Williams Photography Portrait Guide

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Hi !I ‘ m LeAnne. Irecei ved myf i rstcamera att heageof 14. I t wasn' t a part i cul arl y expensi ve camera,but i t was mi ne and Irarel y part ed wi t h i t . It ook pi ct ures of everyt hi ng. Not hi ng was of f l i mi t s; Li ght ni ng f rom my backyard, wat er f l owi ngdownari ver,mybel ovedcat .But most l ypeopl e!Myf ri endsrarel ysaw me wi t houti tand t hatwasbef ore everyone hadcel lphoneswi t hacamera! Byt het i meIwas15yearsol dIwasanapprent i cewi t hanest abl i shedst udi oi nmy homet ownofSt i l l wat er,OK.Bef orest art i ngmyownst udi oIworkedwi t ht oprat ed st udi o’ si n Okl ahoma and Mi ssouri.Iat t ended OSU f ora degreei n Fi neArt sand OSUTechf orPhot ographyTechnol ogy.Iof f i ci al l yopenedmyst udi o4yearsagobut havebeen empl oyed i nt hef i el d orot herwi se avai l abl et of ri endsand f ami l yf or i nf ormalphot oshoot sf orover3decades. Atmyst udi o,eachsessi oni screat edi ndi vi dual l yandrenderedt oaspeci f i ccharact er andst yl eofeveryuni quef ami l y.Sessi onsarepl annedwi t hat t ent i ont odet ai l sand mosti mport ant l y emot i onsbet ween ourcl i ent s.Combi ni ng my phot ography ski l l s wi t hmyf ormalt rai ni ngi nartanddesi gnal l owsmet obri ngauni quest yl et oyour f i ni shedpri nt s.Theyof t enwi l lhavea“ pai nt erl y”qual i t yt ot hem. Eachexperi encei screatedtoal l ow ki dstoexpressthemsel ves,tocel ebratethe mi racl eofnew l i feandforbeauti fulmemori estobecaptured.

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Pl anni ngyourchi l d’ ssessi oncanseem st r essf ul ;buti tdoesn’ thavet obe! Whensel ect i ngout f i t sandpr opsf ort hedaywhet heri tbef oryourt oddl er ,el ement ar yage chi l dorgui di ngyourpr et eenandt een;al lhavesamer ul esoft humb. Comf or t Thi si st hemosti mpor t antaspectwheni tcomest ochoosi ngt heout f i t s( bot hphysi cal l y andemot i onal l y) .I ft heyar ewear i ngast ar chyshi r t ,ani t chysweat er ,oradr esst hat const r i ct s;chancesar et heyar egoi ngt obepul l i ng,t uggi ng,andadj ust i ngt hemsel ves t heent i r esessi on.Notonl yt hat ,butt hei rf aceswi l lshowt hest or yoft hegar ment sgone wr ongi ft heyar eanyt hi ngbutcompl et el ycomf or t abl ei nt hei rcl ot hes. Al so,nomat t erhowcomf or t abl et hecl ot hi ngphysi cal l y;i ft heydonot“ l i ke”t heout f i tt he expr essi onswi l l ,i nt heend,best r ai nedandf or ced.I ft her ei soneout f i tt hatyour eal l y wantbutt heyar er ebel l i ngagai nsti t ;al l owyourchi l dt opi ckanout f i tal lbyt hemsel ves andweart hatt ot hest udi o.Whenki dsf i r stst ar texpr essi ngi ndependencei ncl ot hi ng sel ect i onof t ent heyendupl ooki ngabi tl i keal i t t l ehobobutt hosepi csar epr i cel ess!Iwi l l al soi nt heseci r cumst ancest akesever alt i ght l ycr oppedi magesandt hecl ot hesendup bei ngunnot i cabl e.Yourper f er r edout f i twi l lbeusedaswel lbutgener al l yi ti seasi ert o achei veanout f i tchangewi t hgent l eper suasi onaf t ert heybecomemor ecomf or t abl e wi t ht hewhol epr ocess. Per sonal i t y Thi si st hear eawher eyourki dsShi neandt hepossi bi l i t i esar eendl esswheni tcomest o st yl i ngchi l dr en’ ssessi ons.Yourchi l d’ sper sonal i t ywi l lgui demet oappr opr i at ebackdr opsi n st udi oandonl ocat i ons.Dur i ngyourpr esessi onconsul t at i ont hi si st hear eaIwi l lr esear ch t hemost .Asyourchi l dget sol dert heywi l lbei nvol vedi nt hi sphasemor eandmor e. Her ear esomet hi ngst ot hi nkabout .Ar et heyt het ypet oanal yzenewsi t uat i onst henr el ax? Orar edot heydi vei nheadf i r standl ett hechi psf al lwher et heymay? Woul dt heybe comf or t abl ei nanur banenvi r onmentwher est r anger scoul dseet heshootorwoul da pr i vat el ocat i onbemor esui t abl e?Whatar et hei rhobbi esandi nt er est s?Ar et heyi nvol ved i nspor t sort hear t s?Whatgenr eofmusi cdot heyl i st ent o?Al lt hi sandmor ei sessent i ali n per sonal i zi ngt heshoot . Accessor i esandPr ops I ’ vedoneador abl epor t r ai t sofchi l dr enwear i nghat s,t i ar as,scar ves,andevenf ai r ywi ngs. I fyourchi l dwear shi sSuper mancapeever yday;br i ngi tal ong!Anypr opt hathi ghl i ght s yourchi l d’ si nt er est sar ef ant ast i c.Musi cali nst r ument s,spor t sequi pment ,col l ect i ons, ar t wor k,af avor i t el oveyorbl anket ,andbooksar eaf ewi t emst oconsi der .

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Ti psforKi ds

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Ti psForTeens &Pret eens



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