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Upcoming Event: Virginia Turfgrass Council’s 2020 Come to the Bay
February 25 – 26, 2020 •
Virginia Beach • Oceanfront Sheraton – 35th and Atlantic
Presented By: Agronomic Lawn Management
Tuesday, February 25
8:00 – 9:00
General Session
David Trimmer, Director of Agriculture, City of Virginia Beach
State of the Chesapeake Bay:
Chris Moore, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
9:15 – 12:00
Option One: Certified Turfgrass Professional Training (Day 1 of 2)
Requirements for becoming a Certified Turfgrass Professional include attending two days of training and passing the four-part exam. The certification training was developed to serve as a comprehensive review of 13 major areas of importance in managing healthy, environmentally sound turfgrass. Instructors include Joel Koci, Dr. Mike Goatley, Karen Carter, and Ray Funkhouser.
9:15 – 12:00
Option Two: Environmental Stewardship:
Be Safe Out There: Be Tick Wise Old Dominion University
Honeybees and the Industry: Are You a Beekeeper? Frank Walker
Regulatory Update Department of Conservation and Recreation
State of the Elizabeth River, Then and Now Joe Rieger, Deputy Directory of Restoration, Elizabeth River Project
12:00 – 1:00
Lunch and Visit Displays
1:00 – 4:00
Option One: Certified Turfgrass Professional Training (continues from morning: Day 1 of 2)
1:00 – 4:00
Option Two: Environmental Stewardship: Cutting Edge Topics Include
1:00 – 2:30
Communicating with the Public: Why We Do What Do
Topics Include: Discussing fertilizer and pesticide common misconceptions, mistakes made by industry and homeowners alike, and how to approach sensitive issues with your customers
Benefits of native plants in landscapes for pollinators, beautifying properties, and addressing site challenges.
2:30 – 3:15
Examples from the City
Michael Moore, City of Virginia Beach
3:15 – 4:00
Turfgrass Options
Dr. Mike Goatley, Virginia Tech
Social and Networking
Sponsored by Lawns & Gardens Plus
Wednesday, February 26
8:00 – 4:30
Pesticide Recertification (3A, 3B, 5A, 6, 8, 10, 60)
Categories 3A, 3B and 60 (for 3A, 3B) are finished by 2:00 all others finish by 4:30
9:00 – 12:00
Review for Certified Pesticide Applicator Core Exam
9:00 – 12:00
Certified Fertilizer Applicator – Recertification
9:00 – 4:00
Certified Fertilizer Applicator –Initial Training and Exam
9:00 – 4:00
Certified Turfgrass Professional (Day 2 of 2)
1:00 – 4:00
Pesticide Examinations
(need letter from VDACS)