2 minute read
spring free of a year of covid
Here in Colorado, spring has only teased us through veils of snow.Yes, snowfalls deep enough to need shoveling. And though I’m tired of wearing my winter coat, I watch the sky for signs of blue peeking through the dull, gray clouds.
So far, only a few early blooms have given me a nod, yet I’m ready to walk in fields of blossoms and to breathe the fresh, pollinated air, and perhaps indulge in a good sneeze or two. I’m also ready to throw away the masks I’ve worn for over a year and to let my naked face feel kisses of sunshine. How I need that! I need the snows of the past, the snows that iced me inside my home, to melt away. I’m ready to be released from winter as well as the icy grip of COVID.
Yes, spring and the urge for a fresh start are in the air. I believe we’ve never needed a fresh start more than now, especially as we look back at a year we never wanted or ever imagined. We choose to turn away from these shadows and turn to the light, to Jesus. Our Jesus. Because of Jesus, we can walk past this one weary year and face the future with a God who’s never weary. Isaiah 40:28 (ESV) says, “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.”
How awesome that when trouble chases us in endless pursuit, we serve a victorious God who never faints, a God who can see us through anything. Though His power, we can face trouble and we can face tomorrow, free from the burdens of the past. And the best way to step into the future without yesterday’s baggage is to approach Jesus with a thankful heart. Let’s thank Jesus together in prayer.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for getting us through one difficult year! Even when we were sick, discouraged, heartbroken, in need, or lonely, You were with us.
As I choose to abide in You, I ask that You defeat the final destructive force of COVID off of my past, my present, and my future. Bring freedom back to me and to the world; especially freedom to worship You! Freedom to congregate! Freedom to share our faith with the hurting!
Freedom to shine Your light in the darkness!
We thank You for the new opportunities You give us and ask that You lead us and guide us into a refreshing of heart, body, and soul.
In Jesus’ name,
This issue of Leading Hearts Magazine is filled with ways to refresh, clean your soul, remove the COVID cobwebs, and so much more. Join us, and lift your spirit, your heart, and your faith to breathe fresh, COVID-free encouragement.

Linda Evans Shepherd is a Revell author and the founder of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.