Highlights from the 2021 TTA Conference DAY 1 TTA President Doug Ward welcomes attendees.
DAY 1 Dr. Matt Elmore (Rutgers) presented alongside Dr. Jim Brosnan (UT) to share research on Weed Control.
DAY 1 Dr. Brandon Horvath (UT) and Lee Butler (NC State) share information regarding disease control for bentgrass and bermudagrass.
DAY 1 Dr. John Sorochan (UT) and Dr. Mike Richardson (University of Arkansas) share new zoysiagrass research.
DAY 1 Tim Moraghan of Aspire Golf Consulting closed Day 1 with professional development for turf professionals.
DAY 2 Doug Ward kicks off day two by introducing Kentucky Golf Course Superintendents John Ballard, Wyatt Warfel and Bob McLean for their session ‘Turfgrass Management North of the State Line’.
DAY 2 TTA’s own Ryan Storey and John Clintsman share their sports turf expertise. The chat function was a great benefit for participants.
DAY 2 Dr. Kyley Dickson (UT) and Dr. John Sorochan (UT) shared cutting-edge Field Testing techniques.
DAY 3 Bill Bergin of Bergin Golf, led a session on golf course renovation.
DAY 3 Radio Voice of the Tennessee Titans Dave McGinnis was the final speaker for a very productive and successful conference.
Congratulations to Our Award Winners At the end of Day 3, TTA still honored members who showed exemplary skill in their work through our annual awards. We’d like to congratulate all who were recognized.
2020 Private Course of the Year 2020 Public Course of the Year 2020 High School Field of the Year Ensworth Football – Nashville
2020 Municipal Field of the Year 2020 Collegiate Field of the Year Haslam Field – Knoxville
2020 Professional Field of the Year 2020 Environmental Stewardship Award 2020 Tom Samples Professional of the Year Frank Turner