2 minute read
Subway Surprises FROM THE PUBLISHER linda evans shepherd
I’d just landed at John F. Kennedy Airport for a writing weekend when my friend Eva suggested, “Let’s take the subway to our hotel.”
“Are you sure? I’ve got a lot of luggage,” I said, eyeing her one suitcase.
“It will be an adventure,” she assured me.
Later, deep in the bowels of the New York subway, we were surprised with an announcement over the loudspeaker, “End of the line.”
Eva and I filed out of our subway car and eyed a steep staircase. I watched as Eva bopped her suitcase up the steps while I hung my 25-pound tote bag around my neck, balanced two suitcases on top of each other, then lifted them up one step at a time. That worked until I began to teeter on the narrow steps.
A teen boy bounded to my side. “Can I have your suitcase?”
Afraid of falling, I agreed, “Yes, you can have it!” The boy grabbed the biggest bag and ran to the top of the stairs where, to my surprise, he waited for me.
When we stand on the staircase of life, grappling with our pressing burdens, Jesus is there, asking, “May I have that?”
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).
If we hand our burdens over to Him, we’ll find the strength we need to continue our journeys and to accomplish all He has called us to do. Let go. You can really trust Him, He’s got it.
Love, Linda
Linda Evans Shepherd, publisher of Leading Hearts, is the CEO of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, a national speaker, YouTuber, and author of 38 books, including Praying fhrough Hard Times (Baker Revell). Find Linda at www.gotopray.com