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President’s Message
Cheers to a New Year
We have just embarked on a New Year with numerous opportunities to refine, expand or create new business opportunities. The turf and landscape industry has had a compound annual growth rate of 5.1% since 2022 as estimated by Mordor Intelligence with 72% of current customers looking to continue or expand services according to “Realtor Magazine”. What great opportunities wait for those that are looking to work hard and have a successful career.
Our New Year’s goal at the Virginia Turfgrass Environmental Institute (VTCEI) is to assist you in establishing this growth and ensure that your organization carries the correct licenses, credentials, knowledge, and support to meet those goals.
VTC provides free recertification opportunities for your fertilizer and pesticide licensing. With that in mind, the VTC will be working with Landscape Supply in March to provide a virtual recertification class. With events like these, the VTC develops programing to meet today’s challenges in the industry. VTC-EI highlights your sound environmental practices to provide safe solutions to provide a healthy, green, safe pollinator friendly green space.
VTC-EI also has a strong goal to collaborate with legislators to defend industry’s ability to provide these sensible green services. We are presenting your concerns to legislators. We are working with VDACS to create a more streamlined process for pesticide certification and recertification. And there is now the potential for VDACS to eliminate business license fees. All these efforts – and more – are positive responses to our efforts.
We continue to ask for your support. Without your membership, donations and funding the VTC-EI would not have the capability to defend our industry and create a growing environment for the New Year.
Wishing you increased success for the New Year,
Phil Bailey
VTC President