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Timing is Everything!
Hopefully everyone has had a successful summer! The University of Tennessee team hosted a fantastic Field Day on August 29th. I hope everyone was able to attend and gain some knowledge. Between the professors and turfgrass professionals, the information presented at this event was sure to benefit anyone who attended. A huge thanks to the sponsors for their participation with the Field Day.
For many facilities, the fall is a very busy time as patrons will gather to use the athletic fields. The sports can range from football to soccer to multi-sport camps. Fall is also the time when overseeding should take place. Many challenges can arise when overseeding, such as the weather and the wear and tear from the particular sport being played on that field. Make sure you are paying attention to all of these things as they can affect your results. Whether you broadcast, broadcast and topdress or aerify then seed TIMING IS EVERYTHING! Don’t forget the water and starter fertilizer as drought conditions are prone to occur in October. Getting the seed established early and properly will give you the best results going into winter. A healthy ryegrass plant in the winter means a vigorous plant in the spring!
Last, I would like to thank all the TVSTMA board members and vendors that planned and attended the TVSTMA Field Day. It would not be possible to put together that kind of event without their support.

Ben Hutton, 2019 TVSTMA President