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spic & span PLANNER HACKS with bethany
bethany jett | bethanyjett.com

Bethany Jett | bethanyjett.com
An often-overlooked item in the spring cleaning to-do list is the calendar.
Whether you’re a virtual planner or paper fanatic, spring is the perfect time to gather fresh pages, new pens, highlighters, and sticker books if you want to get all decorative … which I do … and create some pretty planner pages. But first, we must get rid of the old to make way for the new. Grab your paper shredder, trash can, and a bin for recycling, and turn on your favorite show for background noise. It’s time to clean up the calendars.
Clean Up Your Digital Files
Digital files are just as important to clean out as paper ones. Along with your online calendar, you can use this opportunity to delete any duplicate files, along with ones that aren’t relevant anymore. And remember to empty your digital trash can when you’re done.
Clean Up Your Paper Files
Paper files can be more difficult to manage since they’re tangible. This process can often feel overwhelming, but if you take it a step at a time, you’ll be able to find planner peace quickly.
1. Evaluate your system.
If you started the new year with a fresh planner, is it continuing to work for you? There are countless options from the binding (spiral or disc) or the layouts (horizontal, vertical, color-blocking) to the type, brand, or style (Hobonichi, bullet journal, Happy Planner, Day-Timer, Erin Condren, Levenger, Simplified…).
2. Create your master list.
them from your working memory, which reduces brain overload.1 Heaven knows I need less brain overload. Gather last year’s planner, previous months, or any scrap papers with to-do lists and create a master list of to-dos that didn’t get done. Any item that still needs to be completed can be written on a new sheet. Then discard the old one or save it (if you prefer).
3. Remove unneeded pages.
If you’re using a disc system, chances are good that you didn’t use all the sheets of paper that came with it. Flip through the used pages and remove any that don’t have any writing on them. They can be redated and repurposed!
4. Shred. Recycle. Toss.
The rule in the Jett house is that if our name and/or address is on it, it gets shredded. Spam mail gets ripped in half when it arrives to indicate that it goes to the shred bin.
5. Store your used planner pages.
The classic-sized Happy Planner pages fit beautifully in a gallon-size freezer bag. Simply remove from the discs, slide papers into the bag, squeeze the air out, and zip shut.
You can use a manila envelope or file folders if you like, but the storage bag keeps the pages waterproof.
Now that we’re done, it’s time to plan. For more planning and organizing tips, follow @bethanyjett on Instagram.