Effective Home Remedies for Constipation

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Effective Home Remedies for Constipation Constipation is a very common condition affecting millions of people around the world. It refers to a condition where the person has difficult passing stools and/or experience severe pain when doing so. Those suffering from constipation typically report that their excretions are hard and dry, and are difficult to push out. As a result, they end up feeling dissatisfied and/or uncomfortable even after a session in the bathroom. Many complainants also suffer from bloating and flatulence as a result of this.

Possible causes for Constipation While there are several possible causes for this condition, the commonest reason for a person suffering from constipation is improper dietary habits, especially a lack of adequate fiber in the diet and insufficient water intake. Both fiber and water is essential for proper digestion as well as waste disposal. As the moves though the digestive system, the intestinal walls absorb much of the water from it. Without adequate fluid, the resulting matter becomes too dry, and consequently too hard, to pass easily out of the system. Similarly, dietary fiber is essential because it gives the undigested food bulk and a softer texture, making it easier for the body to dispose of it.

Effective remedies for constipation Adding plenty of fiber to the diet is thus one of the most effective and the simplest of natural constipation remedies. Raw vegetable and fruits are excellent sources of fiber. Fruits like bananas, oranges, watermelon etc are perfect for this purpose. Oranges and watermelons also provide much needed fluid to the system. Additionally, drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Many people do not adequately monitor their water intake and as a result end up taking far less than they should. The problem is compounded by the amount of caffeinated drinks we take. Beverages like coffee, aerated drinks etc cause the system to lose precious water, so try and cut down on the amount you take. There are other natural constipation remedies that can provide you with more immediate relief. Herbal laxatives can be taken for a short time to ease the symptoms. However, it is essential to remember that these natural constipation remedies are strictly for the short term, and should be taken only till the changes in dietary habits start to take effect. If you feel you need to take them even a fortnight after you switched diets, then consult a doctor.

Detoxification to Eradicate Parasite Symptoms

A parasite detoxification is similar to a body cleanse. It works to clean the body by getting rid of any parasites that reside in the digestive system. We can get parasites from food and water that has been contaminated with their larvae. There are those which are transferred from animals as well. Since many parasites are microscopic, they are not visible to the naked eye and we will not be aware that we are carrying them in our bodies.

Parasite symptoms There are many parasites symptoms. Once they are in our system, they steal the nutrients from the food we eat. They alter our natural pH levels, thus creating an acidic environment in our body. Some parasites cause harm like irritation and others release toxins into our bodies causing symptoms such as chronic digestive problems, fatigue, food and chemical intolerance, joint and muscle pain, itching skin, difficulty gaining weight, loss of appetite, depression, etc.

Benefits of parasite cleanse

By performing a parasite cleanse, we can prevent the parasites in our system from causing any extensive harm to our body. We may need multiple cleanses to clear our system of parasites as often the eggs are not removed with just one cleanse. Many people prefer natural cleanses as the substances used do not have any adverse effects on the body like drugs do. Some drugs that are used to treat parasite infections are antibiotics which will kill off good bacteria and cause an imbalance in the bowel for some time afterwards. Probiotics help prevent you being infected but will not eradicate parasites once infected with them. The eradication of parasites is a longer process when herbs are used but there are many herbs that have been used for this purpose and are highly effective. Many effective supplements used in a parasite detoxification are based on a combination of Wormwood (Artemesia), the extract of the green hulls of black walnut and clove. Green clay is a natural bowel cleanse remedy that can be used but it must be combined with some form of fiber like flaxseed or psyllium husk powder to push it out through the gut as it can cause constipation. Bentonite is another clay that is combined with other intestinal herbs such as cascara and burdock. A parasite detox is best when it is followed by a colon cleanse. We should make it a point to do a detox every year to prevent re­infection and it will help gives us overall health benefits.

The best way to treat constipation

The best way to treat or get relief from constipation is to make changes in the diet that you take daily. Undigested food is the main cause and if we take in foods that can be digested easily and properly by the body, then we can get relief from constipation. Living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy diets is a much more effective way to treat it and most people prefer it to taking laxatives.

Remedies for Constipation Natural constipation remedies are better than over­the­counter laxatives because they are all natural, easy to use and non­habit­forming. Psyllium husk powder is one of the most effective ingredients for curing constipation. While you are suffering from constipation, take a teaspoon of Psyllium Husk mixed in a glass of water thrice a day. Make sure that you drink at least three to four liters of water during the day while taking Psyllium husk for constipation relief. Within a day or two, you will be rid of constipation.

Spinach is full of vitamins and minerals. Drinking half a glass of the juice extracted from fresh spinach leaves mixed with half a glass of water twice a day for 2 to 3 days can do wonders for your bowel movement. Orange juice and prune juice are also known to help immensely in preventing and relieving you from constipation. Taking a breakfast of half a papaya and figs is another great remedy for constipation. As mentioned earlier, changing the way you eat and what you eat is the best remedy for constipation. No matter what type or how many medications you take, you will never really be cured of it unless you make some necessary lifestyle changes. Once you start eating and living healthy, even simple home or natural constipation remedies can work wonders.

Diet to follow during constipation

The first change that is required in your diet is to increase your intake of fiber. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and seeds and nuts are the main sources of fiber. The best fiber sources which will help in aiding constipation relief are fresh fruits and vegetables. This is because they not only add bulk to food, but most of them also contain enzymes that aid the digestive system in working efficiently. Drinking plenty of water and exercising regular can also help in regulating your bowel movements, thus providing you relief from constipation.

Have a Candida diet, live healthy Lot of unwanted symptoms initiating from tiredness and extra weight gain, to joint pain in the body joint parts and gastric problem, all these can make anyone’s life hell. Candida Albicans is a disastrous fungus which can seek the opportunity to grow. Our mouth is full of gut flora which is a cluster of microorganisms that can affect and weaken your intestine. When it gets highly populated then the wall of intestine gets weaker and weaker. It probes deep into the blood stream and can spread in all the body. Your immune system which is the base of your healthy body is totally damaged at last when you won’t take care of the disease. Lots of toxins spoil the body and you need to have Candida diet from fighting with this havoc. If you are over stressed then these toxins see the opportunity to enter in your body promptly. There may be other reasons like prolonged diet of carbohydrates and sugar etc. which causes this problem.

What is Candida diet ? Candida diet can control your disease to a great extent. If you are suffering from Candida and you have got it diagnosed then you should take medicines as well as you can start natural diet which can improve you a lot. The question is now what diet you will follow? In this you need to consume those foods which have low gluten levels or are totally gluten free most of the meats, potatoes, yams, brown rice, beans which are green, peas and raw vegetables can prove fruitful as a Candida diet. Raw vegetables actually not only save you from the disease but they have enzymes which help you to fight with the excess of yeast in your body.

Candida cleanse help you to clean your body naturally, without any painful artificial affect. Like take the example of aloe Vera, this is the natural diet which can revitalize your body and make it toxin free. You can make so many recopies’ by Aloe Vera. Raw garlic can also make your body toxin free and can be proven one of the best Candida cleanses. Protein food like chicken, eggs and fish can be nice for you, if you want to get rid of Candida. Yogurt also proves better vegetable diet for those who don’t wish to go for non vegetarian diet. Millet, rice and oat are the food grains which you can take without any extra efforts of making tough recopies. So have Candida diet and keep your bodies Candida free.



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