5 Lessons from Walking Through
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In January 2003, my husband, Dainis, and I were just shy of our fifth-year wedding anniversary. We had
been attempting to start our family biologically for over a year and had not yet achieved success. I had just transitioned my career from the airline industry to our church, hoping to slow life down, when I suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke.
We learned that life can change in the blink of an eye, and our job is to learn to trust God’s ultimate plan, even if we have a different outcome in mind. I was in the hospital recovering for two months, and two months after my hospital discharge, Dainis lost his job in the aviation industry. This was right after September 11th, and the industry had a great slowdown. We moved from Minnesota to Arizona for his career, and I found a wonderful new rehab facility. My recovery took off, and for the next eight years, I made stroke recovery and rehab my full-time job.
1. Embrace the unexpected blessings. 30. leadinghearts.com