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Music Reviews
heather van allen | music reviewer

FIRST—15 the invitation
The Invitation, released March 19, 2021, is the debut EP from First15 Worship, a new endeavor to provide praise and worship music as an accompaniment to the First15 devotional series. Featuring a different voice on each track, these five songs are designed to pull people into worship as they enter God’s presence each day.
“As believers, we want a real connection with God every day, not just on Sunday,” Craig Denison, founder of First15, says. “Finding an abiding connection with God in the busyness of everyday life isn’t easy, especially on our own. ...With The Invitation, we’re creating worship for the weekday to help you find and keep a meaningful connection with your Creator.”
Worship music can actually be a powerful tool that encourages us to pause for a few moments of stillness in the morning before our feet hit the ground running to accomplish all the day demands. First15 has issued each of us The Invitation to do just that — choose to sit still soaking in God’s presence for a while.

Songwriter/vocalist Tim Timmons reminds us of the power in starting the day with a grateful heart with his new album, Here, released April 16, 2021. The eight-song record starts with the upbeat “This Is the Day,” reminding us to rejoice in the simple blessing of each new day.
“I’m now 21 years into a 5-year death sentence with an incurable cancer diagnosis…. One of my primary reminders is to practice thankfulness for another day that I get to wake up,”
With his songs, or prayers, as he considers them, Tim’s desire for listeners is that we would find ourselves flipping the concept of living for Jesus into the reality of living with Him. Tim does not hold anything back with his voice, which he raises to God with a faith that places confidence in our Savior’s presence.
He sings as someone who wants to experience the limitless power released through worship from a truly thankful heart. It seems he would like his listeners to experience the same — in abundance.