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Preparing for Fall
Just a quick hello from East Tennessee! Is it just me, or are the seasons going by faster than before? We, along with our host Roger Frazier CGCS, are already busy preparing for the Annual East Tennessee Scholarship and Research Tournament at the acclaimed Cattails at Meadowview on September 24th. I’m not going to say summer’s over yet, but we are inevitably coming to the latter part of our Bermuda grass growing season. It’s always bittersweet for me to see the end of the growing season for our warm season grasses. It seems like we just get the grass dialed in and it’s time to start preparing for fall and winter.
Speaking of fall, this brings to my mind pre-emergent herbicides for our annual winter weeds and, yes, that includes the dreaded annual bluegrass. We had the pleasure of getting up to speed on some of Dr. Brosnan and his team’s research and results year-to-date in July at Gettysvue C.C. Wow! Dr. Brosnan and his team are doing fantastic work at the University of Tennessee on herbicide research. Are we not lucky to have such a valuable resource right here in our back pocket? They are doing amazing work and making great strides on strategies to fight annual bluegrass resistance. I hope everyone was able to attend the University of Tennessee Field Day on August 29th. What a great opportunity to catch up with all your peers and see what’s new #UTTurf FD19.
In conclusion, I encourage you to look in this issue for all the Tennessee Turfgrass nominations and scholarship applications. These are exciting times for our upcoming turf professionals and a great chance to honor some of our members for all their hard work at their respective facilities. Hope everyone has a great fall and takes time to enjoy all the beauty in the profession we all have the pleasure to work in.
DJ Lerchen
ETGCSA President
The Sevierville Golf Club

DJ Lerchen, ETGCSA President, The Sevierville Golf Club