Portfolio Leah Cabrera.

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Selected Projects 2006-2012


LCF / Portfolio


1. Architectural Component

2. Folded Plates Library

3. La Aurora Park + MAMGUA

4. Claro Center

5. Centra Roosevelt

6. Stripes Lamp

7. San Isidro, Interchange Station

8. Family Beach House

9. HOF

10. Tavel & Documentation


Architectural Component

The goal of the semester was to generate a project that started from the design of a system of variable components through the use of digital design tools. Unlike the conventional way of designing a project, this study began from the design of the construction detail to reach the architectural program. Prototypes were produced in order to study how these could be assembled and create a constructive solution. These were analysed in order to study the design, detailing, structural aspects and materials in order to perfect the system. This allowed the understating of the potential and limitations of the component to generate architectural spaces or elements. The design process was mainly explored by the use of physical models.






Steel Joints


LCF / Portfolio

Generative Process

Folded Plates Library


Folded Plates Library Nominated best project award 2008: 3rd year category Published in Arquitemas Magazine

1 direction scaling to increase height

The project consisted in the design of a library using the component previously designed. There was a generative process in which the component was analysed to see its potential uses and readjustments in order to house the program.

Removal of piece to allow housing of program.

Decrease of height

Increase of height

Surfaces were added in order to close the building. Projection of surfaces to generate public space.

Displacementof vertice to allow housing of program

Variations in the scale of component

Structure 5

LCF / Portfolio

Facade closure

Facade structure

Folded Plates Library



The more you read, the more things you will know, the more you know, the more places you will go

LCF / Portfolio

Dr. Seuss

GF Plan

2nd Floor

3rd Floor

Folded Plates Library


La Aurora Park MAMGUA


Museo Arte Moderno GUAtemala

Guatemala City lacks public spaces and the few that can be found are not properly equipped nor designed. In the 1900´s when the planning of the city began, Finca La Aurora was designated as a park but due to the demographic growth, the concept was lost. Because of this problem, this area was chosen to provide new public and green spaces. The project includes the following areas: park, sports, culture, entertainment and recreation.

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LCF / Portfolio

commerce + r e


playgrou nd

sports &

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Design team: Claudia Cordon, Mariana Recinos, Ana Lucia Huertas, José Rodrigo Aguilar and José Jorge Navas.

Longitudinal Section

La Aurora Park + MAMGua





Anden carga y descarga



“Bunker Museum”

Panelling & open up the facade


I n t e g r a t e volumetry to the sorrounding.

Inst. Hidraulicas

Bodega café caf


Bodega Tienda

lounge - prensa

npt: -3.00

Introducción Arte Moderno Guatemalteco 1944 - 1954



Foyer auditorio S

Introducción Arte Moderno Guatemalteco

Jardín esculturas



A« Tienda

Ingreso Introducción Arte moderno(mundial)


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The second phase of Park La Aurora was the design of the museum for modern art which was designed in collaboration with José Rodrigo Aguilar. There was a special interest in creating different types of spaces with diverse sensations as in designing exterior areas to link the museum with the previously designed park.


LCF / Portfolio

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La Aurora Park + MAMGua


Claro Center Award for best project 2008 (4th year category) Published in: Arquitemas Magazine.

The aim was to design a multifunctional complex that included corporate headquarters for Claro -a Guatemalan telephone corporation - housing, offices, retail, a hotel and trade offices. The proposal sought to strengthen the sector, which in recent years has deteriorated due to lack of connections between areas and inadequate infrastructure. A project, just like acupuncture, can have a decisive influence on a sector, where small and simple interventions play an important role in the revitalization of a person/city. Team: Leah Cabrera and Diego Saenz


LCF / Portfolio

Claro Center



LCF / Portfolio

Claro Center


Centra Roosevelt Nominated best project award 2010: 5th year category Published in Arquitemas Magazine.


LCF / Portfolio

Centra Roosevelt is a bus terminal project designed to enable approximately 350,000 users to change from Transmetro buses to inter city buses. The project includes around 300 retail stores, food court, gym and an entertainment center. The project studied different kind of movilities such as Transmetro buses, city buses, private cars; but the main concern was to address the needs of public transportation of a large number of low and middle income population requiring to come from out of town to the city to go to work, study or fulfill other personal or family needs using the station at specific hours. Due to the large flow of users retail and business opportunities became a key element to integrate in the design.

Light Concerte Roof

Commerce P e d e s t r i a n connection to Pepsi stadium


Commerce Inter City buses

Longitudinal section

Centra Roosevelt


STRIPES Lamp The project consisted in the design and fabrication of a lamp for a school’s exhibition. Aspects such as detailing, durability and fabrication were taken in consideration for the design. The use of prototyping and modeling were used throughout the overall process.

Wood Stripes

Acrylic Panels

Wooden base


LCF / Portfolio

Generative Process

Equidistant distance

Pieces located along one axis

Alterations in the separation distance

Alteration in location of pieces

Constructive Joints Stripes Lamp


Family Beach House

Puerto San Jose, Guatemala


LCF / Portfolio

The project consisted of an addition to a beach house at Puerto San Jose, Guatemala. The addition made was a social area wich included a new pool, a living room, dinning room, kitchen, hammocks terrace and a volleyball court. Overall it was the addition of fun and relaxing spaces. The new areas were thought as a family space. Design + Site Supervision: Leah Cabrera and Carolina OrtĂ­z. Responsabilities included overall design, over-seeing complete building construction, meetings with clients & budget management. Status: Built. (2010)

Family Beach House


San Isidro, Interchange Station

Lab for Planning and Architecture (LPA,)

The necessity of a light bus station was part of the conclusions of a Sustainable Mobility Plan developed by the municipality of San Miguel, in the island of Tenerife. The edge site selected offered a very good location in terms of accessibility but was lacking urban quality. The project consists in the design of an exchange station that integrates other urban “uses” and “users”. The design strategy develops a public space that incorporates kiosks, grandstands, playgrounds and landscape along with the buses platforms. (LPA -www.l-p-a.org) Project of Lab for Planning and Architecture (LPA) Design coordinator - Ignacio López Busón Design team: Diego Sáenz & Leah Cabrera Fischer


LCF / Portfolio

San Isidro, Interchange Station



LCF / Portfolio

San Isidro, Interchange Station



LCF / Portfolio

HOF (Horizontal Farm New Delhi) Design competition If slums look dirty and chaotic, they are also one of the most efficient urban settlements: people can live close to each other, and possibilities to randomly meet are maximized. The social organization emerges naturally, and the overall system uses the available resources in the most efficient way.

Jane Jacobs

“Find a solution that integrates culture and traditions of Indian society with improved living conditions of slum inhabitants” AWR Competitons Improvisation is a way of culture, therefore architecture should be dynamic, allow change, enable expansion, with no restriction of laws or traditions. The main goal of the design concept is to offer instead of ready-made solutions, simple an general rules, a basic structure that can be completed and developed by its owners or users. In this way, we assure that their habits are not being dramatically imposed, and that the system always gives the opportunity for the community to evolve naturally. By definition the word slum means a room. Making this the design concept the housing model derived from a square unit. This unit was conceived in such way that it can address all the necessities of a hose, while giving the opportunity to expand as the family grows and their possibilities evolve. The urban fabric intend to translate an informal and diverse urban network. The concept of generating miniblocks creates a sense os neighbourhood, reinforced with the introduction of community gardens that connect the entire network with other uses that promote culture and entertainment. The community garden and recycle centre promote healthy community development. The purpose of the community gardens is to gather people and teach them the sense of working and joining efforts as a whole. The recycle centre´s main purpose is to keep a clean environment and activate economic activities. Project of: Karan Grover and Associates DesignTeam: Leah Cabrera, Carolina Ortíz, Diego Sáenz & Devalji Odedra. HOF (Horizontal Farm, New Delhi)



LCF / Portfolio

Travel & Documentation Besides design I have a strong passion for travelling, learning about diversity, cultures and meeting new people along the way. I’ve currently found a new interest in documenting my ongoing travel experiences through photographs, writing and graphic material to illustrate and share my thoughts and adventures. I believe that in every country, culture and person there is world to know which can open new possibilities and ways of thinking. The infographics and pictures shown are a collection of my traveling through India. Travel & Documentation


Faces & Places,

of India

[The market] Collection of photographs taken at different markets in India


LCF / Portfolio

Travel & Documentation


[Indian Himalayas]


LCF / Portfolio

Travel & Documentation



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