Memphis Area Golf Course Superintendents Association





Franklin, Tennessee

Knoxville, Tennessee

2013 Columbia Avenue, 37064 615-595-1177; fax 615-595-0430

10923 Murdock Drive 865-777-9526; fax 865-777-1991

Bartlett, Tennessee 8060 Stage Hills Blvd, 38133 901-383-7800; fax 901-380-3227

Jackson, Tennessee 83 North Star Drive, 38305 731-660-0440; fax 731-660-0072




2003 OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Dan Stump Chickasaw CC 3395 Galloway Ave Memphis, TN 38122 Tel 901-325-8320 Fax 901-325-8334 Email Dan-Stump@msn.com

FIRST YEAR OF TERM Dick Breedlove Ex-Cell Lawn and Garden P.O. Box 821 Dyersburg, TN 38024 Tel 901-286-6524 Fax 901-286-2414

VICE-PRESIDENT Jeff Case Quail Ridge G.C. 4055 Alturia Rd. Bartlett, TN. 38135 Tel 901-388-9114 Fax 901-386-0648 Email jeffcased@aol.com

TREASURER Phil Luckett Brentwood CC PO Box 1466 Brentwood, TN 37027 Tel 615-370-8054 Fax 615-377-3958 Email Llucky64golf@msn.com

Monica M. Lalinde Cooper Smyrna Municial Golf Course 101 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel 615-459-9722 Fax 615-459-9721

Bill Francis The Ridges Golf & C.C. 500 Bugaboo Springs Rd. Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel 423-913-2276 Fax 423-913-2903

SECOND YEAR OF TERM Roger Frazier Cattails at Meadowview 1901 Meadowview Pkwy Jonesborough, TN 37660 Tel 423-578-6603 Fax 423-578-6607

Tommy Mittlesteadt Cookeville Golf Club 1500 Country Club Lane Cookeville, TN 38501 Tel 931-526-4211 Fax 931-520-3444

Jeff Skinner Cherokee Springs 3855 Dalton Pike Cleveland, TN 37323 Tel 423-559-3349 Fax 423-559-3387

Derek Oglesby Colonial County Club 2736 Countrywood Pkwy. Memphis, TN 38018 Tel 901-377-7349 Fax 901-377-0867

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Austin Bendheim Golf House Tennessee 400 Franklin Rd. Franklin, TN. 37069 Tel 615-591-8286 Fax 615-790-8600 Cell 615-973-4734 Email tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Bob Hogan The Hogan Co. 5018 E. Robertson Rd. Cross Plains, TN 37049 Tel 888-224-6426 Fax 615-654-3656

Bobby Stringer Germantown Country Club 1780 Kimbrough Road Germantown, TN 38138 Tel 901-754-7755 Fax 901-754-3866


Dr. Tom Samples Jeff Rumph Lynn Ray University of Tennessee Gatlinburg Golf Course Golf Management Group, Inc. 363 Ellington Plant Science Building PO Box 5 Suite 300 Knoxville, TN 37996-4561 Gatlinburg, TN 37738 5210 Maryland Way Tel 865-974-2595 Tel 865-453-3638 Brentwood, TN 37027 CSF005-CROSSROADS SOD FARM, LLC Fax 865-974-6421 Fax 865-429-1945 Tel 615-373-9400 Fax 615-370-2585 BUSINESS CARD HORIZONTAL, ONE COLOR + BLACK, TN TURFGRASS AUG 2002

Bermudas, Turf-Type Tall Fescues, and Zoysia Thomas M. Carr

166 Lester Limbaugh Lane


Belvidere, TN 37306


Cell: 931-703-9758 Phone: 866-962-3481


Fax: 931-962-3481

You know how you want your course to look and play... We know how to get it there! Golf Course Construction & Renovation— Greens, Tees, Bunkers, Shaping, Grassing, Irrigation, Rock Work and more. For more information, call us at 828-692-2001. 34 Highland Golf Drive • Flat Rock, NC 28731• Fax: 828-692-7552 www.coursedoctors.com • Email: coursedoctors@mindspring.com


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Tommy Warden Premier Grounds Maintenance P.O. Box 668 Gallatin, TN 37066 Tel 615-452-2752 Fax 615-264-6243

Tim Taylor Richland C.C. One Club Dr. Nashville, TN 37215 Tel 615-370-0060 Fax 615-371-8452

Dr. Dennis Shepard Syngenta 101 Fox Hill Court Franklin, TN 37069 Tel 615-790-3281 Fax 615-599-3263

Crossroads Sod Farm, L.L.C.

PAST PRESIDENT Bill Blackburn Smith Turf and Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Ct. Nashville, TN. 37211 Tel 615-726-8811 800-575-4784 Fax 615-242-3274 Email bill.blackburn@smithturf.com

Scott Wicker Black Creek Club 4700 Cummings Cove Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37419 Tel 423-822-9875 Fax 423-821-2582

Dr. John Sorochan University of Tennessee 363 Ellington Plant Science Building Knoxville, TN 37996-4561 Tel 865-974-7324 Fax 865-974-8850

2003 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Marketing Tim Taylor© Jeff Skinner Scott Wicker Derek Oglesby Bobby Stringer Finance Phil Luckett© Dan Stump Jeff Case Bill Blackburn Awards Derek Oglesby© Doug Ward Tommy Mittlesteadt Editors Dr. Tom Samples Jeff Rumph Monica Lalinde Cooper Trade Show Bill Blackburn© Mitch Parker© Tommy Warden Bob Hogan Jeff Case Education Dr. Tom Samples© Dr. John Sorochan© Scott Wicker Bill Francis Monica Lalinde Cooper Tommy Mittlesteadt Dick Breedlove Dennis Shepard

Membership Roger Frazier© Tim Taylor Bill Francis Bobby Stringer Advisers Dr. Tom Samples Dennis Shepard Lynn Ray Dr. John Sorochan Mitch Parker Jeff Rumph Gov. Relations Tommy Mittlesteadt© Scott Wicker Derek Oglesby Monica Lalinde Cooper Dennis Shepard Magazine Derek Oglesby© Jeff Skinner Dr. Tom Samples Monica Lalinde Cooper Jeff Rumph Dr. John Sorochan Site Selection Bill Blackburn© Dan Stump Jeff Case Bob Hogan Phil Luckett © = denotes Chairperson

CONVERSION TABLES Square/Cubic Measure: 144 square inches = 1 square foot 9 square feet = 1 square yard 43,560 square feet = 1 Acre 5,840 square yards = 1 Acre 640 acres = 1 square mile 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard Linear Measure: 1 inch = 2-1/2 centimeters = 25-1/2 millimeters 1 foot = 12 inches 1 yard = 3 feet 1 mile = 1,760 yards = 5,280 feet Fluid Measure: 1/6 fluid ounce = 1 teaspoon(tsp) 1/2 fluid ounce = 1 tablespoon(tbs) = 3 teaspoons 1 fluid ounce = 2 tablespoons = 1/8 cup 8 fluid ounces = 1 cup = 1/2 pint 16 fluid ounces = 2 cups = 1 pint 32 fluid ounces = 4 cups = 1 quart 128 fluid ounces = 16 cups = 1 gallon Weights:

1 ounce = 23 1/3 grams 1 pound = 16 ounces = 453 1/2 grams 1 1/5 pounds = 1 kilogram = 1000 grams 1 ton = 2,000 pounds = 907 kilograms 1 metric ton = 1000 kilograms = 2205 pounds

Approximate Rates of Application Equivalents: 1 oz. per sq. ft. = 2722.5 lbs. per acre 1 oz per sq. yd. = 302.5 lbs. per acre 1 oz. per 100 sq. ft. = 27.2 lbs. per acre 1 lb per 1000 sq. ft. = 43.56 oz. per acre = 2.72 lbs per acre 1 lb. per acre = 1 oz. per 2733 sq. ft. = 8.5 grams per 1000 sq. ft. 100 lbs. per acre = 2.5 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. 5 gallons per acre = 1 pint per 1000 sq. ft. 100 gals. per acre=2.5 gals. per 1000 sq. ft.= 1 qt. per 100 sq. ft. Formulas: GPA = GPM x 5940 MPH x W

GPM = GPA x MPH x W 5940

PumpHP =

Acres/Hour = BW x MPH x 5280 43,560

OPM = GPM x 128

MPH = distance (ft) x 60 time (seconds) x 88

Pounds/Acre (active ingredient) = 100% % A.I. x R.R.

GPM x PSI 1714 x efficiency (usually 0.5 - 6.0)

Abbreviations: BW = Boom Width in Feet RR = Recommended Rate AI = Active Ingredient GPA = Gallons per Acre GPM = Gallons per Minute MPH = Miles per Hour W = Nozzle spacing in Inches PSI = Pounds per Square Inc (pressure) OPM = Ounces per Minute



Tennessee Department of Agriculture Department Information 615-837-5117 Laboratory Services 615-837-5317 Pesticide Programs 615-837-5148 Tennessee Environment and Conservation Dept. Information 615-532-0109 Ground Water Protection 615-532-0761 Underground Storage Tank 615-532-0945 Water Pollution Control 615-532-0625 National Pesticide Telecommunications Network 800-858-7378 Pesticide Accident Hotline (Chemtrec) 800-424-9300 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 615-736-5424 USDA/Wildlife Services 615-736-5506


American Horticultural Society 803-768-5700 American Seed Trade Association 202-223-4080 American Society of Consulting Arborists 303-466-2722 American Sod Producers Association 708-705-9898 GC Superintendents Association of America 800-472-7878 Irrigation Association 703-573-3551 National Golf Foundation 800-872-1150 Professional Grounds Management Society 401-584-9754 Professional Lawn Care Association of America 800-458-3466 RISE (Responsible Industry for Sound Environment) 202-872-3860 Sports Turf Managers Association 712-366-2669 United States Golf Association 908-234-2300 USGA Green Section Southeast Region Pat O’Brien, Director 770-229-8125 Chris Hartwiger, Agronomist 205-444-5079


Arkansas Turfgrass Association 501-664-8048 Carolinas GCSA 800-476-4272 East TN Golf Course Superintendent’s Association 615-591-8286 Georgia Turfgrass Association 706-632-0142 Illinois Turfgrass Foundation 312-616-0800 Memphis Area GC Superintendent’s Association 615-591-8286 Middle TN Golf Course Superintendent’s Association 615-591 8286 Turfgrass Council of North Carolina 888-695-1333 Ohio Turfgrass Association 614-261-6750 Tennessee PGA Section 615-790-7600 Tennessee Turfgrass Association 615-591-8286 Tennessee GC Superintendents Association 615-591-8286 Texas Turfgrass Association 409-693-1656 Virginia Turfgrass Council 804-340-3473




2003 VENDOR LIST Turf Equipment/Parts A&D Distributors 334-281-1892 Bel-Air Turf Products 205-699-4870 Coye Consultants 828-877-3584 Greenville Turf & Tractor 866-485-8873 Huntsville Tractor & Equipment 256-837-6767 Lesco 440-783-9250 Oldham Chemicals & Equipment 800-888-5502 Precision Reel Grinding 615-834-1068 Sisco 937-548-2171 Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 615-726-8811 Tieco 615-244-9871 Turf Supplies Arkalite 870-735-7932 BWI 901-367-2941 Caudill Seed Company 502-724-3649 Dickens Turf & Landscape Supply 615-227-1111 Flowtronex PSI, Inc. 214-357-1320 Greenville Turf & Tractor 864-527-1050 Hunter Golf 901-373-6164 Jackson Sand 731-668-0440 John Deere Golf & Turf 901-237-5166 Lebanon Turf Products 501-268-4981 Lesco 440-783-9250 Oldham Chemicals & Equipment 901-794-0084 Pennington Seed, Inc. 256-734-9486 Precision Sports Fields, Inc. 615-690-2839 Robco Seed Company 615-384-9988 Shelton Landscape Supply 423-842-1507 Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 615-726-8811 Sur-Line, Inc 205-333-1776 Tennessee Farmer’s Co-0p 615-793-8470 The Hogan Company 888-224-6426 Tieco 615-244-9871 Turfbreeze Fans 205-985-4584 Irrigation Coye Consultants 828-877-3584 Flowtronex PSI, Inc. 214-357-1320 Greenville Turf & Tractor 864-527-1050 Hunter Golf 901-373-6164 John Deere Golf & Turf 901-237-5166 Oasis Irrigation 615-872-7576 Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 615-726-8811 Tieco 615-244-9871

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GPS Mapping Services Oasis Irrigation 615-872-7576 Design & Consulting Golf Links, Inc. 615-847-8877 Oasis Irrigation 615-872-7576 Sod Producers Alliza Sod Farms 270-842-0473 Charles Williams & Ass. Sod Farm 931-732-4774 Cultra Turf Specialtists, Inc. 866-287-4763 Double Springs Grass Farms 501-729-5691 Flowtronex PSI, Inc. 214-357-1320 Kirk Grading & Sodding 901-829-3914 Mid Tenn Turf, Inc. 931-728-0583 Quail Valley Grasses 501-975-6281 Southeastern Turf, LLC 615-274-3009 Turfgrass America 931-433-0016

Turf Services Alliza Sod Farms 270-842-0473 Arkalite 870-735-7932 Caudill Seed Company 502-724-3649 Charles Williams & Ass. Sod Farm 931-732-4774 Cultra Turf Specialists 731-885-4414 Earth & Turf-Millcreek 859-583-0671 Hendrix & Dail, Inc. 502-223-3232 John Deere Golf & Turf 901-237-5166 Kirk Grading & Sodding 901-503-7737 Laserturf 706-208-1644 Oasis Irrigation 615-872-7576 Precision Reel Grinding 615-834-1068 Precision Sports Fields, Inc. 615-690-2839 ProSource One 800-535-4552 Quail Valley Grasses 501-975-6281 Sand-daM 901-382-6507 Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 615-726-8811 Southeastern Turf, LLC 615-274-3009 Sur-Line, Inc 205-333-1776 Tieco 615-244-9871 Fertilizers & Chemicals Aquatrols 404-395-7268 Bayer Environmental Science 704-367-5784 BWI-Memphis 901-367-2941 Caudill Seed Company 502-724-3649 Coye Consultants 828-877-3584 Dickens Turf & Landscape Supply 615-227-1111 Harrell’s Fertilizer, Inc 863-687-2774 John Deere Golf & Turf 901-237-5166 Lebanon Turf Products 501-268-4981 Lesco 440-783-9250 Monsanto 502-252-8742 Oldham Chemicals & Equipment 901-794-0084 Pennington Seed, Inc. 256-734-9486 ProSource One 800-535-4552 Regal Chemical Company 770-475-4837 Robco Seed Company 615-384-9988 Sigma Organics, Inc. 615-383-0206 Syngenta 888-929-8742 The Andersons Technologies 561-357-9014 The Hogan Company 888-224-6426 Golf Course/ Athletic Field Accessories Bayco Golf, Inc 204-633-8881 John Deere Golf & Turf 901-237-5166 Lesco 440-783-9250 Shelton Landscape Supply 423-842-1507 Turfbreeze Fans 205-985-4584 Seed Caudill Seed Company 502-724-3649 Dickens Turf & Landscape Supply 615-227-1111 Harrell’s Fertilizer, Inc 863-687-2774 John Deere Golf & Turf 901-237-5166 Lebanon Turf Products 501-268-4981 Pennington Seed, Inc. 256-734-9486 ProSource One 800-535-4552 Robco Seed Company 615-384-9988 The Hogan Company 888-224-6426 Professional & Office Services/ Supplies Aflac 615-597-2720 American Express Financial Advisors 865-588-0555

“Making a positive impact on your environment”


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

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Pesticide Applicator Certification Information Tennessee law requires certification for anyone applying, buying or selling a restricted-use pesticide. It also requires commercial certification for all pest control technicians unless they work under the direct supervision of a certified person. The application of pesticides for a fee requires licensing and a pest control charter.

Commercial Certification: Certification examinations are given in Jackson, Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville. Testing dates vary by location and you must fill out the Prepay Certification Exam Form and pay in advance before testing. Payment will not be accepted on site. To obtain a form, call one of the numbers listed below. Listed are exam days for each location: Main Office: Nashville, Plant Industries Bldg.; (615) 837-5148 or 5179 every Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday at 8:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Field Offices: Jackson, 605 Airways Blvd.; (901) 423-5647 every first Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Knoxville, 3211 Alcoa Hwy.; (423) 594-6098, every first Friday at 1:00 p.m. Memphis, 7777 Walnut Grove Rd.; (901) 543-6981, every third Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Exams given at the Shelby County Ext. Office. To become commercially certified you must pass one exam that will be a combination Core and Category. The core section of the exam will cover areas of general pesticide usage and handling. The category section will cover specific areas of your type work. Study materials are available from the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service for a small fee. It is strongly recommended that you study this material thoroughly prior to taking the exam. The


Assignment of Points: Training requirements have been established to meet federal and state guidelines. Industry programs will be

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Additional Requirements for Commercial Recertification: It is your responsibility to maintain your Tennessee certification by accumulating recertification points approved by Kathy Haynie (615) 837-5133 of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. Additional requirements are as follows: 1. Point assignment is based on one (1) point per hour on certification related topics. 2. You may earn no more than 75% of your points in one certification period from any one meeting. 3. In-House points will be limited to 3/4 of your total point requirement. 4. The sponsor must agree to permit representatives from the Department of Agriculture and/or the Cooperative Extension Service to attend training sessions without registration fees or costs. 5. After attending a training session, The Tennessee Department of Agriculture of the Cooperative Extension Service, upon consultation between these two agencies, training and point assignment may be re-evaluated. They may withdraw approval of certification credit or revise as deemed necessary. 6. The sponsor must agree, if requested to have each person requesting credit to evaluate the course presentation by completing a brief questionnaire or some other designated method and must furnish these to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture or Cooperative Extension Service as requested.

Mickey Lovett – Paris, TN

Turf & Ornamental Products


cost for each certification exam is $15.00. In most cases we will reciprocate certification with other states. Obtain a reciprocity form from one of our offices and complete it according to the instructions. You will not receive reciprocal certification unless you provide your current home address and social security number.

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T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

reviewed and points assigned by Kathy Haynie at the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. Educational programs will be reviewed and points assigned by Gene Burgess at the University of Tennessee, Agricultural Extension Service. Recertification points will be allowed only for an update on approved topics in your category related to pests, pest control, pesticides, pesticide safety, environmental issues (water quality, endangered species, etc.) and pesticide laws and regulations. Safety, environmental issues and laws and regulations apply to all categories for assignment of points. Please mail an application for points with a copy of your program to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Regulatory Services, Division, P.O. Box 40627, Melrose Station, Nashville, TN 37204 at least 45 days prior to date of the proposed presentations. Points will not be assigned to individual videos, but the hourly agenda should be submitted for points. This information should include a program, list of topics, speakers (with their titles) and the length of each topic. Sponsors shall provide biographical information on instructors or other program participants upon request. An application form, E & PP info #82, should be used, when the meeting sponsor applies for points. A list of dates and locations for the year should be included on the application for repeated meetings. For those with a certification category(ies) valid until October 21, 2003, you must accumulate: 28 points for categories 1, 3, 7, 10, 12 20 points for categories 6, 8 12 points for categories 2, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 16 Anyone certified on or after April 21, 2000 must accumulate: 17 points for categories 1, 3, 7, 10, 12 12 points for categories 6, 8 7 points for categories 2, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 16

If you are currently certified in category 15 (WPS) you do not need to accrue any points. This category (WPS) will be given automatically if you maintain at least one certification category that you currently hold. If you have not received the required number of points by October 21, 2003, that means YOU WILL NEED TO TAKE YOUR CORE AND CATEGORY EXAM AGAIN! It is your responsibility to contact the Nashville office if you have a name or address change. For more info, contact Gloria Moon, Certification & Licensing Supervisor, State of Tennessee Department of Agriculture, (615) 837-5179 or email her at grmoon@mail.state.tn.us.


addItional requirements

FOR COMMERCIAL RECERTIFICATION 1. Applicators are required to earn the specificed number of CEU’s or points per year, that are listed below. 2. In-house points will be limited to 50% of your total point requirement. All training must be submitted to the office no later than 45 days prior to the date of the training session. Those approving certification training reserve the right not to grant points for training submitted late. An announcement of the training date, time, place and points assigned per category will be placed on the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s and the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, Dept. of Entomology & Plant Pathology website located at http://eppserver.ag.utk.edu/pat/ pat.htm. Rosters must be submitted into TA 30 days after training or applicators are subject to a reduction in points or losing points for that meeting. 3. The sponsor must agree to permit representatives from the Department of Agriculture and/or UT employees to attend training sessions without registration fees or costs. 4. After attending a training session, The Tennessee Department of Agriculture or the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, upon consultation between these two agencies, training and point assignment may be re-evaluated. Point assignment may be withdrawn or revised as deemed necessary.

Safety, environmental issues, and laws, IPM and regulations apply to all categories for assignment of points. Points will be not assigned to individual videos. Programs should include the following information: a list of topics, speakers (with their titles) and length of each topic to be presented. Sponsors shall provide biographical information on instructors or other program participants upon request. An application form, e&PP info #82, should be used when the meeting sponsor applies for points. A list of dates and locations for the year must be included on the application for repeated meetings.

ASSIGNMENT OF POINTS: Recertification points will be allowed only for approved topics in your category related to pests, pest control, WPS, pesticides, pesticide safety, IPM, environmental issues (water quaility, endangered species, etc.) pesticide laws and regulations.

It is your reponsibility to contact the Nashville office if you have a name or address change. If correspondences comes back to this office because of an incorrect address applicators will not receive any more mailings until the information is corrected.

For those with a certification category (ies) valid until October 21, 2005, you must accumulate the following points: 30 points for categories 7, 12 10 points per year 18 points for categories 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 6 points per year 12 points for categories 2, 4, 5 4 points per year 9 points categories 11, 13, 14, 16 3 points per year If the required points are not accrued each year, a recertification exam will be required the third year.

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2003 MEMBERSHIP ROSTER Please check your listing in the membership roster. Please notify the TTA Office with changes at 615/591-8286 or fax changes to 615/790-8600. Wayne Adcock River Watch Resort 191 Highland Trail Sparta, TN 38583 Tel: 931.761.8108 Fax: 931.761.8125 Tom Alexander Precision Reel Grinding 54 Benzing Road Antioch, TN 37013 Tel: 615.834.1068 Fax: 615.834.1068 Ken Alley Windyke Country Club 8535 Winchester Road Memphis, TN 38125 Tel: 901.754.6602 Fax: 901.754.6602 James Andes UT Athletic Dept. 166 Stokley Athletic Center Knoxville, TN 37996 Tel: 865.974.3083 Fax: 865.974.0372 Rankin Armstrong Greenville Turf & Tractor 701 Sandy Springs Rd Piedmont, SC 29673 Tel: 866.485.8873 Fax: 864.527.1051 Jacob Ashford Lebanon Country Club 1300 Cole Ferry Pike Lebanon, SC 37087 Tel: 615.444.8300 Gary R. Baird Global Golf Design 4117 Hillsboro Road, PMB 260 Nashville, TN 37215 Tel: 615.252.4307 Fax: 615.252.4497 Kevin Baker Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Mike Baker Southern Spray 1100 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.248.4455 Fax: 615.248.4420 Josh Barnes University of Kentucky Athletics 136 Sports Center Drive Lexington, KY 40506 Tel: 859.257.1451 Fax: 859.257.2475 Kevin Bartenfield Eagle Bluff Golf Club 5808 Clubhouse Drive Chattanooga, TN 37341 Tel: 423.326.0202 Fax: 423.326.0248 Mike Bartley Flowtronex 10771 Newkirk St. Dallas, TX 75220 Tel: 214.357.1320 Fax: 214.357.5861 Bruce Barton Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court


Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274

Allen Boles Cookeville Leisure Services Dept. 45 East Broad Street Cookeville, TN 38501 Tel: 931.520.4386 Fax: 931.526.1167

Kevin Basham Hendrix & Dail, Inc. 2150 Commercial Drive Frankfort, KY 40601 Tel: 800.999.1262 Fax: 502.223.2753 Mike Bays Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Tom Bean Cleveland Country Club P.O. Box 2548 Cleveland, TN 37320 Tel: 423.336.5405 Fax: 423.336.3661 Bob Bell Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. P.O. Box 669388 Charlotte, NC 28266 Tel: 800.932.8676 Fax: 704.398.1428 Ray Benjamins Stones River Country Club 1830 North West Broad St. Murfreesboro TN 37130 Tel: 615.896.4431 Fax: 615.896.4433 Eldon Bishop Bishop Entrprises 9033 Shelbyville Hwy Bell Buckle, TN 37020 Tel: 615.793.6052 Fax: 615.793.9525

Mike Bounds Harrell’s Fertilizer, Inc. 296 Rome Road Riddleton, TN 37151 Tel: 615.735.8477 Fax: 615.735.8477 Kevin Bramer Eagle’s Landing Golf Club 1556 Old Knoxville Highway Sevierville, TN 37876 Tel: 865.453.5115 Fax: 865.428.0517 Adam Breeding Temple Hills Golf Club 6376 Temple Road Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.646.4539 Fax: 615.646.4699 Dick Breedlove Excell Lawn & Garden 2113 Randall Road Dyersburg, TN 38024 Tel: 731.286.6524 Fax: 731.286.2414 Tim Brock The Bear Trace 407 Wild Plum Lane Crossville, TN 38583 Tel: 931.707.8848 Fax: 931.707.1679

Howard Bishop BWI Companies, Inc. P.O. Box 750176 Memphis, TN 38175 Tel: 901.367.2941 Fax: 901.367.2943 Bill Blackburn Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Cory Blair Rarity Bay Golf & CC 110 Magnolia Lane Sweetwater, TN 37874 Tel: 423.884.3007 Fax: 423.884.3013 Ryan Blair Holston Hills Country Club 5200 Holston Hills Road Knoxville, TN 37914 Tel: 865.523.4119 Fax: 865.523.5698 Ray Blankenship Country Club of Franklin 1343 Carnton Lane Franklin, TN 37064 Tel: 615.794.6462 Fax: 615.794.0783 Bobby Bledsoe Oldham Chemicals & Equip. 3701 New Getwell Road Memphis, TN 38118 Tel: 800.888.5502 Fax: 901.794.8864

T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Michael Bond Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Chris Brown Bellevue Baptist Church 2000 Appling Road Cordova, TN 38088 Tel: 901.385.5658 Fax: 901.385.5725 Marshall Brown River Trace Golf Course 5605 Ashville Hwy Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 423.638.7888 Fax: 423.636.7516 Scott Brown The Andersons 7642 Oakboro Drive Lake Worth, FL 33467 Tel: 561.357.9014 Fax: 561.357.5634 Kenny Burd Robco Seed Company 5601 Highway 161 Springfield, TN 37172 Tel: 615.384.9988 Fax: 615.384.7189 Jacob K. Cain Country Club of Franklin 1343 Carton Lane Franklin, TN 37064 Donnie Callis Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Jay Cameron Holston Hills Country Club 5200 Holston Hills Road Knoxville, TN 37914 Tel: 865.523.7804 Fax: 865.523.2012 Talmadge Campbell Dyersburg Country Club @ The Farms 2100 Clubhouse Drive Dyersburg, TN 38024 Tel: 901.286.2196 Fax: 901.286.0252 Tiff Canady Franklin Road Academy 4700 Franklin Road Nashville, TN 37220 Tel: 615.331.6808 Fax: 615.781.8551 Chris Cantrell Chattanooga Golf & C.C. 1511 Riverview Road Chattanooga, TN 37405 Tel: 423.267.1383 Fax: 423.756.3908 Graham Carey Colonial Country Club 2736 Countrywood Parkway Cordova, TN 38018 Tel: 901.377.7349 Fax: 901.377.0867 Thomas Carr Crossroads Sod Farm 166 Lester Limbaugh Lane Belvidere, TN 37306 Tel: 931.962.3481 Fax: 931.962.3481 Neal Carson Five Oaks Golf & CC 3875 Lebanon Road Lebanon, TN 37087 Tel: 615.443.0701 Fax: 615.443.0660 Jimmy Carter Clarksville Country Club 334 Fairway Drive Clarksville, TN 37043 Tel: 931.647.1455 Joe Carter Tennessee Farmers Co.op 200 Waldron Road LaVergne, TN 37086 Tel: 800.366.2667 Fax: 615.793.8350 Paul Carter The Bear Trace @ Harrison Bay 8919 Harrison Bay Road Harrison, TN 37341 Tel: 423.344.6374 Fax: 423.344.6261

Jeff Case Quail Ridge Golf Course 4055 Altruria Road Bartlett, TN 38135 Tel: 901.388.9114 Fax: 901.388.9151 Bart Cash Jackson Country Club 31 Jackson Country Club Lane Jackson, TN 38305 Tel: 731.668.7486

TTA 2003 Membership Roster Ca–Da Fax: 731.668.7342 Troy Castelow Springhouse Golf Club 18 Springhouse Lane Nashville, TN 37214 Tel: 615.871.5964 Fax: 615.871.5906 Neil Cathey Hermitage Golf Course 301 Blue Lake Circle Antioch, TN 37013 Tel: 615.847.4950 Fax: 615.847.0713 Jeff Chandler Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Christopher Charland UT Chattanooga Facilities Planning and Mgmt. 615 McCallie Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37403 Tel: 423.755.4734 Fax: 423.755.4749 Rick Chastain United Horticultural Supply Surrey Hollow Cove Bartlett, TN 38134 Tel: 901.606.3569 Fax: 901.386.7681 Scott Chilson Floratine P.O. Box 250 Collierville, TN 38027 Tel: 901.853.3196 Fax: 901.853.3101 Brad Christensen Windyke Country Club 8535 Winchester Road Memphis, TN 38125 Tel: 901.754.6602 Fax: 901.754.6602 Will Clampitt Jackson Country Club 31 Jackson Country Club Lane Jackson, TN 38305 Tel: 771.366.87486 Fax: 731.166.87342 Billy Clark Clarkland Landscapes P.O. Box 1146 Fairview, TN 37062 Tel: 615.799.8664 Fax: 615.799.8664 Randy Clark Lebanon Turf Products 154 Paul Add. Road Searcy, AR 72143 Tel: 501.268.4981 Fax: 501.305.4980 Andy Clarkson Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Mark Cleveland Aquatrols Corp. of America 5148 S. Broken Bow Dr. Birmingham, AL 35242 Tel: 404.395.7268 Fax: 205.981.1553 Larry Cline Southern Spray 1100 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.248.4455 Fax: 615.248.4420 David Cloud The Crossings Golf Club 2585 Hwy 81 North Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 423.239.6569

Michael Coker McFall Sod Farm 2685 Hampshire Pike Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.381.3667 Fax: 931.381.1667

Mike Cox Druid Hills Golf Course P.O. Box 2000 Fairfield Glade, TN 38558 Tel: 931.484.3790 Fax: 931.484.3773

Scott Cole Ravenwood Club, Inc. 1176 Stones River Road Hermitage, TN 37076 Tel: 615.885.7360 Fax: 615.391.3244

Roger Cox River Islands Club 9610 Kodak Road Kodak, TN 37914 Tel: 865.932.1249 Fax: 865.932.3114

Lindy Conard Huntsville Country Club 2601 Oakwood Ave. NW Huntsville, AL 35810 Tel: 256.852.5699 Fax: 256.859.6902

James Craft Link Hills Country Club 1325 East Allens Br. Road Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 423.639.1808 Fax: 423.638.9036

Rob Conder Druid Hills / Dorchester Golf Course P.O. Box 2000 Fairfield Glade, TN 38558 Tel: 931.484.3790 Fax: 931.484.3773

Curtis Crafton Springbrook Golf & C.C. P.O. Box 502 Niota, TN 37826 Tel: 423.568.2554 Fax: 423.568.2216

Jerry Cook Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Monica M. Lalinde Cooper Smyrna Municipal Golf Course 101 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.459.9722 Fax: 615.459.9721

Gary Craig Craig Farms 725 Kappeler Lane Hohenwald, TN 38462 Tel: 931.212.9142 Fax: 931.796.4271

Brian Cornelison Jackson Country Club 31 Jackson Country Club Lane Jackson, TN 38305 Tel: 731.668.7486 Fax: 731.668.7342

Tel: 731.364.3366 Fax: 731.364.3447 Spencer Cultra Cultra Turf Specialists, Inc. 1203 South Ury Union City, TN 38261 Tel: 800.221.8733 Fax: 731.885.8086 Allen Curtis Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Clint Daniel Harpeth Valley Golf Center 7629 Old Harding Pike Nashville, TN 37221 Tel: 615.646.8858 Fax: 615.646.3059 Charlie Davidson Bellevue Baptist Church 2000 Appling Road Cordova, TN 38088 Tel: 901.385.5658 Fax: 901.385.5725

Jerry Craven The Legends Club of TN 1500 Legends Club Lane Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.791.4502 Fax: 615.790.6884

Don Davidson Cole Park Golf Course 1501 William Lee Rd. Fort Campbell, KY 42223 Tel: 931.431.4087 Fax: 270.798.0608

Stephen Crockett Dresden Parks & Recreation 117 W. Main Dresden, TN 38225

Al Davis Ridgeway Country Club 9800 Poplar Ave. Memphis, TN 38139


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Da–Fr TTA 2003 Membership Roster Tel: 901.853.9929 Fax: 901.853.2260

Tel: 502.252.8742 Fax: 502.252.8738

Tel: 863.687.2774 Fax: 863.688.8836

Tel: 615.871.5964 Fax: 615.871.5906

Robert Davis Shiloh Falls Golf Club P.O. Box 11 Pickwick Dam, TN 38365 Tel: 731.689.5002 Fax: 731.689.5969

Johnathan Doyle The Bear Trace @ Chickasaw 9555 State Rt. 100 W Henderson, TN 38340 Tel: 901.983.3222

Steve Elmore Hillwood Country Club 6201 Hickory Valley Road Nashville, TN 37205 Tel: 615.352.7565 Fax: 615.352.0027

George Fisher Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. PO Box 669388 Charlotte, NC 28266 Tel: 800.932.8676 Fax: 704.398.1428

Robin Engala Andrew Johnson Golf Club, Inc. P.O. Box 1750 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 423.639.8002 Fax: 423.639.7601

Johnny Fisher Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Tommy Davis University of Kentucky Athletics 136 Sports Center Drive Lexington, KY 40506 Tel: 859.257.1451 Fax: 859.257.2475 Bob deMarigny City of Millington 7942 Church Street Millington TN 38053 Tel: 901.873.5770 Fax: 901.873.5775 Darrell Denney Cumberland College 7526 College Station Dr. Williamsburg KY 40769 Tel: 606.376.8358

Kris Drake Landmark Golf Club at Avalon 402 W. Tenth Ave. Lenoir City, TN 37771 Tel: 865.986.0436 Jad Duncan Hillwood Country Club 6201 Hickory Valley Road Nashville TN 37205 Tel: 615.352.7565 Fax: 615.352.0027

Larry Evans Smyrna Parks & Recreation 100 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.459.9773 Fax: 615.459.9727

Jeff Easley ProSource One P.O. Box 119 Springfield TN 37172 Tel: 615.347.1398 Fax: 615.384.3364

Terry Flatt Southern Nurseries Inc. 3738 Dickerson Pike Nashville, TN 37207 Tel: 615.865.2737 Fax: 615.868.2937 Lon Fleming Greenville Turf & Tractor 722 Mauldin Road Greenville, SC 29607 Tel: 864.299.1727 Fax: 864.527.1051

Tyler Farrar Orion Sod Farm PO Box 680983 Franklin, TN 37068 Tel: 615.790.0095 Fax: 615.599.5954

Darrell Denney Student P.O. Box 735 Whitley City KY 42653

Jamie Eller Tennessee Turfgrass Assn. 108 Singing Springs Court Mt. Juliet TN 37122 Tel: 615.773.1674

Paula Dickens Dickens Turf & Landscape Supply 814 Cherokee Ave. Nashville, TN 37207 Tel: 615.227.1111 Fax: 615.226.0015

Bob Elliott Tieco, Inc. 118 Park South Court Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.244.9871 Fax: 615.255.4817

Wade F. Faw Tennessee Tech University TTU-School of Agriculture Cookeville, TN 38505-0001 Tel: 931.372.3019 Fax: 931.372.3899 David Ficken Huntsville Tractor & Equipment PO Box 11100 Huntsville, AL 35814-1100 Tel: 800.872.7009 Fax: 256.837.5003

Joe Paul Downs Monsanto 2614 Old Bloomfield Road Bardstown, KY 40004

Steve Ellis Harrell’s Fertilizer P.O. Box 807 Lakeland, FL 33802

Shelia Finney Springhouse Golf Club 18 Springhouse Lane Nashville, TN 37214

Bill Francis The Ridges Golf & C.C. 500 Bugaboo Springs Road Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 423.913.2276 Fax: 423.913.2903 Roger Frazier Cattails At Meadowview 1901 Meadowview Parkway Kingsport, TN 37601 Tel: 423.578.6603 Fax: 423.578.6607 George Friedrich Double Springs Grass Farm P.O. Box 8288 Searcy, AR 72145

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T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

TTA 2003 Membership Roster Fr–Ha Tel: 501.729.5691 Fax: 501.729.5091

Tel: 615.862.8400 Fax: 615.862.8414

Tel: 931.761.8108 Fax: 931.761.8125

Loren Frost UT-Student PO Box 53121 Knoxville, TN 37950 Tel: 865.602.2069

Ronnie Gilley Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Stan Fults Belle Meade Country Club 815 Belle Meade Blvd. Nashville, TN 37205 Tel: 615.292.6752 Fax: 615.298.5507

Michael Glaser The Bear Trace Tims Ford 407 Wild Plum Lane Crossville, TN 38583 Tel: 931.707.8848 Fax: 931.707.1679

Kenny Grant Alliza Sports Turf, Inc. 12889 Wodburn Allen Springs Road Alvaton, KY 42122 Tel: 270.842.0473 Fax: 270.782.2615

Joe Galbreth Sigma Organics 2215-A Dunn Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.383.0206

Fowler L. Goodowens Swan Lake C.C. 581 Dunbar Cave Road Clarksville, TN 37043 Tel: 931.553.2448 Fax: 931.553.2411

John Gardner Bluegrass Yacht & Country Club 550 Johnny Cash Parkway Hendersonville, TN 37075 Tel: 615.824.1116 Fax: 615.824.6647

Martin Goodwin Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Roger Gravis Quail Valley Farm P.O. Box 56440 Little Rock, AR 72215 Tel: 501.975.6281 Fax: 501.975.6286 Brent Green Ravenwood Club, Inc. 1176 Stones River Road Hermitage, TN 37076 Tel: 615.885.7360 Fax: 615.391.3244 Dave Green Green & Company, Inc. 3713 West End Ave. Nashville, TN 37082 Tel: 615.952.4653 Fax: 615.952.3218

Tel: 615.361.1489 Luke Hankins Windyke Country Club 8535 Winchester Road Memphis, TN 38125 Tel: 901.754.6602 Fax: 901.754.6602 Randy Harmon Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Jim Harris, CGCS Cottonwoods Golf Course 1041 Ivy Road Memphis, TN 38117 Tel: 901.682.9944 Fax: 662.357.6010 Philip Hatcher City of Knoxville Parks & Rec. 917 A East Fifth Ave Knoxville, TN 37917 Tel: 865.522.3353 Fax: 865.215.1400 Dale Hayton The Bear Trace 407 Wild Plum Lane Crossville, TN 38583 Tel: 931.707.8848 Fax: 931.707.1679

Thomas Garner UT Athletic Dept. P.O. Box 15016 Knoxville, TN 37901 Tel: 865.974.0911 Fax: 865.974.0372

Larry Goostree Temple Hills Golf Club 6376 Temple Road Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.646.4539 Fax: 615.646.4699

Kirk Gates Belle Meade Country Club 815 Belle Meade Blvd. Nashville, TN 37205 Tel: 615.292.6752 Fax: 615.298.5507

Mark Gossett Eagle’s Landing Golf Club 1556 Old Knoxville Highway Sevierville, TN 37876 Tel: 865.453.5115 Fax: 865.428.0517

Derrick Green Golf Management Group 5210 Maryland Way, Suite 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 Tel: 615.373.9400 Fax: 615.370.2585

Clay Head A & W Sod Farms 5651 Fred Perry Road Springfield, TN 37172 Tel: 615.384.9303 Fax: 615.384.2419

Ronald Gatlin Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201

Nick Graham River Watch Resort 191 Highland Trail Sparta, TN 38583

Carlos Grier Sandman 408 Glengarry Drive Nashville, TN 37217

William Head A & W Sod Farms 5651 Fred Perry Road Springfield, TN 37172

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He–Lo TTA 2003 Membership Roster Tel: 615.384.9303 Fax: 615.384.2419

Tel: 615.384.9988 Fax: 615.384.7189

Tel: 731.352.7981 Fax: 731.352.7983

Raymond Heath Sur-Line Turf, Inc. 19637 Gorgas Road Northport, AL 35475 Tel: 205.333.1776 Fax: 205.333.8388

Allan Howard Mid Tenn Turf 4698 New Bushy Branch Road Manchester, TN 37355 Tel: 931.728.0583 Fax: 931.728.0168

Jarrod Kepple The Legends Club of TN 1500 Legends Club Lane Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.791.4502 Fax: 615.790.6884

Korey Heightman Precision Sports Fields, Inc. 477 Craighead Street Nashville, TN 37204 Tel: 615.690.2839 Fax: 615.690.2838

Jeff Huber Signal Mountain Golf & C.C. 809 James Blvd. Signal Mtn., TN 37377 Tel: 423.886.5126

Frank Kilgore Pebble Brook Golf Course 2050 Pebble Brook Way Greenbriar, TN 37073 Tel: 615.382.2038 Fax: 615.382.9222

Joe Henderson Dickson Country Club 800 Highway 70 West Dickson, TN 37055 Tel: 615.446.2879 Fax: 615.446.2870 Dave Henry Dorchester Golf Course P.O. Box 2000 Fairfield Glade, TN 38558 Tel: 931.484.3743 Fax: 931.484.3773

Michelle Kimbler Laserturf Leveling 405 Belmont Road Athens, GA 30605

Ken Hulsey Eastland Green Golf Course 550 Clubhouse Lane Clarksville, TN 37043 Tel: 931.358.9055 Fax: 931.358.0933

John Henry Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Tom Humphrey The Bear Trace @ Cumberland Mtn 407 Wild Plum Lane Crossville, TN 38583 Tel: 931.707.8848 Fax: 931.707.1679

Cal Hill ProSource One 5387 Pleasant View Road Memphis, TN 38134 Tel: 901.383.2524 Fax: 901.388.0892

Richard Hurt Spring Creek Ranch 12336 E Ral-Lagrange Road Collierville, TN 38017 Tel: 901.850.1129 Fax: 901.850.9582

Joe Hill ProSource One 1750 William Blount Drive Maryville, TN 37801 Tel: 865.567.4210 Fax: 865.983.6947

Dennis James Decatur Country Club 2401 Country Club Road SE Decatur, AL 35601 Tel: 256.353.5310 Fax: 256.353.3277

Tim Hill Precision Sports Fields 477 Craighead Street Nashville, TN 37204 Tel: 615.690.2839 Fax: 615.690.2838

Will Jellicorse Student 1184 Piedmont Road New Market, TN 37820 Tel: 865.475.6957

Jason Hinds The Governors Club 9681Concord Road Brentwood, TN 37027 Tel: 615.776.2323 Bob Hogan The Hogan Company 5018 E. Robertson Road Cross Plains, TN 37049 Tel: 888.224.6426 Fax: 615.654.3656 Jeff Hollister Chattanooga Golf & C.C. P.O. Box 4049 Chattanooga, TN 37405 Tel: 423.267.1383 Fax: 423.756.3908 Jarrod Holman Robco Seed Company 5601 Highway 161 Springfield, TN 37172 Tel: 615.384.9988 Fax: 615.384.7189


Guy Hudson Oak Ridge Country Club P.O. Box 5299 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Tel: 865.482.2470 Fax: 865.482.9696

Paul Jenkins Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Timothy Jessee Country Club of Bristol 6045 Old Jonesboro Road Bristol, TN 37620 Tel: 423.989.4633 Fax: 423.652.1672 Bozy Johnson Sigma Organics 2215-A Dunn Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.383.0206 Barry Johnson, CPAG Johnson Golf Services, Inc. 1720 Mars Hill Road Acworth, GA 30101 Tel: 800.700.2317 Fax: 770.429.3785 Phillip Jones Milan Golf & Country Club 3079 Ledbetter Gate Road Milan, TN 38358 Tel: 731.686.0616 Fax: 731.686.0689

Justin Holman Robco Seed Company 5601 Highway 161 Springfield, TN 37172 Tel: 615.384.9988 Fax: 615.384.7189

Tom Jordan Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274

Royce Holman Robco Seed Company 5601Highway 161 Springfield, TN 37172

Mike Kelley Precision Porous Pipe 343 Airport Lane McKenzie, TN 38201

T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Erin Kiney City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. P.O. Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37204 Tel: 615.371.2208 Fax: 615.371.2225 Aubrey King Lake Tansi Golf Course P.O. Box 2839 Crossville, TN 38555 Tel: 931.788.6165 Fax: 931.788.1262 Will King Regal Chemical Company P.O. Box 900 Alpharetta, GA 30009 Tel: 770.475.4837 Fax: 770.475.1254 Rickie Kirk Kirk Grading & Sodding 9701 Osborntown Road Arlington, TN 38002 Tel: 901.829.3914 Fax: 901.829.5033 Jim Kirkley Sycamore Valley Golf Course 1 Fairway Lane Ashland City, TN 37015 Tel: 615.792.7863 Fax: 615.792.9363 Mark Knaebel Heatherhurst Golf Course PO Box 2000 Fairfield Glade, TN 38557 Tel: 931.484.3762 Fax: 931.484.3747 Dale Kraus Green Thumb Lawn Care 315 Fairfield Dr. Dyersburg, TN 38024 Tel: 731.285.9157 Fax: 731.287.9556 Fred Ladd Marion County High School 160 Ridley Drive Jasper, TN 37347 Tel: 423.942.3046 Fax: 423.942.5544 Travis Lance Precision Sports Fields 477 Craighead Street Nashville, TN 37204 Tel: 615.690.2839 Fax: 615.690.2838

Henry Lane Clarksville Country Club 334 Fairway Drive Clarksville, TN 37043 Tel: 931.647.1455 Pat Lane Clarksville Country Club 334 Fairway Drive Clarksville, TN 37043 Tel: 931.647.1455

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Jim Langston Greenville Turf & Tractor 701 Sandy Springs Rd Piedmont, SC 29673 Tel: 866.485.8873 Fax: 864.527.1051 Randall Lantz Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Chad LeBlanc BASF 3527 Wolf Spring Lane Bartlett, TN 38133 Tel: 901.372.7259 Fax: 901.372.7567 Jerry Lemons Golf Links, Inc. 325 Hurst Drive Old Hickory, TN 37138 Tel: 615.847.8877 Fax: 615.847.0053 Donald LeQuire Egwani Farms Golf Course 3920 Singleton Station Road Rockford, TN 37853 Tel: 865.970.7132 Fax: 865.970.7412 Damon Lerchen Stonehenge Golf Club 2 Kingsboro Drive Fairfield Glade, TN 38558 Tel: 931.484.3742 Fax: 931.484.3767 Adam Levitt Chattanooga Golf & C.C. 1511 Riverview Road Chattanooga, TN 37405 Tel: 423.267.1383 Fax: 423.756.3908 Daryl Lewis Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Mark Littlejohn Hillwood Country Club 6201 Hickory Valley Road Nashville, TN 37205 Tel: 615.352.7565 Fax: 615.352.0027 Chris Lloyd The Country Club Inc. 1635 Doyal Drive Morristown, TN 37815 Tel: 423.586.8815 Fax: 423.581.5440 Larry Loiseau Davey Tree & Lawn Tel: 615.254.8733 Fax: 254.506.0 Matthew Lovelace The Ridges Golf & C.C. 550 Bugaboo Springs Road Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 423.913.2276 Fax: 423.913.2903 Mickey Lovett Syngenta 1110 Brentwood Street Paris, TN 38242 Tel: 888.642.0689 Fax: 731.642.0684

Allen Lowery City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. P.O. Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37204 Tel: 615.371.2208 Fax: 615.371.2225 James Luter MTSU 1500 Greenland Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37132

TTA 2003 Membership Roster Lo–My Tel: 615.898.5968 Fax: 615.898.5071 Jeff Madsen The Legends Club of TN 1500 Legends Club Lane Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.791.4502 Fax: 615.790.6884 Leslie Marlow Cleveland Country Club 1940 Upper River Road Charleston, TN 37310 Tel: 423.336.5405 Fax: 423.336.5405 Joey Marshall LR Nelson Corporation One Sprinkler Lane Peoria, IL 61615 Tel: 704.987.0470 Fax: 704.987.0470 Robert Mauldin Through the Green 3000 Columbia Ave. Franklin, TN 37064 Tel: 615.791.6905 Fax: 615.791.7537 Randy McClanahan Old Hickory Country Club 1904 Hadley Ave. Old Hickory, TN 37138 Tel: 615.847.0465 Fax: 615.847.7914 Craig McClure Brainerd Golf Course 5203 Old Mission Road Chattanooga, TN 37411 Tel: 423.855.2609 Fax: 423.855.9436 Todd McCoury The Ridges Golf & C.C. 500 Bugaboo Springs Road Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 423.913.2276 Fax: 423.913.2903

Tel: 615.776.2323

Fax: 423.336.5405

Tel: 423.942.3046

Chris Medvecky Country Hills Golf Course 3433 Newtowne Rd. Antioch, TN 37013 Tel: 615.264.0170 Fax: 615.264.0113

Chad Minnick Andrew Johnson Golf Club, Inc. P.O. Box 1750 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 423.639.8002 Fax: 423.639.7601

Scott Morgan Shelton Landscape Supply P.O. Box 1297 HIxson, TN 37343 Tel: 423.842.1507 Fax: 423.843.2640

Donnie Mefford University of Kentucky Athletics 136 Sports Center Drive Lexington, KY 40506 Tel: 859.257.1451 Fax: 859.257.2475

Steve Mitchell LandMark Golf Cub At Avalon 1299 Oak Chase Blvd. Lenoir City, TN 37772 Tel: 865.988.4387 Fax: 865.988.8532

Ryan Moriarity Precision Sports Fields 477 Craighead Street Nashville, TN 37204 Tel: 615.690.2839 Fax: 615.690.2838

Rob Merritt Country Hills Golf Course 1501Saundersville Road Hendersonville, TN 37075 Tel: 615.264.0170 Fax: 615.264.0113

Tommy Mittlesteadt Cookeville Golf Club 1500 Country Club Road Cookeville, TN 38501 Tel: 931.526.4211 Fax: 931.520.3444

Billy Murphy Warrior’s Path P.O. Box 5026 Kingsport, TN 37663 Tel: 423.323.4998 Fax: 423.323.9658

Scott Merritt Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Mike Molony Bel-Air Turf Products, LLC P.O. Box 188 Leeds, AL 35094 Tel: 205.699.4870 Fax: 205.699.4871

J.D. Murr Green Meadow Country Club 1700 Louisville Road Alcoa, TN 37701 Tel: 865.982.8783 Fax: 865.977.6975

George Monroe Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 1444 Buxton Drive Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel: 865.675.5666 Fax: 865.671.0997 Margaret Moore Marion County High School 160 Ridley Drive Jasper, TN 37347 Tel: 423.942.3046 Fax: 423.942.5544

Craig Mylor Gallatin Country Club 1501 E. Main Street Gallatin, TN 37066 Tel: 615.452.6988

Mike Moore Marion County High School 160 Ridley Drive Jasper, TN 37347

Brent Needham The Governors Club 9681 Concord Road Brentwood, TN 37027

Tom Michaels Turf Breeze Fans P.O. Box 360505 Birmingham, AL 35236 Tel: 205.985.4584 Fax: 205.985.4586 Jim Miller R.F. Morse -Solu-Cal 645 Boundary Line Dr. Calabash, NC 28467 Tel: 910.579.6544 Wayne Miller Cleveland Country Club P.O. Box 2548 Cleveland, TN 37320 Tel: 423.336.5405

David Nanney City of Elizabethton 405 Big Springs Road Elizabethton, TN 37643 Tel: 423.547.6443 Fax: 423.547.6442

Mike McCoy The Bear Trace 407 Wild Plum Lane Crossville, TN 38583 Tel: 931.707.8848 Fax: 931.707.1679 Michael McCullom Cherokee Country Club P.O. Box 10987 Knoxville, TN 37939 Tel: 865.588.2208 Fax: 865.588.4072 Bob McCurdy McCurdy Farms 81 State Route 185 Dyer, TN 38330 Tel: 731.692.3515 Fax: 731.692.3596 Eugene McDaniel Heatherhurst Golf Course P.O. Box 2000 Fairfield Glade, TN 38558 Tel: 931.484.3762 James McDaniel Stonehenge Golf Club 2 Kingsboro Drive Fairfield Glade, TN 38558 Tel: 931.484.3742 Fax: 931.484.3767 Rusty McLendon Fox Den Country Club 12284 N. Fox Den Drive Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel: 865.966.2531 Fax: 865.675.5260 Scott McNeer The Governors Club 9681Concord Road Brentwood, TN 37027

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Na–Pr TTA 2003 Membership Roster Tel: 615.776.2323 Nick Nicholson Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Fred Nixon Green-Tech 1100 West Main Street Portland, TN 37148 Tel: 615.325.6256 Fax: 615.325.6256 Jack Norris Quarry Golf Club 1001 Reads Lake Road Chattanooga, TN 37415 Tel: 423.875.8888 Fax: 423.875.5346 Jonathan Norris Tieco, Inc. 118 Park South Court Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.244.9871 Fax: 615.255.4817 Jeff Offutt River Links Golf Course 2115 Parliament Drive Thompson Station, TN 37179 Tel: 931.486.1253 Fax: 931.486.1254

Tel: 615.746.0400

Tel: 901.385.5658 Fax: 901.385.5725

Willie Pewitt Graymere Country Club 2100 Country Club Lane Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.381.9795 Fax: 931.388.4455

B.J. Parker The Golf Club of Tennessee 460 S Harpeth Road Kingston Springs, TN 37082 Tel: 615.952.4653 Fax: 615.952.3218

Rickey Pharris Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Scott Parker Bayer Environmental Science 725 Doe Valley Road Brandenburg, KY 40108 Tel: 270.422.1830 Fax: 270.422.4268

Jason Pillow Lake Tansi 5050 Shoshone Loop Crossville, TN 38572 Tel: 931.788.6165 Fax: 931.788.1262

Jeffrey Parsons The Golf Club of Tennessee 460 S. Harpeth Road Kingston Springs, TN 37082 Tel: 615.952.4653 Fax: 615.952.3218

Jeff Plotts TPC Southwind 3325 Club at Southwind Memphis, TN 38125 Tel: 901.748.4004 Fax: 901.259.1844

John Peet Greenville Turf & Tractor 722 Mauldin Road Greenville, SC 29607 Tel: 800.421.9184 Fax: 864.299.3985

Josh Olinger Ridgefields Country Club P.O. Box 1496 Kingsport, TN 37662 Tel: 423.392.8391 Fax: 423.392.8395

Dennis Perdue Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 106 Irish Place Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Brad Petersen Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274

Jason Pannell Bellevue Baptist Church 2000 Appling Road Cordova, TN 38018

Pat Pewitt Through the Green 1100 W. Main St. E-6 Franklin, TN 37064

Jason Pooler Tri-Turf Sod Farms, Inc. 5900 Van Dyke Road Paris, TN 38242 Tel: 731.164.23092 Fax: 731.644.9991

Tel: 615.847.4950 Fax: 615.847.0713 William Powell Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Phil Pressotto Old Hickory Country Club 1904 Hadley Ave. Old Hickory, TN 37138 Tel: 615.847.0465 Fax: 615.847.7914 David Pretchel The Country Club Inc. 1635 Doyal Drive Morristown, TN 37815 Tel: 423.586.8815 Fax: 423.581.5440 Alex Price Hermitage Golf Course 4100 Central Pike Hermitage, TN 37076 Tel: 615.847.4950 Fax: 615.847.0713 Ronnie Pruitt Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Rusty Porter The Bear Trace 407 Wild Plum Lane Crossville, TN 38583 Tel: 931.707.8848 Fax: 931.707.1679

Joe Purnell Dickson Country Club 800 Highway 70 West Dickson, TN 37055 Tel: 615.446.2879 Fax: 615.446.2870

Matthew Powell Hermitage Golf Course 3939 Old Hickory Blvd. Old Hickory, TN 37138

Bob Purser RedMax 4344 Shackleford Road Norcross, GA 30093




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T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

TTA 2003 Membership Roster Pu–Se Tel: 770.381.5147 Fax: 770.381.5150 Jeremy Ratte Bluegrass Yacht & Country Club 550 Johnny Cash Parkway Hendersonville, TN 37075 Tel: 615.824.1116 Fax: 615.824.6647 Henry Ray The Legends Club of TN 1500 Legends Club Lane Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.791.4502 Fax: 615.790.6884 Lynn Ray Golf Management Group 5210 Maryland Way, Suite 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 Tel: 615.373.9400 Fax: 615.370.2585

Tel: 615.862.8400 Rich Richardson City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. P.O. Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37204 Tel: 615.371.2208 Fax: 615.371.2225 Myron Roach UT Athletic Dept. 166 Stokley Athletic Center Knoxville, TN 37996 Tel: 865.974.3083 Fax: 865.974.0372 Dennis Robidoux Patriot Hills Golf Club 735 Constitution Drive Jefferson, TN 37760 Tel: 865.475.4466 Fax: 865.475.4099

Tel: 865.397.9823 Fax: 865.397.5866 Dave Ruda Earth and Turf - Millcreek 266 Deer Run Lancaster, KY 40444 Tel: 859.583.0671 Fax: 859.792.1383 Jeff Rumph Gatlinburg Golf Course P.O. Box 5 Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Tel: 865.453.3638 Fax: 865.429.1945 Bill Rupe A & D Distributors 4202 Virginia Loop Road Montgomery, AL 36116 Tel: 334.281.1892 Fax: 334.281.8404

City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. P.O. Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37204 Tel: 615.371.2208 Fax: 615.371.2225 Jason Sanderson Cherokee Country Club P.O. Box 10987 Knoxville, TN 37939 Tel: 865.588.2208 Fax: 865.588.4072 Jim Sauders Sand daM 9016 Bellehurst Drive Cordova, TN 38016 Tel: 901.382.6507 Fax: 901.384.3684 Bobby Schultz Hermitage Golf Course 3939 Old Hickory Blvd. Old Hickory, TN 37138 Tel: 615.847.4950 Fax: 615.847.0713

Todd Ray McMinnville Country Club 76 Todd Lane McMinnville, TN 37110 Tel: 931.668.1756

Nathan Rockwood Smyrna Parks & Recreation 100 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.459.9773 Fax: 615.459.9727

Nathan Reck Jackson Country Club 161Netherwood Jackson, TN 38305 Tel: 731.661.9575

Robert Rogers Oasis Irrigation 191 River Hills Drive Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.872.7576

Patrick Remke Precision Sports Fields, Inc. 477 Craighead Street Nashville, TN 37204 Tel: 615.690.2839 Fax: 615.690.2838

Douglas Roosevelt Landforms 316 West Llytle Street Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Tel: 615.217.7121 Fax: 615.217.7122

Jim Rush Caudill Seed Company 1402 W. Main Louisville, KY 40203 Tel: 502.724.3649 Fax: 502.583.4405

Craig Sewell Southeastern Turf, LLC 15389 Highway 99 Eagleville, TN 37128/37060 Tel: 615.274.3009 Fax: 615.274.3012

Bill Richardson Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201

Ryan Royston Dandridge Golf & C.C. 1038 Green Acres Drive Jefferson City, TN 37725

Corey Salerno BWI Companies Inc.

Kim Sharp Gatlinburg Golf Course 820 Middle Creek Rd Cosby, TN 37722

David Rush UT Chattanooga Facilities Planning and Mgmt. 400 Palmetto St. Chattanooga, TN 37403 Tel: 423.425.4521 Fax: 423.425.749

Mike Sallee

Brad Sermersheim Brookstone Golf & Country Club 5801 Brookstone Walk NW Acworth, GA 37075/30101 Tel: 770.423.4800

Sur-Line Turf, Inc.

19637 Gorgas Road, Northport, Alabama 35475 Tel: 1-800-362-1976 or 205-333-1776 Fax: 205-333-8388



Se–St TTA 2003 Membership Roster Fax: 423.245.2472

Fax: 828.692.7552

Steve Smith Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. PO Box 669388 Charlotte, NC 28266 Tel: 800.932.8676 Fax: 704.398.1428

Frank Stack Springhouse Golf Club 18 Springhouse Lane Nashville, TN 37214 Tel: 615.871.5964 Fax: 615.871.5906

Danny Slaughter Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Wayne Smith Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. PO Box 669388 Charlotte, TN 28266 Tel: 800.932.8676 Fax: 704.398.1428

Patrick L. Staley Smyrna Municipal Golf Course 101 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.459.9722 Fax: 615.459.9721

Larry Shore Progressive Turf, LLC 504 Calderwood Maryville, TN 37801 Tel: 800.666.4178

Bill Smith Dandridge Golf & C.C. 1247 Stonewall Jackson Drive Dandridge, TN 37725 Tel: 865.397.9823 Fax: 865.397.5866

James Snell Holston Hills Country Club 5200 Holston Hills Road Knoxville, TN 37914 Tel: 865.523.7804 Fax: 865.523.2012

Chad Stebelton Keeling Company P.O. Box 15310 North Little Rock, AK 72231 Tel: 501.945.4511 Fax: 501.945.2766

Larry Sigmon Old Natchez Country Club 7123 Meadowview Drive Fairview, TN 37062 Tel: 615.373.3200 Fax: 615.373.3226

Chad Smith Tennessee River Golf Club 805 Riverview Drive Decaturville, TN 38329 Tel: 731.852.2677 Fax: 731.852.3393

Chris Snyder The New Royal Oaks P.O. Box 4729 Maryville, TN 37802 Tel: 865.681.1461 Fax: 865.984.3634

Chris Steffer Through the Green 3000 Columbia Ave. Franklin, TN 37064 Tel: 615.791.6905 Fax: 615.791.7537

Charles Skaggs Dyersburg Country Club @The Farms 2100 Clubhouse Drive Dyersburg, TN 38024 Tel: 901.286.2155 Fax: 901.286.0252 Chris Skibba Howard Johnson’s Enterprises, Inc. 8917 Waltham Forest Court Weddington, NC 28173 Tel: 704.814.7955 Fax: 704.814.0390

Dave Smith Coye Consultants, Inc. 150 North Broad St. Brevard, NC 28712

Joel Soard Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Fax: 615.862.8414 Derek Solberg Lakeside Country Club 100 Wilcrest Drive Houston, TX 77042-1002 Tel: 281.497.2227

Aubrey Stephan Tennessee Christian Medical Center 500 Hospital Drive Madison, TN 37115 Tel: 615.865.0300 Fax: 615.860.6382

Pat Skinner Brown Acres Golf Course 402 Brown Road Chattanooga, TN 37421

Roger Smith 2028 Queensbury Court Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 423.245.2472

Tel: 865.453.3638 Fax: 865.429.1945

Tel: 423.855.9433 Fax: 423.855.9436

Eric Sheets Country Club of Bristol 6045 Old Jonesboro Road Bristol, TN 37620 Tel: 423.989.4633 Fax: 423.652.1672

Marty Skrivanos Arkalite P.O. Box 1567 West Memphis, AR 72303 Tel: 870.735.7932 Fax: 870.735.5467

Bruce Shook Tieco, Inc. 118 Park South Court Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.244.9871 Fax: 615.255.4817


Paul Smith Sigma Organics 2215-A Dunn Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.383.0206 Fax: 615.383.0677



Jim Sparks Course Doctors 34 Highland Golf Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731 Tel: 828.692.2001



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T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

John Stephens Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Jeff Stewart McMinnville Country Club P.O. Box 716 McMinnville, TN 37111 Tel: 931.668.8262 Fax: 931.668.4542 Charles Stivers University of Kentucky Athletics 136 Sports Center Drive Lexington, KY 40506 Tel: 859.257.1451 Fax: 859.257.2475 David Stone The Honors Course PO Box 506 Ooltewah, TN 37363 Tel: 423.238.4234 Fax: 423.238.6626 Bobby Stringer Germantown Country Club 1780 Kimbrough Road Germantown, TN 38138 Tel: 901.754.7755 Fax: 901.754.3866 Lance Strode John Deere Golf & Turf 544 Pantherburn Circle S. Cordova, TN 38018 Tel: 901.237.5166 Fax: 901.385.8051 Dewey Stroud Patriot Hills Golf Club 735 Constitution Drive Jefferson, TN 37760 Tel: 865.475.4466 Fax: 865.475.4099 Dan Stump Chickasaw CC 3395 Galloway Ave Memphis, TN 38122 Tel: 901.325.8320 Fax: 901.325.8334

Nashville (615) 832-3839

Mark Sutton Lost Creek Golf Club 1605 W. Bull Run Valley Dr Heiskell, TN 37754 Tel: 865.475.9661 Fax: 865.475.8625

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Chris Sykes Cherokee Country Club P.O. Box 10987 Knoxville, TN 37939

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Su–We TTA 2003 Membership Roster Tel: 865.588.2208 Fax: 865.588.4075

Tel: 423.586.0508 Fax: 423.586.4869

Rick Tayes Long Hollow Golf Course 1080 Long Hollow Pike Gallatin, TN 37066 Tel: 615.451.5910 Fax: 615.451.5917 Doug Taylor Bellevue Baptist Church 2000 Appling Road Cordova, TN 38088 Tel: 901.385.5658 Fax: 901.385.5725

Tim Taylor Richland Country Club One Club Drive Nashville, TN 37215 Tel: 615.370.0060 Fax: 615.371.8452 Jerry Terfinko Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400

Jeff Taylor Millstone Golf Course 450 Alpha Valleyhome Road Morristown, TN 37814

Michael D. Thomas 1100 Howard Lane Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.381.7988

Stan Thomas Turfgrass America 33 Old Lincoln Road Fayetteville, TN 37334 Tel: 931.433.0016 Fax: 931.433.4018

Tel: 615.862.8400

Tony Thomas Lesco, Inc. 1619 Alsdale Drive Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 Tel: 615.202.7683 Fax: 615.773.6178

Owen Towne Griffin LLC 2509 Rocky Ford Road Valdosta, GA 31602 Tel: 229.293.4242 Fax: 229.249.5977

Sonja Thompson Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Centennial Park Office Nashville, TN 37201

Wayne Treadway South Jefferson Co. Little League 1025 Chestnut Grove Rd. Dandridge, TN 37725 Tel: 865.397.6319 Fax: 865.397.5533

Patrick Toth River Islands Club 9610 Kodak Road Kodak, TN 37914 Tel: 865.932.1249 Fax: 865.932.3114

Stuart Trenda Lesco, Inc 1306 Carowind Circle Maryville, TN 37803 Tel: 865.556.1849 Fax: 865.681.8308 Stuart Trenda Lesco, Inc. 15885 Sprague Road Strongsville, OH 44136 Tel: 440.783.9250 Fax: 440.783.4383 Frank Turner Cochran McDonalds 2501 Magnolia Ave. Knoxville, TN 37914 Tel: 865.523.8828 Chip Ward Brainerd Golf Course 5203 Old Mission Road Chattanooga, TN 37411 Tel: 423.855.2609 Fax: 423.855.9436 Doug Ward Belle Meade Country Club 815 Belle Meade Blvd. Nashville, TN 37205 Tel: 615.292.6752 Fax: 615.298.5507 Rick Ward Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. 525 Fairground Court Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Trey Warnock Bayer Environmental Science 3421 Walston Lane Charlotte, NC 28211 Tel: 704.367.5784 Fax: 704.367.5785 Gary Weller Council Fire 100 Council Fire Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421 Tel: 423.855.0844 Fax: 423.855.0812 Bob West Turf Stuff Tel: 615.325.2058 Fax: 615.230.7127 Chris West Decatur Country Club 2401 Country Club Road SE Decatur, AL 35601 Tel: 256.353.5310 Fax: 256.353.3277 James Wheeler Long Hollow Golf Course 1080 Long Hollow Pike Gallatin, TN 37066 Tel: 615.451.5910 Fax: 615.451.5917 Frank Whitbeck Winrock Grass Farms Inc. P.O. Box 3437 Little Rock, AR 72203 Tel: 800.225.0303


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

TTA 2003 Membership Roster Wh–Yo Fax: 501.372.5525 Michael White Tellico Village - The Links at Kahite 112 Atasi Trail Vonore, TN 37885 Tel: 423.884.2635 John Whitehead Trinity Christian Academy 130 Old Denmark Road Jackson, TN 38301 Tel: 731.423.8924 Fax: 731.427.6195 Scott Wicker Black Creek Club 4700 Cummings Cove Drive Chattanooga, TN 37419 Tel: 423.822.9875 Fax: 423.821.2582 Roger Wiggins Smith Turf & Irrigation Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Brad Wilkinson Twelve Stones Crossing 1201 Twelve Stones Crossing Goodlettesville, TN 37072 Tel: 615.325.6551

Peter Williamson Carmac Enterprises 4170 Capri Drive Pensacola, FL 32504 Tel: 850.857.7775 Fax: 850.857.7776 Chip Woodiel Uncommon Grounds Landscape Mgt. P.O. Box 1066 Cookeville, TN 38503 Tel: 931.372.2571 Fax: 931.528.3749 Mark Word Sycamore Valley Golf Course 1 Fairway Lane Ashland City, TN 37015 Tel: 615.792.7863 Fax: 615.792.9363 Jason Yoder Old Natchez Country Club 115 Gardengate Ridge Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.373.3200 Fax: 615.373.3226

Charles Williams Charles Williams & Assoc. P.O. Box 978 Fayetteville, TN 37334 Tel: 931.732.4774 Fax: 931.732.4845 Jarrod Williamson Tellico Village - The Links at Kahite 112 Atasi Trail Vonore, TN 37885 Tel: 423.884.2635

E&S 1-800-942-0448 Rocky Mount, North Carolina

Verti-Drain Sales

Drill & Fill Aerification




2003 COMPANY CONTACT LIST Please check your listing in the membership roster. Please notify the TTA Office with changes at 615/591-8286 or fax changes to 615/790-8600. Michael D. Thomas A & D Distributors Bill Rupe A & W Sod Farms Clay Head William Head Alliza Sports Turf, Inc. Kenny Grant Andrew Johnson Golf Club, Inc. Robin Engala Chad Minnick Aquatrols Corp. of America Mark Cleveland Arkalite Marty Skrivanos BASF Chad LeBlanc Bayer Environmental Science Scott Parker Trey Warnock Bel-Air Turf Products, LLC Mike Molony Belle Meade Country Club Stan Fults Kirk Gates Doug Ward Bellevue Baptist Church Chris Brown Charlie Davidson Jason Pannell Doug Taylor Bishop Entrprises Eldon Bishop Black Creek Club Scott Wicker

Cole Park Golf Course Don Davidson

Dickens Turf & Landscape Supply Paula Dickens

Colonial Country Club Graham Carey

Dickson Country Club Joe Henderson Joe Purnell

Carmac Enterprises Peter Williamson

Cookeville Golf Club Tommy Mittlesteadt

Cattails At Meadowview Roger Frazier

Cookeville Leisure Services Dept. Allen Boles

Caudill Seed Company Jim Rush

Cottonwoods Golf Course Jim Harris, CGCS

Charles Williams & Assoc. Charles Williams

Council Fire Gary Weller

Chattanooga Golf & C.C. Chris Cantrell Jeff Hollister Adam Levitt

Country Club of Bristol Timothy Jessee Eric Sheets

Cherokee Country Club Michael McCullom Jason Sanderson Chris Sykes Chickasaw CC Dan Stump City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. Erin Kiney Allen Lowery Rich Richardson Mike Sallee City of Elizabethton David Nanney

City of Millington Bob deMarigny

Brookstone Golf & Country Club Brad Sermersheim

Cochran McDonalds Frank Turner

T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Dorchester Golf Course Dave Henry Double Springs Grass Farm George Friedrich Dresden Parks & Recreation Stephen Crockett Druid Hills / Dorchester Golf Course Rob Conder Mike Cox Dyersburg Country Club @ The Farms Talmadge Campbell Charles Skaggs Eagle Bluff Golf Club Kevin Bartenfield

Country Hills Golf Course Chris Medvecky Rob Merritt

Eagle’s Landing Golf Club Kevin Bramer Mark Gossett

Course Doctors Jim Sparks

Earth and Turf - Millcreek Dave Ruda

Coye Consultants, Inc. Dave Smith

Eastland Green Golf Course Ken Hulsey

Crossroads Sod Farm Thomas Carr Cultra Turf Specialists, Inc. Spencer Cultra

Clarkland Landscapes Billy Clark

Brainerd Golf Course Craig McClure Chip Ward

Country Club of Franklin Ray Blankenship Jacob K. Cain

Craig Farms Gary Craig

City of Knoxville Parks & Rec. Philip Hatcher

Clarksville Country Club Jimmy Carter Henry Lane Pat Lane Tom Bean Leslie Marlow Wayne Miller

Bluegrass Yacht & Country Club John Gardner Jeremy Ratte


Brown Acres Golf Course Pat Skinner BWI Companies, Inc. Howard Bishop Corey Salerno

Cumberland College Darrell Denney Dandridge Golf & C.C. Ryan Royston Bill Smith Davey Tree & Lawn Larry Loiseau Decatur Country Club Dennis James Chris West

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Egwani Farms Golf Course Donald LeQuire Excell Lawn & Garden Dick Breedlove Five Oaks Golf & CC Neal Carson Floratine Scott Chilson Flowtronex Mike Bartley Fox Den Country Club Rusty McLendon Franklin Road Academy Tiff Canady

TTA 2003 Company Contact List Gl–Mi Gallatin Country Club Craig Mylor Gatlinburg Golf Course Jeff Rumph Kim Sharp

Alex Price Bobby Schultz

Keeling Company Chad Stebelton

Hillwood Country Club Jad Duncan Steve Elmore Mark Littlejohn

Kirk Grading & Sodding Rickie Kirk

Holston Hills Country Club Ryan Blair Jay Cameron James Snell

Global Golf Design Gary R. Baird

Howard Johnson’s Enterprises, Inc. Chris Skibba

Golf Links, Inc. Jerry Lemons

Huntsville Country Club Lindy Conard Huntsville Tractor & Equipment David Ficken

Graymere Country Club Willie Pewitt Green & Company, Inc. Dave Green Green Meadow Country Club J.D. Murr Green Thumb Lawn Care Dale Kraus Green-Tech Fred Nixon

Hermitage Golf Course Neil Cathey Matthew Powell

LR Nelson Corporation Joey Marshall

Landforms Douglas Roosevelt

Marion County High School Fred Ladd Margaret Moore Mike Moore

Landmark Golf Club at Avalon Kris Drake Steve Mitchell

Jackson Country Club Bart Cash Will Clampitt Brian Cornelison Nathan Reck

McCurdy Farms Bob McCurdy

Laserturf Leveling Michelle Kimbler

John Deere Golf & Turf Lance Strode

McFall Sod Farm Michael Coker

Lebanon Country Club Jacob Ashford

Johnson Golf Services, Inc. Barry Johnson, CPAG

McMinnville Country Club Todd Ray Jeff Stewart

Lebanon Turf Products Randy Clark

Quality Cool Season Grasses 3277 Chimney Rock Road Hendersonville, NC 28792

Toll Free: 888-685-3642 Fax: 828-685-1121 Email: turfmtnsod@compuserve.com www.turfmountain.com

Harpeth Valley Golf Center Clint Daniel

Hendrix & Dail, Inc. Kevin Basham

Lost Creek Golf Club Mark Sutton

Lakeside Country Club Derek Solberg

Griffin LLC Owen Towne

Heatherhurst Golf Course Mark Knaebel Eugene McDaniel

Long Hollow Golf Course Rick Tayes James Wheeler

Lake Tansi Golf Course Aubrey King

Greenville Turf & Tractor Rankin Armstrong Lon Fleming Jim Langston John Peet

Harrell’s Fertilizer Steve Ellis Mike Bounds

Link Hills Country Club James Craft

Lake Tansi Jason Pillow

Germantown Country Club Bobby Stringer

Golf Management Group Derrick Green Lynn Ray

Lesco, Inc. Tony Thomas Stuart Trenda Stuart Trenda

Bayco Golf Inc. Shirley Anderson President/Sales & Marketing

206 Saulteaux Crescent Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3W3 Canada www.baycogolf.com

Phone: (204) 633-8881 Fax: (204) 633-6226 Toll Free: 1-877-888-4653 standerson@baycogolf.com



Mi–Sm TTA 2003 Company Contact List Metro Board of Parks and Rec. Mike Bays Michael Bond Jeff Chandler Jerry Cook Johnny Fisher Ronald Gatlin Ronnie Gilley Martin Goodwin Randy Harmon John Henry Paul Jenkins Randall Lantz Daryl Lewis Scott Merritt Rickey Pharris William Powell Ronnie Pruitt Bill Richardson Danny Slaughter Joel Soard John Stephens Jerry Terfinko Sonja Thompson Mid Tenn Turf Allan Howard Milan Golf & Country Club Phillip Jones

Jeff Taylor

Dewey Stroud

Monsanto Joe Paul Downs

Pebble Brook Golf Course Frank Kilgore

MTSU James Luter

Jack Norris R.F. Morse -Solu-Cal Jim Miller Rarity Bay Golf & CC Cory Blair

Precision Porous Pipe Mike Kelley

Oak Ridge Country Club Guy Hudson

Ravenwood Club, Inc. Scott Cole Brent Green

Precision Reel Grinding Tom Alexander

Oasis Irrigation Robert Rogers

RedMax Bob Purser

Precision Sports Fields Tim Hill Travis Lance Ryan Moriarity Korey Heightman Patrick Remke

Old Hickory Country Club Randy McClanahan Phil Pressotto Larry Sigmon

Regal Chemical Company Will King Richland Country Club Tim Taylor

Progressive Turf, LLC Larry Shore

Old Natchez Country Club Jason Yoder

Ridgefields Country Club Josh Olinger

ProSource One Jeff Easley Cal Hill Joe Hill

Oldham Chemicals & Equip. Bobby Bledsoe

Ridgeway Country Club Al Davis River Islands Club Roger Cox Patrick Toth

Quail Ridge Golf Course Jeff Case

Orion Sod Farm Tyler Farrar

Patriot Hills Golf Club Dennis Robidoux ANN001-AMERICA’S NATIONWIDE NETTING Patriot Hills Golf Club Millstone Golf Course 1/3 PAGE SQUARE, B&W, TN TURFGRASS APRIL 2003

Quail Valley Farm Roger Gravis

River Links Golf Course Jeff Offutt

Quarry Golf Club

America’s Nationwide Netting

We are a full-service company serving all your renovation and repair needs

America’s Nationwide Netting, Inc., offers “turn-key” projects that are cost effective, durable and aesthetic. We can manufacture and/or install nets of any size for any sport. NWN features superior quality netting and speedy, efficient installation at unbeatable prices.

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T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

(615) 217-7121 (615) 305-3502

Visit us on the web Our site is new but growing


****IMPORTANT! If ad is correct, please initial and date here:__________________ Please fax this proof to 615-794-4524 along with the release form. Thank you.

TTA 2003 Company Contact List Sm–Th River Trace Golf Course Marshall Brown River Watch Resort Nick Graham Robco Seed Company Kenny Burd Jarrod Holman Justin Holman Royce Holman Sand daM Jim Sauders Sandman Carlos Grier Shelton Landscape Supply Scott Morgan Shiloh Falls Golf Club Robert Davis Sigma Organics Joe Galbreth Bozy Johnson Paul Smith Signal Mountain Golf & C.C. Jeff Huber

Smith Turf & Irrigation Co. Roger Wiggins Kevin Baker Bruce Barton Bob Bell Bill Blackburn Donnie Callis Andy Clarkson Allen Curtis George Fisher Tom Jordan George Monroe Nick Nicholson Dennis Perdue Brad Petersen Steve Smith Wayne Smith Rick Ward

Southern Nurseries Inc. Terry Flatt

Swan Lake C.C. Fowler L. Goodowens

Southern Spray Mike Baker Larry Cline

Sycamore Valley Golf Course Jim Kirkley Mark Word

Spring Creek Ranch Richard Hurt Springbrook Golf & C.C. Curtis Crafton Springhouse Golf Club Troy Castelow Shelia Finney Frank Stack Stonehenge Golf Club Damon Lerchen James McDaniel

Smyrna Municipal Golf Course Monica M. Lalinde Cooper Patrick L. Staley

Stones River Country Club Ray Benjamins

Smyrna Parks & Recreation Larry Evans Nathan Rockwood South Jefferson Co. Little League Wayne Treadway

Student Darrell Denney Loren Frost Will Jellicorse

Southeastern Turf, LLC Craig Sewell

Sur-Line Turf, Inc. Raymond Heath

Syngenta Mickey Lovett Tellico Village The Links at Kahite Michael White Jarrod Williamson Temple Hills Golf Club Adam Breeding Larry Goostree Tennessee Christian Medical Center Aubrey Stephan Tennessee Farmers Co-op Joe Carter Tennessee River Golf Club Chad Smith Tennessee Tech University Wade F. Faw



Th–Wi TTA 2003 Company Contact List Tennessee Turfgrass Assn. Jamie Eller

The Golf Club of Tennessee B.J. Parker Jeffrey Parsons

Through the Green Robert Mauldin Pat Pewitt Chris Steffer

The Governors Club Jason Hinds Scott McNeer Brent Needham

Tieco, Inc. Bob Elliott Jonathan Norris Bruce Shook

The Hogan Company Bob Hogan

TPC Southwind Jeff Plotts

The Bear Trace @ Chickasaw Johnathan Doyle

The Honors Course David Stone

Tri-Turf Sod Farms, Inc. Jason Pooler

The Bear Trace @ Cumberland Mtn Tom Humphrey

The Legends Club of TN Jerry Craven Jarrod Kepple Jeff Madsen Henry Ray

The Andersons Scott Brown The Bear Trace Tim Brock Dale Hayton Mike McCoy Rusty Porter

The Bear Trace @ Harrison Bay Paul Carter The Bear Trace @ Tims Ford Michael Glaser The Country Club Inc. Chris Lloyd David Pretchel The Crossings Golf Club David Cloud


United Horticultural Supply Rick Chastain University of Kentucky Athletics Josh Barnes Tommy Davis Donnie Mefford Charles Stivers UT Athletic Dept. James Andes Thomas Garner Myron Roach UT Chattanooga Facilities Planning and Mgmt. Christopher Charland David Rush

Trinity Christian Academy John Whitehead Turf Breeze Fans Tom Michaels

Warrior’s Path Billy Murphy

The New Royal Oaks Chris Snyder

Turf Stuff Bob West

The Ridges Golf & C.C. Bill Francis Matthew Lovelace Todd McCoury

Turfgrass America Stan Thomas


Uncommon Grounds Landscape Mgt. Chip Woodiel

Windyke Country Club Ken Alley Brad Christensen Luke Hankins

Twelve Stones Crossing Brad Wilkinson

Winrock Grass Farms Inc. Frank Whitbeck














T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Turfgrass for the 21st Century Excellent shade tolerance Winstead Turf Farms is now offering new Palisades™, hybrid Zoysia that solves just about all your lawn problems. Developed by Texas A & M and certified by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Palisades is tough, winter hearty, withstands low mowing and requires less water. It’s the perfect turfgrass for new lawns, athletic fields and golf courses. Call today to reserve this quality 21st Century turfgrass.

Memphis Area Home Builders Association

901.867.8116 • 1.800.624.TURF (8873) • 22860 Highway 196 • Arlington, TN 38002


SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Membership applications can be submitted at any time during the year. For more information, please contact the TTA Office at 615/591-8286 or fax your application form to 615/790-8600.

Deadline: Completed application must be postmarked by Nov. 15, 2003. This application must be typed or printed. SECTION I. PERSONAL INFORMATION Applicant’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Campus Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Campus Tel. No.: ________________________________________ Home Tel. No.: ____________________________________________________ SECTION II. EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION College or University:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Faculty Advisor: _____________________________________________ Advisor’s Department: __________________________________________ Advisors Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Major Field of Study: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class during current Fall Term Two Year School Senior______ Other(specify)_________ Four Year School Senior______ Junior_____ Other_____ Graduate School M.S. Candidate ___ Ph.D. Candidate _______ Accumulative Grade Point Average:

Total GPA______ Major Area of Study GPA______

SECTION III. EXPERIENCE Please describe your experience in the area of turfgrass management: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe your experience in other related fields (if applicable): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name and relationship of any close relative associated with golf or turfgrass management industry:__________________________________________ Name and relationship of any close relative associated with the Tennessee Turfgrass Association: ___________________________________________ What area of the Turfgrass Industry are you interested upon graduation: _______________________________________________________________ Have you ever received a TTA Scholarship? ________ If so what year? _______ If so, you must submit a transcript of your grades since receiving the Scholarship in order to be considered for another Scholarship. SECTION IV. ESSAY Describe in 300 words or less, your reasons for requesting this scholarship and what the award would mean to you. Also detail in the essay, the sources of your financial support for your education. ( Complete the essay on a separate page and attach to this application) For Faculty Advisor: (Handwritten signature must appear) I recommend this student for the Ernest Hardison Memorial Scholarship

Advisor’s Signature _____________________________________________

Additional Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Ernest Hardison Memorial Scholarship is awarded without regard to race, religion, gender or age. Notice of scholarship awards are sent out after Nov. 30, 2003. Awards will be presented at the annual conference of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association in January. Please send all applications to: Douglas Ward, 815 Belle Meade Blvd., Nashville, TN 37205


2003 OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Bob Elliot 118 Park South Court Nashville, TN 37210 800.239.9547 615.394.8153 cell

Past President Stan Thomas 33 Old Lincoln Rd Fayetteville, TN 37334 800.627.8816 931.652.0011 cell

PRESIDENT-ELECT Billy Clark PO Box 1146 Fairview, TN 37062 615.799.8664 615.714.6966 cell COMMERCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bill Marbet 1309 Mainsail Drive Columbia, TN 38401 800.837.8062

COMMITTEES PROGRAM Marty Kaufman Baptist Sports Park 460 Great Circle Rd. Nashville, TN 37228 615.656.4358 Matt Ervin 22 S. 17th Avenue Humboldt, TN 38343 731.885.4414 901.331.6569 cell

SECRETARY/TREASURER Bob Hogan 5018 E. Roberston Road Cross Plains, TN 37049 888.224.6426

PUBLICITY/WEBSITE Glenn Lucas 1309 Mainsail Drive Columbia, TN 38401 800.837.8062

MEMBERSHIP Johnny Ponce 615.497.8481 Section Program East Kevin Zurcher Knoxville, TN 865.806.6033 CENTRAL Tiff Canady Nashville, TN 615.781.8551 615.533.5988 cell West Brian Kulser 901.758.2375 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Bobby Campbell University of Tennessee P.O. Box 15016 Knoxville, TN 37901 865.974.0911

Terry Porch Tennessee Titans Baptist Sports Park 460 Great Circle Rd. Nashville, TN 37228 615.565.4368 Bill Randles Vanderbilt University Plant OP Room 125 Bryan Building Nashville, TN 37240 615.516.7048 Dr. Tom Samples University of Tennessee 2431 Center Drive Ellington Plant Science Building, Room 252 Knoxville, TN 37996-4561 865.974.2595

visit us online at www.tvstma.org

T T A / T V S T MA


TTA: For more information, please contact the TTA Office at 615/591-8286 or fax your change of address form to 615/790-8600. TVSTMA: Please fax your change of address form to Glenn Lucas at 931/380-0145. Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company/Club:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________Fax:_________________________Email:_____________________________________ Effective Date:_________________________________ Today’s Date:____________________________________________ I’m interested in participating in the following committees: ______________________________________________________




2003 MEMBERSHIP ROSTER Please check your listing in the membership roster. Please notify the TVSTMA Office with changes at 1-888-224-6426. Bill Adams Dickens Supply 814 Cherokee Nashville, TN 37207 Tel: 615.227.1111 Fax: 615.226.0015

Ernie Bennett Memphis University School 6191 Park Avenue Memphis, TN 38119 Tel: 901.260.1300 Fax: 901.260.1375

Wayne Brooks Maury County Parks & Rec. 1018 Lion Parkway Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.388.0303 Fax: 931.381.3265

Bobby Campbell University of Tennessee PO Box 15016 Knoxville, TN 37901-5016 Tel: 865.974.0911 Fax: 865.974.0372

Ian Anderson City of Tullahoma 501 N. Collins Street Tullahoma, TN 37388 Warren Anderson Middle Tennessee State Univ. Campus Box 5 Murfreesboro, TN 37132 Tel: 615.898.2408 Rankin Armstrong Greenville Turf & Tractor 701 Sandy Springs Road Piedmont, SC 29673 Tel: 864.527.1050 Fax: 864.527.1051 Matt Bagdonas Southern Spray Co. 3765 Homewood Road Memphis, TN 38118 Tel: 901.363.4797 Fax: 901.363.7285

Brad Benton Tennessee Titans One Titan Way Nashville, TN 37123 Tel: 615.565.4358 Fax: 615.565.4390

Chris Brown Bellevue Baptist Church 2000 Appling Drive Cordova, TN 38016 Tel: 901.347.5241 Fax: 901.347.5725

Tiff Canady Franklin Road Academy 4700 Franklin Road Nashville, TN 37220 Tel: 615.331.6808 Fax: 615.781.5881

Bill Blackburn Smith Turf & Irrigation 525 Fairground Road Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.8811 Fax: 615.242.3274 Allen Boles City of Cookeville Leisure Serv. 45 E. Broad Street Cookeville, TN 38501

Bill Brunner Father Ryan High School 700 Norwood Drive Nashville, TN 37204 Tel: 615.383.4200 Fax: 615.383.9056

Walter Cargile Goose Pond Colony G.C. 2912 S. Broad Street, B-3 Scottsboro, AL 35679 Tel: 256.574.2488

Mike Bounds Harrell’s 296 Rome Road Riddleton, TN 37151 Tel: 865.388.2159 Fax: 615.735.8477

Mike Baker Southern Spray 1100 Elm Hill Pike, St.165 Nashville, TN 37027 Tel: 615.248.4455 Fax: 615.248.4420

Mark Brashear Hopkins Co. BOE 1171 Rose Creek Road Madisonville, TN 42431 Tel: 270.825.6100 Fax: 270.825.6115 Jeff Breeden Coffee County Central 2135 Tullahoma Hwy. Manchester, TN 37355 Tel: 931.723.5159 Fax: 931.723.5161

Aaron Barnett Southern Athletic Fields, Inc. 1309 Mainsail Drive Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 800.837.8062 Fax: 931.380.0145 Mike Bays Metro Parks & Rec. Special Services Division Nashville, TN 37201 Tel: 615.862.8400 Fax: 615.880.2264

Dick Breedlove EX-Cell Lawn & Garden 2113 Randall Road Dyersburg, TN 38024 Tel: 731.286.6524 Fax: 731.286.2414

Gerald Belcher Bowling Green Parks & Rec. 225 East 3rd Avenue Bowling Green, KY 42101 Tel: 270.393.3261 Fax: 270.393.3019

RainMaker Irrigation


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

David Bunt City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. PO Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37024 Tel: 615.371.2208 Fax: 615.371.2225

Joe Carter Tennessee Farmers CoOp PO Box 3003 LaVergne, TN 37086 Tel: 800.366.2667 Fax: 615.793.8350

Brian Burns Keeling Company 10923 Murdock Knoxville, TN 37932 Tel: 865.777.9526 Fax: 865.777.1991

Billy Clark Clarkland Lawn PO Box 1146 Fairview, TN 37062 Tel: 615.799.8664 Fax: 615.799.8664

Flip Butler Harding Place Family YMCA 411 Metroplex Drive Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.834.1300 Fax: 615.834.5482

Gerald Clark RR 3 Box 108 Decherd, TN 37324 Jerry Clark Coffee County Central 2135 Tullahoma Hwy. Manchester, TN 37355 Tel: 931.723.5159 Fax: 931.723.5161

Billy Cameron Clarkland Lawn PO Box 1146 Fairview, TN 37062 Tel: 615.799.8664 Fax: 615.799.8664


Water Works With Otterbine! Water Quality Solutions CRAIG PENDERGRAST

Tony Carpenter City of Athens PO Box 849 Athens, TN 37371-0849 Tel: 423.744.2704 Fax: 423.744.8866

Hosea Cabknor Vanderbilt University Plant OP Room 125 Nashville, TN 37027 Tel: 615.343.6694 Fax: 615.343.0820

Rhonda Britton Charles Williams & Assoc. PO Box 978 Fayetteville, TN 37334 Tel: 931.732.4774 Fax: 931.732.4845


Jamie Bryant City of Tullahoma 501 N. Collins Street Tullahoma, TN 37388 Tel: 931.455.1121

Gary Clarke Franklin Road Academy 4700 Franklin Road Nashville, TN 37220 Tel: 615.331.6808 Fax: 615.781.5881 Clyde Clemons Tennessee Titans One Titan Way Nashville, TN 37123 Tel: 615.565.4358 Fax: 615.565.4390 Bob Copeland YMCA 3388 Joe C. Davis Center Antioch, TN 37013 Tel: 615.360.2267 Fax: 615.360.2119 Paul Correa Bowling Green Parks & Rec. 225 East 3rd Avenue Bowling Green, KY 42101 Tel: 270.393.3268 Fax: 270.393.3401

T: 615-646-3384 C: 615-207-5841 Antioch, Tennessee

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Garry Craig Craigs Farms 725 Kappeler Lane Hohenwald, TN 38462 Tel: 931.796.4271 Jim Crea City of Cookeville Leisure Serv. 45 E. Broad Street Cookeville, TN 38501

TVSTMA 2003 Membership Roster Cr–Ha Stephen Crockett City of Dresden 117 West Main Street Dresden, TN 38225 Tel: 731.364.3366 Fax: 731.364.3447

Jerry Elder Turfgrass America 681 Mission Road SW Cartersville, GA 30120 Tel: 770.773.5131 Fax: 770.382.5498

Austin Fesmire City of Athens PO Box 849 Athens, TN 38371-0849 Tel: 423.744.2704 Fax: 423.744.8866

Ernie Gouvas Bowling Green Parks & Rec. 225 East 3rd Avenue Bowling Green, KY 42101 Tel: 270.393.3606 Fax: 270.393.3603

Spencer Cultra Cultra Turf Specialist, Inc. 22 South 17th Avenue Humboldt, TN 38343 Tel: 866.287.4763 Fax: 731.824.4760

Bob Elliott Tieco, Nashville 118 Park South Court Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.244.9871 Fax: 615.255.4917

Thomas Fletcher Town of Collierville 350 Powell Road Collierville, TN 38017

Allen Curtis Smith Turf & Irrigation 525 Fairground Road Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 800.585.4784 Fax: 615.242.3274

Steve Ellis Harrell’s 1507 Overton Ct. Rockvale, TN 37153 Tel: 615.494.3222 Fax: 615.494.3234

Kenny Grant Alliza Sod Farm 12889 Woodburn-Allen Springs Road Alvaton, KY 42122-9640 Tel: 270.842.0473 Fax: 270.782.2615

Bill Darby Turfgrass America PO Box 1268 Granbury, TX 76048-8568 Tel: 888.639.4727 Fax: 817.279.7405

Matt Ervin Athletic Fields, Inc. 22 S. 17th Avenue Humboldt, TN 38343 Tel: 901.331.6569 Fax: 731.885.8086

Charlie Davidson Bellevue Baptist Church 2000 Appling Drive Cordova, TN 38016 Tel: 901.347.5241 Fax: 901.347.5725

Brad Essary Southern Athletic Fields, Inc. 1309 Mainsail Drive Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 800.837.8062 Fax: 931.380.0145

Chris Davis Town of Smyrna 100 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.459.9773 Fax: 615.459.9727

John Evans City of Tullahoma Tel: 501 N. Collins Street Tullahoma, TN 37388 Bill Fenn Profile Products, LLC 750 Lake Cook Road Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Bob Dawson City of Cookeville Leisure Serv. 45 E. Broad Street Cookeville, TN 38501

Kenny Franks Jackson Recreation & Parks 75 A Wisteria Jackson, TN 38301-6814 Tel: 731.425.8578 Fax: 731.425.8577 Ricky French McKenzie City Park PO Box 160 McKenzie, TN 38201 Tel: 731.352.3539 Fax: 731.352.2259 Greg Gann Town of Dandridge PO Box 249 Dandridge, TN 37725 Tel: 865.397.7420 Dr. Thomas Garner University of Tennessee PO Box 15016 Knoxville, TN 37901-5016 Tel: 865.974.3083 Jim Gilliam Hart Freeland Roberts 7101 Executive Center Drive, Suite 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 Tel: 615.370.8500 Fax: 615.370.8530 John Glass Harpeth Youth Soccer Assoc. 3608 Wilburn Place Nashville, TN 37204 Tel: 615.386.0488

Bobby Day Houston County BOE PO Box 209 Erin, TN 37061

Doug Greene Blackman High School 3956 Wilkerson Crossing Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Tel: 615.904.3850 Fax: 615.904.3851 Tom Greer Greer & Associates 1217 Park Glen Road Knoxville, TN 37919 Tel: 865.584.7345 Fax: 865.584.7388 Andy Hartman Maury County Parks & Rec. 1018 Lion Parkway Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.388.0303 Fax: 931.381.3265 Rick Hasty Whitfield Co. Rec. Dept. PO Box 277 Dalton, GA 30721 Tel: 706.226.8341 Phil Hatcher City of Knoxville 1200 McCallis Avenue Knoxville, TN 37915 Tel: 865.522.3353 Fax: 865.215.1404

Bob de Marginy Millington Parks & Recreation 7942 Church Street Millington, TN 38053 Tel: 901.873.5770 Fax: 901.873.5775 Cooper Delk Montgomery Bell Athletics 4001 Harding Road Nashville, TN 37205 Tel: 615.298.5514 Fax: 615.297.0271

Agro Distribution, LLC d/b/a ProSource One

Darrell Denney Cumberland College PO Box 735 Whitley City, KY 42653 Tel: 606.376.2356 Fax: 606.376.3005 Ross D’Lugos Knoxville Smokies 7956 Andersonville Pike Knoxville, TN 37938 Tel: 865.286.2300 Fax: 865.523.9913 Buddy Douglas Portland Parks & Recreation 303 Portland Blvd. Portland, TN 37148-1223 Tel: 615.325.6464 Fax: 615.325.5343 Jesse Driver Mid-Atlantic Turf 724 Beacon Hill Terrace Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Tel: 301.990.0315 Fax: 301.670.8631 Pam Driver Mid-Atlantic Turf 724 Beacon Hill Terrace Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Tel: 301.990.0315 Fax: 301.670.8631

Cal Hill - West Tennessee Sales

Jeff Easley - Mid-Tennessee Sales

Joe Hill - East Tennessee Sales 3265 N. Park Blvd. Alcoa, TN 37701 P: 866/224-6342 F: 865/983-6947 M: 865/567-4210 E: kjhill@prosourceone.com

Mike Henderson- East Tennessee Sales 3265 N. Park Blvd. Alcoa, TN 37701 P: 866/224-6342 F: 865/983-6947 M: 423/284-3690 E: mrhenderson@prosourceone.com

5387 Pleasant View Rd. Memphis, TN 38134 P: 901/383-2524 F: 901/388-0892 M: 901/412-0121 E: chill@prosourceone.com

P.O. Box 119 Springfield, TN 37172 P: 800/535-4552 F: 615/384-3364 M: 615/207-3952, Nextel ID# 148*22459*1 E: jeasley@prosourceone.com



He–Mi TVSTMA 2003 Membership Roster Daryl Head LESCO 2974 Sidco Drive Nashville, TN 37204 Tel: 615.244.2820 Fax: 615.244.2828

Allen Howard Mid Tenn Turf 4698 New Bushy Branch Rd Manchester, TN 37355 Tel: 931.728.0583 Fax: 931.728.0168

Brian Keyl Webb School 9800 Webb School Drive Knoxville, TN 37923 Tel: 865.693.0011 Fax: 865.291.1535

Roger Heath Creekwood High School 1225 White Bluff White Bluff, TN 37187 Tel: 615.446.2295 Fax: 615.441.4135

Larry Jennings Germantown Baptist Church 9450 Poplar Avenue Germantown, TN 38139 Tel: 901.260.5704

Erin Kiney City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. PO Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37024 Tel: 615.371.2208 Fax: 615.371.2225

Bo Henley Chattanooga Lookouts PO Box 11002 Chattanooga, TN 37401 Tel: 423.267.2208 Fax: 423.267.4285 Joe Hill Pro Source One 1750 Williams Blount Drive Maryville, TN 37801 Tel: 865.567.4210 Fax: 865.983.6947 Bob Hogan The Hogan Company 5018 East Roberston Road Cross Plains, TN 37049 Tel: 888.224.6426 Fax: 615.654.3656 Connie Hogan The Hogan Company 5018 East Roberston Road Cross Plains, TN 37049 Tel: 888.224.6426 Fax: 615.654.3656 Rickey Honey Fayetteville Park & Rec. 1203 Winchester Hwy Fayetteville, TN 37334 Tel: 931.433.2557

Steve Jett Pulaski Parks & Rec. PO Box 633 Pulaski, TN 38478-0633 Tel: 931.363.4666 Fax: 931.424.4461

Brian Kursler Mike Rose Soccer 9000 East Shelby Ave. Memphis, TN 38125 Tel: 901.758.2375

Greg Johns Harrell’s 102-A Twin Oak Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075 Tel: 615.456.3673 Chase Jones Coffee County Central 2135 Tullahoma Hwy. Manchester, TN 37355 Tel: 931.723.5159 Fax: 931.723.5161

Gary Lamm Loretto High School 423 Eell’s Street Loretto, TN 38469 Tel: 931.853.4324

Kevin Jones University of Arkansas 131 Barnhill Arena Fayetteville, AR 72701 Tel: 479.575.3117 Fax: 479.575.7125

Keith LeCroy Pro Source One 1750 Williams Blount Drive Maryville, TN 37801 Tel: 865.983.1454 Fax: 865.983.6947

Marty Kaufman Tennessee Titans 460 Great Circle Road Nashville, TN 37228 Tel: 615.656.4358 Fax: 615.565.4390

Gary LeForgee Jackson Recreation & Parks 75A Wisteria Jackson, TN 38301-6814 Tel: 731.425.8578 Fax: 731.425.8577

Dr. Gil Landry University of Georgia Crop & Science Dept. Griffin, GA 30223 Tel: 770.228.7278 Fax: 770.412.4774

David Little Haywood Co. Park and Rec. PO Box 575 Brownsville, TN 38012 Tel: 731.772.6693 Steve Loftis City of Cookeville Leisure Serv. 45 E. Broad Street Cookeville, TN 38501 Mickey Lovett Sygenta Professional Products 1110 Brentwood Street Paris, TN 38242 Tel: 731.642.0689 Allen Lowery City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. PO Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37024 Glenn Lucas Southern Athletic Fields, Inc. 1309 Mainsail Drive Columbia, TN 38410 Tel: 800.837.8062 Fax: 931.380.0145 Bill Marbet Southern Athletic Fields, Inc. 1309 Mainsail Drive Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 800.837.8062 Fax: 931.380.0145 Greg Mason City of Athens PO Box 849 Athens, TN 37371-0849 Tel: 423.744.2704 Kenny Mathis Tieco, Nashville 118 Park South Court Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.244.9871 Fax: 615.255.4917 Tim Mathis City of Waynesboro Park & Rec. PO Box 417 Waynesboro, TN 38485 Tel: 931.722.5458 Fax: 931.722.9109 Terry Mausbach The Turf Company, Inc. PO Box 68 Morrison, TN 37357 Tel: 931.635.3553 Russell Mays City of Kingsport 609 W. Industry Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 423.229.9451 Fax: 423.224.2415 John McCreery Blackman High School 3956 Wilkerson Crossing Murfreesboro, TN 37128 Tel: 615.904.3850 Fax: 615.904.3851

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T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

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Broad-spectrum control, an exclusive mode of action,65 years of commitment all total up to another outstanding fungicide from Cleary— new Endorse. For more information call 1-800-524-1662. www.clearychemical.com Cleary logo, 3336, and Spectro are trademarks of Cleary Chemical Corporation. Endorse is a trademark of Arvesta. © 2002 Cleary Chemical Corporation.

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Bob McCurdy McCurdy Sod Farms 81 State Route 185 Dyer, TN 38330 Tel: 731.692.3515 Fax: 731.692.3596 Tom Melton Grundy County High School PO Box 34 Tracy City, TN 37387 Tel: 931.692.5400 Fax: 931.692.5403 Eric Meyer Greenville Turf & Tractor 1355 Wenlock Road Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel: 800.647.5994 Fax: 864.527.1051 Stuart Miller Chattanooga State Tech CC 4501 Amnicola Hwy. Chattanooga, TN 37406 Tel: 423.697.2580

TVSTMA 2003 Membership Roster Mo–Po George Monroe Smith Turf & Irrigation 144 Buxton Drive Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel: 800.258.4596 Fax: 865.671.0997 Cal Moore Maury County Parks & Rec. 1018 Lion Parkway Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.388.0303 Fax: 931.381.3265 Margaret Moore Marion County High School PO Box 293 Jasper, TN 37347 Tel: 423.942.5120 Fax: 423.942.5544 Mike Moore Marion County High School PO Box 293 Jasper, TN 37347 Tel: 423.942.5120 Fax: 423.942.5544 Scott Morgan Stein Construction PO Box 5246 Chattanooga, TN 37406 Tel: 423.698.0271 Fax: 423.624.1882

Tommy Pharr Knoxville Farragut HS 11237 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37922 Bobby Phillips Pulaski Parks & Rec. PO Box 633 Pulaski, TN 38478-0633 Tel: 931.363.4666 Fax: 931.424.4461 Robbie Pollard Hopkinsville Recreation Dept. 2600 Thomas Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Tel: 270.887.4290 Fax: 270.887.4293

Johnny Ponce Pioneer Industrial 100 Bobby Drive Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.497.8481 Fax: 615.599.2329

Terry Porch Tennessee Titans 460 Great Circle Road Nashville, TN 37228 Tel: 615.565.4368 Fax: 615.565.4390

Jason Pooler Tri Turf Sod Farm, Inc. 5900 Van Dyke Road Paris, TN 38242 Tel: 731.642.3092 Fax: 731.644.9991

Dr. A.J. Powell University of Kentucky N222 Ag Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091 Tel: 859.257.5606 Fax: 865.323.1952

Carlton Pope Jackson Sand 139 United Drive Jackson, TN 38305 Tel: 800.670.7263 Fax: 731.668.0440

Kris Powers City of Athens PO Box 849 Athens, TN 37371-0849 Tel: 423.744.2704

Smarter Ways to Work

Mike Moss Town of Smyrna 100 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.459.9773 Fax: 615.459.9727 Brad Myers Battle Ground Academy PO Box 1889 Franklin, TN 37065 Tel: 615.794.3501 Fax: 615.794.9613 Tom Neilsen Louisville Bats 401 East Main Street Louisville, KY 40202 Tel: 502.212.2287 Fax: 502.515.2255

T60 SERIES II HydroSeeder®

Nick Nicholson Smith Turf & Irrigation 1598 Neblett Road Clarksville, TN 37040 Tel: 800.575.4784 Fax: 615.242.3274 Chris O’Rear City of Tarrant 1232 Faye Drive Tarrant, AL 35217 Tel: 205.849.2828 Cecil Painter LaVergne Parks & Rec. 5095 Murfreesboro Road LaVergne, TN 37086 Tel: 615.793.3224 Jason Pannell Bellevue Baptist Church 2000 Appling Drive Cordova, TN 38016 Tel: 901.347.5241 Fax: 901.347.5725

B260 Straw Blower

T280/330 HydroSeeder®

Innovative Equipment Enhancing the World's Landscape

Jimmy Parson The Turf Company, Inc. PO Box 68 Morrison, TN 37357 Tel: 931.635.3553 Paul Patterson UAH 301 Sparkman Drive Huntsville, AL 35899 Craig Perry Union University 1050 Union University Jackson, TN 38305 Tel: 731.661.9818 Mike Peters Tennessee Titans One Titan Way Nashville, TN 37123 Tel: 615.565.4358 Fax: 615.565.4390

Shane Ball, Territory Manager

859– 396– 4184



Pr–Sm TVSTMA 2003 Membership Roster Jack Presley City of Goodlettsville P & R 105 South Main Street Goodlettsville, TN 37072 Tel: 615.859.0362 Fax: 615.859.9301

Rich Richardson City of Brentwood Parks & Rec. PO Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37024 Tel: 615.371.2208 Fax: 615.371.2225

Dr. Tom Samples University of Tennessee 2431 Center Drive Knoxville, TN 37996-4561 Tel: 865.974.2595 Fax: 865.974.1947

Dr. Dennis Shepard Sygenta Professional Products 101 Fox Hill Court Franklin, TN 37069 Tel: 615.790.3281 Fax: 615.599.3263

Terry Prince Coffee County Central 2135 Tullahoma Hwy. Manchester, TN 37355 Tel: 931.723.5159 931.723.5161

Gary Roberts Blackman High School 3956 Wilkerson Crossing Murfreesboro, TN 37128 Tel: 615.904.3850 Fax: 615.904.3851

Con Sauls King College Physical Plant 1350 Kings College Way Bristol, TN 37629 Tel: 423.652.4730 Fax: 423.652.6306

Bruce Shook Tieco, Nashville 118 Park South Court Nashville, TN 37210 Tel: 615.244.9871 Fax: 615.255.4917

Bill Randles Vanderbilt University Plant OP Room 125 Nashville, TN 37240 Tel: 615.343.6694 Fax: 615.343.0820

Russ Robertson 8421 Poplar Creek Road Nashville, TN 37221 Tel: 615.673.2681 Fax: 615.662.2201

Mike Saunders Saunders Landscaping 1920 Seminole Avenue Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.1613 Fax: 615.726.1618

Eric Simmons Univ. of Tenn. @ Martin 1020 Elam Center Martin, TN 38238 Tel: 731.587.7745 Fax: 731.587.7725

Brian Schaefer Eastern Kentucky University 512 Lancaster Avenue Richmond, KY 40475 Tel: 859.622.4996 Fax: 856.622.8012

Ashley Smith White House Parks & Rec. PO Box 69 White House, TN 37188 Tel: 615.672.4350

Al Ray Maury County Parks & Rec. 1018 Lion Parkway Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.388.0303 Fax: 931.381.3265 Lynn Ray Golf Management Group 5210 Maryland Way Brentwood, TN 37027 Tel: 615.373.9400 Fax: 615.370.2585 Patrick Remke Precision Sports Fields 477 Craighead Street Nashville, TN 37209 Tel: 615.690.2839 Fax: 615.690.2838 Charles Rhymer King College Physical Plant 1350 Kings College Way Bristol, TN 37629 Tel: 423.652.4730 Fax: 423.652.6306


Nathan Rockwood Town of Smyrna 100 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.459.9773 Fax: 615.459.9727 Tom Sage Town of Smyrna 100 Sam Ridley Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 Tel: 615.459.9773 Fax: 615.459.9727

Robert Scoggins Oak Ridge Schools PO Box 6588 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Tel: 865.482.8508 Fax: 865.423.8381

Ed Salanous Bellevue Baptist Church 2000 Appling Drive Cordova, TN 38016 Tel: 901.347.5241 Fax: 901.347.5725

Stacy Scott City of Tullahoma 501 N. Collins Street Tullahoma, TN 37388

Mike Sallee City of Brentwood Parks & Rec.. PO Box 788 Brentwood, TN 37024 Tel: 615.371.2208 Fax: 615.371.2225

T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Tony Scott Maury County Parks & Rec. 1018 Lion Parkway Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.388.0303 Fax: 931.381.3265

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Brad Smith Louisville Bats 401 East Main Street Louisville, KY 40202 Tel: 502.212.2287 Fax: 502.515.2255 David Smith North Jackson High School PO Box 848 Stevenson, AL 35772 Tel: 256.437.2136 Fax: 256.437.2400 Paul Smith Sigma Organics PO Box 40624 Nashville, TN 37204-0624 Tel: 866.220.3116 Fax: 615.383.0622

TVSTMA 2003 Membership Roster Sm–Zo Scott Smith Saunders Landscaping 1920 Seminole Avenue Nashville, TN 37211 Tel: 615.726.1613 Fax: 615.726.1618

Mike Weathers City of Lawrenceburg 1002 Mahr Avenue Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 Tel: 931.762.5760 Fax: 931.766.6602

Steve Stephens McGavock High School 3150 McGavock Pike Nashville, TN 37124 Tel: 615.885.8860 Fax: 615.885.8900

Josh White Tieco Tennessee, Inc. 5595 Federal Avenue Memphis, TN 38118

Drew Sullivan Dickens Supply 814 Cherokee Nashville, TN 37207 Tel: 615.227.1111 Fax: 615.226.0015

Walter White City of Tullahoma 501 N. Collins Street Tullahoma, TN 37388 Tel: 931.455.1121

John Whitehead Trinity Christian Academy 130 Old Denmark Road Jackson, TN 38301 Tel: 731.423.8924 Charles Williams Charles Williams & Assoc. PO Box 978 Fayetteville, TN 37334 Tel: 931.732.4774 Fax: 931.732.4845 Dr. David Williams University of Kentucky N222 Ag Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-1952 Tel: 859.257.2715 Fax: 859.323.1952

Jon Willow Southern Spray Co. 3765 Homewood Road Memphis, TN 38118 Tel: 901.363.4797 Fax: 901.363.7285 Dr. Alan Windham University of Tennessee 5201 Marchant Drive Nashville, TN 37128 Tel: 615.832.6802 615.781.2568 Donald Zodun McCallie High School 500 Dodds Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37404 Tel: 423.493.5553 Fax: 423.493.5578

Pat Swallows Livingston Academy 120 Melvin Johnson Livingston, TN 38570 Tel: 931.823.7421 Mike Taylor Huntsville Stars PO Box 2769 Huntsville, AL 35804 Tel: 256.882.2562 Stan Thomas Turfgrass America 33 Old Lincoln Road Fayetteville, TN 37334 Tel: 931.652.0011 Fax: 931.433.4018 Wayne Thompson East Ridge Parks & Rec. 1517 Tombras Avenue East Ridge, TN 37412 Tel: 423.899.6653 Fax: 423.867.7340 Wayne Treadway South Jefferson County LL 1025 Chestnut Grove Road Dandridge, TN 37725 Tel: 865.397.3310 Fax: 865.397.6319 Turf Manager City of Paducah PO Box 2307 Paducah, KY 42002-2307 Mike Vaughn Southern Athletic Fields, Inc. PO Box 685 Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 Tel: 800.837.8062 Fax: 931.380.0145 David Vernon City of Columbia 821 W. 9th Street Columbia, TN 38401 Tel: 931.388.8119 Fax: 931.380.2767 Charlie Vestal Profile Products, LLC 200 Murphy Street Blacksburg, VA 24060 Tel: 540.951.3352 Fax: 540.951.3356 Elmer Wadley Hopkinsville Recreation Dept. 2600 Thomas Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Tel: 270.887.4290 Fax: 270.887.4293 Vic Wallace Lambuth University 705 Lambuth Drive Jackson, TN 38301 Tel: 731.425.3370 Gina Warren Univ. of Tenn. @ Martin 1020 Elam Center Martin, TN 38238 Tel: 731.587.7745 Fax: 731.587.7725




2003 COMPANY CONTACT LIST Please check your listing in the membership roster. Please notify the TVSTMA Office with changes at 1-888-224-6426. Russ Robertson

Athletic Fields, Inc. Matt Ervin Battle Ground Academy Brad Myers Bellevue Baptist Church Chris Brown Charlie Davidson Jason Pannell Ed Salanous Blackman High School Doug Greene John McCreery Gary Roberts Bowling Green Parks & Rec. Gerald Belcher Paul Correa Ernie Gouvas Charles Williams & Assoc. Rhonda Britton Charles Williams

City of Kingsport Russell Mays

Billy Cameron Billy Clark Coffee County Central Jeff Breeden Jerry Clark Chase Jones Terry Prince

City of Athens Tony Carpenter Austin Fesmire Greg Mason Kris Powers

City of Knoxville Phil Hatcher

Craigs Farms Garry Craig

City of Lawrenceburg Mike Weathers

Creekwood High School Roger Heath

City of Brentwood Parks & Rec David Bunt Erin Kiney Allen Lowery Rich Richardson Mike Sallee

City of Paducah Manager Turf

Cultra Turf Specialist, Inc. Spencer Cultra

City of Tarrant Chris O’Rear

Cumberland College Darrell Denney

City of Tullahoma Ian Anderson Jamie Bryant John Evans Stacy Scott Walter White

Dickens Supply Bill Adams Drew Sullivan

City of Waynesboro Park & Rec. Tim Mathis

Eastern Kentucky University Brian Schaefer

Chattanooga Lookouts Bo Henley

Alliza Sod Farm Kenny Grant

Chattanooga State Tech CC Stuart Miller

City of Columbia David Vernon City of Cookeville Leisure Serv. Allen Boles Jim Crea Bob Dawson Steve Loftis

Stephen Crockett City of Goodlettsville P&R Jack Presley

Clarkland Lawn

City of Dresden

East Ridge Parks & Rec. Wayne Thompson

EX-Cell Lawn & Garden Dick Breedlove Father Ryan High School Bill Brunner

Charles Williams & Associates PRODUCERS OF PREMIUM QUALITY TURF GRASSES PO BOX 978 • FAYETTEVILLE, TN 37334 • 1-800-544-8873


Premium Certified Sod & Sprigs • Fescue • Tifway 419 • Meyer Zoysia • Quickstand • Vamont

Services Provided: • Broadcast Sprigging • Row Planting • Big Roll Sod

Fayetteville Park & Rec Rickey Honey Franklin Road Academy Tiff Canady Gary Clarke Germantown Baptist Church Larry Jennings Golf Management Group Lynn Ray Goose Pond Colony G.C. Walter Cargile Greenville Turf & Tractor Rankin Armstrong Eric Meyer Greer & Associates Tom Greer Grundy County High School Tom Melton Harding Place Family YMCA Flip Butler Harpeth Youth Soccer Assoc. John Glass Harrell’s Mike Bounds Steve Ellis Greg Johns Hart Freeland Roberts Jim Gilliam Haywood Co. Park and Rec.


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

TVSTMA 2003 Company Contact List Ho–So David Little Hopkins Co. BOE Mark Brashear Hopkinsville Recreation Dept. Robbie Pollard Elmer Wadley Houston County BOE Bobby Day Huntsville Stars Mike Taylor Jackson Recreation & Parks Kenny Franks Gary LeForgee Jackson Sand Carlton Pope

Mike Rose Soccer Brian Kursler Millington Parks & Recreation Bob de

Portland Parks & Recreation Buddy Douglas Precision Sports Fields Patrick Remke

Montgomery Bell Athletics Cooper Delk

Pro Source One Joe Hill Keith LeCroy

North Jackson High School David Smith

Profile Products, LLC Bill Fenn Charlie Vestal

Oak Ridge Schools Robert Scoggins

Pulaski Parks & Rec Steve Jett Bobby Phillips

Pioneer Industrial Johnny Ponce

Saunders Landscaping Mike Saunders Scott Smith

Sigma Organics Paul Smith Smith Turf & Irrigation Bill Blackburn Allen Curtis George Monroe Nick Nicholson South Jefferson County LL Wayne Treadway Southern Athletic Fields, Inc. Aaron Barnett Brad Essary Glenn Lucas Bill Marbet Mike Vaughn

Keeling Company Brian Burns King College Physical Plant Charles Rhymer Con Sauls Knoxville Farragut HS Tommy Pharr Knoxville Smokies Ross D’Lugos Lambuth University Vic Wallace LaVergne Parks & Rec. Cecil Painter LESCO Daryl Head Livingston Academy Pat Swallows Loretto High School Gary Lamm Louisville Bats Tom Neilsen Brad Smith Marion County High School Margaret Moore Mike Moore Maury County Parks & Rec. Wayne Brooks Andy Hartman Cal Moore Al Ray Tony Scott McCallie High School Donald Zodun McCurdy Sod Farms Bob McCurdy McGavock High School Steve Stephens McKenzie City Park Ricky French Memphis University School Ernie Bennett Metro Parks & Rec. Mike Bays Mid Tenn Turf Allen Howard Mid-Atlantic Turf Jesse Driver Pam Driver Middle Tennessee State Univ. Warren Anderson

EVERGREEN GRASSING SPECIALIST, INC. ➢ Row Planting, Broadcast Sprigging, Sodding, and Hand Planting. ➢ Specializing in Sports Fields and Golf Courses. ➢ Producer of Certified Meyers, Tifway419, Emerald Zoysia, Centipede and Assortment of other grasses. ➢ Available in Slabs or Rolls. Toll Free: 1-877-336-1227 • 1-229-522-0049 • Fax: 1-229-336-1229



So–Ym TVSTMA 2003 Company Contact List The Hogan Company Bob Hogan Connie Hogan

Southern Spray Co. Mike Baker Matt Bagdonas Jon Willow

The Turf Company, Inc. Terry Mausbach Jimmy Parson

Stein Construction Scott Morgan Sygenta Professional Products Mickey Lovett Dennis Shepard Tennessee Farmers CoOp Joe Carter Tennessee Titans Brad Benton Clyde Clemons Marty Kaufman Mike Peters Terry Porch

Tieco, Nashville Bob Elliott Kenny Mathis Bruce Shook Josh White

Town of Smyrna Chris Davis Mike Moss Nathan Rockwood Tom Sage Tri Turf Sod Farm, Inc. Jason Pooler Trinity Christian Academy John Whitehead

Town of Collierville Thomas Fletcher

Turfgrass America Bill Darby Jerry Elder Stan Thomas

Town of Dandridge Greg Gann

UAH Paul Patterson Union University Craig Perry

DIXIE TURF & TREE Serving East Tennessee and Surrounding Area Locally Grown Sod Fescue Blends ✤ Bermudas ✤ Zoysia Pick Up & Delivery Slab or Big Roll Sod Sprigs Also Available Dixie Turf & Tree • 1945 General Carl W. Stiner Hwy. • LaFollette, TN 37766 Phone: 423–562–1643 • Fax: 423–562–1069 • 1–800–633–8873


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

Univ. of Tenn. @ Martin Eric Simmons Gina Warren University of Arkansas Kevin Jones University of Georgia Gil Landry University of Kentucky A.J Powell David Williams University of Tennessee Bobby Campbell Thomas Garner Tom Samples Alan Windham Vanderbilt University Hosea Cabknor Bill Randles Webb School Brian Keyl White House Parks & Rec Ashley Smith Whitfield Co. Rec. Dept. Rick Hasty YMCA Bob Copeland


By-laws of Tennessee Turfgrass Association Revised January 7, 2003

ARTICLE I: NAME AND MISSION SECTION1 The name of the Association shall be the Tennessee Turfgrass Association SECTION 2 The mission of this Association is to promote the Turfgrass Industry through education, scholarship and research SECTION 3 This Association shall be operated on a non-profit basis and only those funds shall be raised as may be required to accomplish its objectives.

ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 This Association shall be open for membership to anyone interested in promoting turfgrass in Tennessee. SECTION 2 Membership classes, method of application, and term of membership will be established by the Board. SECTION 3 Honorary memberships may be awarded upon approval of two-thirds of The Board of Directors.

ARTICLE III: OFFICERS & DIRECTORS SECTION 1 The government of the Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of twelve (12) memTENNESSEE TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION • TENNESSEE VALLEY SPORTS TURF MANAGERS ASSOCIATION


A S S O C IA T E N E W S C O N T I N U E D bers. A sufficient number of Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting by a majority vote of the regular membership. In the event of a tie the first term board members and all officers shall break the tie by ballot. years.

The directors shall be elected for a term of two (2)

SECTION 2 The officers of the Association (designated the Executive Committee) shall be elected by the twelve (12) members of the Board of Directors. The Association’s officers shall be President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Officers may be elected from the Board or from the membership at large. Each officer shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in a particular office. SECTION 3 The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur during a regular term, upon recommendation of the President. SECTION 4 A quorum necessary for the transaction of business by the Board shall be no less than a majority of the existing Board. SECTION 5 The Board of Directors shall have the authority to hire staff as deemed necessary to accomplish the Association’s objectives. Duties of all staff members shall be prescribed by the Board. SECTION 6 Prior to each annual meeting and election, the President shall appoint a nominating committee to complete a slate of nominees for the impending vacancies on the Board of Directors. well.

Nominations from the floor may be considered as

ARTICLE IV : DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS SECTION 1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of this Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting of the Association. The President will, with approval from the Board of Directors, appoint a Committee Chairperson for each Committee. The President will be exofficio member of each committee. 52

SECTION 2 The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or inability to perform as President. The Vice-President shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Association.

T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

SECTION 3 The Treasurer shall provide oversight for all financial matters relating to the Association. The Treasurer shall review financial accounts and records of the Association. The Treasurer will be prepared to give a report of the financial status of the Association at each Board Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Association. The Treasurer will make available to inspection by the Board of Directors all financial records. The Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Association. SECTION 4 Each Director will be an advisor to the President and have a vote in all affairs governed by the Board of Directors. Each Director will attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the Association.

ARTICLE V: DUES SECTION 1 Annual dues for this Association are payable in a sum prescribed by the Board of Directors. All matters concerning dues will be decided by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE VI: MEETINGS SECTION 1 An Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held each year and the Board of Directors shall determine the date and location. SECTION 2 Special meetings of the regular membership may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors or by a petition representing at least 1/3 of the regular membership. A notice of such meeting must be sent to each regular member thirty days before the intended meeting date. Only the business for which the special meeting was called may be transacted and the meeting shall be conducted consistent with the By-Laws. SECTION 3 At the Annual Meeting and meetings of the Board of Directors no business may be transacted inconsistent with the By-Laws.

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

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A S S O C IA T E N E W S C O N T I N U E D SECTION 4 Roberts Rules of Order will be used during each regular membership meeting.

ARTICLE VII: COMMITTEES SECTION 1 The Executive Committee is the only permanent committee established with these By-Laws. SECTION 2 The President, with majority approval from the Board of Directors, will form committees he/she deems in the best interest of the Association. SECTION 3 No committee shall have the power to bind or obligate the TTA, the Board of Directors or its Officers to any contract or payment of any kind unless given such authority, on record, by the Board of Directors. SECTION 4 It shall be the privilege of any and all Past Presidents of this Association to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee in an advisory capacity. Past Presidents will not be able to vote during these meetings.

ARTICLE VIII: PRINCIPAL OFFICE SECTION 1 The principal office of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association will be 400 Franklin Road, Franklin Tennessee 37069. SECTION 2 The Board of Directors may, from time to time, choose other offices to help run the Association.

ARTICLE IX: IDEMNIFICATION SECTION 1 The Association shall indemnify and hold harmless each Director and Officer of the Association, or any person who may serve at its request as a Director or Officer of another corporation (and, in either case, his/her heirs, executors and administrators), to the full extent allowed by the laws of the State of Tennessee, both as now in effect and as hereafter adopted. The Association may indemnify and advance expenses to any employee or agent of the Association who is not a Director or Officer (and his/her heirs, executors and administrators) to the same extent as to a Director or Officer, if the Board of Directors determines that to do so is in the best interests of the Association SECTION 2 The indemnification and advancement of expenses provision herein shall not be exclusive of any other which any person (and his/her heirs, executors and administrators) may have or hereafter acquire under any statute, pro54

T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

vision of the Charter provision of these By-Laws, resolution adopted by the membership, resolution adopted by the Board of Directors, agreement, insurance purchased by the Corporation or otherwise, both as to action in his/her official capacity and as to action in another capacity. SECTION 3 The Association may maintain insurance, at its expense to protect itself and any individual who is or was a Director, Officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, is or was serving at its request as a Director, Officer, employee or agent of another corporation against any expense, liability or loss whether or not the Association would have the power to indemnify such person against such expense, liability or loss under the Tennessee Non-profit Corporation Act, as it may be amended from time to time.

ARTICLE X: PROHIBITION AGAINST SHARING ASSOCIATION EARNINGS No Director, Officer or employee of, or member of a committee of, or person connected with the Association, or any other private individual shall receive at any time any of the net earnings or pecuniary profit from the operation of the Association, provided that this shall not prevent the payment to any such person reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for the Association in effecting any of its purposes; and no such person or persons shall be entitles to share in the distribution of any corporate assets upon the dissolution of the corporation. Upon such dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Association, whether voluntary or involuntary, the assets of the Association after all debts have been satisfied, then the remaining in the hands of the Board of Directors shall be distributed, transferred, amounts as the Board shall determine or as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction upon application of the Board of Directors, exclusively to charitable, scientific, or educational organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.

ARTICLE XI: INVESTMENTS The Association shall have the right to retain all or any part of any securities or property acquired by it in whatever manner, and to invest and reinvest any funds held by it, according to the judgment of the Board of Directors, without being restricted to the class of investments which a Director is or may hereafter be permitted by law to make or any similar

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

A S S O C IA T E N E W S C O N T I N U E D restrictions, provided, however, that no action shall be taken by or on behalf of the Association if such action is a prohibited transaction or would result in the denial of the tax exemption under Section 503 or Section 504 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.

ARTICLE XII: EXEMPT ACTIVITIES Notwithstanding any other provisions of these ByLaws, no Director, Officer, employee or representative of this Association shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the Association not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt under Section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by an organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c) 2 of such Code and Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.

ARTICLE XIII: AMENDMENTS The By-Laws may be amended at a meeting or the Association by a two-thirds majority vote of those members present. T



T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

IN D EX O F A DVE RT ISE RS America’s Nationwide Netting 36 Aquatrols Corporation of America 46 Bayco Golf, Inc. 35 Bayer Corp. Environmental Science 37 Charles Williams & Associates 48 Cleary Chemical Corp 44 Course Doctors 16 Covermaster, Inc. 28 Crossroads Sod Farm 16 Dakota Peat & Equipment 21 Dixie Turf & Tree 50 E & S Soil and Peat 33 Evergreen Grassing Specialist, Inc. 49 Finn Corporation 45 Greenville Turf & Tractor 9 Harmon Turf Services, Inc. 7 Harrell’s Custom Fertilizer Inside Back Cover Hunter Industries 50 Hydro Turf Planter Association 38 Jackson Sand 27 John Deere Landscapes 55 Keeling Company 15 Landforms 36 McFall Sod & Seed Co. Inside Front Cover & 30 Mid Tenn Turf, Inc. Inside Front Cover & 24 Novozymes Biologicals, Inc. 19 Nu-Gro Technologies, Inc. 53 Oldham Chemicals Co. 25 Patten Seed Company/Super Sod 33 Pennington Seed, Inc. 32 Precision Sports Field, Inc. 47 ProSource One 43 Quail Valley Farm Inside Front Cover & 57 Rain Maker 42 Regal Chemical Co. 31 Sigma Organics 49 Smith Turf & Irrigation Back Cover Southeastern Turf, L.L.C. 23 Super Sod Inside Front Cover Sur-Line Turf 29 Syngenta Turf & Ornamental 20 Tamanet USA, Inc. 3 Tieco, Inc. 5 Tifsport Inside Front Cover Turf Mountain Sod, Inc. 35 Turfgrass America Inside Front Cover & 18 U.S. Chemical Storage Co. 12 Winstead Turf Farms, Inc. 39


T E N N E S S E E T U R F G RA S S A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 0 3

T V S T MA 2 0 0 3 E V E N T S




High School Field Renovation, Nashville Area - Tennessee Titans


Memphis area Seminar and Tour

November Annual Board Meeting – Chattanooga

ETGCSA 2003 MEETINGS June 23 Location: Windstone CC, Chattanooga. Host: Wes Gilbert. Speaker: Chris Hartwigger, USGA. July 15

Location: Cattails @ Meadowview. Host: Roger Frazier. Speaker: Drs. Sorochan/Samples.

August 11 Location: Black Creek,Chattanooga. Host: Scott Wicker. Speaker: Dr. Pat Cobb. October 27 Scholarship & Research Tournament. Location: Willow Creek GC, Knoxville. Host: Paul Hood. Yamaha Pro-Super Tournament, October 20th, Hermitage Golf Course




May 20

The Legacy in conjunction with Quad State

July 21

Champions Run

August 11 Black Creek Club in conjunction with ETGCSA November 3

Scholarship & Research Tournament at Legends Club

MA GCSA 2003 M EETI N G S March 18 Location: Cherokee Valley Golf Club. Host Superintendent: Rob Roy. Sponsors: BWI/Jerry Pate. Speaker: Scott Woods. April 15 Location: Tupelo C.C. Host Superintendent: Jim Kwazinski. Sponsors: Regal/John Deere. Speaker: Dr. Goatley. May 5 Location: Jackson C.C. Host Superintendent: Bart Cash. Sponsors: Grassroots/Syngenta. Speaker: Dennis Shepard. June 3 Location: Memphis National. Host Superintendent: Brian Pope. Speaker: Dr. John Sorochan. September 16 Location: Germantown C.C. Host Superintendent: Bobby Stringer. Sponsor: Bayer. Speaker: Bayer Rep. October 6 Scholarship & Research Tournament. Location: Chickasaw C.C. Host Superintendent: Dan Stump.

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

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