3 minute read
The Lord On Our Side
THE LORD ON OUR SIDE by penelope carlevato

CONFERENCE. I went to hone my skills, seek God’s will for my writing and speaking and have some one-on-one appointments with faculty, agents and editors.
During a quiet time with the Lord, I read Psalm 124: 1: “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side….” I began to think of all the things I would not be doing had it not been for the Lord.
• I would not be at the writer’s conference.
• I would not have eternal life with Christ.
• I would not still be married.
• I would not be healed.
• I would not know my precious roommate at this conference.
The list went on and on. I looked back on all the times that God had rescued me in times of trouble. I recalled His protection and deliverance in my family’s and friends’ lives. It was a time of praise in my hotel room that morning!
When I looked back on my very long list, I began to think of situations that were still in the future and knew that many adventures would not be possible “if it had not been the Lord who was on our side….”
During the conference, I kept that Scripture very close to my heart and just praised God for all the wonderful women and men that I met and all the special friends I reconnected with from previous conferences. It made the conference a time of joy and blessing.
Take a few minutes and list things you enjoy because of God's wonderful provision. What a difference God makes in our life. If the Lord had not been on our side, there would be no hope, no joy, no salvation, no healing, no deliverance. The amazing realization is so evident that it could have only been God. What a wonderful Savior we serve.
We cannot keep this to ourselves. Sharing the good news is our responsibility and our privilege. Open your front door and share this message with a neighbor, friend or family member who needs Jesus.
A great little meal to share on your patio on a warm summer evening without heating up your kitchen is a yummy taco salad. Serve with a pitcher of iced tea and remember: If it had not been for the Lord on our side, we would not have this great message to share with others.
Taco Salad
1 lb. lean ground beef or ground turkey
1 tsp. of oil
2 to 3 Tab. taco seasoning
1 small can of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 large head of lettuce, Romaine or Iceberg, chopped
1 small container of grape tomatoes, halved
1 cup of shredded cheese, Cheddar or Jack
1 cubed avacado
½ cup chopped green onions
1/2 cup salsa
1/3 cup sour cream
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
1/2 cup sliced black olives
1 package of corn chips
Heat oil in a skillet over high heat. Add the ground beef or turkey and stir until browned. Add the taco seasoning with ⅓ cup of water and the beans. Cook until most of the water has evaporated.
Place the other ingredients into a large bowl, then add the ground beef or turkey. Toss everything together except the cilantro and olives. Serve the cilantro, olives and corn chips on the side (as not everyone likes them!)
Serve on the patio with a large pitcher of iced tea. Super easy and super fun. LH

Find great recipes like this in
Penelope’s book:
The Art of Afternoon Tea: From the Era of Downton Abbey and the Titanic.
Available autographed from PenelopeCarlevato.com