1 minute read
From the TVSTMA President
“ An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So, when life is dragging you back with difficulties it means that it’s going to launch you into something great.”
– Paulo Coelho
While 2020 was not what anyone expected, TVSTMA is looking forward to 2021 and the new opportunities it will present. We are currently planning events for the year. Our intention is to return to in-person meetings if possible while also continuing to provide educational opportunities virtually for those who may not be able to attend. We will update our website with event details as they become available in addition to emailing our membership directly. If you do not currently receive email updates from TVSTMA, please email your information to sectres@tvstma.org .
TVSTMA would also like to take one last opportunity to thank our sponsors for 2020. Please continue to support the vendors that support TVSTMA.
John Wagnon
2020 TVSTMA President