CAPTCHA conference reader No.1

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conference reader no.1 / program / english + deutsch



conference reader no.1

english + deutsch

creative approaches to living cultural archives


ferenz n o K e l X ationa O CORA I D Intern A R von Saale / e l l a in H 5 ni 201 u J   . 6 5. und

ce nferen o C l a ation Intern X O CORA I D A R at e e / Saal l l a H in 5 ne 201 u j 6   –   5

CONFERENCE INTRODUCTION Approaches to Community Media Archiving

When we talk about archives and archiving in European Community Media we face similar challenges in all countries: There is a lot of content being produced and broadcasted every minute on European Community Radios. What happens with the radio content after being broadcasted? Most of the radio stations invented their own algorithms and software to store their radio shows offline and/or republish them online – some radios have build up complex file-structures on their hard disks, some coded an automatic upload for programmes on their website, some use central archiving platforms like the Cultural Broadcasting Archives, others administrate a handful of »satellite« Website that collect programmes, interviews and reports with special interest. With the conference »Radio Archives in European Community Media« we want to encourage people involved in community radio, community media archiving processes and multi-media archiving to explore current practices on archiving in their stations, invent new community dynamics to share content and to raise awareness for archiving processes. Present and share your Infrastructure solutions: With the conference we would like to exchange different ways of how community radio stations are dealing with its output. What infrastructures to archive audio material is available for non-commercial community radios? Which innovative techniques and tools exist? Which new solutions are in use to organize and display audio-visual content? Archiving Methods and Archiving Culture: Another challenge is the implementation of archiving as an essential part of doing radio within the community. Many radio programmers until today are concentrated on their »on air« show – but, who is doing the archiving then? Who describes the programme? Where is the programme being stored and/or published? How is the material edited after broadcasting?

The responsibility to archive: We share discussions about how to deal with different languages within the archiving context. Further we ask how can we enable programme and audio-material exchange within Europe? We want to know your opinion about, what importance have analog, physical archives within the digital age? We also address copyright questions and thoughts on the responsibility of open software and open knowledge in the field of multi-media Archives. CAP TC H A – Creative Approaches to Living Cultural Archives is a

European cooperation project of Radio FRO in Linz (Austria), RADIO CORAX in Halle / Saale (Germany), Center for Media and Communication Studies of the Central European University in Budapest (CEU, Hungary) and Near Media Co-Op, community radio & TV in Dublin (Ireland).



9.00 – 10.30

9.00 – 10.30



conference center HAL LI S C H ER SAAL 10.00 OPENING Michael Nicolai, AM AR C executive board

Konferenz-Zentrum HALLISCHER SAAL

10.00 ERÖFFNUNG Michael Nicolai, AMARC Vorstand

10.30 – 11.30

10.30 – 11.30

Dagmar Brunow, University Växjö, Sweden

Dagmar Brunow, Universität Växjö,

|Radio Archiving Practice. Remediating Sonic

Schweden |Vom Archiv zum Archivieren.


Radio als Funktionsgedächtnis.

Jacob Kreutzfeldt, University of Copen­

Jacob Kreutzfeldt, Universität Kopen­

hagen | L AR M Audio Research Archive

hagen | LARM Audio Research Archive

– Opening radio heritage for research use

– Das Radio-Kulturerbe für die Wissenschaft öffnen

12.00 – 13.00 Caroline Mitchell, University of Sunder­ land, U K | Re-sounding feminist radio: using radio archives as transnational connectors

12.00 – 13.00 Caroline Mitchell, University of Sunderland, U K | Wiederhallendes femi­ nis­tisches Radio: Nutzung von Radio­

Joost van Beek & Kate Coyer, Central Euro­

archiven als transnationale Brücken

pean University Budapest, Hungary | Bold strides or tentative steps? How commu-

Joost van Beek & Kate Coyer, Central

nity media share and archive content online

European University Budapest, Ungarn | Feste Schritte oder zögernde Tritte? Wie Community-Medien ihre Inhalte teilen und online archivieren



14.30 – 16.00

14.30 – 16.00

Berat Gashi, Radio Urban FM , Prishtina,

Berat Gashi, Radio Urban FM , Prishtina,

Kosovo | Radio Urban FM , Prishtina, Kosovo

Kosovo | Radio Urban FM , Prishtina, Kosovo

Marko Doles & Andraž Magajna, MTL RŠ , Ljubljana, Slovenia | 30 years rolled by:

Marko Doles & Andraz Magajna, MTLRŠ ,

Archiving physical archives of oldest European

Ljubljana, Slovenien | Rückblick auf

non-commercial student radio station

30 Jahre: Das physische Archiv der

Radio Študent Ljubljana

ältesten europäischen nicht-kommerziellen studentischen Radiostation

Jose Maria Casanova & Fernando Souto,

Radio Študent Ljubljana

CUA C FM , A Coruña, Spain |

From manual analogical recording to Radioco,

Jose Maria Casanova & Fernando Souto,

our Free Software automatic digital archiving

CUAC FM , A Coruña, Spanien |

of live broadcasting system at C UAC FM

Vom manuellen analogen Aufnehmen zu Radioco, unserer freien Software

16.30 – 17.30

Daniele Fisichella, Future Radio,

– automatische digitale Archivierung der Livesendungen bei CUAC FM

Norwich, UK | Our current archiving method Milan Chrobok, Pi Radio, Berlin, Germany | Programme calendar as archive: calcms

16.30 – 17.30 Daniele Fisichella, Future Radio, Norwich, UK | Unsere derzeitige Archivierungspraxis

18.30 – 19.30

Udo Israel, Executive Board of

Milan Chrobok, Pi Radio, Berlin |


Programmkalender als Archiv: calcms

Guided Tour through R ADI O C O RAX 18.30 – 19.30 Udo Israel, Vorstandsvorsitzender RADIO CORAX |

Geführte Tour durch die Räume und Studios von RADIO CORAX



10.30 – 11.30

10.30 – 11.30

Ingo Leindecker, Radio FRO ,

Ingo Leindecker, Radio FRO ,

Linz, Austria | UV isualize! – Visualisation

Linz, Österreich | UV isualize! – Visuali-

tool for open archives

sierungstool für offene Archive

Frank Pohu, Fréquence Sillé,

Frank Pohu, Fréquence Sillé,

Sillé le Guillaume, France |

Sillé le Guillaume, Frankreich |Archivie-

Archiving at Frequence Sille since 2003

rung bei Frequence Sille seit 2003

12.00 – 13.00

12.00 – 13.00



Jose M. Casanova, C UAC FM ,

Jose M. Casanova, CUAC FM , A Coruña,

A Coruña, Spain |

Spanien |Wie Internet-Streaming so

How to setup your internet streaming to record

eingerichtet werden kann, dass Audio-

and archive your audio streams.

Streams aufgenommen und archiviert werden können.

14.00 – 14.30 P E R F ORMANCE

14.00 – 14.30

Lale Rodgarkia-Dara & Karl Schönswetter,


Vienna, Austria |

Lale Rodgarkia-Dara &

Taxonomy of sonorous order

Karl Schöns­wetter, Wien, Österreich | Taxonomie der sonoren Ordnung

14.30 – 16.00 R O U N D TABLE DISCUSSION

14.30 – 16.00

Preserving audio memories – A discussion


about the prospects and demands of free radio

Audiogedächtnisse bewahren! – Ein


Gespräch über die Chancen von und Ansprüche an Freie Radioarchive

3  — 6 JUN RADIO CORAX 95.9 FM

CAPTCHA Conference Radio

During the CAPTCH A-Conference 2015 in Halle, a special bilingual Radioprogramme is planned on RADIO CORAX. It trys to catch

Thu 4 Jun | 15.10 – 18.00

Looking forward

up with the athmosphere of the lectures and

Conference-Updates, Timetable, Specials

debates, of the topics and beyond. Beside

/ a reportage about a self-attempt in the

interesting conversations with participants

RADIO-CORAX-Archive / introduction into

from all over the Europe the programme

the »Fem FM Archive« and appraisal on

contains small historical recordings – some

other Community Archives / Invited: Guests

popular, some unheard. Next a report about

and Speaker of the conference

the difficulties of using the current archive of Radio Corax we present selected shows and take a look on some international Community-Media-Archives. Broadcasted on RADIO CORAX on 95.9 FM and livestream on

Fr 5 Jun | 15.10 – 18.00

In between – looking back and giving forwarded spin Conference-Update and Impressions / Conversation with conferenceparticipants / outlook on the reallife-difficulties on how to

Wed 3 Jun | 15.10 – 16.00

build an useable Archive (or the diffulties to

Welcome to the Conference! – Opening-Show

use a builded archive) /

Opening-Show: Idea, Topic, Content, Guests

make the history of their archive by their own

5.00 – 5.30: Radio Student goes CORAX. The Radioactivists from Slowenia tell and

and Events / an acoustic excursion from the beginnings in Budapest til the conference in Halle

Sa 6 Jun | 14.00 – 14.30

Live broadcast

of the performance »Taxonomy of sonorous order« by Lale Rodgarkia-Dara & Karl Schönswetter


CAPTCHA Konferenzradio

Während der CAPTCHA -Konferenz wird es ein besonderes zweisprachiges Radioprogramm auf RADIO CORAX geben. Wir werden einen Einblick in das lau-

Do 4 Jun | 15.10 – 18.00

Vorrausschau auf die Konferenz

fende Konferenz-Geschehen bieten und

Übersicht und Termine / Reportage über

darüber hinaus einen eigenen hörbaren

einen Selbstversuch im RADIO-CORAX-

Diskussions- und Phantasieraum für

Archiv – Auf der Suche nach Versendetem

Betrachtungen rund um Archive schaf-

/ Vorstellung von »Fem FM Archive«

fen. Als Gäste werden Referent_Innen

und anderen Community-Archiven /

und Involvierte über ihre Erfahrungen

Eingeladen: Gäste und Referenten der

mit den Archiven ihrer Radio-Projekte


erzählen. In ausgewählten Beiträgen und Berichten werden wir internationale Community-Media-Archive vorstellen. Altes Audiomaterial wird dabei ebenso hörbar werden wie digitale Archive, die wir im Selbst­versuch testen.

Fr 5 Jun | 15.10 – 18.00

Zwischenstand – Blick zurück und Blick nach vorn Konferenz-Updates und Impressionen

Per Radio auf 95.9 FM oder per

vom Vortag / Gespräche mit Referenten /

Livestream auf

über die Schwierigkeiten ein funktionierendes Archiv aufzubauen und zu

Mi 3 Jun | 15.10 – 16.00

Willkommen bei CAPTCHA!

nutzen / 17.00  – 17.30: Radio Student

goes CORAX – die Aktiven aus Slowenien machen & erzählen die Geschichte ihres Radio-Archiv selbst

Involvierte stellen sich und das Projekt CAPTCHA vor – eine akustische Exkusion

von den Anfängen in Budapest bis zur Konferenz in Halle

Sa 6 Jun | 14.00 – 14.30


der Performance Taxonomie der sonoren Ordnung von Lale Rodgarkia-Dara & Karl Schönswetter


FR 10.30

Dagmar Brunow, Universität Växjö, Sweden Radio Archiving Practice. Remediating Sonic Memories

Dagmar Brunows contribution offers a

Dagmar Brunow has been an editor at the

theoretical perspective on archival practice.

Freies Sender Kombinat, Hamburg’s indepen-

Film and media studies have long centred

dent radio station, since 1996. Her shows

upon the restoration and digitisation of

(Lorettas Leselampe, Camera obscura, Spiffy

archival footage. Dagmar Brunow, however,

News, Morgenradio der female machos

proposes a paradigm shift. She suggests to

[Female macho morning show] have by no

shift the focus from the archival content to

means all been archived and even fewer of

the practice of archiving. Archiving is under-

them are available online.

stood as a performative act through which

She has taught Film Studies and Gen-

sources are construced. Curatorial deci-

der Studies at various universities in Sweden

sions taken by the archivists, such as the

(Halmstad, Lund, Södertörn) since 1998. Her

modes of selection, categorising and cata-

research is situated at the interface between

loguing, are highly crucial in this process.

Film Studies and Memory Studies. In 2014 she

Using the example of the Hamburg-based

received her Ph.D. from the University of Ham-

female artists’ archive »bildwechsel« and its

burg with a study on documentary filmmaking

extremely self-reflexive archiving practice,

and the audio­visual archive (»Remediating

Dagmar Brunow indicates possible ways

Transcultural Memory: Documentary Filmmak-

of rethinking the archive which can inspire

ing as Archival Intervention», forthcoming with

radio archiving practice.

de Gruyter). She is the editor of the anthology »Stuart Hall – Aktivismus, Pop und Politik«, forthcoming with Ventil Verlag. Her publications include works on the mediatization of cultural memory, experimental and avantgarde cinema, film and video collectives in Europe, essay film, migration and diaspora in film, feminist film theory, alternative media practice, genre cinema, transnationality, archive theory, film and video archives.


Vom Archiv zum Archivieren. Radio als Funktionsgedächtnis.

Dagmar Brunow wirft eine theoreti-

Dagmar Brunow ist seit 1996 Redakteurin

sche Perspektive auf praktische Fragen

im Freien Sender Kombinat in Hamburg.

der Archivierung. In den Film- und

Von ihren Sendungen (Lorettas Lese­

Medienwissenschaften wurde das Archiv

lampe, Camera osbcura, Spiffy News.

bislang eher in Hinblick auf Fragen von

Morgenradio der female machos) sind

Restaurierung und Digitalisierung

längst nicht alle archiviert, noch weniger

theoretisiert. Dagmar Brunow schlägt

von ihnen sind online zugänglich.

hingegen einen Paradigmenwechsel vor

Seit 1998 unterrichtet sie Filmwis­

und möchte den Fokus vom Archivbe-

senschaften und Gender Studies an

stand als Produkt zum Archi­vieren als

verschiedenen Universitäten in Schweden

Prozess (und performativer Akt) verla-

(Halmstad, Lund, Växjö, Södertörn). Ihre

gern, in dessen Verlauf die Quellen erst

Forschung bewegt sich an der Schnitt­

als solche generiert werden (zum

stelle von Medienwissenschaften und

Beispiel über kuratorische Entscheidun-

kultureller Gedächtnisforschung (Media

gen, aber auch Kategorisierungen/

Memory Studies). Im Dezember 2014

Katalogisierungen, Metadaten etc). Am

promovierte sie an der Uni Hamburg mit

Beispiel des Hamburger feministischen

der Arbeit Remediating Transcultural

Künstlerinnenarchivs bildwechsel und

Memory: Documentary Filmmaking as

seiner ausgesprochen selbstreflexiven

Archival Intervention.

Archivpraxis zeigt sie Möglich­keiten des

Dagmar Brunow hat Veröffentli­

Archivierens (und des Nachdenkens

chungen zu: Mediatisierung des kulturel­

darüber) auf, die auch für Freie Radios

len Gedächtnisses, Remediation, Experi­

von Nutzen sein können. Ziel ist es,

mental- und Avantgardefilm, Film- und

Materialität und Diskursivität des

Videokollektive in Europa und Medien­

Archivs zusammenzudenken und

zentren in der BRD, Essayfilm, Migration

insbesondere die Bedeutung des Archi-

und Diaspora im Film, feministische

vierens für die Konstruktion des stets

Film­theorie, Gegen­öffentlichkeit, alterna­

medial verfassten kulturellen Gedächt-

tive Medienpraxis, Genrekino, Transnatio­

nisses aufzuzeigen.

nalität, Archiv­theorie, Film- und Video­


10.30 FR

Jacob Kreutzfeldt, The University of Copenhagen: LARM Audio Research Archive – Opening radio heritage for research use

This talk presents the LARM Audio Research

Jacob Kreutzfeldt is Assistant Professor at

Archive, an infrastructure for research in

the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies,

Danish radio and audio heritage and TREAP

The University of Copenhagen. Kreutzfeldt

a platform for transnational research

was a part of the management of the national

in radio sources. Both are the results of

Danish infrastructure and research project

collaborations between researchers,

LARM and is presently Principal Investigator

software developers and archives. The LARM platform was developed by the LARM

in the Transnational Radio Encounters (TRE).

project (2010 – 2014) to allow research-

culture, radio history and aesthetics.

ers to access, collaborate on and share metadata relating to a repository of up to 1 million hours of Danish Radio. The TREAP is presently being developed as a part of the transnational research project TRE (2013 – 2016) for building up a shared pool of transnational radio references. Jacob Kreutzfeldt argues for the value – for broadcasters and for researchers – in making huge collections of radio accessible to researchers, and he adresses some of the challenges to such access in terms of rights management, sustainability and metadata standards. Emphasizing the need for building tools that allow specific kinds of interaction with archive material, the presentation explores the use of radio in a heritage perspective.


Kreutzfeldts research focuses on auditory

FR 12.00

Caroline Mitchell, University of Sunderland, UK: Re-sounding feminist radio: using radio archives as transnational connectors

Community radio programmes have created

Caroline Mitchell has been active in produc-

spaces for feminist/women’s organizations

tion, teaching and research about community

and acted as connectors (Thompson et al,

media and women and radio since 1988. In

2005) between and amongst social and

1992 she was co-founder of Fem FM the first

political movements – including women’s

women’s station in the UK. She combines work

movements – and the audience. Archives of

as a Senior Lecturer in Radio at the University

women’s community radio stations provide

of Sunderland with work in community media

us with access to programmes, documents and accounts of feminist radio activities

evaluation and training. She is currently PI on the HERA Transnational Radio Encoun-

around the world. Digitalization has contrib-

ters project carrying out participatory action

uted to open access, online and collabora-

research with community radio stations.

tive archives and the ability to communicate the women’s movement and everyday acts of feminist rebellion within and beyond country borders. Caroline Mitchell will present and discuss how Fem FM and other feminist radio archives (e.g. The Pacifica network) allow us to both study cultures of women’s radio production at different points in history and also hear creative activism afforded by women’s radio stations within and beyond national borders. Drawing on research carried out as part of the Transnational Radio Encounters Project I will look at how archives can help re circulate programmes and thereby re-sound women back into history. Lit.: THOMPSON, M. E., Anfossi Gomez, K. and Suarez Toro, M. 2005. »Women’s alternative internet radio and feminist interactive communications.« Feminist Media Studies, 5 (2), 215–236.

FR 12.00

Joost van Beek & Kate Coyer, Central European University Budapest, Hungary: Bold strides or tentative steps? How community media share and archive content online

Joost van Beek and Kate Coyer present the

nity media, to analyze the scope of content

research they conducted for the European project C APTC H A – Creative Approaches

and features offered and issues of structure,

to Living Cultural Archives on the online

allel, they conducted over fifteen in-depth

archiving and sharing practices of com-

interviews with people who have been

munity media. Through a combination of

involved with building or managing online

case studies and interviews, they have

archives or work with them on a day-to-day

explored efforts by community media in

basis. They gathered further input from a

different countries, with different histories,

range of community media practitioners at

and starkly varying resources, to facilitate

conferences and workshops.

greater access to their valuable audiovisual content online. Shifting media use patterns mean

design, navigation and interactivity. In par-

While the research will result in customized recommendations for media at different stages of creating, expanding or

that even smaller community broadcasters

re-evaluating their online archives and shar-

are likely to see an increasing share of their

ing practices, the researchers will use this

listeners prefer to tune in to their content

presentation to present preliminary findings

when, where and how they like. Online plat-

and invite public feedback.

forms for sharing content also provide ways

The study’s interest in best prac-

for communities to explore, search and

tices extends to the technical and design

interact with content which linear broad-

solutions different stations have arrived at,

casting lacks. With their broad networks

but is at least as focused on the organiza-

of volunteers and long tradition of civic

tional and conceptual strategies broadcast-

participation and innovation, community

ers are deploying. Conceptually, do they

broadcasters are in some ways especially

prioritize providing regular radio listeners

well-positioned to experiment with these.

with the means to catch up with their favou-

However, their frequently scarce financial

rite programs and broadcasts they missed?

resources and reliance on volunteers also

Pulling in a diverse online audience to

pose constraints.

explore content by theme or subject? Opti-

The researchers conducted close

mizing the exchange of content between

to twenty case study reviews of individual

stations? How do they juggle the different

community media websites, as well as

accompanying requirements? Internally,

some shorter reviews and a national over-

how do they establish effective work flow

view of practices among German commu-

processes and ensure content and archiving


standards, while encouraging optimal

nication Policy and Media Freedom and Plu-

engagement by volunteer program makers?

ralism, she co-authored the Alternative Media

What training and guidance is provided, and

Handbook, contributed to the Community

how is user feedback gathered?

Media Sustainability Guide, served frequently as public speaker and trainer on community media-related issues, and co-organised several

Joost van Beek has been a researcher with the Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) of the Central European University in Budapest since 2009, and previously worked at the Open Society Institute. Kate Coyer is Director of the Civil Society and Technology Project for the CMDS and co-organizes the Center’s flagship summer institute on internet policy advocacy. They previously co-authored a book chapter on Community Radio in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Opportunities and Challenges, and they are co-authors of A Safe Space No More? Looming Threats to Internet Freedoms, the Hungary country report of the Internet Freedom Report 2014. Joost was a contributing researcher and editor of Hungarian Media Laws in Europe, and Kate served as project advisor for that study. Kate has engaged extensively with community media going back to when she helped build community radio stations with the Prometheus Radio Project. In addition to her research on media policy, communication rights, social media and digital advocacy, reflected in publications including chapters in The Handbook of Global Media and Commu-

workshops on community media in Europe.

14.30 FR

Berat Gashi, Radio Urban FM, Prishtina, Kosovo Archiving Methods and Visions of Radio Urban FM

Radio Urban FM is in front of implementing

In this sense, when established this library

two projects (activities) which have to do

will be unique (the first and only one in

with digital archiving: 1) The establish-

Republic of Kosovo) where we will provide

ment of a permanent digital library of radio

audio / radio outlets for guests. People

outlets that during the 14 years of existence Urban FM has produced and broadcast.

can listen to audio material in our place –

In Kosovo electronic broadcasting media

starting from short radio stories produced by Urban FM, complete shows of Urban FM

(Radio and TV) starting from next year is

VJ’s but also shows and radio outlets from

passing entirely in digital mode, i.e. there

different world wide radio stations, as well

will be no use of analog anymore. As such

books (in audio format), radio- documenta-

Radio Urban FM is in the need to exchange

ries, radio-drama’s etc.

experiences and receive »know how« on the issue of digital archiving. 2) One of the

Berat Gashi is one of the main coordinators in

biggest projects that Radio Urban FM is

the process of establishing this café-library of Radio Urban FM in Prishtina.

planning to initiate in the beginning of 2015 is the establishment of café-library Urban Radio Press Café – a gathering place for journalists, civil society, editors and/or of generally young people where they (while having their regular daily coffee) they will have the opportunity to have access in print and digital radio and press outlets. In the place will be a small library which will include the section where the digital library via PC’s, will be provided to guests.


FR 14.30

Marko Doles & Andraž Magajna, Slovenia: 30 years rolled by: Archiving physical archives of the oldest European non-commercial student radio station Radio Študent Ljubljana

Within Museological-technical laboratorium of Radio Študent (MTLRŠ) project of

ing fieldwork and on-air ethnography, which

archiving physical (paper) archives from

most prolific way to get some archival mate-

1984 – 2009 has been finished. In collabora-

rial from ex-coworkers and their personal

tion with National Archives of the Republic

archives. Specific radio program broad-

of Slovenia (Ministry of Culture) we have

casted live at the end of the project – based

selected, sorted and catalogued all kind of

on the application of archived material in

paper documents created on and connected

collaboration with our listeners, composed

with Radio Študent. The archival material

of micro-reconstructions (which could be

(some also from very beginnings in 1968)

seen as one specific way of archiving) – will

contains legal and juridical documents

also be presented.

has been found out for only possible and

regarding establishment of Radio Študent, old rule books, records of meetings of

Marko Doles lives between Ljubljana and

editorial boards, short and long termed

Pivka. As Bachelor of Arts in Ethnology

plans of the Radio, internal and external

and Cultural Anthropology, he created and

correspondence, financial reports, central

launched Museological-technical laboratory of

register of coworkers, radio listings, texts

Radio Študent. Since 2004 he works on Radio

for broadcasts and programs, lists of played

Študent – as sound technician and member

songs, materials about events organized

of Music desk. Besides he is drummer, DJ and

by the Radio, posters and more and more.

one of the leading persons in underground

In the National Archives of Republic of Slo-

movements in Pivka.

venia fund of Radio Študent has increased from 144 boxes to more than 400 boxes; in

Andraž Magajna lives in Ljubljana. Since 2010

other words the fund of Radio Študent has

he works on Radio Študent – first as program

expanded for app. 30 linear emeters. All the

moderator and text interpreter, later also as

archive material is accessible for all schol-

sound engineer. Since the establishment of MTLRŠ, he is part of its crew. Besides he

ars, researchers and other enthusiasts. The short presentation will give a

sometimes takes part in audio interventions,

quick inside in the process of archiving

installations and performances. He has grad-

paper (physical) documents, its accessibil-

uated in the field of Ethnology and Cultural

ity, meaning, usage and application. It will

Anthropology on the Faculty of Arts, University

also highlight our methodology used for

of Ljubljana. He likes punjena vešalica and

(not only paper/physical) archiving – includ-


FR 14.30 Jose Maria Casanova & Fernando Souto,

CUAC FM, Spain: From manual analogical recording to Radioco, our Free Software automatic digital archiving of live broadcasting system at CUAC FM

CUAC FM, the Community Radio of A Coruña,

This talk will be about the learned lessons

has evolved from the cassette tape analog

over the years in digital audio recording,

recording on its foundation in 1996 to cur-

media archiving and publishing, record-

rent digital times implementing automatic

ing scheduling, time synchronization and

recording, archiving and publishing sys-

its integration with a mobile application

tems. This has been a challenge to commu-

and website. Jose Maria Casanova and

nity radio station but through Free Software

Fernando Souto will show the evolution and

technologies, the adoption of organizational

how technology has impact in how they

policies and plenty of volunteer work it can

manage their organization and the quality of

be possible.

the contents. They will present their recently

CUAC FM is the community radio

developed broadcasting radio recording

station that broadcast community pro-

scheduling system Radioco developed in

grams to the A Coruña metropolitan area.

collaboration with Student of a Master

It’s located in Galicia in the North West of

Degree Thesis at University of A Coruña.

Spain. It is managed by the Cultural Associ-

This development done by Iago

Activos. All this years and diversity have

Veloso for CUAC FM is available as open source with GPLV3 license at http://radioco.

allowed us to deal with the evolution of

org/about/, the recording system can even

media archive and recording technologies.

run in a Raspberry Pi as low cost solution.

ation known as Colectivo de Universitarios

Radioco manages automatically the audio since the program are scheduled to they being published in a podcast. Radioco has been designed to be managed from a web browser, manage the scheduling of the radio station, record the live shows and publish the RSS podcast information included the information provided by each weekly show.


Jose Maria Casanova, Software Engineer

Fernando Souto, Software Engineer and

and free software activists that participates

mobile development geek and entrepreneur

in Spoiler, a live radio show about TV series

founder of Appeiros, a mobile apps devel-

aired on CUAC FM, the community radio that

opment company. He has been a commu-

broadcasts to A Coru単a Area. He is volunteer in the Technological Committee of CUAC FM

nity radio activist that collaborates in the Technological Committee of CUAC FM. He has

leading the migration to GNU/Linux systems

developed the first automatic recording and

and Free Software at the broadcasting station.

publishing system based in scripts and the

He has been committed to the promotion

CUAC FM mobile app for Android and IOS. This

of Free/Open Source Software in different communities as GNOME and GPUL. He is also

app allows the access to the audio archive of

one founders of the Open Source consultancy

audio streaming. Fernando stared in the CUAC

Igalia. He teach software engineering at the

FM morning humorist show QNEP and now

University of A Coru単a and has been the

has his own live show Spoiler about TV Series.

director of the computer science degree thesis about Radioco broadcasting radio recording scheduling system.

the different CUAC FM shows and allows live

FR 16.30

Daniele Fisichella, Future Radio, Norwich, UK Our current archiving method

Future Radio is a community radio based

All these archiving operations are carried

in Norwich (East of England) and has more

out by a dedicated team of volunteers and

than 100 volunteers producing and present-

coordinate by our Broadcasts Assistants.

ing programmes for us. There is a big need

The archive is also reviewed every 4 months

for archiving and categorizing audio pieces.

and out of date content is removed.

Future Radio is currently implementing a new system of doing it. They are using a

Daniele Fisichella, Future Radio Station Man-

play-out system called Myriad to manage our

ager, works in radio since 2004. Previous work

on-air content and we have created different

experiences include Italy’s national Radio,

sections within the Myriad’s audio wall for

University of West London, Peterborough FM and talkSPORT.

different shows and contents. By using specific log in details and passwords volunteers can access their own archive, save/edit the content as well as add descriptions to the audio track that can be accessed by all the volunteers. On their Myriad play out system there is a dedicated section called »Archive« that is easily accessible by the live DJs through a shortcut on the play out programme front page. Future Radio has also established a naming convention for different shows and contents, using for example BK for Breakfast Show and INT for any interview content. They also use to back up all of our archive into our servers, archiving the tracks for years, content type and creating a special category (called »Gold«) where our best interviews are stored and can be used at any point as they are not time specific.


FR 16.30

Milan Chrobok, Pi Radio, Berlin, Germany Programme calendar as archive: calcms Programmkalender als Archiv: calcms

Calcms is an internet user interface which

Calcms ist eine Web-Oberfläche, mit dem

enables everybody who works in radio to

alle Mitwirkende im Radio nach verein-

independently design a radio programme

barten Regeln selbstständig das Radio-

according to agreed rules. This includes pro-

programm gestalten können. Dazu

gramme planning, programme descriptions,

gehören die Programmplanung, Sendebe-

post-processing and archiving. Furthermore,

schreibungen, die Nachbereitung und

Caclms is an interface for the purposes of

Archivierung. Caclms ist weiterhin eine

web-based radio use, e.g. by incorporating the programme in websites, RDS, Twitter,

Schnittstelle zur webbasierten Nutzung des Radios, z.B. durch Einbindung des

Feeds, Magazin (PDF) and Here,

Programms in Webseiten, RDS, Twitter,

archiving takes place by publishing the

Feeds, Magazin (PDF) und

material in the network. The presentation

Archivierung erfolgt hier durch Veröf-

deals with this and with other possible

fentlichung im Netz. Die Präsentation

potential uses of calms.

geht auf diese und weitere Potentiale von

Milan Chrobok: Technical implementation of

calms ein.

various radio projects in Berlin: Radioherbst,

Milan Chrobok: Technische Realisation

Funkwelle, Herbstradio Kinofunk, Radio Einheit, DT64 Festival Radio; since 2010 active

diverser Radio-Projekte in Berlin: Radio­ herbst, Funkwelle, Herbstradio Kinofunk,

at Pi Radio and community radio stations on

Radio Einheit, DT64-Festival-Radio; seit

88vier; editorial and technical coordination at

2010 aktiv bei Pi Radio und Community

Pi Radio: playout, live streaming, automatic

Radios auf 88vier; Redaktionelle und

editing of programmes, user interface for pro-

technische Koordination bei Pi Radio:

gramme schedule management, incorporating

Playout, Live-Streaming, automatischer

the programme schedule into websites.

Schnitt von Sendungen, Oberfläche zur Verwaltung des Programmplans, Einbin­ dung des Programmplans auf Webseiten.

FR 18.30

Udo Israel, Executive Board of RADIO CORAX Guided Tour trough RADIO CORAX Geführte Tour durch RADIO CORAX

RADIO CORAX is a Noncommercial Local

RADIO CORAX ist ein nichtkommerzielles

Radio in Halle. The association CORAX e.V.

Lokalradio, das seit Juli 2000 im Raum

had been working since 1993 on the devel-

Halle auf 95.9 FM 24 Stunden 7 Tage in

opment of such kind of medium structure

der Woche sendet. Der Verein hat heute

in Halle. When RADIO CORAX started its

300 Mitglieder, darunter zahlreiche

daily broadcasting on July 2000, there were

lokale gesellschaftliche Akteur_innen,

about 80 people working on the radio. Now

Organisationen und Initiativen mit

there are about 300 people who more or less

verschiedenen inhaltlichen Schwerpunk-

regularly create programmes, most of them

ten. Die über 120 Sendungen von RADIO

are volunteers. With about 90 regular transmissions RADIO CORAX is the biggest non-

CORAX entstehen ehrenamtlich und inter-

profit radio in East-Germany. RADIO CORAX

greifen Themen aus diversen gesell-

has long experience in hosting conferences

schaftlichen Bereichen auf: von Kultur

and workshops in the field of media policy

über Umwelt, Regionalpolitik und

and media training. Starting in 2002 the

verschiedensten Musiksparten bis hin zu

radio developed a number of intercultural

mehrsprachen Programmen und Sendun-

and cross-border projects with a special

gen mit internationalen Thematiken.

focus on intercultural radio training and East Europe. CORAX is an active contributor

Gemeinsam treten all jene, die Sendun-

in national and international community

tes, integratives und nichtdiskriminie-

media networks.

rendes gesellschaftliches Miteinander

essengeleitet. Die Sendungsmachenden

gen produzieren, für ein gleichberechtig-

ein. Projektgebunden arbeitet RADIO CORAX hauptsächlich auf den Gebieten

mediale Bildung und Kompetenz, interkultureller Dialog und Austausch, sowie Klang- und Radiokunst mit regionalen und überregionalen Partner_ innen zusammen.


SA 10.30 Ingo Leindecker, Radio FRO, Linz, Austria

UVisualize! – Visualisation tool for open archives

The Cultural Broadcasting Archive (CBA)

content of the growing database. In addition

is an audio database by independent radio

to archiving, this increasingly places ques-

stations providing a central distribution tool

tions relating to an intuitive presentation

for civil society media production. The pub-

and narration of content in the foreground.

licly accessible exchange and communication platform supports the mutual transfer

The WordPress UVisualize! plugin developed on the lines of CA P TCH A enables content

of radio broadcasts and the publication and

to be structured and prepared visually in

referencing of content beyond the respec-

different ways (e.g. by way of cards, time-

tive reach of local radio stations.

lines, etc.). In this fashion, collections can

The long-term, collaborative archiving of media productions by radio stations from highly diverse regions of Austria

be made more narrational and more visually accessible. Â

and Germany has given rise to a contin-

Ingo Leindecker is an artist, cultural worker

uously growing pool of alternative media

and self-employed web developer working at

reporting which is available not only for

the interface between culture, technology and science. Long-term employee of Radio FRO.

private use but especially for research purposes. In so doing, the CBA maps the social,

Actively engaged in the Austrian association

political and cultural events in individual

of free radio stations. Member of the man-

regions and has, over the last ten years,

agement team and developer of the Cultural Broadcasting Archive (CBA).

thus developed into an important contemporary document with strong local ties. The platform is undergoing continuous further development especially with a view to maximizing its public and is constantly being adapted to the practice and the needs of independent radio broadcasters. Â UVisualize! The creation of open access to digital media archives depends not only on political and technical solutions but increasingly demands suitable forms of presentating the 26

UVisualize! – Visualisierungs-Tool für offene Archive

Das Cultural Broadcasting Archive CBA


ist als Audiodatenbank freier Radios eine

Die Herstellung eines offenen Zugangs

zentrales Distributionswerkzeug

zu digitalen Medienarchiven ist nicht nur

zivilgesellschaftlicher Medienproduk-

von politischen und technischen

tion. Die offen zugängliche Austausch-

Lösungen abhängig, sondern verlangt

und Kommunikationsplattform unter-

zunehmend auch nach angemessenen

stützt die wechselseitige Übernahme von

Präsentationsformen von wachsenden

Radiosendungen sowie die Publikation

Datenbeständen. Neben der Archi­

von und Bezugnahme auf Inhalte

vierung treten so die Fragen nach einer

außerhalb der jeweiligen Reichweite der

intuitiven Darstellung und Narration

lokalen Sender.

von Inhalten zunehmend in den Vorder-

Durch die langfristige, kollabora-

grund. Das im Rahmen von CAPTCHA

tive Archivierung der medialen Produk­

entwickelte WordPress Plugin UVisualize!

tionen von Radiostationen aus unter-

ermöglicht es, Inhalte zu strukturieren

schiedlichsten Regionen Österreichs und

und visuell auf unterschiedliche Weise

Deutschland hat sich zudem ein kontinu-

aufzubereiten (z.B. mittels Karten,

ierlich wachsender Pool alternativer

Timelines, u.a.). Auf diesem Weg können

Medienberichterstattung herausgebildet,

Sammlungen auch erzählerisch und

der neben dem privaten Gebrauch

visuell besser zugänglich gemacht

insbesondere für Recherchezwecke offen


steht. Auf diese Weise bildet das CBA das

gesellschaftliche, politische und kultu-

Ingo Leindecker ist Bildender Künstler,

relle Geschehen einzelner Regionen ab

Kulturarbeiter und selbstständiger

und hat sich so in den letzten 10 Jahren

Webdeveloper an der Schnittstelle

zu einem bedeutenden Zeitdokument

zwischen Kultur, Technologie und

mit starkem Lokalbezug entwickelt.

Wissenschaft. Langjähriger Mitarbeiter

Besonders unter dem Gesichts-

von Radio FRO. Tätig für den Verband

punkt der größtmöglichen Offenheit wird

Freier Radios Österreich. Mitglied des

die Plattform ständig weiterentwickelt

Leitungsteams und Entwickler des

und der Praxis sowie den Bedürfnissen

Cultural Broadcasting Archives CBA.

der freien RadiomacherInnen angepasst.

SA 10.30 Frank Pohu, Fréquence Sillé, Sillé le Guillaume, France Safeguarding the oral heritage: Back on 10 years of experience in France

For over 30 years European associative and

This intervention will therefore consider

community radios participate in local life by

these aspects :

giving voice to elected officials, association

1. The presentation of an experiment

leaders, youth, history buffs, writers, sto-

conducted since 2003 by Frequence Sille in

rytellers, musicians and scientists. These

cooperation with a departmental center of

radios keep on various media unreleased

public records/archives and radio in France

recordings, testimony of an era, the need

2. The tracks of reflection in Europe

to safeguard and promote to contribute to

based on a discussion between public

the knowledge of this history marked by

archives radios and public archives centers

many changes, both at local and national

3. A presentation of some theoreti-

level that in Europe. Radios have so far

cal and technical elements that can form a

little explored this field of archives that are

basis for the development of a methodology

often abroad. However, it is essential today

of a radio archive work.

to launch a reflexion in Europe, combining radio and archives, based on various local

Franck Pohu is Project manager and Training

expériementations to suggest ways for

Manager of »Fréquence Sillé, Sauvegarde de la

the establishment of a common method-

parole sarthoise« in Sillé le Guillaume, France.

ology that would aims to bring radios and archives, taking into account their own specificity, and propose a retrieval model that meets European standards.


SA 12.00


Jose M. Casanova, CUAC FM, A Coruña, Spain How to setup your internet streaming to record and archive your audio streams

CUAC FM, the Community Radio of A Coruña

to show the possibilities and how you can

founded in 1996, has been streaming audio

setup it in your community radio in a GNU/

through Internet since 2006 to increase

Linux system supported with Open Source

audience coverage to places where the FM can not reach. CUAC FM uses Ice-


cast Free Software project to publish our

José M. Casanova is a free software activ-

audio streams. At CUAC FM, in 2014 we

ists that participates in Spoiler, a live radio

have deployed darkice tool to manage the

show about TV series aired on CUAC FM, the

capture of the audio from the radio station

community radio that broadcasts to A Coruña

mixer to the Icecast streaming server. It has

Area. He is volunteer in the Technological

allow us to re-encode it in many different codecs and audio containers (MP3, OGG

to GNU/Linux systems and Free Software at

and AAC) in different bitrates having differ-

the broadcasting station. He has been com-

ent streams for mobile clients and CUAC

mitted to the promotion of Free/Open Source

Committee of CUAC FM leading the migration

FM website features powerful options that

Software in different communities as GNOME

allow you to dump in realtime to a file the

and GPUL. He is also one founders of the Open

audio that has been processed and with a

Source consultancy Igalia.

simple integration of programmed tasks in the GNU/Linux operative system. Now we can maintain a simple structure for the 24hours / 365days archive of broadcasting for legal purposes. It also serves as backup system to recover failures from our Live Broadcasting recording system. As complement we have developed simple scripts that manage the naming scheme of the shows archive in a monthly organization and updates the information of the shows in the RDS and internet streaming services. The use of Network Time Protocol has also helped in the synchronization of the split of the archives avoiding shows recorded being cut at the beginning. The talk will try

SA 14.00


Lale Rodgarkia-Dara & Karl Schönswetter, Vienna, Austria Taxonomy of sonorous order Categorising, tagging, assigning and

Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, born in Vienna, Austria.

conducting research as a creative process.

She works as a writer, radio-maker and »sound­

Where do art and order come together? How

installer«. She tries to develop a new Electro-

do artists use archives or archived material?

acoustic Literature, that enables writers to

Does the digital card index therefore need

read and perform in a collective (with elec-

a digital artist? How can digital archives be

tronic artists and humans) and as individuals

handled artistically? What are the interests

with a distance to their own texts. Founded the

of community radio stations? What is the

monthly Elektronik Teatime and is producer at

infrastructure like? Lale Rodgarkia-Dara

the international art-radio-network radia and

and Karl Schönswetter want to use a live

part of the Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory Collective

(radio) performance to transform material

and several other collectives. 2014 working

from archives and on-site recordings into

as an external lecturer at the interdisciplinary

a live feedback transmission and thereby

centre for urban culture and public space at

establish a seamless transition between

the Vienna University of Technology. 2015

a reticent lecture and an in-your-face live

Artist in Residence at the Bioart Laboratory

show. What happens if the public anno-

der Universidad Maimonides, Buenos Aires.

tates the transmission and creates a new work of art out of the archive molasses? An

Karl Schönswetter is a founding member of

acoustic overwriting of a long day of busy

the gold extra cultural association, Salzburg

conferencing mixed with archive material

(established 1998, a member until 2007),

from the conference participants. Well, now

producer of a weekly hip-hop radio show at

we know.

Radiofabrik Salzburg (2000 – 2007), 2010 to 2011 editor at (Staffel 1), since 2011 a producer for the Vienna team of Radia. fm at Radio Orange 94.0, responsible for the (co)production of three Radia broadcasts: nitropic, Radio Convoy and Radiagund.


Taxonomie der sonoren Ordnung Kategorisieren, Taggen, Zuordnen und

Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, geboren 1976 in

Recherchieren als kreativer Prozess. Wo

Wien, aufgewachsen in Umgebung werkt

treffen sich Kunst und Ordnung? Wie

als Medieninstallateurin, Elektro­akusti­

bedienen sich Künstler an Archiven bzw.

kerIn und Autorin ebenda. Sie ist Gründe­

Archivmaterial? Braucht der digitale Zet-

rin der Elektronik Teatime und ist Wiener

telkasten infolge eineN digitalen Künst-

Produzentin im internationalen Kunst­

lerIn. Wie kann man künstlerisch mit

radio-Netzwerk radia, Teil des

digitalen Archiven umgehen? Welches

Kollektivs Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory

Interesse existiert von Seiten der Com- und

munity Radios. Wie schaut die Infrastruk-

beteiligt sich an verschiedenen Kollekti­

tur aus? Lale Rodgarkia-Dara und Karl

ven. 2015 Artist in Residence am Bioart

Schönswetter wollen mit einer Live-

Laboratory der Universidad Maimonides,

(Radio)Performance Material aus Archi-

Buenos Aires. Ihr jüngstes Radioprojekt

ven und Aufnahmen vor Ort zu einer Live

»gefallene worte – reden von zukünftigen

Feedback Transmission umwandeln und

diktatorInnen« wurde im November 2014

schaffen so einen nahtlosen Übergang

während des New Adit Festivals im

zwischen Hinterrücks-Lecture und Into-

Musil-Haus in Klagenfurt verwirklicht.

The-Face-Live-Show. Was passiert, wenn man das Publikum beschlagwortet und

Karl Schönswetter ist Gründungsmitglied

aus Archiv-Melasse ein neues Kunstwerk

vom gold extra Kulturverein, Salzburg

entsteht? Eine akustische Überschrei-

(Gründung 1998, Mitglied bis 2007),

bung eines langen Tages des emsigen

Sendungsmacher für eine wöchentliche

Konferenzens gemischt mit Archiv-

Hip-Hop-Radio-Show bei der Radiofabrik

Materialien der KonferenzteilnehmerIn-

Salzburg (2000  – 2007), 2010 bis 2011

nen. Nun wissen wir es.

Redakteur bei (Staffel 1), Seit 2011 Sendungsmacher beim Wiener Team von bei Radio Orange 94.0, Verantwortlich für die (Co)Produk­ tion von drei Radia-Sendungen: nitropic, Radio Convoy und Radiagund.

SA 14.30


Preserving audio memories! – A discussion concerning the prospects and demands facing free radio archives

The plenary discussion takes as its point

This discussion is widened by the possibil-

of departure the notion that ever since their

ity of online archiving, something which is

inception, non-commercial radio stations,

primarily regarded by many members of the

community radio stations, their pro-

radio community as a tool for communica-

grammes and their features have often only

tion and sharing. However it has become

been partially documented. The archiving

clear, at the very latest since the Internet

and naming of radio broadcasts is often

archive was founded, that the

simply forgotten, put off as an additional

Internet can be a relevant storage site which

burden or is the last thing to be done in the

not only stores data in a passive fashion,

everyday work of a radio station. Against

but sets it in motion by promoting and

this background, nearly every community

encouraging as much sharing as possible.

radio station in Europe has developed its

The free radio stations are faced with the

own structures and tools for storing the

challenge of interacting anew with this

content of broadcasts. Even in the days of video cassettes, mini disks and CDs,

tremendous virtual opportunity within their

the principles on which numerous hours

stations within the medium of the Internet.

of broadcast programmes were kept and

What new questions do the community

stored depended on the individual designs

media face as a result of the intensive and

of radio producers and technicians: Every-

omnipresent use of the Internet at the pres-

one creates extensive media data records

ent time? Which new forms and means have

– to a great or smaller degree – in order to

the communities already created?

communities and of rethinking their radio

identify the audio material. What are the consequences of this unstructured form of


archiving and what will we remember of the

Ingo Leindecker,, Radio FRO

history of community radio in the future?

Ralf Wendt, Portier and Pro-

Which (existing) structures have been devel-

gramme Coordinator of RADIO CORAX

oped in practice and which have proved

Dagmar Brunow, Universität Växjö, Sweden

their worth? Which archive structures are

Joost van Beek, Central European University

compatible with the idea of communi-

Budapest, Hungary

ty-based radio stations? What opportunities does organised tagging and storage offer


– maintaining the programme archive of

Stephanie Scholz, RADIO CORAX

community radio stations? 32

Audiogedächtnisse bewahren! – Ein Gespräch über die Chancen von und Ansprüche an Freie Radioarchive

Das Podiumsgespräch setzt an der

Speicherung, eine Pflege, des Pro-

Feststellung an, dass die nicht-kommerzi-

gramm-Archivs von Community Radios?

ellen Radios, die Community Radios, ihre

Dieser Diskurs wird erweitert

Beiträge und Sendungen seit Anbeginn

durch die Möglichkeit der Online-Archi-

ihrer Geschichte oft nur unvollständig

vierung, die von vielen Mitgliedern der

dokumentieren. Das Archivieren und

Radio-Community in erster Linie als

Benennen von Radiosendungen wird

Werkzeug der Kommunikation und des

teilweise schlicht vergessen, als zusätzli-

Teilens betrachtet wird. Spätestens aber

che Belastung vertagt oder passiert als

seit dem Internet-Archiv ist

Letztes im Radioalltag. Nahezu jedes

klar, dass das Internet ein relevanter

Community Radio in Europa hat sich vor

Archiv-Ort sein kann, der Datenmaterial

diesem Hintergrund ganz eigene Struktu-

nicht nur passiv vorhält, sondern in

ren und Tools geschaffen, um Sendein-

Bewegung setzt, indem er Austausch

halte zu speichern. Bereits in den Zeiten

ermöglichst und anregt. Die Freien Radios

von Video-Kassetten, Mini-Disks und CDs

stehen vor der Herausforderung mit

kam es ganz auf die individuellen

dieser riesigen, virtuellen Chance

Entwürfe von Sendungsmachenden und

innerhalb ihrer Communities neu zu

Technikverantwortlichen an, nach

agieren und ihre Radios auch im Medium

welchen Prinzipien zahlreiche Sendestun-

Internet mitzudenken. Vor welchen neuen

den abgelegt und gespeichert wurden:

Fragen stehen Community Medien durch

Jede Person entwickelt mehr oder weniger

die intensive und omnipräsente Nutzung

umfangreiche Metadatensätze, um das

des Internets in der Gegenwart? Welche

Audiomaterial zu kennzeichnen. Welche

neuen Formen und Wege haben die

Folgen hat diese unstrukturierte Form des

Communities bereits kreiert?

Archivierens darauf, wie und was wir in Zukunft von der Geschichte der Commu-

Mit Ingo Leindecker,, Radio FRO

nity Radios erinnern? Welche (bestehen-

Ralf Wendt, Portier und

den) Strukturen haben sich in der Praxis

Programmkoordinator von RADIO CORAX

entwickelt und welche haben sich

Dagmar Brunow, Universität Växjö,

bewährt? Welche Archiv-Strukturen sind


mit der Idee des community-basierten

Joost van Beek, Central European

Radios vereinbar? Welche Chancen bietet

University Budapest, Ungarn

eine organisierte Verschlagwortung und

Moderation Stephanie Scholz, CORAX


Conference Coordination

Editorial Team & Public Relations

Helen Hahmann

Virág Bottlik & Helen Hahmann

Guest Office

Coordination »CAPTCHA Conference Radio«

Virág Bottlik

Georg Wellbrock

Assistance Guest Office & Catering

Conference Stage Management &

Gregor Kliem

Editorial Team Audio Documentation Sindy König

Technical Coordination Frontsound Leipzig

Moderation Stephanie Scholz

Visual Design & Photo Documentation Franziska Stübgen

Interpreters Ariane Stark & Michelle Toussaint,

Website Programming Marian Mortell

Körner Konferenzdolmetschen

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