The Official Publication of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association and the Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association
The Official Publication of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association and the Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association
10 12 18 26 32
12 Cover Story
Upcoming Event — UT Field Day and Workshop, May 15–16, 2007 Cover Story — Blue-Green Algae Control on Bentgrass Golf Greens Turf Tips — Fertilizing TN Sports Fields Applied Research — A New Tool for Managing Bentgrass Golf Greens
Turf Tips
Turf Talk
Turf Talk — Centipedegrasses for Tennessee Lawns
From the TTA President, Bill Francis
From the TVSTMA, Al Ray
Industry News
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers
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TTA Membership Definitely Has its Privileges!
reetings from Upper East Tennessee! With the growing season upon us, I thought it appropriate to mention some of the benefits of membership in the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. The Tennessee Turfgrass Association (TTA) is a non-profit, professional organization dedicated to promoting the turfgrass industry through education, scholarship and research. Membership is open to all individuals and businesses associated with turfgrass management or related fields, including golf course superintendents, sports-turf managers, turf-industry vendors, landscape contractors, cemetery managers and irrigation contractors, to name just a few. The educational benefits of TTA membership are enormous. In January of each year, the TTA holds an annual educational conference and trade show. The Tennessee Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show has become one of the best events in the industry, drawing speakers from all over the country. In addition to providing tremendous continuing education, many of the seminars allow certified pesticide applicators to earn re-certification points. The TTA also provides scholarship opportunities to
turfgrass-management students through the Ernest Hardison Memorial Scholarship. Last year, the TTA awarded two $1,000 scholarships in Hardison’s memory. In addition, TTA’s Scholarship and Awards Committee is in the process of reintroducing a Legacy Scholarship. Realizing that research is the foundation for successful turfgrass managers, the Tennessee Turfgrass Association is com-mitted to providing funds for research and extension to our state universities. In 2006 alone, the TTA committed over $30,000 to help finance turfgrass research at The University of Tennessee. With that said, be sure to take advantage of a tremendous educational opportunity on May 15–16, 2007. This University of Tennessee Field Day and Turf & Landscape Workshop, hosted by The University of Tennessee, will have a very strong slate of speakers and is definitely an event that you will not want to miss. Clearly, there is no better time than now to take advantage of the education and scholarship opportunities your TTA membership provides. See you in Knoxville, May 15–16! T
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The Official Publication of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association and the Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association
Tennessee Turfgrass is the official publication of The Tennessee Turfgrass Association 400 Franklin Road Franklin, Tennessee 37069 (615) 591-8286 Published by Leading Edge Communications, LLC 206 Bridge Street Franklin, Tennessee 37064 (615) 790-3718 Fax (615) 794-4524 Editor Mr. Bobby Stringer Scientific Editor Dr. J. Scott McElroy TTA OFFICERS President Mr. Bill Francis The Ridges Golf & CC (423) 913-2276 Vice President Mr. Bob Hogan The Hogan Company (888) 224-6426 Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Bobby Stringer Germantown Country Club (901) 754-7755 Past President Mr. Jeff Case (901) 373-4344 Executive Secretary Mr. Jim Uden (615) 591-8286 TTA 2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Cory Blair Ms. Shelia Finney Mr. Roger Frazier Mr. Mickey Lovett Mr. Bill Marbet Mr. Bob McCurdy Mr. Scott McNeer Mr. Tommy Mittlesteadt Mr. Scott Morgan Mr. Mitch Parker Mr. Robert Stroud Mr. Frank Turner TTA ADVISORY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Mr. Bill Blackburn Mr. Lynn Ray Dr. Tom Samples Dr. Dennis Shepard Dr. John Sorochan
pring sports season… what’s not to love? Winter is gone, the smells of new grass and old leather linger in the air, and finally the season is here… the pay-off. Make the most of it. Savor it! We each get only our fair share of such days, so take time to enjoy them. This is one of the special times we all work so hard for, and hopefully your TVSTMA membership has helped you in some way to make this season of new life one you’ll remember. Our TVSTMA chapter has been especially active this year, and we can all take pride in what has been accomplished so far. Your sponsorship (along with that of TTA) helped send students from The University of Tennessee to the STMA annual conference in San Antonio, where they were awarded three out of five scholarships (see page 36 for the full story)! Drs. John Sorochan and Scott McElroy added to the exposure of the U.T. turf program by making several presentations at the conference.
The annual U.T. Field Day will be held this year on May 15–16, featuring a new Turf and Landscape Workshop, with sessions held each day. We had a good TVSTMA turnout last year in August, so please make every effort to plan your schedule to attend what promises to be another informative event. Thanks to U.T. research for offering this valuable educational opportunity. During this year’s Tennessee Baseball Coaches Association meeting in Franklin, TVSTMA awarded Regional Fields of the Year, selected from applications submitted for statewide TBCA Field of the Year (congratulations to the 2006 recipient, Creekwood High School). The quality of the many fields submitted offered us the chance to recognize excellence in each region of the state. Please take time to congratulate the winners shown on the next page, and thank them for what they do. We were also fortunate to be invited to promote TVSTMA as guests of Mickey Hiter’s “Athletes Parents Show” on Nashville’s Sports Radio 560, WNSR. TVSTMA’s own Bill Marbet joined Hiter on his show on February 3. Again, making the most of our opportunities — opportunities to learn through quality field days and research events, opportunities to share through scholarships and sponsorships, and opportunities to get out our message through recognizing achievement, promoting our goals and, as always, recruiting new members — is what TVSTMA membership is all about. Let’s continue to make the most of our opportunities in 2007. T
On February 3, Bill Marbet (seated at left) promoted TVSTMA on Nashville Sports Radio 560 WNSR’s “Athletes Parents Show” with host Mickey Hiter.
Al Ray TVSTMA President
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The Tennessee Turfgrass Association serves its members in the industry through education, promotion and representation. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, or its board of directors, Tennessee Turfgrass Magazine, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or Turfgrass Association members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in this, past or subsequent issues of this quarterly publication. Copyright ©2007 by the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. Tennessee Turfgrass is published bi-monthly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. POSTMASTER: Send change of address notification to Tennessee Turfgrass Association, 400 Franklin Road, Franklin, TN 37069. Postage guaranteed. Presorted standard postage is paid at Franklin, TN. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: Tennessee Turfgrass allows reprinting of material. Permission requests should be directed to the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For display and classified advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Franklin, TN 37064, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524.
Top Left: TVSTMA’s East Tennessee Regional Baseball Field of the Year: Walker Valley High School in Cleveland, TN (sports-turf manager: Mike Turner). Top Right: TVSTMA’s Middle Tennessee Regional Baseball Field of the Year: Jones Field at Riverdale High School in Murfreesboro, TN (sports-turf manager: Buddy Powers). Bottom Right: TVSTMA’s West Tennessee Regional Baseball Field of the Year: Elam Stadium in Union City, TN (sports-turf manager: Stephen Crockett).
Annual Turfgrass Field Day
at The University of Tennessee, Plus Turf & Landscape Workshop, May 15-16, 2007 / UT Plant Sciences Unit, Knoxville TUESDAY MORNING (MAY 15) FIELD DAY TOUR & TOPICS
PCP: 3 hours C3, 10, 12; 1 hour C6
Registration Time: 7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. Field Day Tour & Topics Time: 8:30 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. PCP: 3 hours C3, 10, 12; 1 hour C6 • Management of Creeping Bentgrass Disease • Putting Green Research • Control of Crabgrass & Broadleaf Weeds • Bluegrass, Fescue or Both for Tennessee? • Insect Detection and Control Timing • Understanding Diseases & Insects • Bermudagrass Wear Tolerance & Overseeding • Overseeding Removal & Poa Annua Control Field Day Lunch (provided) Time: 11:40 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Plant-Scaping Time: 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Plant Biotechnology Bldg., Room 113 PCP: 4 hours C3, 10, 12; 1 hour C6 • How UT Extension Can Help You • Managing Adverse Soil Conditions • Perennial Plant Selection • Bedazzled by Color Turfgrass Management Time: 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Plant Biotechnology Bldg., Room 160 PCP: 4 hours C3, 10, 12; 1 hour C6 • Bermudagrass: Tifway and Beyond • Zoysiagrass 101 • Being Prepared for 2007 • Plant Growth Regulators Pest Management Time: 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Plant Biotechnology Bldg., Room 156/157 PCP: 4 hours C3, 10, 12; 1 hour C6 • Integrated Pest Management • Management of Bermudagrass Spring Dead Spot and Zoysia Patch • Disease Resistance: Detection, Management and Avoidance • There Are No Odd Weeds … Just Odd People
Managing Bermudagrass Athletic Fields in the Mid-South Region Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Plant Sciences Unit PCP: 4 hours C2, 10, 12; 1 hour C6 Managing Ornamental Colorscapes Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. UT Gardens
Registration Information Registration Fees until May 1, 2007: $40 for either Tuesday or Wednesday ($50 after May 1), $75 for both days ($90 after May 1) For a registration form, contact: East TN Research & Education Center (865) 974-7201 Or download the registration form at:
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Management of
Blue-Green Algae on Creeping Bentgrass
Putting Greens
By Steven M. Borst, Graduate Student; J. Scott McElroy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor; and Greg K. Breeden, Research Associate; Turfgrass Science, The University of Tennessee
the ever-increasing demand for faster, more-competitive putting green surfaces, superintendents are finding blue-green algae encroachment on creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) putting greens an all too common problem. Excessive organic matter and moisture in the upper layers of the rootzone, accompanied with cultural and environmental stresses, make golf greens an excellent growing medium for blue-green algae, various fungi and micro-flora. Blue-green algae are prokaryotic organisms often referred to as cyanobacteria; however, they differ from bacteria because they contain chlorophyll-a and because they release oxygen (O2) during photosynthesis. Blue-green algae associated with turf decline have been identified as Phormidium and Oscillatoria species. However, because of the diversity of soil bacteria, other species may be involved and could potentially be part of the blue-green algae problem. Research is being conducted to identify all the agents that comprise the blue-green algae complex and to determine exactly which organisms are the true pathogen/ weed problems on bentgrass putting greens. Blue-green algae are known to cause two distinct problems on putting greens: surface slime mats and subsurface black
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COVER STORY layer. The slime mats have been described generally as scum or crust layers that range in color from green to brown or black. Surface slime mats are the most common problem occurring on bentgrass putting greens. These mats disrupt the playing surface and create a soil medium that is unsuitable for bentgrass growth. They are a result of a mucilage substance that the blue-green algae secrete for protection and conservation of water. When this slime dries, it creates a crust that is impermeable to water, limiting bentgrass growth. Through these mats and fibrous growth, blue-green algae can clog soil pores and cause anaerobic conditions, making the sand medium susceptible to subsurface black layer. When a soil becomes anaerobic, it allows for sulfurreducing bacteria to thrive and cause turf decline. Recent research has identified a new problem possibly associated with blue-green algae on golf course greens
— yellow spot disease. Yellow spot, identified on golf greens as yellowing small blotches, has started to become a problem on golf courses in the southeastern and western United States. Though the disease does not pose a serious killing threat to turf stands, it does pose a problem with aesthetics.
The blue-green algae complex A major factor for blue-green algae encroachment is water status. Persistent wet conditions favor blue-green algae development on putting greens. A poorly drained rootzone can increase blue-green algae encroachment, as well as pose a problem for bentgrass establishment and growth. Poor air circulation, which delays proper drying of the turf canopy, can increase the chance of blue-green algae encroachment, as well. Blue-green algae problems tend to occur not only in poorly drained areas but also in bare-ground areas in the turf or where the turf stand is weak. These bare areas can be a result of disease stress, poor seedling establishment or mechanical stress (such as areas of mower overlap and mower turn). Without competition from the bentgrass stand, blue-green algae growth can increase and expand over the entire golf green.
Cultural control options
Photo 1. Blue-green algae encroachment on a bentgrass putting green. 14
Numerous fungicide/algaecide control options have been studied for control of blue-green algae on bentgrass putting greens; however, these control methods should be second to alleviating the conditions that are favoring blue-green algae growth. For instance, water management should be one of the first cultural practices considered when trying to remedy algae encroachment. Drainage should be improved and excessive subsurface-water retention should be reduced to decrease anaerobic conditions and improve turfgrass vigor. Air circulation should be enhanced around the surrounding area to increase water evaporation and maintain adequate subsurface water levels. Cultivation methods such as aerification or spiking should be used to break up the blue-green algae crust and allow water and air circulation into the rootzone. Topdressing can also be utilized to coat the algal mat and help to break up the crust layer. Blue-green algae are photosynthesizing organisms, so a layer of sand above the photosynthetic tissue can create a stress on the organism, allowing bentgrass to compete. Once conditions that favor blue-green algae growth have been corrected, over-seeding and chemical control may be considered.
Current research at The University of Tennessee
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CONTINUED Research at The University of Tennessee has identified the same species of blue-green algae that have been identified by other turf scientists. In addition, other micro-flora have been isolated, further adding to the complexity of the blue-green algae complex. The diversity and makeup of the blue-green algae complex could potentially be the reason for control variation that can be seen with control products. Each chemical could be toxic to one species of cyanobacteria but have no effect on another. Hypothetically, this could be why timing of application and combinations of chemicals produce different results of blue-green algae control. In Figure 1, Daconil ZN (applied at 6.1 oz./1,000 ft2) controlled the algae population 87% when applied every two weeks. Sand topdressing controlled algae at 85%, proving that cultural practices are just as important in control of algae as chemicals. Junction (applied at 4 oz./1,000 ft2) controlled algae at 53%. Similar control with Tupersan (siduron), which is not labeled for algae control, was also observed. In our research, it is becoming apparent that Junction is a potentially better algae preventative than it is an after-bloom control agent.
Photo 2. Blue-green algae isolates taken in Knoxville, TN.
Various fungicide/algaecides are available for blue-green algae control. Mancozeb (Junction, Fore), chlorothalonil (Daconil Ultrex, Daconil Zn), sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate (TerraCyte), hydrogen dioxide (ZeroTol) and copper hydroxide (Kocide 3000) are some examples that are labeled for the control of blue-green algae in turf. According to research in the early 1990s, chlorothalonil is effective for blue-green algae control, and different formulations did not change effectiveness. Later research also noted this same result with different formulations of chlorothalonil on bermudagrass putting greens. Mancozeb and chlorothalonil will effectively suppress development of blue-green green algae on putting greens. When these chemicals were tested as preventative instead of curative applications, however, better results were observed, and both chlorothalonil and mancozeb were able to restrain the encroachment of blue-green algae on bermudagrass putting greens. Mancozeb and chlorothalonil can both be used as an effective preventive of blue-green algae encroachment.
% Blue-green algae control
Chemical controls
60 bc
40 20 0 Tupersan 0.14 lb ai Daconil ZN 6.1 oz
Junction 4 oz wt Sand 200 lb
Figure 1. Comparison of chemical and cultural methods of blue-green algae control. All rates are given per 1,000 ft2 basis.
COVER STORY Chemical control should always be secondary to alleviating environmental and cultural factors contributing to blue-green algae encroachment. Monitoring weather patterns and applying these chemicals as labeled can help to prevent blue-green algae from en-croaching onto golf course greens.
Final thoughts Both cultural and chemical options are available for control of blue-green algae control on bentgrass putting greens. However, while some success has been achieved in managing this problem, minimal information is available regarding the biology of the organism. Further under-standing the biology of these organisms could aid in our continuous efforts to achieve consistent cultural and chemical control. T
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aintaining competitive and safe playing surfaces has long been the primary goal for all sports-turf managers. Many cultural practices are used to promote proper turfgrass growth and health, which are important to prevent injury to athletes. To grow an optimum playing surface, sports-turf managers routinely core-cultivate, topdress with sand and apply fertilizers. Often, though, fertility can be a puzzling matter. In order to apply the correct amounts of nutrients, sports-turf managers must consider the site’s location and its amount of traffic, as well as previous incidences of disease and pests. Over-applications of nutrients are wasteful and potentially harmful to the environment (not to mention the extra labor and money needed). So, when creating a fertility program for a specific athletic field, where does the sports-turf manager begin?
Soil testing The first step to creating a fertility program is to determine the actual amount of nutrients currently available in the soil. Soil testing is a cheap and effective way to prevent over- and under-applications of nutrients, which saves time and money. In order to do this, soil samples must be sent to a soil-testing lab or a university extension lab for analysis. Soil sampling is a simple procedure. Randomly select 10 to 12 locations on the field for sampling. At each location, remove the sod and take a soil sample at least 6” in depth. All samples should then be mixed well in a bucket. From the mixture of the ten samples, fill a soil sampling box or a 4” X 7” bubble mailer and mail to the soil-testing lab. The lab will send back a report that tells you the amount of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc that is currently available (in the soil) to the turfgrass on your site. Typically, soil-test reports also make recommendations for fertilizer applications based upon nutrient requirements. Phosphorus should be maintained at levels ranging from
30 to 120 pounds per acre. Potassium should be maintained at much higher levels, ranging from 300 to 500 pounds per acre. Generally, potassium should be applied depending upon nitrogen levels, since low nitrogen levels decrease the amounts of potassium used by the plant. Soil analysis, however, does not measure the levels of nitrogen, which is likely the most limiting factor in turfgrass growth and vigor. Determining the actual levels of nitrogen in the soil is extremely difficult, due to the volatile and mobile nature of the nutrient. For instance, a soil sample sent to a soil-testing lab will likely have a different amount of nitrogen when it arrives at the lab than it did before the sample was taken. Tissue analysis, however, does determine the actual amounts of nitrogen and other nutrients in the plant (but not in the soil). Leaves for tissue analysis should be taken at random and sent to a lab for testing. Optimum levels for nitrogen in plant tissue should be three to five percent of the total dry weight.
Determining nitrogen needs Applications of nitrogen must be determined for each specific field based upon geographic location, rootzone mix, deficiency symptoms, turfgrass-species selection and the expected quality of the turf.
Geographic location Nitrogen applications should be made only during months of active turfgrass growth. The field’s geographic location determines the number of months for active growth, and it aids in the selection of a suitable turfgrass species. Growing months for turf can differ by several months between various locations. Therefore, the total amounts of nitrogen to be applied per year must be adjusted for location. For instance, a bermudagrass sports field in Tennessee may only need six to nine pounds of nitrogen (per 1,000 ft2) per year, compared to the exact same field in Florida that needs more than nine pounds per year, with the difference being the length of the growing season.
TURF TIPS Figure 1. Cool-Season Fertility, Fast and Slow Release Timing Shoot Growth Root Growth
Periods of Highest Nutrition Need
Figure 2. Warm-Season Fertility, Fast and Slow Release Timing Shoot Growth Root Growth
Periods of Highest Nutrition Need
Rootzone mix The rootzone makeup also affects the amounts of nitrogen to be applied. Fields that are high in silt and clay require different application amounts and procedures versus sand-based fields. Rootzones consisting predominantly of silt and clay have lower percolation rates, helping prevent the loss of nitrogen through leaching. Therefore, on silt/clay fields, nitrogen applications can be limited to a monthly basis using a fertilizer consisting of both fast- and slow-release nitrogen sources. Fields with sand-based rootzones, on the other hand, require more-frequent applications with less total nitrogen per application. Sand-based rootzones promote drainage, which reduces the soil’s holding capacity for nutrients like nitrogen. To ensure the availability of nitrogen for the plant, nitrogen on a sand-based field should be applied every 10 to 14 days at half the normal rate, depending on irrigation and precipitation levels. Sand-based sports fields have other nutrient-retention problems, as well. Sand’s lack of cation exchange capacity allows other nutrients (such as potassium), which normally are found at acceptable levels in native soils, to potentially leach out. Therefore, sand-based athletic fields should receive applications of potassium and phosphorus — as well as micronutrients — more frequently than native-soil athletic fields. Soil testing will help determine these nutrient requirements.
Deficiency symptoms Another way to determine your field’s nitrogen needs is through the overall quality of the turf. Turfgrass growing Month under low nitrogen levels will exhibit chlorosis. Chlorotic plants appear yellowish-green to yellow. While yellowing turf does not necessarily mean that levels of nitrogen are inadequate (since other Table 1 Bermudagrass Fields in the South (lbs of N per 1000 sq ft) environmental stresses can produce the same Sand Based Fields Native Soil Fields effects), proper nitrogen fertility will correct Month Slow Release Fast Release Slow Release Fast Release nutrient deficiencies. Jan 0.5 Density is another turfgrass quality that can Feb 1 0.5 1 0.5 be used as an indicator of a nitrogen deficiency. Often, turfgrass areas infested with weeds can March 1 0.5-1 0.5 indicate a lack of nitrogen available to the plant. April 1 1 1 1 Weeds are not the cause of bad turf. Rather, 2 May 2 1 0.5-1 weeds are caused by bad turf. Low nitrogen June 1-1.5 1 fertility reduces the competitive nature of the July 2 1-1.5 2 1 turf, which allows invasive weeds to take over. Aug 1-1.5 1 Sept 2 1 2 1 Turfgrass species The turfgrass species on your field will also affect Oct 1 1 the amounts of nitrogen needed. Bermudagrass, Nov 1 1 1 0.5 Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass Dec 0.5 1 generally require more application of nitrogen Total N/year without overseeding 6 6-7.5 6 5.5-6 per year than any other turfgrasses used on Total N/year with overseeding 6 6-7.5 6 5.5-6 athletic fields. These grasses are vigorous and aggressively growing plants that require high Denotes Nitrogen applications for actively growing turf. Denotes Nitrogen applications for overseeding. nitrogen fertility. Therefore, increased rates J D
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CONTINUED of nitrogen must be applied in order to keep the plant healthy and able to recuperate from wear. Bermudagrass can receive rates of 6 to 15 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per year, depending on geographic location and field usage. Kentucky bluegrass can receive rates ranging from 3 to 6 pounds per year.
Table 2
Kentucky Bluegrass/Perennial Ryegrass Athletic Field (lbs/1000 sq ft) Sand Based Native Soil Month Slow Release Fast Release Slow Release Fast Release Jan 0.5 Feb 1-2 0.5 1-2 1 March
Quality expectations Quality requirements for sport fields differ between little-league parks and professional stadiums. Often, city-operated fields will not be mowed as many times or as low as at the professional stadiums. This difference changes the needs for nitrogen. Lower mowing frequency and higher mowing heights require less nitrogen input. Turf managers who collect and remove clippings will need to apply more nitrogen than those who mulch clippings.
General fertility guidelines
Optional. Slow release fertilizer recommended.
April May
0.5 0.5
1 0.5
1 0.5
Oct Nov
1 0.5
0.5 0.5
Dec Total N per year
0.5 0.5-1
Although you will need to keep in mind the considerations listed above, there are some generalized rules for producing a fertility program right for you. First, nitrogen should be applied at least one time per active growing month. Amounts of nitrogen will differ (based on the factors above), but applications should be made every growing month to ensure sufficient amounts. Figures 1 and 2 outline the proper application timing of fast-release and slow-release fertilizers on Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and bermudagrass. Highly used fields should receive one pound of nitrogen per month of active growth, while low-use fields will only need as little as a half of a pound of nitrogen. The more applications made per month, the better, since applying fertilizers more frequently aids in keeping nitrogen available to the plant at all times. Therefore, try splitting applications in half every 14 days Use fertilizers with both fast-release and slow-release nitrogen forms. One type of fertilizer is not sufficient for an entire season. Instead, fertilizers with different nitrogen forms and percentages should be used to maximize growth. Recommendations from a soil-analysis report should be followed for applying phosphorous and potassium. However, TENNESSEE TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION • TENNESSEE VALLEY SPORTS TURF MANAGERS ASSOCIATION
Randall Keele – Mid-Tennessee Sales
CONTINUED This research plot clearly shows the visual effects of different levels of nitrogen fertility on Kentucky bluegrass.
some turfgrass managers apply potassium at a one-to-one rate with nitrogen. This is significant to managers with sand-based root zones. Potassium aids in stress tolerance of the plant, but it is readily leached from sand-based rootzones. Finally, nitrogen and potassium should also be applied at the end of each growing season when shoot growth slows. During this time, the plant is storing carbohydrates, rebuilding damaged roots and preparing for harsh environmental conditions. For some sports-field managers, nitrogen applications do not end with the induction of bermudagrass dormancy at the end of the growing season; instead, nitrogen applications continue with the overseeding of ryegrass for play in the winter season. Fields overseeded with ryegrass need to be continually fertilized throughout the cool-season growing months. Tables 1 and 2 describe examples of fertility programs for sports fields. Modify and adapt these examples to fit the needs of your individual field. Table 1 describes nitrogen applications for bermudagrass fields in the South. Amounts of nitrogen in pounds per 1,000 square feet are given for slow-release and fast-release fertilizers on either native-soil or sand-based athletic fields. In addition, Table 1 describes a continuance of the fertility program for overseeded turf. Table 2 describes applications for fields with Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. Nitrogen amounts are also given in pounds per 1,000 square feet. Application amounts are given for both fast- and slow-release nitrogen forms, as well as for native-soil versus sand-based athletic fields. Guidelines for creating a fertility program are useful, yet they are only guidelines. Each individual field requires its own specific fertility program based upon the needs of the sports-turf managers, players, owners and others who enjoy sports fields. Finding what works for you is not an easy task, so be patient and do not be afraid to try new things. T
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A Possible New Tool in the
Management of Creeping Bentgrass Golf Greens By Rodney Tocco and John Sorochan, Ph.D., Dept. of Plant Sciences, The University of Tennessee
major challenge for golf course superintendents in the transition zone is maintaining putting greens of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera), a cool-season turfgrass variety, during the summer months when temperature and humidity levels are too high for optimal growth. Summer heat stress, low mowing heights and constant traffic are complications that superintendents must face in order to successfully manage creeping bentgrass. Recommendations for managing creeping bentgrass during the summer include (1) increase mowing heights, (2) reduce mowing frequency to once or twice per week and (3) use greenside fans to increase air circulation across the putting green surface to reduce favorable conditions for disease. Also, research at The University of Tennessee last year indicated that substituting mowing every other day with lightweight rolling can be beneficial in managing creeping bentgrass during summer heat stress. Results found that alter-nating mowing with rolling maintained higher-quality putting greens throughout the summer than with traditional daily mowing.
Heat-stress effects on creeping bentgrass Heat stress is classified as either direct or indirect. Direct heat stress occurs when temperatures exceed 105° F (40° C); such
extreme high temperatures cause cell death in plants. In the transition zone, however, indirect heat stress is more common, since temperatures often meet or exceed 86º F (30° C) for extended periods of time. During summer heat-stress periods, high temperatures cause the early closure of stomata (tiny pores on the underside of plant leaves). The result is increased photorespiration, which is when oxygen (O2) replaces carbon dioxide (CO2) in the photosynthesis of cool-season turfgrasses. The cycle becomes wasteful to plant energy — rather than carbohydrates being stored, carbohydrate losses occur and often exceed net photosynthesis (carbohydrate synthesis) during the summer months. Simply put, in the transition zone, creeping bentgrasses use more energy than they produce during indirect heat-stress conditions.
A possible solution? With the current theories of global warming, government research is interested in projects that investigate the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 levels in various crops and forage systems. Current atmospheric CO2 levels are approximately 340 ppm (parts per million). These levels have increased more in the last fifty years than in the previous five hundred years on record, and levels are expected to continue increasing with the continued use of fossil fuels.
APPLIED RESEARCH Prior research has shown that CO2 enrichment in fruit and forestry ecosystems is a method that can increase plant photosynthesis processes and, correspondingly, boost overall plant health through increased energy storage. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) has shown an increase in root growth with elevated CO2 treatments. In addition, perennial ryegrass biomass, when grown for 21 days at 720 ppm CO2, was 175 percent greater than that of control plants grown at 450 ppm CO2. Since the putting green is the most important facet of any golf course, the aesthetics and performance of the greens often determine the quality of a golf course. Logically, then, the question becomes: Can elevated CO2 treatments provide increased photosynthetic efficiency or energy storage on creeping bentgrass putting greens during periods of indirect heat stress? In the transition zone, temperatures causing indirect heat stress do not occur until mid-morning or noon (between about 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.). Therefore, CO2 enrichment during the early morning hours may be a way to reduce the effects of indirect heat stress, possibly helping creeping bentgrass putting greens better make it through the summer months in the transition zone. Figure 1 is a hypothetical example of creeping bentgrass photosynthetic efficiency. The photosynthetic efficiency of creeping bentgrass during a typical Tennessee summer results in less energy storage versus bentgrass in northern climates, and it is also affected several hours earlier than in the same grass grown in northern regions like Michigan. In Figure 1, the line representing the “CO2 Enriched” treatment would be a hypothetical response. Realistically, it would be anticipated that enriching with CO2 during the morning hours would increase photosynthetic efficiency, resulting in increased energy production. 28
Photosynthetic CO2 Assimilation
C3 Creeping Bentgrass Increased Energy Storage
CO2 Enriched Northern Summer Tennessee Summer
≈ 30° C
50 ≈ 30° C
6 AM
12 PM
6 PM
Time Figure 1. Hypothetical photosynthetic energy accumulation during summer heat stress.
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Shelton Landscape Supply
7703 Hixson Pike, Hixson TN 37343 Phone: 423-842-9708 e
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Figure 2. CO2 enrichment chambers and delivery system on a creeping bentgrass research green at The University of Tennessee.
CO2 enrichment research at The University of Tennessee Current research at The University of Tennessee is investigating the effects of CO2 enrichment for creeping bentgrass putting greens during summer heat-stress conditions. The green is maintained similar to typical creeping bentgrass putting greens in the transition zone. The constant air flow through the delivery system provides air supply to each enrichment chamber and allows for individual sections of CO2 enrichment. The CO2 levels being tested are 340 (ambient air), 700 and 1100 ppm, respectively. Treatments are applied each morning after the greens are mown. The chambers and all other components are removed from the green after the final measurement is taken at noon. Color measurements are taken twice a day (beginning and end), and surface temperatures are monitored three times daily. Last summer, treatments began July 7 and concluded August 16 (for a total of six weeks), and treatments will be repeated again this coming summer. Carbohydrate analysis (energy) will be performed using gas chromatography on tissue samples pulled from the individual treatments. Based on anticipated results, it is hopeful that CO2 enrichment can be another tool for golf course superintendents to manage creeping bentgrass putting greens in Tennessee and across the entire transition zone. T
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CONTINUED Centipedegrass Varieties
Centipedegrasses for Tennessee Lawns By Tom Samples, Ph.D.; J. Scott McElroy, Ph.D.; and John C. Sorochan, Ph.D.; Department of Plant Sciences, The University of Tennessee
AU Centennial Experimental Designation: AC-17 Release Information: 1983, Alabama AES and Auburn University Description: AU Centennial was developed from a mutation that resulted from the irradiation of common centipedegrass seeds. This dwarf, vegetatively propagated cultivar has improved color, density and low-temperature tolerance. It is more tolerant of alkaline soils than either common centipedegrass or Oklawn.
Oklawn Release Information: 1965, AES, Oklahoma State University Description: Oklawn was selected from a vegetative planting to control soil erosion in Stillwater, OK. The cultivar is bluish green, medium textured and slow growing. It is persistent under adverse environmental conditions; tolerant of heat, drought, insects and disease; and adapted for full sun and partial shade. Although the variety produces viable seed, Oklawn turfs are usually established from plugs, sprigs or sod.
popular lawn grass in many parts of the southern U.S., centipedegrass is actually native to southern China and parts of southeast Asia. The medium-to-coarse-textured
plants spread slowly by short, thick, centipede-like stolons, from which the species gets its name. Centipedegrass is a light-green, sod-forming turfgrass that requires little nitrogen fertilization; the relatively low-maintenance requirement of centipedegrass contributes to its popularity. The leaf width and stem diameter of mature plants are usually greater than that of bermudagrass and less than that of St. Augustinegrass. Centipedegrass roots are somewhat shallow compared to the other warm-season species. Centipedegrass has good drought tolerance and fair shade tolerance, ranking between St. Augustinegrass and bermudagrass (e.g., shade tolerance of St. Augustinegrass > zoysiagrass > centipedegrass > bermudagrass).
Experimental Designation: A-84 and CV-194 Release Information: 1997, AES, The University of Tennessee Description: A very cold-hardy, light-green variety, TennTurf traces to a single sprig collected in 1958 from a lawn in Chattanooga. The variety is well suited to poor soils, low soil pH (4.5 to 5.5) and a low N fertility level (1 lb. N / 1,000 ft2 / yr.). Although TennTurf produces viable seed, only stolons, plugs and sod are available for vegetative plantings. Its disease and insect resistance are comparable to AU Centennial. This variety is particularly advantageous for use in the upper South and at higher elevations.
TifBlair Release Information: 1997, USDA-ARS Forage and Turf Research Unit (in Tifton, GA) and the University of Georgia Description: Selected from irradiated seeds of common centipedegrass planted in Blairsville (GA), TifBlair has improved low-temperature hardiness, fall-color retention and frost tolerance. Its superior growth in acidic soils is related to aluminum tolerance and the ability to develop a deep root system in poor soils. TifBlair can be established vegetatively or from seed.
TURF TALK Several disadvantages of centipedegrass include poor low-temperature hardiness (although experimental varieties with improved low-temperature hardiness are being evaluated), susceptibility to nematodes and very poor tolerance to alkaline soils. Partly due to its slow vertical-growth rate and limited tolerance of heavy foot traffic, centipedegrass is not recommended for sports fields. Also, a condition known as “centipedegrass decline” can be a problem if the turf is mowed too closely, over-fertilized and drought-stressed. Symptoms of centipedegrass decline appear in the spring as large brown patches of dead plants.
Centipedegrass varieties The stem color of common centipedegrass may be green, red or yellow, with red-stemmed strains usually being more tolerant of low temperatures. ‘Chinese Red Stem’ (PI72260) was the first commercially available strain produced in the U.S.
Packages of common centipedegrass seed marketed in Tennessee usually contain a mixture of red- and yellow-stemmed strains. ‘AU Centennial’, ‘Oklawn’, ‘TennTurf’ and ‘TifBlair’ are improved varieties. ‘TifBlair’, the only variety marketed as sod in Tennessee, also produces viable seed. For more information, see the highlighted box on the previous page. Plots of named and experimental centipedegrasses presently being evaluated for low-temperature hardiness and overall turfgrass quality will be on display during the annual UT Field Day and Turf & Landscape Workshop scheduled to be held at the Knoxville Research and Education Center on May 15–16, 2007. Interestingly, the varieties ‘TennTurf’ (released by The University of Tennessee Agriculture Experiment Station in 1997) and ‘AU Centennial’ (released by the Alabama Experiment Station in 1983) are being evaluated for adaptation in Hiroshima, Japan. T
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UT Students Steal the Show
at National STMA Conference, Bringing Home Three Scholarships and a First-Place Trophy! By John Sorochan, Ph.D., Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee
an Antonio, Texas, was the host city for the Sports Turf Managers Association’s Annual Conference and Exhibition, held January 17–20, 2007. At the conference, the sounds of “UT” was a common occurrence, which (being in Texas) was especially surprising that the UT being referred to was The University of Tennessee, not the University of Texas. Several educational workshops were conducted by Dr. John Sorochan and Dr. Tom Samples, Turfgrass Science and Management professors in the Department of Plant Sciences at The University of Tennessee, but it was the accomplishments of The University of Tennessee students in attendance that were the buzz of the show. Adam Thoms, a Turfgrass Science and Management graduate student at The University of Tennessee, won the Dr. Jim Watson Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship, and Will Jellicorse, an undergraduate student in the Department of Plant Sciences, won the Dr. Jim Watson Outstanding Undergraduate Student Scholarship. In addition to those two first-place scholarships, Tyler Mittlesteadt, an undergraduate student in the UT’s Department of Plant Sciences, was one of three winners for the SAFE Undergraduate Student Scholarship. All of these students are advised by Dr. John Sorochan. Bringing even more accolades to The University of Tennessee, the undergraduate team of Stuart Morris, Lucas Freshour, Tyler Mittlesteadt and Will Jellicorse (led by Dr. Sorochan and Adam Thoms) took home the first-place trophy in the Student Challenge/Undergraduate Competition (Iowa State University finished second, and Penn State University finished third). The Student Challenge was a two-hour exam that consisted of turfgrass, insect, weed and disease identification, sports-turf and budgeting-related case studies, pesticides application and calibration, irrigation and sports-turf
playability questions. A total of 29 teams entered the Student Challenge from various universities from around the country. By winning the Student Challenge, The University of Tennessee’s four-person team will forever be recognized by having their university and individual names engraved on the trophy. They also received first-place medals, a trophy to bring back to the university and $4,000 for The University of Tennessee’s Turfgrass Club to help build a living sports-turf laboratory for future education. Needless to say, there were several very proud moments at the STMA Annual Awards Banquet, where more than 1,000 people in attendance from the sports-turf industry and academia arenas heard The University of Tennessee students called up to the stage to receive their awards. The efforts of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association, the Tennessee Valley Sports Turf Managers Association, Ladd’s and Hunter Irrigation helped fund a portion of the students’ travel expenses to San Antonio to compete in this event. Next, another team of keen UT turf students are poised to continue to meet the bar set by the STMA turf challenge team by competing in the GCSAA Student Challenge in Anaheim, CA. The Tennessee Turfgrass Association, the East Tennessee Golf Course Superintendents Association, Fox Den Country Club and Gary and Lori Weller have all generously donated money to help support the travel costs for the students to compete. In my almost five years at The University of Tennessee, the rewards of my job definitely come from the students and the industry. It is the support of everyone involved in the Tennessee turfgrass industry that contributes to the success of The University of Tennessee Turfgrass and Science Program, and it is our mission to educate and prepare the students to the best of our abilities to one day give back to the Tennessee turfgrass industry. T
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The University of Tennessee’s Turfgrass Science undergraduate team of (left to right) Tyler Mittlesteadt, Lucas Freshour, Stuart Morris and Will Jellicorse (shown, on the far right end, with Adam Thoms, graduate teaching assistant) took home the first-place trophy in the Student Challenge/Undergraduate Competition at the Sports Turf Managers Association’s Annual Conference in January 2007.
I N D E X O F ADVERTISE RS Bayer Corp. Environmental Science 29 Brouwer Turf, Ltd. 11 BWI Companies, 21 Covermaster, Inc. 25 D.W. Lifts 29 E & S Soil and Peat 37 Earth Sod Farms & Nursery............................................................. 34 Ewing Irrigation Back Cover Greenville Turf & Tractor 3 Harrell’s Custom Fertilizer 5 Hunter Industries 16 Jackson Sand................................................................................. 25 John Deere Landscapes 37 K-Rain Manufacturing Corp. 23 Keeling Company 30 Ladd’s 17 Mayes Turf Machines, LLC 25 Mid Tenn Turf, Inc. 30 Pennington Seed, Inc. Inside Front Cover ProSource One 22 Regal Chemical 24 Shelton Landscape Supply 28 Smith Turf & Irrigation Back Cover Southeastern Turf, LLC 7 Sur-Line Turf, Inc............................................................................ 22 Syngenta Turf & Ornamental 16 The Pond Lady 35 Turf Mountain Sod, Inc. 28 Turf Specialties, Inc........................................................................ 25 Turfgrass America 9 Winstead Turf Farms, Inc 31
CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 16 MTGCSA Location: Gaylord Springs Golf Club, Nashville, TN April 16 MAGCSA Location: Fair Oaks Golf Course, Oakland, TN April 17 ETGCSA Location: Chatata Valley Golf Course, Cleveland, TN April 26
TVSTMA West Tennessee Field Day Location: Bellevue Baptist, Cordova, TN
May 14 MTGCSA Location: Ravenwood Country Club, Nashville, TN May 15
ETGCSA Location: Green Meadow Country Club, Alcoa, TN
May 15–16
University of Tennessee Annual Field Day and Turf & Landscape Workshop Location: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
May 15 MAGCSA Location: Tupelo Country Club June 7
TVSTMA Middle Tennessee Field Day Location: Ensworth School, Nashville
July 23–26
2007 TPI Summer Convention & Field Days (Turfgrass Producers International) Location: Madison, WI
August TVSTMA Upper East Tennessee Field Day Location: To be announced August 21 Tennessee Green Industry Field Day (TN Nursery & Landscape Association) Location: Williamson County Ag. Expo Center, Franklin, TN November TVSTMA Lower East Tennessee Field Day Location: To be announced January 13–15, 2008 42nd Annual TTA Conference & Trade Show Location: Marriott Cool Springs, Franklin, TN