by karen porter
fighting the giant of discouragement DISCOURAGEMENT IS A GIANT. GOD’S WEAPON AGAINST DISCOURAGEMENT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS. He is faithful, and when
we remember and rely on His faithfulness, we can slay the giant of discouragement. But it isn’t easy, because God is not the God of the tweak; He is the God of transformation. Will you allow God to transform you, or will you settle for a tweak? The history of Esau and Jacob wasn’t pretty (Genesis 32-33). Jacob cheated Esau out of his inheritance, and the brothers parted as bitter enemies. Years later, they would meet again.
Feeling guilty, Jacob brought gifts to appease Esau. Gifts might have tweaked their relationship but wouldn’t bring total peace. Jacob heard that Esau was on his way with 400 men. It didn’t sound like a dinner-on-the-grounds family reunion. In the night, a man came to Jacob (Genesis 32:24-26). Jacob fought back, defending himself, stubbornly refusing to give control until he realized the man was God. Jacob seemed ready to settle for a tweak. Save me from Esau! But God fought for total transformation. Some of us have allowed our health to deteriorate, and now we are out of breath and out of energy; we feel weak and ill. We take a handful of pills each morning — some that treat the symptoms but don’t cure the problem. We could exercise, building