User Experience Guide to Football

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U s e r E x p e r i e n c e G u ide to Fo o t ba ll

THE ASSIGNMENT Objective To create a flowchart that can describe a sport to an English speaking adult that has no previous knowledge about the sport being addressed. Goal To use as few words as possible to give all important aspects of the game in a visually pleasing format. Group Assignments For our group assignments we took the time to rank the following sports from one to four based on how much previous knowledge we had. Baseball, Hockey, Basketball, and Football. We were then separated based upon our answers into groups of five. Getting Started Once we had our groups set, we were to get to know our group members and then get started. The following pages are a brief overview of the Football group and the process in which their final product was produced.



• Sophomore Design Major at Millersville University • Loves owls, black raspberry ice cream, and Florence and the Machine • Favorite football team is the Ravens


• Senior Design Major at Millersville University • Loves cats, chocolate ice cream, and Italian food • Favorite football team is the Ravens


• Senior Design Major at Millersville University • Loves elephants, moosetracks ice cream, and any Disney movie • Favorite football team is the Steelers


• Junior Design Major at Millersville University • Loves lions, butterscotch ice cream, and The Lion King • Favorite football team is the Steelers


• Junior Design Major at Millersville University • Loves chinchillas, black raspberry ice cream, and the Step Up movies • Favorite football team is the Ravens

BRAINSTORMING We started by brainstorming... and brainstorming some more. It was very important that we give the most important information about our sport as possible. We started with listing as many words as we could think of that have anything to do with football. This quickly became a very extensive list. As a group we then started to separate the list into sections and individually split up the groups to look further into key areas of the game that we found most important. It was from these lists that we started to form what exactly needs to be shown on our flowchart and what could be left out.

Who is Involve d

C o i n Tos s

3 T im e Outs



Fo o t ba ll


O ffen s e

Pig S k in

Draft Pi ck

D efen s e

S u p e rbow l

Goal Post

Ta c kl e



To uch dow n

11 Players

Si deli nes

S afet y

Pe n a lt ies

End Z one

Qua r te r ba c k

Ch a lle nge Plays

Forward Prog ress


Fo u ls



H e lm e ts

Intenti onal Groundi ng

F i r s t & Te n

S h o u lder Pads


F i r s t D ow n

Th rowback Jerseys

Intercepti on

F i el d Goa l

Fa c e Mask

6 Poi nt Touchdow n

K i cker

Pe rso n al Fouls

1 Poi nt Extra

C oa c h e s

U n n e c essary Roug hness

2 Poi nt Conversi on

Li ne B a c ke r

H o ldin g

2 Poi nt Touchback

W i d e R e c e i ve r

H e lm e t to Helmet

3 Poi nt Fi eld Goal

T i g ht E n d

S p ike s


C ente r

Fa lse S tart

100 Yards

C o r ne r ba c k

H a lf T ime

4 Quarters

O ff/O n Side K ic k

Fu m b le

Color of list item above represents the group member who looked further into that topic inorder to start the flowchart process.

FLOWCHARTS After we had the lists narrowed down, we split up the tasks amongst the group to create different flowcharts for the various aspect of the game. Each member was responsible to create one flowcharts portraying an aspect from the game that we found most important.

From these five flowcharts we were able to combined and eliminate to create a final design that we felt included the most important information. We also took time to collaborate and find the best way to organize and structure the information so that it would be easiest to understand.


Wide Reciever


Coin Toss

STYLES The overall style was the next part of the process that we focused on. We had a basic structure in place, but needed a way to show it that could be visually pleasing. For this we split up the work once again so that each group member was to create a color scheme and illustration style that they thought would work best.

Once we had all of the styles together we were able to take parts from each of our work to combine into the style we ended up using.

REFINEMENT At this point in the process, all we had left to do was put all the pieces together that we already had started. We started with a list of all the things we need to show on the overall design and then split everything up so that each member had something to add to the design.

To the left is our final layout, we ultimatly decided to use swimlanes to seperate our flowchart into the downs of the football game. We recieved a lot of good feedback on this idea and believe that it descibed the game in the least complecated way. The downfall to this organization is the negative space, at this point we problem solved to add smaller flowcharts of the players into the bigger flowchart. This way the players are then a part of the game and not just a side note.

FINAL PRODUCT The final product came after many critiques and many changes being made. It was a complete effort between all group members to make this project come together. After hours of going inch-by-inch over the layout to fix any issues and adding all the necessary changes, we finally had our finished piece.

American football is a sport in which two opposing teams of eleven players each try to gain possession of the ball. The team with the ball is the offense, whose objective is to move the ball down the field to the end zone in order to score. As the opposing team, the defense wants to retain possession of the ball or stop the offense from gaining yards within four downs. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Tails Run Pass Kick


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