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Edging Back to Normalcy
To begin with, I would like to extend a big “thank you” to everyone who participated in our 2021 TTA Online Educational and Awards Program. No doubt, there were some legitimate question marks hanging out there on how the production would unfold, be received by our audience or even connected to with minimal challenges.
As mentioned at the conclusion of our online program, I along with everyone out there, am looking forward to (and planning for) a year that is edging back to normalcy. With that said, our first board meeting of the year in which committees are formed and preliminary ideas for our 2022 conference are discussed will be an in-person event.
And, I trust with that beginning, our plans and efforts will lead us all back to the Embassy Suites next January in a welcoming and much needed in-person reunion of our associated turf professionals.
As we begin a new year of TTA activities, I would like to thank outgoing board members Darren Seybold (University of Tennessee Sports Facility) and Paul Webb (Humboldt Golf and Country Club) for their service as board members over the last two years.
Likewise, I would like to offer a warm welcome to incoming board members, Jason Bradley (Memphis Country Club) and Jason Wagman (Franklin Parks & Recreation). We appreciate you both for your willingness to serve, knowing your time and input will prove to be a rewarding experience for you and our association.
Additionally, I would like to acknowledge our Executive Director, Melissa Martin, for her steadfast work this past year. In a time of uncertainty, which required a multitude of adjustments and improvisations to be made as we worked through the year and ultimately to the finish line with our conference, Melissa’s contributions cannot be overstated.
So for now, as we all head into another busy springtime of both personal and professional activities, I would like to wish safety and good health to all of our members as we look forward to a most improved 2021.
Doug Ward
TTA President