$65 – £45 – €50
Issue 2 Volume 5
| M a r c h 2 0 15 | w w w . l e a n m j . c o m
ARE WE LEARNING FROM THE ERRORS OF THE PAST? Organisations and interviews featured in this edition include: Constellium, DDI, Hitachi Consulting, Tesco, Lean Competency Systems, Bill Bellows, NissanRenault Consulting, Cohen Children’s Medical Centre, and University of Nottingham. IN THIS ISSUE: Tesco, lean retailer lost? Exploring where Tesco went right with lean before things started to go very, very wrong. Developed a better process? Raising the complicated topic of how to implement a lean transformation and learning the lessons from the past. Exploring lean in Malaysia: Analysing the results of a research project on the status of lean in Malaysia. What’s happening with the introduction of lean into this rapidly growing Asian economy? Breaking through with situational coaching: Exploring the ideas of how lean coaching could be an effective tool in the workplace.