Leah(Lilu Zhao) Architectural Portfolio Selected Works 2014-2020

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Ottavia Year: 2019 Academic AASchool DRL Postgraduate Tutor: Shajay Bhooshan Digital Fabrication Modular Housing [in Charge of: Site Analysis, Structural Design and CFD Optimization, Unit Modelling, Video Making, Rendering, Presentation, Phisical Models] Group work The 16 months course in DRL which is founded by Partrick Schumacher focuses on the theory and application of parametric architecture. Tools we used are rhino&grasshopper, maya, unity, C# and Cinema 4D etc. For my final thesis, we focused ourselves on contributing to London housing situation. Instead of construction cost, London housing is more about dealing with land shoratge, fulfilling customer needs and minimizing construction period. Huge disparity between residential and working in London city center leads to a gap in the housing market of city center housing. Roundabouts are fisrt used in Bath, England in 1978. Now Plenty of Roundabouts in London are plain green or left wasted. More than 60% of them are more than 60*60 sqm size and could have been made use of. Different iterations of communities can be applied on different roundabouts, of all of which the ground is openned and designed to be communual space instead of isolating the housing units.Then the housing units are elevated in the sky. Prefabrication and assembly make it possible for households to customize their living unit and to negotiate their shared space with their neighbors. Users will be given a chance to place their unit

selection on the system and find their roles in the community. Then a preferred building model can be decided. Those units will be built with the main structure and the whole circulation and infrastrcucture system, and then other households can join the system by adding new unit clusters onto the existing building which can be done in a minimized period thanks to prefabrication. Thus the building can be given an ability of growth with time and built circumstance changing. Robotic Hotwire cutting is a method of using robotic arm to cut foams in shape. The foams are lighweight and suitable for prefabication and onsite assembly. We've been learning to use this method with robotic arm Kuka. Morever, in order to make it bear load, an SIP (structural insulated panel) structure is used: timber boards sanwiching a core made of the robotic hotwire cut foam. Unit made with the material are customized by the user, preifabricated into parts and delivered to the site. Then they are assembled into units and onto the structure. Communual space inbetween them are also chosen by the users and constucted in the same method.

London's Housing & Working Dispariity

Making Use of London Roundabouts

:3.725 Living Cluster :15

Types of London Roundabouts

Commuty Iterations on Different Sites Contexts Maximum Span Ratio :4.25 Living Cluster :6

Living Clusters

Communual Space

Maximum Span Ratio :2.4 Living Cluster :7


Maximum Span Ratio :5.32 Living Cluster :8

Maximum Span Ratio :1.9 Living Cluster :3

Structural Span

Maximum Span Ratio :3.42 Living Cluster :9

Maximum Span Ratio :1.9 Living Cluster :4

Maximum Span Ratio Maximum Span Ratio :1.9 :1.9 Living Cluster Living Cluster :6 :3 Maximum Span Ratio :1.9 Living Cluster :4 Maximum Span Ratio :2.9 Living Cluster :4 Maximum Span Ratio :1.9 Living Cluster :6

Maximum Span Ratio :3.5 Living Cluster :9

Maximum Span Ratio :2.9

Living Cluster :6RatioRatio Maximum SpanSpan :3.6 :2.9 Maximum Living Cluster :6 :4 Living Cluster

Maximum Span Ratio :2.05 Living Cluster :6

Maximum Span Ratio :2.9 Living Cluster :10

Maximum Maximum SpanSpan RatioRatio :2.75 :2.9 Living Cluster Living Cluster :6 :6

Maximum Span Ratio :2.2 Living Cluster :4

Maximum Maximum SpanSpan RatioRatio :2.45 :2.9 Living Cluster Living Cluster :6 :10 Maximum Span Ratio :2.2 Living Cluster :6

Maximum Span Ratio :2.2 Living Cluster :4 Maximum Span Ratio :2.2

Maximum Span Ratio :3.9

Maximum Span Ratio :2.05 Living Cluster :8

Room Selection and Neogiation

Community Creation

Customized Construction

Predesigned System

User Preference

On-site Assembly

Spatial Organization


Material & Construction

Living Unit Combination



Steam Bending

Structure Foam Timber Steel Connector

SIP Structure

Steam Bending

Robotic Hotwire Cutting

Robotic Hotwire Cutting Steam Bending

Customizing Communual Space Unit

Unit Massing

The Grand Canal Creative Center Year: 2018 Professional Urbanus Beijing Landscape Design [In Charge of: Modelling, Modular Pavement Design, Elevation Design, Detail Design Drawing of Bench, Lighting, Seat, Surrounded Planting, Staircase, etc.]

In Year 2018 I worked as a full-time intern for 3 months in Urbanus. Founded in 1999, under the leadership of partners Xiaodu Liu, Yan Meng and Hui Wang, Urbanus is recognized as one of the most influential architecture practices in China. In Urbanus I participated in the full process of the design development and construction of the exterior part of the Grand Canal Creative Center. I worked in an exterior design team of 2, led by Partner Architect Hui Wang. Work I did included modelling, pavement pattern design, planting design, detail design, lighting design, etc. The 3 months was a good opportunity for me to design closely with construction process and lighting team. Every part of the design is worked out in high details to be delivered straight into construction. Located in Zhongbei Town, Tianjin, and next to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the former Meiya Automobile Factory has been empty for years. Since the Grand Canal has been successfully granted as one of the World Cultural Heritages, this

once industrial area is designated to be renovated into the OCT Loft Creative Culture Park, a new urban model to attract creative business to stimulate new urban lifestyle along the Grand Canal. In order not to af fect the subsequent development, the Grand Canal Creative Center, the f irst showc ase project to l aunch the new development, is to renovate a building at the farthest corner of the campus, hidden behind a grove of poplars. This unfavorable location instead inspires the idea of using a nearly 200 meters long zigzagged stair to lead visitors to ceremonially approach the building, and such an exaggerated visualization of the hidden building also symbolizes that a grounded large ship is ready to set sail. Tactfully enlarging the image of the factory building, this grand stair ascends to the second floor level when it reaches to the foot of the building, and the effect of the grandiose stair make the humble building as a solemn Greek temple.

[the Staircase with Trees Preserved, Sitting and Lighting] Bricks from the demolished walls are reused in the landscape. Lighted bricks are arranged in the shape of the canal with the name of districts along the canal.

[Spraying Square] Gradient Sprays and Lights are arranged in a gradient pattern, with the meaning of fluid water.

[Modular Gradient Pavement] 13 small modules designed in 5 different density (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%) are combined into larger modules to provide the pavement a gradient look but still easy to be preassembled and installed. [Entrance Logo]

the Square before Renovation

the Square after Renovation

Lighting Design

Planting Design


Spray Square

Yard Barriers Year: 2017 Academic Beijing Forestry University Siheyuan Renovation [Urban design & Architecture Unit] urban design work in group of 2, unit design work individually [In Charge of: Site Curtural& Ecological Analysis, Urban Design, Parametric Unit Design, Rendering]

Urban&Landscape Design Moshikouer is a traditional district in Beijing, China. However, it is not as traditional as most of the districts. Due to historical reasons, the community is seperated into 4 parts with different crowds mixed up living in it. Some of the yards are in traditional Qing arrangement while some are modern products of people's commune. In urb a n resp e ct , fo ur a re a s of ya rds a re reserved and rearranged. Community Centers are inserted with different activities planned. In landscape respect, stormwater security and flood is the concern of the district which is located right at the foot of a mountain. City gaderns with waterscape are designed as a whole system to make water a lanscape and city activity instead of a threat.

Architecture Unit The main reason of the district being messy and used in poor effeciency is the dismatch of the yard scales and household scales. The yards were built by the rich which are large and contains families of 6-8. However, as family getting smaller in modern days and non-local workers moving in, smaller households begin to take the district. One yard has to hold more than 5 households who are too mobile to connect with each other. Yard barriers are small modular units that are inserted into the yards, making barriers between households and dividing yards into several parts. Some barriers can be moved and removed easily according to rental changes. Some are fixed with trees in it to rebuild the landscape and ecology.

Yard Growth History

Ecological Analysis

Texture Analysis

Architecture Value Analysis

Heritage <6m 6-9m 9-12m >12m

Historical Landmark History Elements Architecture with Consistent with A r c Historical h i t e cStyle t u r e inconsistentAwith r c Historical h i t e c Style t u r e

Condition & PReservation roper Structural


Condition & O Reservation kay Structural


Condition & PReservation oor Structural


S p a c e & Tr a f f i c Structure


Shed Roof


Flat Roof

Infrastructure HistoricalC u t u r a l Others

Other Roof


Structures Roof with Additional

Current Household Scales

Current Resident Activities

Yard Scale Distribution

Site Plan of Yard Barriers

Plan and Perspective

Modular Unit Iterations

Nankou Railway Museum Year: 2014 Academic Beijing Forestry University Architecture Design Individual Work

This is a project done in the second year at my bachelor's. Rather than a museum, the design is more a community center. It is not a museum designed for the Beijing city, but one space for the community to bond. Nankou was a military transportation center in

1960s. As the society getting steadier and steadier, Nankou was forgot and left declined in economy. The history is in people's mind but also fading from the history. Thus the museum as well as a community center can be a place of bonding.

Water Ribbon Year: 2016 Academic Beijing Forestry University Urban Design Team Work [in Charge of: Central Water Urban Design, Modelling, Rendering& Perspectives, Birdview Perspectives] Yanling, Henan is a town famous for its flower growing industry. There is a river going across the city and breeding all the industry in the city. The urban design is to connect the town with the river and the activities alongside it to make a city prepared for a smooth fluid development of the

economy. The work is done in a team of 2.

Urban Design Plan Greenland Connectivity

Neighborhood Squares


Business Infrastructure Residential

Central Green Perspective

Riverside Activities

City Bird View

*Project in Progress Hotel Design Year: 2020 Academic Revit, Rhino& Grasshopper

The individual project is an on-going design I recently started individually as a modification of an acdemic project from Bachelor's. It is a 5- star hotel project in Beijing. It is done mainly in Revit with form-finding process in Rhino.

Form Finding Catalogue

Facade Structure Parametic Space

Type: Triangle Subdivision:16 Type: Diamond Subdivision:24

Type: Hexagon Subdivision:24 Type: Hexagon Subdivision:30

95 87

布草间 7.26 m²

7.26 m²




设备间 9.8690 m²

设备间 98





7.26 m²

7.26 m²



9.86 m²






7.26 m²


Leah Zhao

93 编号

94 说明


Leah Zhao 标准层平面图 项目编号



日期 绘图员 校核


J0-1 北京高层酒店设计方案 出图日期




1 : 200

标准层平面图 项目编号




绘图员 校核


作者 审图员


1 : 200

2020/7/16 18:31:55


2020/7/16 18:31:55





Circle & Bezier Drawings Processing

Subjective City Installation 2017 Beijing Design Week

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