If you want your children to be able to successfully navigate the cultural waters with biblical wisdom, this book is for you. More than a surface-level how-to, Raising Kids to Follow Christ is a blueprint that will help you make a lasting impression on the heart and mind of your child.
As Christian values face increasing challenges in our modern world, many parents seek ways to instill a robust spiritual foundation in their children, helping them grasp what truly matters. With an alarming number of children drifting away from their faith, supporting and equipping parents with biblical wisdom and tools is crucial to raising strong, counter-cultural warriors for Christ. As parents, grandparents, extended family members, ministry leaders, or teachers, we are called to teach, guide, and instruct the next generation.
PUBLISHER ....................................................Linda Evans Shepherd
EDITOR/ART DIRECTOR ......................Amber Weigand≠Buckley
COPY/LAYOUT EDITOR ........................Tom Young
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS.........................Joy Dunlap & Rebecca White
SOCIAL MEDIA ASST. ...............................Nichole Wicks
ARISE DAILY...................................................Julie Coleman, Editor
Linda Evans Shepherd (President), Dawn Scott Damon, Edie Melson, Linda Goldfarb, Sharon Norris Elliott, Karen Whiting and Joy A. Schneider
Leading Hearts magazine for Christian Women is published bimonthly by Right to the Heart Ministries 2024. ISSN 2380≠5455
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Leading Hearts | PO Box 6421, Longmont, CO 80501 email: lindareply@gmail.com
MEMBER | 2023 Evangelical Press Association Award of Excellence 2014-2022 Evangelical Press Association Award of Merit WinneróChristian Ministry Digital Publication | 2024 Award of Merit WinneróChristian Ministry Print | 2021 Evangelical Press Association Best in ClassóSecond Place
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Copyright ©2024 Right to the Heart Ministries. All rights reserved. Copyrighted material reprinted with permission.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International VersionÆ, NIVÆ. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.ô Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The ìNIVî and ìNew International Versionî are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark O ce by Biblica, Inc.ô
Imagine you had to traverse a steep mountain trail on the darkest of nights!
It’s a risky undertaking, with steep drop-offs and even a coiled snake or two. Would you reach for your flashlight to "##$%"&'()*+,$-*.'(/0*,-*1($%2#)*(/-,$3/*(/)*4'-50*/,."&3* you don’t fall off a cliff?
Today the world is steeped in darkness, filled with stumbling 2#,651*,7*1"&0*(-,$2#)0*'&4*6,&7$1",&!*8&*("%)1*#"5)*(/)1)0* we need to make sure we become like living flashlights, %)'&"&3*(/'(*(/)*#"3/(*,7*9,4:1*.-)1)&6)*"1*1/"&"&3*"&*'&4* (/-,$3/*$1!*;,%'&1*<=><<*6'&*2)*1$%%)4*$.*(/"1*?'+>*
FROM THE EDITOR | amber weigand≠buckley
ìNever let the re in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord.î
@/"1*#"3/(*"1*&,(*A$1(*7,-*+,$B"(*"1*'*3$"4)*7,-*,(/)-10*'* beacon that points the way to our Savior.
C1*?)*5)).*(/)*#'%.1*,7*,$-*1,$#1*2$-&"&3*(/)*,"#*,7*7'"(/0* hope, and love, we will not only be able to see in the dark, but we will also lead others to the light of the love of Jesus.
Within these pages, you’ll find stories of faith and resilience, insights into God’s Word, and practical advice for living a life that shines brightly in service to Him.
Together, let us keep the re in our hearts burning brightly, serving the Lord as we help to illuminate the darkness.
May every page inspire you to live fully in the light, reflecting God’s love to the world around you.
D"&4*,$(*%,-)*'2,$(*E"&4'*'(>*#"&4'1/)./)-4!6,%F*3,((,.-'+06,%F* and on her YouTube channel @LindaEvansShepherd_GotToPray.
Itís hard to escape itóeveryone seems upset about something these days, especially on social media. People are living with their fingers poised hot on the trigger, ignited by political issues, cultural differences, conspiracies, personal disagreements, or even minor inconveniences. You name it, you can find someone yelling about it, You know, in ALL CAPS with excessive exclamation marks!!!!!!
Jesus spoke plainly, “A person’s enemies will be those of his own household” (Matthew 10:36). He knew there would be tension and conflict, even within our closest circles. The question is: how will we respond? Will we show His flame of love and grace?
We have the opportunity to disarm these conflicts, but it requires intentional effort and self-control—being slow to speak and quick to listen (James 1:19). Instead, we can .'$1)0*('5)*'*2-)'(/0*'&4*(-$#+*/)'-*(/)*,(/)-*.)-1,&!*(,* respond with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15–16).
By modeling calm and reasoned dialogue, we can often cool heated discussions and open doors for real understanding.
When Jesus was unjustly arrested and put on trial, He didn’t defend himself against the lies. First Peter 2:23 says, “When (/)+*/$-#)4*"&1$#(1*'(*/"%0*/)*4"4*&,(*-)('#"'()F*?/)&*/)* suffered, he made no threats.”
As Christians, we face a critical question: are we being ames of Godís love, or are we becoming amethrowers, adding fuel to the res of con ict?
God desires all people to return to Him—but this begins with turning the mirror inward (2 Peter 3:9). When we respond in anger—even to those who seem furthest from God—we risk pushing them away from the loving Savior. Our role is simple: to love God and our neighbors, as Jesus commanded (Matthew 22:37–39).
He stood calmly before His accusers, knowing it was part of Godís greater plan.
By choosing to be peacemakers rather than flamethrowers, we can help extinguish the fires of conflict and shine the light of Christ’s love in a divided world.
Blessings, !'()*+
At some point in our lives, all of us ask these important questions as we seek to discover our vital part in the big ."6($-)*9,4*6-)'()4!
I have asked these questions myself, particularly when I was in a very challenging season and felt like I was 1))%"&3#+*,&*'*1/)#7*"&*(/)*/'##?'+*2)(?))&*(?,*4,,-1!*C(* times, many of us may relate to this “sitting on the shelf” 1)'1,&*'1*9,4*"1*1/'."&3*$1*"&*.-).'-'(",&*7,-*1().."&3* "&(,*1,%)(/"&3*&)?!*8(:1*"&()-)1("&3*(/'(*(/)*E,-4*$1)4* (/"1*"%'3)-+*(,*3)(*%+*'(()&(",&0*,&*'&*,-4"&'-+*4'+*"&*'&* extraordinary way, to begin an adventure with Him of writing 2,,51*'&4*7,$&4"&3*'*6,%.'&+!
I was cleaning my kitchen and saw a single puzzle piece 1"(("&3*,&*%+*5"(6/)&*1/)#7!*J,(*1$-)*8*?,$#4*7"&4*?/)-)*(/"1* piece fit with the multiple puzzles that my son had collected over the years, I reached out to throw this puzzle piece in the trash. In an unexpected moment as I was extending my hand, the Holy Spirit nudged me not to touch it. I stood there stunned, staring at it on the kitchen counter. “Lord, what are you trying to teach me?” I asked.
For three days I walked past this puzzle piece as I was .-'+)-7$##+*.,&4)-"&3*(/)*'&1?)-*(,*(/)*K$)1(",&*8*/'4* asked God. As I did, He revealed that many people feel like that puzzle piece sitting on my shelf: they don’t know ?/)-)*(/)+*7"(*,-*?/)-)*(/)+*2)#,&30*'&4*(/)+*4"16,$&(*(/)"-* giftings as junk. My heart grieved, as I also found myself empathizing with the puzzle piece. In that season of my life,
I felt like I was on a shelf, waiting for God to do something with me.
I'&+*+)'-1*2)7,-)0*8*/'4*%'A,-)4*"&*L&3#"1/*#"()-'($-)*7-,%* I"11"11".."*M,##)3)*'&4*/'4*2))&*'&*)4$6'(,-*7,-*()&*+)'-1* 2)7,-)*8*2)6'%)*'*1('+N'(N/,%)*%,%!*I+*1,&*?'1*'2,$(*(,* 1('-(*16/,,#0*'&4*?)*?)-)*"&*'*(-'&1"(",&'#*1)'1,&!*O/,-(#+* before I saw the puzzle piece, I had felt the Lord stirring my love of writing again and had been contributing articles for GOD TV. Little did I know that this small encounter in my 5"(6/)&*?,$#4*6/'&3)*(/)*(-'A)6(,-+*,7*%+*#"7)!
P$-"&3*.-'+)-0*(/)*E,-4*4,?&#,'4)4*%+*7"-1(*6/"#4-)&:1*2,,50* !"#$#%&'%("#%)*''*+,%-.//0#%-*#1#2%and highlighted every detail including the main character, Pete the Puzzle Piece. In the process of writing Pete’s journey of finding his special purpose, God ignited dreams in my heart and a vision to 1/'-)*(/)*%)11'3)*,7*.$-.,1)*'&4*?,-(/*(,*'##*'3)1!
As I have been stewarding the message, the Lord has been ,.)&"&3*4,,-1!*D-,%*6,##'2,-'("&3*?"(/*'*7,-%)-*6,##)'3$)*
and friend of mine who is an art teacher, Jane, on the illustrations of the books, to divine connections that the Lord has put in my path that have supported and encouraged me on this journey, I see “God’s winks’’ along the route pointing next steps. He is faithful to show up as we proceed forward with Him, walking by faith.
@-$1("&3*(/)*E,-4*?"(/*(/)*4)('"#1*+")#41*"&6-)4"2#)*-)1$#(1!* Watching Him take my experience with the puzzle piece and 4,?&#,'4*'*2,,5*?/"6/*"1*&,?*'*1)-")10*'&4*(/)&*1('-(*'* company through that book called Puzzle Piece Productions and Publications has been miraculous.
From one puzzle piece came books and merchandise (plushies, jewelry, journals, apparel, home décor, etc.), all relating to the “Masterpiece” message found within the 1(,-+!*8(*"1*'#1,*1$6/*'*2#)11"&3*(,*.'-("6".'()*"&*1.)'5"&3* engagements, readings, and events with my precious son, Joshua, who loves to team with me and has inspired many of the characters in my books. When we say “Yes” to God’s purposes for our lives and give Him the glory with our stories, He will do more than we can ask, think, or imagine.
As we surrender our stories to the Father, He can take our 2-,5)&&)11*'&4*6-)'()*2)'$("7$#*%'1()-.")6)1!*G)*6'&:(* throw away the puzzle pieces (our giftings) because each of us is such an important part of His story. Through this adventure of reading and sharing the message of Pete, one of my favorite things is to experience that lightbulb moment of watching eyes come alive with purpose.
!"#$#%&'%("#%)*''*+,%-.//0#%-*#1#2%"1*'*2,,5*(/'(*-)'6/)1* all ages. Adults have cried as they have told me that Pete’s journey speaks to them directly. Teachers love reading the story to their classes and incorporating Pete as their 6#'11*%'16,(*2)6'$1)*,7*(/)*%)11'3)*2)/"&4*/"1*1(,-+!* @/)*%'"&*.'11'3)*/"3/#"3/()4*2,(/*"&*(/)*2,,5*'&4*(/)* company is Ephesians 2:10 which states, “For we are God’s masterpiece created to do the good things He planned for $1*#,&3*'3,!H
My prayer is that dreams would be ignited and that readers will realize that the big picture isnít the same if you donít step into your purpose.
@/)*/)'-(2)'(*2)/"&4*!"#$#%&'%("#%)*''*+,%-.//0#%-*#1#2 book series and the company, Puzzle Piece Productions and Publications, is to remind everyone that “Just Like Pete: You Are Loved, You Are Valuable, and You Are God’s MasterPIECE.”
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BOLD: Living Intentionally in Today’s World encourages believers in Christ to be intentional in their daily lives in serving God and sharing the gospel.
It’s Not About The Pie: A Fresh Look at Hospitality gives ideas for decorating, recipes for tasting, and how to reach out to the needy.
This workbook series encourages believers in Christ to be intentional in their daily lives in serving God and sharing the gospel. Live Boldly Workbooks 1, 2, and 3 coincide with a 45 week YouTube series which teaches people how to share their faith.
Nicki Corinne White is a Christian author, speaker, and podcaster. Live Boldly Ministries is focused on teaching others how to be purposeful in their walk of faith.
their individual personalities. In Proverbs 11:25, there is '*.-"&6".#)*,7*3)&)-,1"(+*#)'4"&3*(,*'&*'&,"&()4*#"7)!*@/)* 5)+*(/'(*$&#,651*+,$-*-)7-)1/%)&(*"1*(,*-)7-)1/*,-*1'($-'()* others with encouragement, acceptance, and love. One avenue of application is to consider these money motivation 1(+#)1*6'.($-)4*"&*,$-*&)?)1(*2,,50*O*'19D#$*+,%!*'896%*+% -$9D#$='Q%4%R$#7(*D#%H*=0#%S(.8?%MT;#$*#+1#5
For those motivated by having authority, money is power, '&4*"(*-).-)1)&(1*,.(",&1*'&4*,..,-($&"(")1!*@/)+*1.)&4* money on goals they consider worthwhile, invent plans, and take calculated risks to realize them. They are highly productive, visionary, focused, and fearless. These hardworking, hard-driving individuals can handle large 2$43)(1*'&4*1"3&"7"6'&(*6/'##)&3)1!*
G"(/*1."-"($'#*4).(/*'&4*%'($-"(+0*(/)+*6'&*'66,%.#"1/*%$6/* for a family, marriage, community, or church. However, the danger for those motivated by authority is the temptation to become power-hungry workaholics, prioritizing their pursuits over people. A compromise might be setting aside a specific amount each month for the visionary’s long-term goals while )&1$-"&3*1('2#)*7$&41*7,-*-)3$#'-*7'%"#+*&))41!*@/"1*?'+0*(/)* dream progresses without jeopardizing the family’s stability.
For people driven by attention, money is all about people. They spend money to create memories, often asking, “How ?"##*%+*1.,$1)0*7-")&410*,-*6/"#4-)&*7))#*?/)&*8*1.)&4*%,&)+* on them?” They enjoy appearing wealthy, whether they are or not, and love picking up tabs, throwing lavish parties, '&4*1.)&4"&3*,&*(-".10*1/,.."&30*,-*-)6-)'(",&!*@/)+*'-)* incredibly generous and willing to give selflessly. D'%"#+*7"&'&6)1*?,-5*%,-)*1%,,(/#+*"7*(/"1*.)-1,&*6'&* work hard to earn extra money for discretionary spending (,*)&/'&6)*-)#'(",&1/".1!*87*6,&1(-'"&)4*(,,*%$6/0*(/)+* may become difficult to live with. To accommodate this 3)&)-,1"(+0*6-)'()*'*#"&)N"()%*7$&4*1.)6"7"6'##+*7,-*(/)%*(,* $1)!
When spending is less than earnings, they relax, but if overspending occurs, they may resent the family’s spending /'2"(10*7))#"&3*#"5)*'*.'+6/)65*-'(/)-*(/'&*'*.)-1,&!*C1* .)'6)%'5)-1*'&4*&'($-'#*%)4"'(,-10*(/)+*'-)*'4).(*'(* solving financial issues to enrich relationships and manage bills. Committing to a savings account can help this motivation style relax and improve the marriage.
For those driven by accuracy, money management is about 1+1()%1*'&4*.-,6)11)1!*@/)+*'4/)-)*1(-"6(#+*(,*2$43)(1*'&4* often have money and resources to manage because they are savers, planners, and investors. They spend money 6'$(",$1#+*'66,-4"&3*(,*'*#,&3N-'&3)*.#'&0*?/"6/*6'&*%'5)* them inflexible and rigid. This rigidity can cause them to miss financial opportunities. However, this person ensures 7"&'&6"'#*1('2"#"(+0*(/,$3/*6,,.)-'("&3*?"(/*(/)"-*2$43)("&3* .#'&*%"3/(*2)*6/'##)&3"&3!*P"16$11"&3*.,()&("'#*6/'&3)1*,-* adaptations in advance is crucial. Consistent encouragement and appreciation are highly valued. The upside is a highly unlikely financial bind due to their financial savviness.
Q+*4"16$11"&3*'&4*2$43)("&3*'66,-4"&3*(,*)'6/*.)-1,&:1* motivation, there will be fewer arguments. For example, Pam, who is Inner Drive #2, values making memories with family and friends, which motivates her to work hard. They 6-)'()4*'*2$43)(*#"&)*"()%*(,*'##,?*/)-*(/"1*7-))4,%!*Q"##0* with motivation #3, prefers money management methods (/'(*1"%.#"7+*,-*'$(,%'()*%,&(/#+*2"##*.'+%)&(1!*J,*%,&)+* motivation style is inherently right or wrong, provided that biblical mandates of respect, honor, love, and unity are upheld, valuing how God has wired your mate.
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Nighttime had fallen in Beirut, where my husband and I had gone for ministry purposes.
G)*?)-)*-)($-&"&3*(,*,$-*/,()#*'7()-* visiting a shut-in when our driver took a shortcut to avoid congestion on the %'"&*-,'41!*R&7,-($&'()#+0*/)*3,(*#,1(*'&4* drove into a neighborhood populated by an international terrorist organization.
Parked cars lined the already narrow lane, making passage difficult. High-rise buildings pressed in on either side. Men 6#$1()-)4*/)-)*'&4*(/)-)0*1('-"&3*'(*$1*'1*?)*.'11)4!
Our driver drummed the steering wheel. ìThis is not good,î he said. ìLock your doors. These people know youíre foreigners.î
G)*5&)?*?/'(*/)*%)'&(!*G)*?)-)*1"(("&3*4$651!*G)*?)-)* Westerners likely perceived as wealthy by the locals. That %'4)*$1*/$%'&*('-3)(1*7,-*-,22)-+0*5"4&'.."&30*,-*?,-1)!
The driver tried to keep the car moving but, in his angst, sideswiped an empty parked vehicle. Onlookers gawked. Several pointed in our direction.
“Go, go, go!” urged the front seat passenger. A European ?/,:4*?,-5)4*"&*(/)*I"44#)*L'1(*7,-*+)'-10*/)*$&4)-1(,,4* the seriousness of our situation. The driver stepped on
the gas and maneuvered the car as fast and as safely as possible. He rounded the first corner he saw, missing an ,&6,%"&3*6'-*2+*"&6/)1!
@/'&57$##+0*?)*-)($-&)4*$&/'-%)4*(,*(/)*/,()#*?/)-)* we could exhale and debrief. I had to admit, I’d neither experienced a more frightening situation nor sensed God’s .-)1)&6)*"&*'*%,-)*.-,7,$&4*?'+!
Our world is a scary place on so many levels.
From Beirut to my own backyard, I’ve faced fear of an acute '&4*"&()&1)*&'($-)*2$(*'#1,*1(-$33#)4*?"(/*6/-,&"6*7)'-!*8* 1$1.)6(*+,$*6'&*-)#'()!
G)*?,--+*'2,$(*7"&4"&3*'..-,.-"'()*4'+6'-)*7,-*,$-* #"((#)*,&)1!*G)*7)'-*7,-*,$-*5"41:*?)##N2)"&3*?/)&*?)* send them off to school and, later, to university. We 7)'-*$&)%.#,+%)&(0*.)-1,&'#*7'"#$-)0*#,&)#"&)110*'3"&30* '&4*"&7#'(",&!*G)*7)'-*(/)*,$(6,%)*,7*'*-)6)&(*%)4"6'#* 4"'3&,1"10*'&4*(/)*#"1(*3,)1*,&!* D)'-*#)7(*$&6/)65)4*-,21*$1*,7*'*3,,4*&"3/(:1*1#)).*'&4* negatively affects our health. It makes our head throb, our muscles ache, and our heart feel heavy. It hinders us from 7-))#+*.$-1$"&3*9,4:1*.$-.,1)1*2)6'$1)*4,"&3*1,*,7()&* requires us to step beyond our comfort zone, and that’s a scary thing to do, right?
So, how can we learn to live unafraid? One means is to 1($4+*'&4*'..#+*(/)*(-$(/1*7,$&4*"&*(/)*&'%)1*,7*9,4*'1* revealed in the Old Testament. These revelations often 6'%)*4$-"&3*'*6-"1"1*'&4*?)-)*%)'&(*(,*"&1("##*6,$-'3)!
A personal favorite is Yahweh Shammah which means, “the ES;P*"1*(/)-)!H*Q"2#"6'#*.-,%"1)1*1$..,-(*"(*'&4*,7()&*6,%)* with the directive—“don’t be afraid.”
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8).
ìFor I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help youî (Isaiah 41:13).
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. P,*&,(*2)*'7-'"4F*4,*&,(*2)*4"16,$-'3)40*7,-*(/)*ES;P*+,$-* God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
Why the command to not be afraid? Because Yahweh Shammah is the all-wise, almighty Creator of heaven and earth. There is no power greater than His. Nothing stands against Him. But there’s more: Yahweh denotes not only the powerful side of God but also His relational side. He loves us; therefore, He never leaves us.
Ancient promises about Godís presence never expire because Yahweh Shammah is present≠tense.
Every moment of every day, “the LORD is there.” No matter ?/)-)*?)*'-)*,-*?/'(*7-"3/()&"&3*1"($'(",&1*?)*)&6,$&()-0* ?)*4,&:(*7'6)*(/)%*'#,&)!*T'/?)/*O/'%%'/*"1*(/)-)!*@/)* uncertainty and pain we face is real, but so is His presence. We can live unafraid because God always lives up to His &'%)!*
God: Living Unafraid5%S"#%>$*(#'%A9$%VE*$'(%WX%I-YG%)*+*'($*#'P% 7+8%19K"9'('%("#%VZ9.$%O7*0?%H*=0#%[#$'#X%;9817'(5% S.='1$*=#%(9%U$71#B'%A$##%.;87(#'%7+8%$#1#*D#%7%;$*+(7=0#%9A% S1$*;(.$#%;$7?#$'%=7'#8%9+%U98B'%+76#'5%I,$71#A9T5196P
If you’re looking for a transformational study, it’s here!
Grace Fox weaves deep biblical truth with contemporary stories, thought-provoking discussion questions and comforting prayers. Gather your friends and dig into the powerful wisdom in this book.”
linda evans shepherd | lindashepherd.com
They actually rolled their eyes and slumped in their chairs when I said, ìWe need the power of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.î
8*?'1*(/)*,&)*1('&4"&3*,&*(/)*1('3)*/,#4"&3* the microphone, and the women seated before me, the very ,&)1*?/,:4*$&("#*'*%,%)&(*2)7,-)*/'4*2))&*)&3'3)4*"&*%+* %)11'3)0*3#'-)4*2'65!
“You don’t want to be empowered by the Holy Spirit?” I '15)4!
I pressed a button and the screen above my head proclaimed, Galatians 5:22–23, ‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, 7'"(/7$#&)110*3)&(#)&)110*'&4*1)#7N6,&(-,#!H
I asked, “How many of you could use a little more of this kind of power in your life?
ìYou get the fruit of the Spirit when you are empowered by the Spirit.î
“I could teach you a little prayer,” I offered. It’s the prayer South African evangelist Andrew Murray taught the students at the Moody Bible Institute in 1895. It’s only three words long, but his prayer kicked off a revival that changed the world. Would you like to hear it?
@/)*?,%)&*&,44)4*'1*8*1/'-)4*(/)*.-'+)-*?/"6/*?'1* simply, “’More Holy Spirit.”
The women smiled and I asked them, “Would you like to pray this prayer with me?”
When they did, I watched as the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit lifted their faces and filled their souls.
8*$&4)-1('&4*?/+*(/)*?,%)&*?)-)*-)#$6('&(*(,*.-'+*'(*7"-1(0* I mean, the Holy Spirit is not very tame, as the disciples of Jesus observed. They were gathered in the upper room after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, waiting for the Holy Spirit because Jesus had said the Comforter would 6,%)*(,*(/)%!*Q$(*?/)&*'*#,$4*-$1/"&3*?"&4*7"##)4*(/)*-,,%0* (,&3$)1*,7*7"-)*1).'-'()4*'&4*6'%)*(,*-)1(*,&*)'6/*,7*(/)%* (Act 2:3–4).
Like living candles, the Spirit lit a fire in the disciples, '&4*(/)+*-'&*"&(,*(/)*1(-))(1!*@/)+*)'6/*1.,5)*"&*(/)* many languages of the Jews who’d come to Jerusalem to celebrate the holiday of Pentecost. To the crowd’s amazement, these unlearned men spoke to them in every language of the surrounding lands. After this display, Peter told them that Jesus, the one they’d crucified, was in fact their Messiah. He said, “It is time to repent and be baptized.”
Often when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, itís not only to empower us with the fruit of the Spirit, but to reveal Jesus as the Messiah. Letís pray into this revelation:
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New From Cynthia L. Simmons & Terri Gillespie illustrated by Courtney Smith
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Discover A Penny Saved, where history comes alive! Join Mason as he uncovers Penny, a talking 1860 Indian Head coin, and embarks on a family mystery.
This heartwarming story blends adventure that teaches kids about friendship, forgiveness, and hidden value. Perfect for young readers, this captivating story sparks imagination and curiosity about the past. Don't miss this priceless adventure!
“This story, set in our time, is just right for children and young teens. It promotes family values such as forgiveness and seeking wisdom before judging others.“
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It had been raining intermittently for several days, and every time I planned to welcome our new neighbors to the neighborhood, another downpour happened. The moving truck had arrived '(*(/)*2)3"&&"&3*,7*(/)*?))50*'&4*8*&,("6)4*6/"#4-)&:1*(,+1* '&4*2"5)1*"&*(/)*3'-'3)!*8*"%'3"&)4*(/)*%,%*?'1*'*#"((#)* ("-)4*,7*(/)*-'"&0*1,*8*4)6"4)4*(,*(-+*'3'"&*(/"1*%,-&"&3*(,* 4-,.*2+*?"(/*%+*()'*2'15)(!*
I’m always hesitant to drop by unannounced, but every time I have, I’ve been blessed. My impromptu tea parties have been a blessing for my new neighbors. I created a tea 2'15)(*7,-*'&*"&1('&(*()'*.'-(+*%'&+*+)'-1*'3,!*8(*/'1*2))&* in many homes over the years, and I’m always surprised at how something so simple and easy can have such a unique )77)6(!
Hospitality doesn’t have to involve having people in your /,%)!*8*#"5)*(,*(/-,?*,.)&*(/)*7-,&(*4,,-*7,-*'&+*,66'1",&0* but not everyone does.
How we show hospitality needs to fit with our unique .)-1,&'#"(")10*#"%"('(",&10*3"7(1*'&4*'2"#"(")1!*G/"#)*1,%)* love to bring out the china and silver, others like to have a 6,,5,$(*?"(/*.'.)-*.#'()1*'&4*.#'1("6*6$(#)-+*,-*1"%.#+*(-)'(* 7-")&41*(,*'*%)'#*,-*6,77))*"&*'*#,6'#*6'7U!*
First Peter 4:9–10 clarifies what the Lord desires of all of us. “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. You should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms.”
My love of tea has been the go-to for using my gift of hospitality. I have loved the Tea Basket, as I can create something almost everyone enjoys. It is a family tradition in my culture and a beautiful and meaningful way to serve others and share the teatime experience.
R1"&3*'*()'*2'15)(*'441*'&*)#)%)&(*,7*)'1)*'&4*2)'$(+*'&4* creates a relaxing and hospitable atmosphere while serving
,(/)-1!*8(*'41*'*1.)6"'#*(,$6/*(,*%))("&3*'*&)?*&)"3/2,-0* visiting a new mom, helping with a move, celebrating a special occasion, visiting the sick, coordinating a book club, ,-*A$1(*,&)N,&N,&)*?"(/*'*1.)6"'#*7-")&4!
J#$#%7$#%("#%+#1#''7$?%*(#6'%(9%;.(%*+(9%?9.$%(#7%=7'<#(Q @)'.,(0*6$.1*,-*%$310*.#'()10*&'.5"&10()'1.,,&10*%"#50* 1$3'-*6$2)10*()'0*'&4*6,,5")1*,-*6'5)
I had some mini lemon bundt cakes in the freezer to take to meet my new neighbor. We had a great visit; even her children loved the mini cakes.
Preheat oven to 350 ºF. Generously spray a mini bundt .'&*?"(/*2'5"&3*1.-'+!*P,&:(*15"%.*,&*(/"1F*&,(/"&3*"1*'1* disappointing as not having them pop out. This recipe will make about 24 mini cakes. It works best to let the pan cool '&4*?'1/*"(*2)(?))&*)'6/*2'(6/!
1 pkg. Lemon Cake Mix
1 pkg. instant lemon or vanilla pudding mix
1 tsp. lemon zest
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice (2 or 3 lemons)
4 eggs
1/3 lemon juice
1/2 tsp vanilla
Mix the cake and pudding mix in a large bowl with a whisk. Add the water, sour cream, butter, lemon zest, lemon juice, and eggs. Mix well and pour the batter into the prepared pan, filling 1/3 full. Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes until '*(,,(/."65*6,%)1*,$(*6#)'&*,-*(/)+*1.-"&3*2'65*?/)&* (,$6/)4!*
Cool for 5 to 10 minutes, then turn onto a cooling rack over a cookie sheet. Make the glaze and drizzle over the cooled 6'5)1!*C44*?'()-*(,*1$3'-*"7*"(*"1*(,,*1("77!*O(,-)*"&*'&*'"-("3/(* container in the refrigerator. Also, they can be frozen.
Anne Barus faced execution if she revealed information about her mission with the Navy. However, a year before she '66).()4*/)-*.,1"(",&0*1/)*?'1*'*.'6"7"1(* Quaker. One event transformed her world—Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The death of those young men horrified her. But she didn’t volunteer; the government solicited her assistance—by letter.
Massachusetts when the odd missive arrived. Did she like crossword puzzles? Was she planning on getting married? Anne gave the right answers. She enjoyed crossword puzzles and she wasn’t engaged. As a result, she received a mysterious invitation to a clandestine meeting in the 16/,,#*2",#,3+*#'2!*8&(-"3$)40*C&&)*'(()&4)4*?"(/*'*3-,$.* of ladies who had a similar summons. She discovered her excellent grades qualified her to serve as a cryptanalyst for the Navy. If she agreed, she would have a job breaking enemy codes. Her work could save many American lives. C&&)*6,&1)&()4!
After graduation, she moved to Washington, D.C., where she discovered many other women had arrived for the 1'%)*-)'1,&!*M-,?4)4*6,&4"(",&1*'&4*4"77"6$#(")1*"&*7"&4"&3* places to live plagued codebreakers all over the city. At last, Anne located a tiny apartment she would share with five ,(/)-*3"-#1!*
With lives at stake, codebreaking was urgent. The Navy )%.#,+)4*(/)*?,%)&*"%%)4"'()#+!*G,-5*6,&("&$)4*'-,$&4* the clock on three watches. Officials divided the women into groups for each. They also received a task with one ,7*(/)*%'&+*6,4)1!*C(*7"-1(0*C&&)*?,-5)4*'(*'*2$"#4"&3*,&* Constitution Avenue constructed during World War I. The first summer, the women endured blazing temperatures and numerous roaches. Later, the Navy built a fenced 6,%%$&"6'(",&*2$"#4"&3!*C-%)4*1,#4")-1*3$'-4)4*(/)* ,$(1"4)0*'&4*'(*#)'1(*,&)*.-,()6()4*)'6/*-,,%!*
R1$'##+0*C&&)*7,$&4*6,4)2-)'5"&3*()4",$10*2$(*1$44)&* victories made her work satisfying. Her superiors assigned her to the Japanese code JN-25, and she could only discuss work with ladies working in her room. People often repeated the phrase, “Loose lips sink ships.”
For each watch, she received a sheet of paper one-yardlong by two-feet-wide with vertical columns of numbers. The Japanese used numbers as code groups, which 6,$#4*-).-)1)&(*'*&,$&*,-*./-'1)!*S&6)*(/)+*6,4)4*(/)"-* message, the Japanese added a five-digit cipher. The Navy called that five-digit cipher the additive. Anne subtracted all day to locate the additive so Navy analysts could read the code. What a challenge!
C&&)*#)'-&)4*(-"651*(,*4)6"./)-!*;'4",*1"3&'#1*,7()&* distorted messages, so Japanese designed each code group divisible by three. Anne would guess a possible additive and subtract. She had a valid code if she could divide remaining numbers by three. Anne profited from Japanese rituals. At noon, ships radioed locations, and she memorized those code groups. When that signal arrived, she subtracted to find the additive, which helped 4)6-+.(*,(/)-*%)11'3)1!*C&&)*)&A,+)4*7"&4"&3*%"1('5)1!* S66'1",&'##+0*'*1'"#,-*?,$#4*7,-3)(*(,*)&6-+.(*/"1*%)11'3)0* '&4*1/)*6,$#4*6,%.'-)*(/'(*(-'&1%"11",&*?"(/*(/,1)*?/,* 1)&(*(/)*1'%)*%)11'3)*)&6,4)4!
Just as Anne lived in an out-of-sync world, we do too. But we can learn from Anne’s example. For instance, she respected the fighting men. “Guards saluted her as she )&()-)4*,-*#)7(*(/)*6,%%$&"6'(",&1*2$"#4"&3!*C&&)*5&)?* those guards were recuperating after heavy combat, and she met each man’s gaze.” We can respect each person, -)3'-4#)11*,7*2)#")71!*G)*6'&&,(*5&,?*?/'(*(-"'#1*)'6/* endures, but Jesus died for them. Our kindness bears witness to God’s boundless love.
Anne demonstrated bravery in tackling such a difficult task. Today, Christians are criticized in the media, and we might be tempted to hide our faith. However, in Galatians, Paul reminds us to live out the fruit of the spirit. “Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:23). We have the hope people need, and we can find innovative ways to share (/'(!
Equally important, Anne persevered despite the odds. Early in 1942, Navy officials brought in 18,000 messages a %,&(/!*@/'(*&$%2)-*(-".#)4*2)7,-)*(/)*?'-*)&4)40*'&4*(/)* .-)11$-)*"&6-)'1)4!*
G/"#)*?)*?'(6/*(/)*6/',1*?"(/*4"1%'+0*?)*6'&*-)%"&4* ourselves God controls the future. Revelation 1:8 encourages: “’I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.’” How comforting that our eternal God lived in the .'1(0*"1*/)-)*(,4'+*'&4*?"##*2)*(/)-)*"&*(/)*7$($-)!*G)*'-)* secure in Him regardless of what happens.
Likewise, Anne established excellent priorities as she used her intellectual gifts for others. We can “focus our minds on things that are above” (Colossians 3:2). When we do, we 6'&*6/,,1)*?/'(*%'(()-1*%,1(*"&*#"3/(*,7*)()-&"(+!
Anne respected others, exhibited bravery, persevered and showed excellent priorities. Following her example, we can flourish despite the crazy world around us.
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inspirational speaker, best-selling author, award-w inning journalist
Michelle is a dynamic, charismatic, entertaining speaker and writer who inspires her listeners to believe they can achieve anything they set their minds to. No one leaves her presentations without renewed enthusiasm for their own endeavors and appreciation for this gifted woman who is just as beautiful inside as she is outside.
—Jeanne Dennis, Host Heritage of Truth TV
I’m a Gigi of six adorable grandkids, and a dog mama of two miniature dachshunds. Both of those roles make me so happy, so it only makes sense that I would write about those two topics. I hope my readers enjoy these latest books as much as I enjoyed writing them. It’s a privilege to create stories for children, and I am grateful that I’ve been called to do so.
“PAWS-itive Inspirations: 90 Devotions for Kids and Dog Lovers” (co-written with Wendy Hinote Lanier) IRONSTREAM MEDIA
“The Dachshund Dash” (the sequel to “Dachshund Through the Snow”) END GAME PRESS
“You Are My Dream Come True” (co-written with Cecil Stokes) WREN & BEAR BOOKS
“Grandma’s Blessing” GOOD BOOKS
“Grandpa’s Blessing” GOOD BOOKS
debra a. elrod | narrowgatenow.com
Sitting in my office late one morning, I heard some commotion at the front door.
When I walked out to see what was going on, the office administrator said, “Are they changing the locks?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
When I went to the door, the man said, “I have a court order to remove all the property off the premises and I’m padlocking the doors.”
“What, why?”
I had no prior knowledge or warning this was going to happen. He showed me the documents.
“Really? We’re late on a supplier payment agreement and I just spoke with them to let them know. We owe less than $10K and you’re seizing assets worth over $250K.”
Sitting in my office late one morning, I heard some commotion at the front door.
G/)&*8*?'#5)4*,$(*(,*1))*?/'(* ?'1*3,"&3*,&0*(/)*,77"6)*'4%"&"1(-'(,-* said, “Are they changing the locks?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
When I went to the door, the man said, “I have a court order to remove all the property off the premises and I’m .'4#,65"&3*(/)*4,,-1!H**
“What, why?”
8*/'4*&,*.-",-*5&,?#)43)*,-*?'-&"&3*(/"1*?'1*3,"&3*(,* happen. He showed me the documents.
ìReally? Weíre late on a supplier payment agreement and I just spoke with them to let them know. We owe less than $10K and youíre seizing assets worth over $250K.î
“Yes, I have my orders.”
Numerous calls to stop the seizure were to no avail.
8*2)3'&*(,*?,&4)-*"7*(/"1*?'1*'*-)1$#(*,7*%+*.-'+)-10*1"&6)* surrendering my life a little over a year prior. “Lord, remove '##*,21('6#)1*(/'(*5)).*%)*7-,%*2)"&3*,&)*?"(/*T,$0*7-,%* being the believer, the wife, and the mother that You’ve called me to be.” So, I remained calm and cooperative.
Later in the day, the head guy came over to me and said, “You seem like a good person, and I’m sorry that I’m doing (/"1*(,*+,$-*6,%.'&+!H*
As he was speaking, the Holy Spirit brought to my memory the story of Jesus talking to Pilate in the Gospel of John.
said, ëYou would
have no
power over me at all unless it were given to you from aboveíî (19:11 NLT).
Even as a new believer, I knew within me the Holy Spirit ?'1*'77"-%"&3*(/'(*9,4*?'1*'##,?"&3*"(*(,*/'..)&!**8*1'"4*(,* the guy, “It’s okay, my faith will get me through. I trust God "1*%'5"&3*'*?'+!*P,&:(*?,--+0*+,$:-)*A$1(*4,"&3*+,$-*A,2!H* Then he looked at me and said, “Is there anything that you need?” I said, “Yes, my computers,” and he let me take them out of the back door!
@/"1*?'1*A$1(*(/)*2)3"&&"&3*,7*(/)*)&4*,7*(/)*#"7)*8*2$"#(*7,-* %+1)#7!*9,4*/'4*'*%$6/*2)(()-*.#'&*'&4*.$-.,1)*"&*%"&4!* I’m thankful for the opportunity to live it and share it with you!
ìIf you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for me, you will find itî (Matthew 10:39 NLT).
Be aware of theses obstacles that may be standing in your way to complete surrender:
W* Believing you are already surrendered because you are a M/-"1("'&!
W* Believing because you are in ministry, leadership, or teaching that you have already surrendered.
W* Being afraid of losing what you have and not wanting your #"7)*(,*6/'&3)!*
Surrender is obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit and knowing the Word of God! It begins with prayer and applying Godís Word to your everyday life!
Keep your eyes on Jesus, “the author and finisher of your faith!”
O#=$7%M0$98%*'%("#%E9.+8#$%9A%a7$$9>%U7(#%a9>%)*+*'($*#':% (#71"*+,%=*=0*170%=.'*+#''%;$*+1*;0#'%*+%("#%67$<#(;071#5%S"#% *'%7%=.'*+#''%0#78#$:%H*=0#%(#71"#$:%7.("9$:%';#7<#$%7+8% b5S5%4$6?%D#(#$7+5% C9%0#7$+%69$#%7+8%A9$%6##(*+,%$#`.#'('%,9%(9Q% >>>5+7$$9>,7(#+9>5196%
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Stacy started the “Parenting, Again?!!” Facebook community to create awareness and connection. “I want (/)1)*3-'&4.'-)&(1*'*1'7)*6,%%$&"(+*?"(/*,(/)-1*#"5)*(/)%* '&4*5&,?*(/)+*'-)*&,(*'#,&)!H
“I wanted to be a grandmother, not a parent.” she says. “I had to die to myself and my dreams and expectations”
After taking in her grandson, Stacy went into a “deep 4).-)11",&0H*7))#"&3*)&-'3)4*(/'(*'7()-*(/)*4"77"6$#(+*,7* -'"1"&3*/)-*'4,.()4*4'$3/()-0*1/)*&,?*/'4*(,*.'-)&(*(/)* 1,&*/)-*4'$3/()-*'2$1)40*&)3#)6()4*'&4*'2'&4,&)4!*
ìItís okay to need Jesus and a therapist.î
ìWhen youíre buying Depends for yourself and diapers for the baby, where do you fit in?î *'151*
Stacy Sanchez, author and advocate for 3-'&4.'-)&(1*-'"1"&3*(/)"-*3-'&46/"#4-)&!*O/)* 5&,?1*7"-1(/'&4*A$1(*/,?*"1,#'("&3*#"7)*6'&*2)*7,-* 3-'&47'%"#")1!
At age 52, Stacy and her husband, John, found their -)("-)%)&(*.#'&1*$.)&4)4*?/)&*(/)+*/'4*(,*('5)*"&*(/)"-* grandson. “Our plans had to change, our dreams had to 6/'&3)0*,$-*%'--"'3)*/'4*(,*6/'&3)0H*1/)*1'+1!*
The Crushing Burden on Grandfamilies
C66,-4"&3*(,*(/)*R!O!*P).'-(%)&(*,7*E'2,-0*(/)*1('("1("61* are staggering. An estimated 2.7 million grandparents in (/)*R!O!*'-)*-'"1"&3*3-'&46/"#4-)&0*,7()&*4$)*(,*.'&4)%"6* 4)'(/10*(/)*,.","4*6-"1"10*%)&('#*"##&)110*,-*"&6'-6)-'(",&*,7* the parents. Yet they receive little support.
Stacy and her husband know grandfamilies like them have to deal with:
W No financial assistance like foster families receive
W No preparation or parenting classes for traumatized 6/"#4-)&
W Kids missing out on sports/activities due to tight funds
W Navigating new school curriculum, social media, legal and 6,$&(#)11*,(/)-*"11$)1
Some grandparents on fixed incomes can’t afford services their grandkids need to cope such as:
W*R&4)-1('&4"&3*(/)"-*3-'&46/"#4:1*(-'$%'*'&4*/,?*(,*4)'#* ?/)&*(/)+*'6(*,$(
W Battling guilt and anger over the situation, including their 6/"#4:1*.,,-*6/,"6)1
C#,&3*?"(/*'*#"6)&1)4*6,$&1)#,-0*(?,*7-")&41*/)#.)4*.$##* O('6+*(/-,$3/*(/"1*)%,(",&'##+*4'-5*("%)!*@/)+*1"%.#+* listened without judgment as she vented, and gave her -)1."()*2+*1.)&4"&3*("%)*?"(/*/)-*3-'&41,&!*C*7-")&4:1* daughter even volunteered to tutor Stacy’s grandson after 16/,,#*(,*/)#.*/"%*?"(/*/,%)?,-5!*
Stacy believes churches are uniquely positioned to support 3-'&47'%"#")10*"7*'?'-)*,7*(/)"-*&))41>
“Churches are great at giving care and love. They just need '?'-)&)11*'&4*(,,#1*(,*/)#.*(/)*3-'&47'%"#")10H*1/)*1'+1!*
Her suggestions include:
W Make grandfamilies an official “mission field,” including senior adult ministry activities catering to these families
W Q-"&3*"&*1,6"'#*?,-5)-1*(,*)4$6'()*(/)*6,&3-)3'(",&*'&4* connect grandfamilies with resources to thrive.
W Allow a safe space to share, vent and find community
ìThese grandparents are missionaries to the next generation,î Stacy says. Q+*1$..,-("&3*(/)%0* churches can embrace the often-overlooked segments of the congregation, while giving traumatized kids godly, loving guidance.”
C1*1/)*"%'3"&)1*'*7$($-)*6/$-6/*6$--"6$#$%0*O('6+*1/'-)1*'* 1(,-+*'2,$(*'*3-'&4%,(/)-*?/,*6,&('6()4*/)-*(/-,$3/*/)-* Facebook Community. “She is raising six grandchildren and is desperately lonely. She doesn’t have a community. We 6'&*6/'&3)*(/'(!H
Churches have a rare opportunity to provide precisely (/'(*6,%%$&"(+B'*.#'6)*,7*4)).*$&4)-1('&4"&30*-)&)?)4* .$-.,1)0*'&4*%,1(*,7*'##0*/,.)!
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The Advanced Writers & Speakers Association (AWSA) has two levels of membership.s speci cally designed for Christian Women Communicators.
For women who feel called to communicate. !""#$%&'()*(+,-./&."0%#1(,2&
! "##$%&'()&*+&$+,&&-(.+/)0-+1$(2-%-(1-3+,(.+(-&4$%5+4)&6+#'7/)36-.+ ,'&6$%38+9:;<<<+0,/'-=
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Only four days into our honeymoon, the phone in our hotel room jangled with a startling ring.
I+*&)?*/$12'&4*'&1?)-)40*3-))()4*%+* father, and grew quiet. His jaw went slack before he said, “I’m so sorry. She’s right here.” Ice shot through my veins when he handed me the receiver and wrapped a steady arm around my shaking 1/,$#4)-1!*
When Dad told me my 18≠year≠old brother had died in a construction accident, I collapsed to the floor in disbelief.
C&*$&$1$'#*1(-"&3*,7*6"-6$%1('&6)1*6'$1)4*/"1*4)'(/0* "&6#$4"&3*'&*)#)6(-"6'#*1/,-(*"&*(/)*?"-"&3*,7*'&*"&4$1(-"'#*4-"##* he used. God could have intervened at any point, and my fun-loving brother would not have perished. I traveled home from my honeymoon, and we buried him six days after my ?)44"&3!*
I don’t remember a day when I didn’t love God. I accepted M/-"1(*'1*'*7,$-N+)'-N,#4*'&4*1.)&(*%+*6/"#4/,,4* memorizing verses about God’s protection and blessing. 8*%'--")4*'*1)%"&'-"'&*'&4*.#)43)4*%+1)#7*(,*M/-"1("'&* service as a pastor’s wife. I expected God to keep His promises, so where was He when my brother needed Him?
Joy forsook me, and bitterness took its place. I shelved my Bible and quit praying altogether.
Going to church was only an exercise in looking like a “good 3"-#!H*;"..#)1*,7*1$..-)11)4*'&3)-*3-)?*"&(,*?/"()N6-)1()4* waves that threatened to swamp me. If my cramped fingers lost their grip on my storm-battered life preserver of faith, I’d 4-,?&*"&*'&*,6)'&*,7*$&2)#")7!
L."./'&")1*4,&:(*'#?'+1*6,%)*'(*,&6)B1,%)("%)1*(/)+* -"1)*#"5)*(/)*4'?&0*3-,?"&3*2-"3/()-*?"(/*(/)*.'11'3)*,7*
time. More than forty years have come and gone since those tumultuous days. Little by little, God overcame my doubts with events that displayed His goodness and power "&*'6(",&!*E"7)*#)11,&1*6'%)*?-'..)4*"&*,-4"&'-+*%,%)&(1!*
I+*(,44#)-*4'$3/()-*,&6)*2)33)4*%)*7,-*6/,6,#'()*6'&4+* as her bedtime snack. With every refusal her whines escalated, culminating with the inevitable question, “Why?” O/)*?'1*(,,*+,$&3*7,-*"&1(-$6(",&*,&*&$(-"(",&'#*3$"4)#"&)1* 7,-*3,,4*/)'#(/!*8*6'-)11)4*/)-*()'-N1(-)'5)4*7'6)*'&4*1'"40*
“Even if I explained, you couldn’t understand. You just have (,*(-$1(*%)!H*
God tapped my shoulder and said, ìThatís also my answer for you.î @/)*$-3)*(,*'15*?/+*"1*"&&'()!*G)*(/"&5*"7*9,4*?,$#4*A$1(*
explain His actions, we could reconcile His goodness and ,%&".,()&6)*(,*$&1.)'5'2#)*(-'3)4")10*?/)(/)-*3#,2'#*,-* .)-1,&'#!*Q$(*?)*?,$#4&:(*2)*'2#)*(,*6,%.-)/)&4*(/)*?/+* even if He offered it.
God says, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so '-)*%+*?'+1*/"3/)-*(/'&*+,$-*?'+1*'&4*%+*(/,$3/(1*(/'&* your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). We are foolish and prideful to demand God explain how He intervenes in this world. If our brain power matched His, perhaps we might dare. But 9,4*"1*&,(*'*2"3*=$7*+ in the sky—He is ';*$*( (John 4:24), and only by the Holy Spirit may we learn His ways and find .)'6)!*
Although I still donít know why tragedy struck, I quit asking, ìWhy?î
J,*,&)*)16'.)1*(-'3)4")1B-)3'-4#)11*,7*,&):1*1."-"($'#* condition—but it is possible to survive the stormy sea of 6,&7$1",&*'&4*1?"%*"&(,*'*1'7)*/'-2,-!*G/)&*(/)*/)-,"&)* in my novel, !"#+%("#%E076#'%@7D7,#80*'151*?/+*9,4* -)16$)4*1,%)*.),.#)*'&4*&,(*,(/)-10*'*?"1)*?,%'&* answers, “That, my dear, is a question I plan to ask when I see Him.”
@"9+87B'%+9D#0:%When the Flames Ravaged:%8$7>'%.;9+% ;#$'9+70%#T;#$*#+1#'%(9%1909$%("#%`.#'(*9+'%7+8%$#';9+'#'% 9A%("#%1"7$71(#$'%7A(#$%7%8*'7'($9.'%1*$1.'%A*$#%*+%Gdee%107*6'% 69$#%("7+%GFf%0*D#'5%E*+8%"#$%7(%>>>5$"9+878$7,96*$51965
—DiAnn Mills, best-selling author and winner of two Christy Awards in the flames of
“Some stories last until the last line, and some stories last a lifetime. Flames is one of those unforgettable stories.”
He changed the whole course of her life as well as the direction of so many other lives. G/'(*6,$#4*1/)*4,*(,*(/'&5* him and show him how much it meant? O/)*?-,()*/"1*2",3-'./+0*1/'-"&3*(/)* 3,,4*(/'(*/)*4"4*"&*(/)*(,?&B1('-("&3*'&* ,-./'&'3)*'&4*)&1$-"&3*(/'(*)'6/*,-./'&* ?'1*'2#)*(,*'(()&4*6,##)3)0*7$##+*.'"4!*@/"1* biography immortalized both my aunt, the author, who lived to be 100, as well as Charles Page whom she wrote about. They will live forever in the hearts of our townspeople.
I,1(*,7*$1*?-"()-1*'&4*1.)'5)-1*7))#*'*6'##"&3*'&4*'* 6,%.$#1",&*(,*1/'-)*,$-*?,-41*?"(/*(/)*?,-#4!*8&*(/'(* $&6(",&*"1*'*#"((#)*4)1"-)*7,-*"%%,-('#"(+*"7*?):-)*/,&)1(!*I,1(* of us realize that even though we will move on from this earth someday, our words will live on, changing lives long '7()-*?):-)*3,&)!*C&+?'+0*(/'(:1*,$-*/,.)!*
We want to create something that God blesses, making a difference in the world.
The truth is that most of us will never be a Lewis, Dickens, or Ingalls, at least not the famous ones. However, each of us, in God giving us these platforms, has an opportunity to %'5)*'&*)()-&'#*4"77)-)&6)*)'6/*("%)*?)*('5)*(/)*1('3)*,-* ?-"()*'*2,,5*B&,(*(/-,$3/*(/)*1.))6/*,-*.'3)1*2$(*(/-,$3/* the face-to-face encounters we have because of these ,..,-($&"(")1!*
We had a booth at an event, and a young mom came by ,$-*('2#)!*O/)*2$-1(*"&(,*()'-1!*O/)*/'4*-)6)&(#+*4)6"4)4*(,* 7,##,?*M/-"1(*'&4*?'1*/)'-(2-,5)&*2)6'$1)*1/)*7)#(*"(*?'1* (,,*#'()*(,*4"16".#)*/)-*6/"#4-)&!*G)*%"&"1()-)40*'11$-"&3*/)-* (/'(*(/)*6/"#4-)&*?,$#4*1))*(/)*6/'&3)*"&*/)-*#"7)*'&4*/)-*A,+* 7,-*(/)*E,-4!*G)*.-'+)4*?"(/*/)-*'&4*1/'-)4*-)1,$-6)1*'&4* '1*%'&+*)&6,$-'3"&3*?,-41*'1*?)*6,$#4*"&*(/,1)*7)?*1/,-(* %"&$()1!*
Once after an event, a young woman poured out her heart. After a few minutes, I realized she was planning to hurt herself that night.
As we talked, I sensed the Holy Spirit prompting me to get her to commit to talk to me the next evening. If I could get /)-*(,*'3-))*(,*(/'(0*1/)*?,$#4&:(*/$-(*/)-1)#7!*O/)*7"&'##+* agreed. Our whole team prayed for her that night. The next day, she was more hopeful and gave up the idea of taking /)-*,?&*#"7)!*G)*5).(*"&*6,&('6(0*'&4*1/)*3-)?*"&(,*'*1(-,&3* ?,%'&*,7*7'"(/!*
8*6,$#4*1/'-)*%'&+*1(,-")1*#"5)*(/)1)*?"(/*+,$0*'&4*+,$* 6,$#4*1/'-)*+,$-1*?"(/*%)!*@/)1)*'-)*(/)*.#'6)1*?/)-)*?)* (,$6/*)()-&"(+!*@/)*.),.#)*?)*6,&&)6(*?"(/*7'6)N(,N7'6)*'-)* where we are truly immortalized as they are for us. We can
(,$6/*)()-&"(+*'&4*%'5)*)()-&'#*4"77)-)&6)1*2+*('5"&3*(/)* ("%)*(,*(,$6/*'*#"7)!*
In the Bible, when Esther was given the unexpected role '1*K$))&*'&4*/'4*(/)*,..,-($&"(+*(,*1.)'5*$.*'&4*6/'&3)* history, her uncle Mordecai said, “Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 NLT). I feel like the Holy Spirit is saying something similar to us: “Who knows if perhaps you were given this ,..,-($&"(+*(,*?-"()*'&4*1.)'5*(,*1,*%'&+*.),.#)*1,*(/'(* +,$*6'&*(,$6/*'*1"&3#)*#"7)*'7()-*(/)*1.))6/*"1*4,&)*,-*'7()-* you’ve signed her book.”
Our truest calling is to touch lives and minister to those in need—to touch eternity by seizing the divine encounters we have with one another.
ìYet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heartî (See Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT).
8&*%+*2,,51*'2,$(*4"16".#"&3*,$-*6/"#4-)&0*8*,7()&*('#5*'2,$(* 3-'1."&3*()'6/'2#)*'&4*4)7"&"&3*%,%)&(1!*@/,1)*'-)*(/)* divine appointments when our children’s hearts are ready to #)'-&*,-*,$-*?,-41*/)#.*(/)%*$&4)-1('&4*?/,*(/)+*'-)!*G)* have these opportunities every time we talk with people at every event whether they buy a book or not.
C#$$*#%J#007$8KH$9>+B'%=99<'%*+10.8#%Q$"#4"&3*M/'-'6()-* through Picture Books%7+8%A World of Pancakes5%J#$% >$*(*+,%7;;#7$'%*+%Starlight Magazine, Upper Room,%7+8% 8&1."-)*M/-"1("'&*G-"()-1
Trusting God instead of worrying gave me the courage to follow His plans for me.
Focusing on our inner growth is vital. Peter emphasized this: “But let your adorning be the hidden .)-1,&*,7*(/)*/)'-(*?"(/*(/)*"%.)-"1/'2#)*2)'$(+*,7*'*3)&(#)* and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious” (1 Peter 3:4 ESV).
The Greek word used for “quiet” is praeōs0*%)'&"&3* “tranquil or peaceful.” Imperishable quality or beauty is the attractiveness that shines from within. This reflects joy, from (/)*9-))5*?,-4*1"7$7 meaning “delight,” with the related verb 1"7*$9 meaning “rejoice.”
Healthy hearts strengthen us, develop stamina, lower blood .-)11$-)0*'&4*-)4$6)*/)'-(*'(('65*-"15!*R&/)'#(/+*1."-"($'#* hearts deaden our souls and fill us with negative emotions, including fear, anxiety, and anger. Instead, choose to grow '*%,-)*.)'6)7$#*'&4*A,+7$#*/)'-(!
Aerobic exercise and healthy diets strengthen hearts. Spiritual foods and exercises build spiritually healthy hearts '&4*2-"&3*.)'6)!*C*1."-"($'#*4")(*%)'&1*7"##"&3*$.*?"(/* O6-".($-)*-)'4"&30*-)7#)6(",&0*'&4*.-'+)-0*.#$1*?"14,%*7-,%* %'($-)*M/-"1("'&1!
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J,("6)*/,?*,(/)-10*"&6#$4"&3*Q"2#)*.),.#)0*1$66))40*'&4* then evaluate what worked. Embrace successes as models (,*7,##,?0*'&4*'66).(*?/'(*9,4*6'##1*+,$*(,*$&"K$)#+*4,!*
Evaluate your day to thank God for blessings, and ask guidance for improvements needed.
Forgive yourself and others. Pause daily and examine your heart for any bitterness, anger, or other negative attitudes or emotions. Identify the causes and then forgive everyone involved.
including anxiety. Give anxieties to God, and let God care 7,-*+,$-*&))41!
Build your God-esteem by recalling God loves you and has plans for good for you. Read Psalm 139 and Jeremiah 29:11 often.
Know and accept God’s purpose for you, even mundane work. Encourage others, or be involved in ministry. Daily '15*9,4*(,*.$(*1,%),&)*"&*+,$-*.'(/*(,*2#)11!
Once you have peace, there’s room to fill your heart with 1."-"($'#*A,+!*@/"1*7#,?1*?"(/"&*'1*+,$*6/'&3)*+,$-*7,6$1*(,* God, look outward with gratitude, and exercise generosity. ;)A,"6)*?"(/*.-'"1"&3*9,40*1"&3"&30*'&4*1'+"&3*O6-".($-)1!
Be grateful and thank God every day. Thank Him for the struggles too, knowing He can use them.
Change your perspective and be mindful. Look from God’s perspective and focus on what God considers important. Read the Beatitudes, Philippians 4:6–8, and James 1:2–8. R&4)-1('&4*(/'(*1(-$33#)1*2$"#4*+,$-*6/'-'6()-0*'&4*(-$1(* in God. Trusting God allows you to expect godly outcomes -'(/)-*(/'&*.)-7)6(*?,-#4#+*-)1$#(1!
Q$"#4*'*1$..,-(*1+1()%0*?/)(/)-*"(:1*,&)*.)-1,&*,-*'*3-,$.!* X&,?*?/,*6'-)1*'&4*?"##*.-'+*7,-*+,$-*&))41*'&4*#"1()&!*Q)* (/)-)*(,*#"1()&*'&4*.-'+*7,-*(/'(*.)-1,&*(,,!
Bless others, as focusing on serving others is our calling. Beyond that, we should also grow our “mom heart” in loving others. We are women and thus have nurturing hearts so natural in mothering. Develop that spirit of bringing out the 2)1(*"&*,(/)-1!
Growth and change take time. Pace yourself and make one positive choice each day until each exercise becomes a /'2"(!
N7$#+%!"*(*+,:%<7$#+>"*(*+,5196:%09D#'%(9%';07'"%1$#7(*D#% *8#7'%*+(9%>"7(%'"#%>$*(#'5%J#$%A91.'%*'%(9%'($#+,("#+% >96#+%7+8%("#*$%A76*0*#'%7+8%#+19.$7,#%("#6%(9%0*D#%A.00?%*+% U985
J#$%Growing Hearts book series ;$9D*8#'%87*0?%'(#;'%(9% ,$9>%;#71#:%]9?:%7+8%7%+.$(.$*+,%69("#$B'%"#7$(5
Dive into the pages of Surrendered: Discovering God’s Will for Your Life and embrace a path of purpose, peace, and unwavering faith. Surrendered is God’s story to anyone who would dare to open the Bible and believe in His Word.
It is when we Surrender that you can begin Discovering Your Spiritual DNA , the purpose for which God created you! This book incorporates neurology, psychology, and applied theology, making it A Complete Guide to Changing your Thinking & Transforming Your Life. It gets to the core of our being and the heart of the matter to bring lasting transformation.
DEBRA A. ELROD is the Founder of Narrow Gate Now Ministries, teaching biblical business principles in the marketplace. Sh e is a business leader, Bible teacher, author, speaker and U.S. Army vetera n.
To order a signed copy of Surrendered and/or Discovering Your Spiritual DNA , you can use the QR code to go directly to the Narrow Gate Now Ministry store. All proceeds go to support the ministry.
To learn more or for media requests go to: www.narr owgatenow.com