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WORSHIP ARTIST, SONGWRITER, POET, PODCASTER AND THE FAMILIAR FEMALE VOICE OF THE PASSION CONFERENCES SINCE 1996. This is how the world has known Christy Nockels over her long career. However, just as amazing are the ways she has tuned her ears to the heart of God and continual service of her family.
Once known as the duo Watermark, Christy and Nathan still continuously work alongside each other in their family music business with Keeper’s Branch Records and Christy’s podcast, “The Glorious Mundane.” They also stay busy raising their three children, Noah, Elliana and Annie Rose.
Slow and Steady
It’s never been this skyrocketing success where we’re on top of the world. There’s just been this pace that we’ve been able to keep steady with our family.”
She remembers “slow and steady wins the race” as she thinks of the longevity in her career. “I think that’s what longevity is about, so I’m really grateful for that aspect. I don’t need to skyrocket. I’m really glad for that slow and steady long obedience in the same direction. It’s been such a joy.”
Christy also adds that over the years, God has encouraged her to “keep digging deep wells.” She notes that wells are usually not vast and wide. They are small and deep.
Worship in Every Way
Her latest project is the release of “In Every Way,” which debuted at this year’s IF: Gathering event in Dallas.
“Though we definitely look at all of that as worship, we still find that I also need to have those worship songs to resource the church, in order to sing a new song to the Lord and to have these songs to lead when we go on the road. We found it important, especially this year. There was a stirring to write some songs that are for that corporate expression,” Christy says.
“So that’s what ‘In Every Way’ is. It’s exciting for us just to lead that, but to also write that with the church in mind, and to get to sit with different writers.”
The song was produced by Nathan and co-written with Jason Ingram, whom the Nockels have known for about 15 years.
A Test of Faith
Today, Christy is relishing in His faithfulness since her battle with sudden sensory neural hearing loss last year. Doctors were not sure of the cause; they believe a virus led to the hearing loss, but Christy thanks God today for His healing.
“I had all these plans I had spoken out loud for the beginning of 2018. Then, the first part of the year, I was in my bed, under my quilt, with my ears roaring, watching snow fall outside and asking God, ‘What in the world? Why is this happening to me?’”
Tuning In
“People say in crisis that you get hit so hard, but it’s just one of the sweetest times with the Lord. In those days, I didn’t know what was going to happen. It was scary, but there was an intimacy in knowing that only He knew what was going on,” Christy says.
You won’t want to miss out! Christy will be leading Sunday Morning Worship for our 2019 AWSA Conference.

Find out more about her latest album, In Every Way at christynockles.com.