stAYInG LeAn proFessor peter HINes
Lean education not just another brick in the wall
lmJ explores methodologies for teaching programmes to ensure learning results in tangible, autonomous improvement of benefit to the whole enterprise.
Understanding education – Gill Woodward, constellation Wines Australia and europe, explores the extent to which trainers in industry and business identify themselves as teachers and leverage knowledge around learning theory to ensure better returns on training investments. Relentless Discovery – steve spear, mIt sloan school of management, discusses whether benefiting from complexity really means escalating risk. spear reflects on the major systems failures of recent years, including those at toyota and bp. Lean Learning – ben salder, bAe systems submarine solutions, describes the evolution of the bAe lean training programme. He shares the company’s journey from training lean to lean training and highlights the scheme’s principles.
The Lean Management Journal is supported by the Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff Business School
LMJ SEPT OCT 2010 V5.indd 1
Issue 06 september/october 2010
In this issue:
9/10/2010 2:13:43 PM