2012 2013 handbook

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SAN MARCOS ADVENTIST JUNIOR ACADEMY 2013-2014 STUDENT HANDBOOK 1523 Ranch Road 12 P.O. Box 801 San Marcos, Texas 78667 Phone: 512-392-9475 Fax: 512-392-2693

School Year 2011-2012 Welcome to San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy! We are excited to have you as one of our students and it is our desire to provide you with the best possible education in a Christian environment. This handbook is designed to let you know what is expected of you as a student. It also will spell out your rights and what you should expect from the teaching staff. It is our hope that your time spent with us will help you in your daily walk with Christ and you will also increase in wisdom, knowledge and strength.

Parents! We welcome you also to the SMAJA family! We hope that you will feel right at home and know that we are here to work with you in bringing your children into a closer walk with Christ. We hope that you will go over this handbook with your student and help them understand what is expected. If, at anytime, you have questions, feel free to contact us. The teachers are always ready and available to discuss your child’s progress with you. Policies and procedures adopted by school administrators and approved by the school board after publication of this Student Handbook, as well as public announcements to parent/guardian and students during the school year, will have the same force and effect as if printed in the School Handbook. The Teachers, Staff and School Board 2

Mission Statement Our mission is to educate students for Christian service.

Vision .

Our students will go out into the world serving others as a way of life, sensitive to the needs of people in their homes and society and to become active members of their church. 3

Directory 2012-2013 Robert Leal Ashley Gonzalez Ana Chong Jean Griffitt Susan Nichols Robert Leal Carrie Hall Gracie Leal Angela Olvera

Principal PreK-Kindergarten 1st-2nd Grade 3rd-4th Grade 5th-6th Grade 7th-10th Grade 7th-10th Grade Registrar Teachers’ Aide

Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Superintendent: William Reinke Phone: 817-783-2223 P. O. Box 800 Alvarado, TX 76009

School Board 2013-2014 Hugo Cisneros - Board Chair Chad Carlton - Pastor Mike Hatcher - Treasurer Robert Leal - Principal Kristi Reeves & Anita Cisneros – Home & School *Superintendent is an Ex-official member


Educational Philosophy and Objectives San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy is a part of the system of elementary and secondary schools promoted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Beginning in 1871, our Church’s philosophy of Christian education has been based on the Bible. The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist education states: “The primary aim of Seventh-day Adventist education is to provide opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world.” Our staff, working together with God and the parents, will strive to foster an environment conducive to the development of Christian characters. By studying the Bible, and finding God’s purpose and plan for our lives and using nature as our second handbook, we work toward an education that is balanced in the physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social areas. Wanting to achieve the following objectives, we as staff will work with the parents for these essential objectives: Basic Skills: To help students acquire the basic skills of reading, communication, mathematics, science and social studies. Character Development: To provide opportunities to grow in a Christ-like character. Health and Wellness: Believing that the body is the temple of God, we’ll learn how to keep the mind and body fit. Thinking Skills: Study skills, decision making based on moral and ethical values, and independent thought will be encouraged. Spiritual values: To help the students develop a personal spiritual life of faith, prayer, worship and service to others. Social Growth: To provide opportunities for social growth within the context of a Christian lifestyle. Faith: To develop an appreciation for the Bible as the written word of God and as a rule of faith and practice for Christians.


Admission Policy Statement of Non-discrimination San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy admits students of any race, color, national, ethnic origin or gender to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities available. It further does not discriminate in the execution of its educational or admissions policies, athletics or extracurricular programs. Although our school is open primarily to Seventh-day Adventist young people, it is our purpose to admit other students who desire to develop a Christian character and support the philosophy and policies established by this school. A reverent and respectful attitude during religious exercises and the observance of all regulations is required of every student. In order to insure the best possible Christian environment for the students, we reserve the right to refuse admission of any student whose past behavior has not been acceptable. Acceptance of all students will be subject to review by the faculty and school board. Students transferring from another Seventh-day Adventist school must obtain financial clearance from that school before enrolling at SMAJA. Any student who has been home-schooled is required to take an admissions test for evaluation and grade placement. Minimum age: Students to enter PreK must be four by September 1; five by September 1 to enter Kindergarten; and six by September 1 to enter First Grade. Birth Certificate: A copy of the student’s original birth certificate is required for student acceptance and may be obtained from the Vital Statistics Division of the state in which the student was born. (A current USA passport is an acceptable in lieu of the birth certificate) Immunizations: A copy of the student’s current immunizations is required for admittance. Physicals: Are required when entering school for the first time and then again in 4th, 7th, and 9th grade.


Admissions policies continued New students: 1. Complete a standard application forms including recommendations: 3 references, 2 non-family and 1 educator. 2. Interview with principal and/or teacher. 3. Those applying before August, need only to pay the registration fee at the time of application. Those applying after the 1th of August must pay the registration fee and first month’s tuition. 4. Acceptance by a vote of the School Board at its next scheduled meeting. Upon acceptance, all new students are placed on a six week probation period. At the time of the probation period the following requirements must be met to continue at SMAJA: 1. The student must have displayed positive behavior. 2. The student must have shown positive academic effort. 3. A copy of the birth certificate, immunizations and physical exam (if applicable) is in the student’s file. 4. All previous academic records, including achievement scores must have been requested, if not received. 5. Tuition and registration fees must be current. We reserve the right to deny admission to any applicant. Returning students: 1. Complete the standard application forms and make financial arrangements. 2. Students who have had disciplinary action from the previous year, MAY BE placed on a six week probationary period as would a new student.


Financial Policies Registration fees are due at the time of registration and are nonrefundable (unless student is not accepted). There are ten (10) tuition payments per school year. The first tuition payment is due August 10. The remaining payments are due on the first of each month, beginning September through May 1. A late fee of $15.00 will be assessed if payment is not received by the 10th of the month. If an account is one month past due, a letter will be sent requesting payment or that arrangements be made with the school treasurer. Continued enrollment is conditional upon prompt tuition payments. All payments should be sent directly to School Treasure, SMAJA, P.O. Box 80, San Marcos, TX 78667 If there is a debt at the end of the school year, the student’s progress report will be withheld until the tuition account is paid in full. Likewise, the student may not register for the following year until the tuition account is paid in full per the registration financial contract made with the school. A student may withdraw at any time; however, the registration fee is not refundable in whole or part. Tuition is due through the date of withdrawal and will be calculated on daily proration of the 180 school days. Current tuition rates are listed at the end of the handbook.


Academic Achievement Academic mastery is expected in all classes. A consistent daily effort in each subject will insure each student good scholarship and academic success. Homework is defined as assignments to be done outside of school hours. In some instances it will be necessary for the student to do homework to achieve his/her academic goals. A grade of ―Incomplete‖ is given when for legitimate reasons a student is unable to do sufficient work in a given period to receive a satisfactory grade. Period and semester incompletes must be removed within two weeks after the period or semester has ended unless other arrangements with the teacher have been made. Any student with grades consistently below 70% will be placed on academic probation. A conference with the parent/guardian is required to assess the possible reasons for the student’s performance and to address suggested solutions. Graduation Requirements for the Eighth Grade Candidates for graduation from the eighth grade must meet the following requirements before receiving a diploma or report card. Have a grade point average of 2.0 or above. All tuition and fees owed to the school must be paid up to date. They must pass the TEKS test in math, reading and science. Standardized Testing The IOWA Tests of Basic Skills are given to students in grades 3-11 in the fall. The spring session they will be given the Woodcock-McGrewWerdner Mini-Battery of Achievement. This PD\EH be given to the Kindergarten through 8th grade. Eighth graders will be given the math, reading and science test from the TEKS. 9

Grading Policies The total evaluation process will include spiritual and social development in addition to academic achievement. Parents can expect communication about their child’s academic progress on a weekly basis, which may be done either verbally or written. Ultimately, it is the parents’ responsibility to stay on top of their child's academic progress. The SMAJA grading system for Prekindergarten through 2nd grade is as follows: E = Excellent S = Satisfactory N = Needs improvement For grades 3 through 10, the following letter system of grading will be used: A

= 90% and above


= 80% to 89%



70% to 79%



60% to 69%


= below 60%


= incomplete

Unless other arrangements have been made, any outstanding work that is not made up within three days of an absence will stand as a zero. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that all work is made up. We encourage parents to help their children to get their work turned in on time.


Rights and Responsibilities The primary function of the school is to provide educational opportunities for all the students. Education cannot take place unless there is an atmosphere of order and discipline necessary for effective learning. Order and discipline may be described as the absence of distractions for effective learning and teaching. Students are to be respectful of the rights and property of others, the authority of the teachers, and others in authority over them. They also have the right to expect to be treated respectfully as well. Students have the responsibility to learn and use the educational experiences provided for them. Students have the responsibility to conduct themselves so that disciplinary action will not be necessary, including conducting them selves in a safe and responsible manner. Students have the responsibility to do their best, turning in work on time, and being ready for class with appropriate working materials. Students are to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the school and the individual classroom teachers. Students have the right to a fair hearing, and to expect rules to be reasonable and consistently applied. They are responsible for knowing and complying with school rules, respecting the school staff and for being diligent in their studies. Students are responsible for being well groomed, clean and neat. Students are responsible for any damage done to school property. This includes but is not limited to desks, books, P.E. equipment and computers. * A current list of student’s equipment will be given during the first week of school, including cost of replacement. Students should expect that they will experience consequences for any inappropriate behavior. 11

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities It is vital that parent/guardian (s), teachers, and the administrative staff work closely together to ensure that each student receives the maximum benefit from his/her schooling. To establish and maintain this important communication the parent/guardian (s) are encouraged to: 1. See that the child attends school every day, arriving on time, but not earlier than fifteen minutes before the beginning of school unless other arrangements have been made through the before/after care. 2. Establish a regular bedtime during the school week. Avoid activities that interfere with the regular bedtime during the school week. 3. Encourage your child to observe good health habits. Each morning your child should have a substantial breakfast and pack a wholesome lunch. 4. Help your child stay in keeping with the school dress code as outlined. Also, help your child keep the weather in mind when choosing his/her clothing for school. 5. Carefully guard as to the type of television, computer use, music and radio programs watched and listened to, as well as the amount of time spent. 6. Keep your child at home when he/she is suspected of having a communicable disease or when running a fever. Children should be free of fever without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. Please let the school know should your child have a communicable disease, e.g. strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox, measles, etc. 7. Take time to talk about your child’s school day and see that all homework is completed and ready to take back the next day. Please check to see if there are any notes that need to be signed or funds sent for lunches or field trips. 8. Visit your child’s classroom periodically, see what he/she is doing or help out as you can. Make arrangements to speak with the teacher outside of school teaching hours, not during class or recess time. Regular conferences are scheduled after each 9 week period. Please take the time to visit with the teachers. Your involvement is appreciated and encouraged. Volunteers are always welcome. The principal, teachers, chairperson and members of the SMAJA School Board welcome your comments and suggestions. Constructive comments are an encouragement to the school staff.


Discipline Procedures Discipline shall be administered to protect students, school employees, or school property, or to maintain a proper academic atmosphere. Students shall be treated fairly and but not necessarily equally. Discipline shall be based on a careful assessment of the circumstances of each case. The following factors will be considered: *Seriousness of the offense *Student’s age and grade level *Frequency of the misconduct *Student’s attitude *Potential effect of the misconduct on the school environment In classroom, chapel, or on the playground, teachers or their aides are in charge of fielding problems. Because of our ever growing population, there will be times that a teacher may have given a warning to a student and another teacher who did not know that a warning has been given, also gives a verbal warning. Teachers will try to communicate to whom a warning as been given so that a follow through can be done by the homeroom teacher. Each teacher will have their own discipline program that deals with the minor infractions that occur on a day to day basis within their own classroom. If the teacher finds that the student need further disciplinary action, the student may be sent to the principal . The student will be given a written warning for the first violation, which will require a parent-guardian’s signature. Upon a second violation, the student will be given an in-school suspension for one day. No interaction with other students will be allowed during this time period, including recess and lunch period. The student and parents/guardians will meet with the teacher and principal. The third violation will mean that the student will be suspended for three days and the parent/guardians or designated adult must come and immediately get the student from school. Again a meeting with the teacher and principal will be required before re-admittance. All missed work will need to be completed. Any further violations will allow the student to be suspended until the student and parents/guardians can appear before the school board, and the school board will approve the student’s re-admission (all missed work will need to be competed) or dismissal or withdrawal of the student.


Basic Rules 1. Show respect for the Bible and maintain a reverent attitude during religious exercises. 2. Be in the classroom on time. Know where you are supposed to be at all times and be there—either in your oryour in a teacher designated, supervised area. Be ready for classroom class. Have books, notebooks, paper and pencils or pens. 3. Give prompt attention to your teacher’s requests and classroom presentations. Give thoughtful consideration to other’s feelings and expectations whether other students or teachers. 4. Don’t bring cell phones, radios, iPods, mp3players, CD players, toys, electronic games, laptop computers, or any other current electronic device that a teacher deems a distraction to school. 5. No heelies, skateboards, or in-line skates are allowed. 6. Be honest in all that you do. Cooperate and abide by all rules whether established by the school administration, the classroom teacher, supervising teacher or aide. 7. Be in proper attire each day as defined in the dress code. 8. Practice Christian morals, ethics, fair play and courtesy in all school relationships. The relationship between the opposite sexes should be conducted in a dignified and wholesome basis. The hands-off policy will be enforced for everyone. 9. Take extra care of the books, desks, chairs, computers or other equipment as they are reusable items and are entrusted to your care. ***Consequences for breaking these rules may involve one or more, or all of the following: Warning; warning in writing; loss of recess/break time; detention; expenses incurred for replacement or repair of school or student property, e.g. books, desks, chairs, equipment to be paid by student. *see list at end of handbook



Basic Rules (continued) The following items can warrant immediate suspension or dismissal. 10. Undermining the fundamental principles of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and school: antagonism toward the spirit and regulations of the school; and continuous criticism and faultfinding of the school staff, church or school. Constant and obstinate violation of any school regulation which constitutes insubordination and/or defiance. 11. Use of tobacco, drugs or alcohol. 12. No energy drinks, whether liquid or powder mixes. 13. Assaulting or threatening to assault a teacher, student or any other individual. 14. Bullying: Any act that injures, degrades or disgraces others, including name calling, teasing, verbal threats, shunning, or using abusive language, will not be tolerated. 15. No rough housing: hitting, kicking, slapping, punching, biting, pinching, throwing objects, swearing, antagonizing others to fight or disruptive behavior. 16. No items that are considered weapons are to be brought to school: guns (toy or otherwise), pocket knives, matches, lighters, explosives or any other potentially dangerous materials. 17. Theft, picking or breaking locks, doors or windows to enter. 18. Any marring, misusing, carelessly damaging or destroying school or personal property of others. 19. Possession of obscene literature or pictures. Use of profane or indecent language. Indulging in lewd conduct or suggestions. 20. Violation of internet use agreement. * separate document


Dress Code The goal of the staff of San Marcos Adventist junior Academy is to help our children dress in Christian modesty, neatness, cleanliness, and healthfully. The school has adopted a policy that ALL students will wear uniforms to school and school related functions, Monday through Thursday. All knit shirts are to have the SMAJA logo on them. We order our uniforms through French Toast code: QS46CCS On Friday, a casual dress will be acceptable. No tops or shirts that have inappropriate logos, graphics or words will be allowed. No halter tops, spaghetti straps or see through fabrics are allowed. Pants or jeans are not to be tight fitting or holey. Shoes are to be a closed toe, at all times. Girls’ Choices: Blouse: white worn with jumpers, skirts or skorts Knit Shirt: white, hunter green, yellow, or red with pants, skorts or shorts. Jumper: Navy solid or green plaid or khaki Skirt: navy solid or green plaid Shorts, Pants or Skorts: navy or khaki Cardigan sweater: navy Socks or Tights: white khaki, red or navy Shoes: Sturdy, clean, closed-toe, no heelys Girls should wear navy or khaki bike-type shorts under skirts or jumpers. Boys’ Choices: Knit Shirt: white, green, yellow, or red with pants or shorts Shirt: white button-down oxford may be worn with pants Pants or Shorts: navy or khaki Cardigan sweater: navy Socks: must be worn, in navy, white or khaki Shoes: sturdy, clean, closed-toe, no heelys P.E. Clothing for both: Not tight fitting or too loose—no inappropriate logos Proper shoes would be tennis shoes with socks Sleeveless shirts are permitted during appropriate weather No short shorts Uniform Policy The school requires that if a student fails to wear the uniform or any part of the uniform, they will be given a written notice. If a student accumulates three (3) written notices, the next time, and each time thereafter, that they fail to wear their uniform or partially complies, a parent or guardian will be called and the student will be sent home to change. Exceptions will be made in urgent or emergency situations. Beginning on the first day of school, or upon date of entry, new students will have a three (3) week grace period to purchase the school uniform. Jewelry such as rings, lockets, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, face jewelry, arm bands, friendship bracelets, ankle bracelets are not allowed.


Dress Code continued The following examples are considered unacceptable for school and schoolrelated functions: Uniforms that are tight, torn, frayed or excessively worn. Excessive or obvious makeup or nail polish other than clear or neutral looking. These detract from the natural appearance of the individual. Hair that is extreme in fad, style, or color. Any other type of dress or appearance that, in the opinion of the staff, does not meet Christian standards or that detracts from the operation of the school. Remember that the school holds the parents ultimately responsible for their child’s adherence to the rules.

M eal s A wholesome, well-balanced breakfast and lunch can be a substantial aid in the student’s educational process and you are encouraged to make a special effort to see that your child is provided with a healthy breakfast and lunch. Items, such as caffeine, energy drinks, candy, or other “junk food” are widely recognized as having an injurious effect on the student’s health and performance and should be avoided. We ask that you not send caffeine drinks for your child. SMAJA has chosen to abide by the principles of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, which outline clean and unclean foods. We request that these unclean foods not be brought to school. Swapping of items in school lunches is not allowed. The school does not have a cafeteria although limited kitchen facilities are available. The students will need to bring a wholesome lunch to school and will be expected to participate in a supervised lunch period. The Home and School Association provides a fundraising lunches twice a week. Please check the monthly calendar for specific days and menus.

Leaving School Grounds for Lunch If you wish to take your child off campus for lunch, please send a note in the morning to the student’s teacher and return your student on time before the afternoon session begins. Please make these arrangements before the school day begins. This is your responsibility.

Field Trips Off-campus educational functions are special and very important features of our school program. When educational experiences such as visits to local historical sites, trips to concerts, excursions to the zoo, or nursing homes are made by the classroom teacher and approved by the school board, notices regarding the field trip will be sent home informing parent/guardian (s) of these planned functions. Written permission will be required for each off-campus function in which the student participates. All students are expected to participate as they are considered school days.



Insurance All students are coved by accident insurance, which is carried by the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The insurance premium is included in the student’s registration fee and provides coverage at school as well as for schoolsponsored functions. However, the insurance policy does not allow skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, shoe skates (heelys), hardballs or non-approved equipment on the school grounds. All accidents are to be reported to the principal within twenty-four (24) hours of the occurrence to qualify for coverage. Parent/guardian (s) will be provided with information outlining the insurance coverage. The signature of the parent/guardian acknowledging receipt of the Student Handbook, shall serve as his/her acknowledgment that they have read the Student Handbook in its entirety and that the parent/guardian (s) of the student hold harmless and release from all liability the San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy school board, the San Marcos Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and /or the school staff members. Every effort is made by the school to prevent accidents. However, should an accident occur, or should a student become ill, the school will notify the parent/ guardian immediately. If neither parent nor guardian can be reached, the doctor designated by the parent/guardians will be called. If the emergency is serious or is life threatening, the student will be taken to the nearest hospital.

Telephone Use The school telephone is provided for school business use only. Teachers and students should not call or be called during school hours except in cases of EMERGENCY. Students should ask permission before using the phone.

CHURCH, HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The spirit between the school, church and home should be the spirit of total cooperation and teamwork. In order to foster this relationship, Church, Home & School Association meetings and social functions will be held throughout the year and all parent/guardians, students and interested church members are urged to attend. The Association leader will announce fundraising programs for needed items in the school. All fundraising functions will be approved by the school board. The school board encourages parents/guardians to volunteer to assist in school functions such as fundraising and field trips. You are an important part of this organization!


Emergency Procedures In case of weather related emergencies, school closures will be when the San Marcos ISD closes. Occasionally the opening of school will be delayed to allow the road conditions to improve enough to safely transport students. A one-hour delay means that your student will be picked up an hour later than normally if they are riding the bus, or school will start an hour later if you are bringing your child. Every precaution will be taken to see that students are returned safely to their pickup site if an emergency occurs while school is in session. If bad weather is anticipated, please listen to your radio station KGMB 1420 AM and K101 FM for possible school cancellation. If a weather emergency occurs during the school day, parents will be called to come and get their children unless that would constitute a danger to either parents or students. A weather alert radio is always on to keep us in constant contact with the authorities. There is a locked down process that will be practiced along with the normal fire and tornado drills. We want to be ready for any emergency that might occur. Our staff is certified in Red Cross First Aid and CPR and there is a defibrillator on campus, along with necessary first aid kits. It is important that you keep the teachers and principal aware of any changes that you may have in addresses, phone numbers or emergency contacts.

The Bus The bus driver is authorized to enforce safety and social standards on his/her bus. He/She determines the degree of talking and activity permissible, conforming to the policies set by the school. Bus rules are posted at the front of the bus, as well as listed here in the handbook. Rules Never chase after the bus after it has pulled away from the bus top. Do not attempt to board or exit the bus until it has come to a complete standstill and the bus driver has opened the door indicating he is ready for you. Enter and exit the bus in an orderly manner, and sit in assigned seat if designated by the Principal or driver. Remain seated and facing forward at all times when the bus is moving. Keep all portions of the body inside the bus. Seatbelts are to be worn at all times. No eating or drinking is allowed on the bus. No glass or breakable containers allowed on the bus. No animals on the bus unless preapproved by staff in coordination with a school event.


Transportation Transportation arrangements are the parent/guardians’ responsibility and such arrangements should be made before the school day begins. No student will be permitted or instructed to leave school prior to the regular hour of dismissal with out written permission or phone call from the parent/guardian. All early dismissals must be approved by the administration.

Cars on Campus Cars that are driven by students to school are to be parked and not driven again until after classes are dismissed for the day. Exceptions must be cleared by the principal. If a student violates the procedure, he/she will face possible loss of the privilege to drive to school.

Tuition Rates 201 Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Tuition Hours Tuition 8:00 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. $400 1st Grade through 8th Grade Tuition Hours Tuition 8:00 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. $340 *Eighth grade graduation fee $ 9th and 10th Grade Tuition Hours 8:00 A.M. to 3:15 P.M.

Tuition $435.00

Registration Fee $350.00

Registration Fee $350.00

Registration Fee $350.00

After School Care: Available from 3:30-6:00 PM Monday-Friday. Fee is $2.50 per half hour. Charges are billed at the end of every month.


Approximate replacement costs of: Desks:

24 x 48 24 x 30

$85.00 $75.00


Large $25.00 Medium $24.00 Small $23.00


New: These range from $35 to $75 and the students will be signing for their books the first day of school. We’ll send you a copy of the list of books your child will be using. Used: These range from $10 to $55. Again you will receive a copy of the those books by the end of the second week of school.


Laptops new Laptops used Desktops

$600.00 $500.00 $400.00

Repairs to computers are billed at $75.00 per hour, plus materials. Broken outdoor equipment under normal wear and tear will not be charged to the student. Students should not kick a ball that is made to bounce, e.g. basketball, or volleyball as the expectation that the life of this ball will be limited due to the misuse. Good volleyballs, soccer balls, footballs, and basketballs cost $10 to $30 a piece. We need to take care of our equipment. Academy students or elementary students using the younger students equipment and causing undo wear and tear, will be required to pay for part of the replacement of the equipment. (things like wagons, tricycles, large toys etc.) Each of those pieces costs around $100.00 new.


Resolving Concerns Many times the concerns that develop between principals, teachers and parents regarding a child or children come as a result of a lack of communication. To provide an avenue for open communication among the involved individuals before a concern is taken to the local school board, a series of sequential steps are to be followed in resolving such concerns. 1. Parent/guardian, along with the child, request and have conference with the teacher/or staff member. If the results are unsatisfactory, step two should follow. 2. Parent/guardian, along with the child, request and have a conference with the teacher and principal. If the results of this meeting are unsatisfactory, step three should follow. 3. At this point the concern must be put in writing, on the Legitimate Concern Form supplied by the school, and addressed to the school board chairperson. Parent/guardian, along with the child, request and have a conference with the teacher, principal, board chairperson and the Texas Conference superintendent or an associate superintendent. If the results of this meeting are unsatisfactory, step four should follow. 4. The legitimate concern is placed on the agenda of the next school board meeting, and the parent/guardian and teacher will be given opportunity to address the board. The Texas Conference superintendent or an associate must be present at this meeting. The form will be sent home with every student during the first weeks of school.


San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy 1523 Ranch Road 12 San Marcos, TX 78666 To: Parents and Students: Federal regulations require that schools be inspected for the presence of asbestos. The school has been inspected for asbestos containing materials and the results of the inspections are contained in our Asbestos Management Plan. This plan has been sent to the State authority in charge of Asbestos Abatement. The Asbestos Management Plan includes the results of all the inspections conducted on our school building. It also contains the results of the material samples which were taken during the inspections and the plans for asbestos abatement. The Asbestos Management Plan is available for review during regular working hours at the School Office. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan will be made, on request, for a nominal fee to cover the cost of copying and handling. For more details regarding the Asbestos Management Plan and the specific abatement decisions, please contact. Superintendent of Schools Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists P. O. Box 800 Alvarado, TX 76009-0800 817-790-2255, Ext. 144


School Calendar The Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Schools operate with a school calendar as set by the Conference’s Educational Committee for each school year and is harmony with the one hundred-eighty day (180) attendance policy for the State of Texas. School begins at 8:00 A.M. and ends at 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. No student should arrive more than fifteen (15) minutes before school starts unless other arrangements have been made. Students are not to be left unsupervised on the school premises. All students should be picked up by 3:15 P.M. unless, again, if other arrangements have been made. After-care charges will be assessed of parents who leave their students after the 3:15 P.M. time period, at a cost of $2.50 per portion of a half hour. Children in Kindergarten through Eighth grade are to attend school the required number of days according to Texas State Law. Daily attendance and punctuality are expected. If a student misses more than 10% of the school days, they will be eligible to be held back. Please call the school before 9:00 A.M. if you know that your child will be absent. We ask that you refrain from making appointments for your child during the school day, whenever possible.

Index Academic Achievement Admission Policies Asbestos letter Bus procedures Calendar Cars on Campus Church, Home and School Association Directory Discipline Issues Dress Code Educational Philosophy Emergency Information Field Trips Financial Information Grading Policies Handbook receipt Insurance Internet Use Agreement Leaving campus Meal times Mission and Vision Statements Parent and Guardian Responsibilities Replacement costs of items Resolving Concerns Rights and Responsibilities Rules Telephone Use Transportation of Students Tuition and fees Uniforms Welcome


p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p.

9 6-7 25 19-20 23 20 18 4 13 16-17 5 19 17 8 10 28 18 27 17 17 3 12 22 24 11 14-15 18 20 22 16-17 2


ACCEPTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEM USE POLICY By signing this agreement, you agree to abide by the applicable SMAJA policies in regard to computers, and computer support equipment (printers, scanners, cameras, projectors, flash drives, etc.), and the Internet. The school resources monitor inappropriate uses of this system and makes reasonable efforts to block inappropriate Internet sites but it is not possible to completely prevent access. If you accidentally access an inappropriate site, turn off the screen and contact your teacher immediately. Electronic systems shall be used in support of SMAJA activities; The system may be used for research and academic goals; Accessing e-mail is for academic activities on the school account only and is supervised by teachers. Students are not permitted to access personal e-mail. Approved games may be played at appropriate times. The content of electronic messages, documents and graphic images shall conform to the ethics of the Ten Commandments and study standards; All electronic systems and data are the property of SMAJA and considered SMAJA records; Private or personal software is not to be placed on SMAJA systems; Accessing unauthorized network resources, chat rooms and instant messaging is expressly restricted; No Face book, My Space, or Twitter. Each user is responsible for ALL activity performed during their use. Downloading executable programs without the express permission of the technology coordinator is restricted. Downloading any copyrighted materials with out permission is prohibited. Posting messages or accessing materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation or illegal is grounds for disciplinary action. Any vandalism will be grounds for disciplinary action as well as restitution of property. Failure to comply with these guidelines is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. Agreement to comply As a user of the school’s computer network, I agree to comply with the stated rules as to communicating over the network in a responsible fashion while honoring all relevant laws and restrictions. Date Student’s Signature

Grade Level


Permission and Support As the parent or legal guardian of the student signing above, I grant permission for my son or daughter to access networked computer services such as electronic mail and the internet. I understand that individuals and families may be held liable for any inappropriate behavior. I understand that some materials on the internet may be objectionable and I accept responsibility to work with the school in guiding my child. I will support the school in the setting and conveying of standards to my child when selecting, sharing or exploring information and media. Date Parent’s signature Printed name of parent Address Phone


HANDBOOK ACCEPTANCE This Student Handbook has been prepared by school administrators to assist you in understanding the operating policies and procedures of San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy. Certain questions may arise from time to time concerning school policies and procedures that are not fully explained in this Student Handbook; however, it is our intent that all of the policies and procedures set out herein are in compliance with the beliefs and standards of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Any omissions or variances to these policies will be clarified by the school board. Policies and procedures adopted by school administrators, and approved by the school board, after the publication of this Student Handbook, as well as public announcements to parent/guardian and students during the school year, will have the same force and effect as if printed in the School Handbook I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy Student Handbook for the 201 school year. I understand and agree to read (during my child's enrollment) and become familiar with the contents of the Student Handbook so I may fully understand the conditions and regulations under which my child (children) may maintain enrollment in San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy. Further, I agree to cooperate with the staff of the school to see that my child (children) fully cooperates in all aspects of the school policies. By my signature below, as a parent/guardian of , I/We hereby agree to hold harmless and release from all liability the San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy School Board, the San Marcos Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Texas Conference of Seventhday Adventists, and/or the school staff members. Date




As a student at San Marcos Adventist Junior Academy, I acknowledge that I am required to comply with the contents of the Student Handbook and its subsequent revisions during the period of my enrollment. I agree to fully cooperate with the staff of the school and follow the provisions, rules and guidelines presented in the School Handbook. I further understand that my continued enrollment is conditional on my following all of the school policies. Date









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