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Serving the Turfgrass Industry

As each year seems to bring its own changes to the “norm” that we tend to measure things against, 2020 has without a doubt been one for the record books. Typically, turf professionals begin talking about how weather variables have affected their best laid plans but obviously those differences are of little consequence when measured against the impacts of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

While everyone has certainly had their lifestyle altered or at least inconvenienced by the current crisis, I believe our industry as a whole has adjusted quite effectively through the numerous challenges of the time. The TTA likewise has forged through these times by conducting monthly Board meetings via a virtual connection as we planned for our annual conference.


Many thanks go out to Dr. Brosnan and our Educational Committee, headed by Chris Sykes and Jason Sanderson, for once again putting together an exceptional program for this year’s online conference.

Also, please join me in acknowledging gratitude to our Executive Secretary, Melissa Martin, for her steadfast work and covering the many details necessary to put this year’s production in motion.

With that said, I encourage everyone to prioritize education in all formats. Online offerings such as our TTA conference can be a key part of your professional learning experience. Make it a priority – not only will you personally benefit but your participation will make a positive impact on our Association’s well being and its ability to continue with its mission of serving the Turfgrass Industry.

Doug Ward

TTA President

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