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Fall is Around the Corner
I hope this letter finds everyone in the turf industry having a great season. I know our company has had a great year so far. We had so much rain in the spring and then a slow start for growing because of cool temperatures. Finally, in July it got hot enough for a straight month to grow some Bermuda grass. We have been backlogged because all of the rain and then working long hours trying to get caught up. It finally rained again so I could sit down and write this letter.
Now all the talk is about football and kids going back to school so that means fall is around the corner. I hope everyone made it to the UT Field Day, and as usual Jim Brosman and the UT Staff did such a great job putting it on. They are always teaching us new tricks to use to make sure we are ready to put our warm season grasses to sleep and get our cool season grass ready for fall. Great job to all!
With that out of the way, it is time to think about the 54th TTA Conference and trade show. Your TTA committees have been hard at work all summer getting a great show lined up for you with great speakers and subjects. Please start thinking of your nomination for Professional of the Year and your favorite ball fields and golf courses in Tennessee. We need you to get in your nominations now.
Hope everyone has a great closing of summer and a new beginning of fall.
Jason Pooler
TTA President

Jason Pooler, TTA President