Hong Kong Cancer Fund Annual Review 2010/11 (ENG)

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Hong Kong Cancer Fund

Annual Review 2010 - 2011

Message From Founder & CEO Dear Donors, Supporters and Friends, Thank you for your support this past year. We have witnessed remarkable growth during 2010/2011 thanks to your generous support and contributions, something you should all be very proud of. The most notable achievement in the year under review was the muchawaited launch of our 3rd CancerLink Support Centre in Tin Shui Wai.


When reading the daily news, we are constantly reminded of just how many people are touched by cancer, from all walks of life. The most recent statistics report more than 26,000 new cancer cases are diagnosed in our community each year.


This 3rd Centre has enabled us to extend our network of free support to the western part of the New Territories, serving patients and their families living in Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai. As you will see in our financial charts, our income increased 20% this year as we fundraised especially for this and other key capital projects.

CancerLink Support Centres, a 27% increase on the year before. Similarly, demand for our CancerLink Hotline service grew since we introduced a professional team of cancer care specialists to man the hotline, with a 56% increase in calls compared to the year prior. As part of our overall service expenditure, the majority was directed towards the running costs of our three CancerLink Support Centres as well as our public education initiatives, two key pillars of our work.

In conjunction with the opening of our 3rd CancerLink Support Centre, was the launch of a brand new service called The Rainbow Club. This familycentered service was established to support children who are affected by a cancer diagnosis in the family, helping them to cope and adjust to changes in the home.

As the trend for online cancer information and web-based services continue, our website traffic increased dramatically, recording close to half a million unique visitors to www.cancer-fund.org, 32% more than the year before.

With the help of our loyal donors, we have cared for thousands of individuals and their families this past year, recording more than 67,000 attendances across each of our three

Our commitment to improve the overall quality of cancer care in Hong Kong and the patient’s hospital experience also continued as we funded new capital projects, including


Improving Cancer Care

CancerLink Tin Shui Wai Prince of Wales Hospital CPRC Tuen Mun Hospital CPRC

Princess Margaret Hospital CPRC Queen Elizabeth Hospital CPRC

Our Support Network

CancerLink Wong Tai Sin

CancerLink Central Queen Mary Hospital Cancer Centre

Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital CPRC

the expansion and redevelopment of Tuen Mun Hospital’s Oncology Ward and the renovation of Pok Oi Hospital’s Breast Service Centre. At the same time, we commenced funding for the redevelopment of Prince of Wales Radiotherapy Ward, which we will continue to fundraise for in the coming fiscal year.


increase of attendance across our three CancerLink Support Centres


increase in calls through our CancerLink Hotilne service


increase in our website traffic, recording close to half a million unique visitors

Moving Forward When reading the daily news, we are constantly reminded of just how many people are touched by cancer, from all walks of life. The most recent statistics report more than 26,000 new cancer cases are diagnosed in our community each year.

that will be used to strengthen and expand our free services to ensure no one faces cancer alone. I’d like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to each and every one of our ‘Circle of Friends’ members who supports our work and makes our network of free support possible. We simply would not be where we are today without the spirit of collaboration and your generousity. To our donors, supporters, professional advisors, staff, volunteers and friends, please continue to be part of our mission as we move forward. We are your Hong Kong Cancer Fund, and everyday presents an opportunity to do more towards bettering the future of cancer care.

Cancer is a disease that impacts the lives of many, but through our existence, we strive to make a difference, and ensure that today’s cancer journey is better than yesterday’s. This year we were fortunate enough to receive additional capital gifts, providing a larger than usual surplus

Sally Lo, MBE Founder and Chief Executive



Who We Are Our mission is to ensure no one faces cancer alone. We’re committed to making life better for people touched by cancer. Hong Kong Cancer Fund is Hong Kong’s largest cancer support organisation, providing free information, professional guidance and peer support to anyone living with or affected by cancer. With a network of free support spanning the hospital, the community and the home, our mission is to ensure no one faces cancer alone. Helping to make life better for people touched by cancer, we not only provide vital support to cancer patients and their families, but help to improve hospital environments, drive public awareness of cancer and fund local cancer research and training to better the future of cancer care. We are also a member of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).



Service Highlights 108,044










visits recorded across six Cancer Patient Resource Centres throughout major public hospitals.

members under Friends of CancerLink and other peer support groups.

nursing cases managed, providing on-going medical and psychosocial support to patients, families and their caregivers.

Close to 500,000 visits to our website.

visits to our three CancerLink Support Centres.

attendances at our emotional, therapeutic and spiritual workshops.

Hotline Calls answered by our professionals.

new families sought help from our newly-launched Rainbow Club programme, helping children cope when cancer affects the family.

‘Reach to Recovery Packs’ distributed to breast and nasopharyngeal cancer patients containing vital information and rehabilitation items helping to relieve sideeffects and discomfort.

active donors in our monthly giving programme, ‘Circle of Friends’.


cancer information booklets downloaded from our website.



Year in Review 2010 APRIL

Hong Kong Cancer Fund underwent a restructure, from a charitable trust to a non-profit company limited by guarantee.


‘Celebration of Life’ was held on 16th May to applaud 300 courageous cancer survivors and thank 300 ‘Circle of Friends’ donors who have helped to make life better for people touched by cancer.


UK cancer expert Professor John F. Smyth, who is Assistant Principal for Cancer Research Development at Edinburgh University, delivered a special talk to guests of the Cancer Fund at a luncheon on the topic “Matching Science with Affordability.” Prof. Smyth spoke in depth about the cost of research and how advances in cancer care can be made affordable.


Cancer Fund participated in discussions regarding future targets for cancer control, with the global cancer community at the UICC congress in Shenzhen, China. We also had an exhibition booth at the conference, sharing our series of cancer information booklets to a wide audience and showcasing our model of support to mainland Chinese medical professionals.




Our annual breast cancer awareness campaign, ‘Pink Revolution’ raised over HK$2.6million towards our free breast cancer care services and research in Hong Kong. This included a three-phase research study conducted by the University of Hong Kong to examine the reasons why Hong Kong-Chinese women choose to delay medical consultations upon detecting abnormalities in their breasts.


Cancer and Genetics t Risk? As Prof. Yuen says, “Individuals possessing two inherited diseases known as Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) and Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) have a cumulative lifetime risk of developing cancer of the colon 25 times more than the average person.”

more than HK$37million towards local research, clinical trials and screening projects like the Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory in Hong Kong since 1996 said: “screening is

NOVEMBER While colorectal cancer commonly affects those over the age of 50, over the past two decades, there has been a more than two-fold increase in colorectal cancer cases among people aged between 40 and 50.

“ Finding cancer early offers more treatment choices, and the chance of a more successful recovery. This applies not only to high-risk individuals, but the general public as well.”

For example, patients with FAP are characterized by the development of hundreds to thousands of precancerous colorectal polyps. These polyps usually start to develop at the age of 16, and by age 40, one of these polyps may have evolved into colorectal cancer. Without appropriate treatment, almost all FAP patients will eventually develop colorectal cancer.

the key to prevention.” “Finding cancer early offers more treatment choices, and the chance of a

Sally Lo, Founder and Chief Executive of Hong Kong Cancer Fund, whose organisation has invested

al Cancer? ing

y has been diagnosed your risk of developing or free genetic alth and offer peace rointestinal Cancer

At our 15th annual ‘Stride for a Cure’, we were joined by over 2,800 participants, including 350 cancer survivors. Our loyal supporters and participants helped us raise over HK$4million towards four local cancer research projects.

more successful recovery. This applies not only to high-risk individuals, but the general public as well.”

As people succumb to poor lifestyle choices in terms of diet, and exercise; and subjected to environmental factors such as pollution/

smoke, the impact on the body is significant. Cancer Fund continues to advocate the message, ‘early detection saves lives.’

At present, all men and women over the age of 50 are recommended to undergo screening for colorectal cancer, by way of a Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) or colonoscopy. A second colonoscopy is only needed after 10 years if no polyp is found, meaning it’s worthwhile to make the effort to do so. As early colorectal cancer has no symptoms and can often go unnoticed, a simple and regular checkup is the only way to detect it early and offer peace of mind. For more information about colorectal cancer or to access free cancer support, please visit www.cancer-fund.org/colorectal or call 3656 0800.


Our colorectal cancer campaign strengthened public awareness and further developed the understanding of colorectal cancer, encouraging men and women aged 50 or above or with a family history to undertake routine screenings. Interest in the campaign website increased by 189% compared with the year before.

ersity of Hong Kong,

ail: colonreg@hku.hk


With funding from Hong Kong Cancer Fund, Tuen Mun Hospital commenced with the expansion and refurbishment of their Cancer Patient Resource Centre and oncology department in February 2011. This improved hospital facilities and provided greater comfort to patients and their families.


CancerLink Tin Shui Wai was officially opened as the 3rd CancerLink Support Centre in our community network, bringing comfort to patients and their families.



CancerLink Tin Shui Wai Opens In March 2011, our network of free support expanded to New Territories West with the official opening of CancerLink Support Centre, Tin Shui Wai.


Our goal is to reverse some of the difficulties people here have been facing alone, making life better for thousands of patients and their families touched by cancer.”

The opening of CancerLink Tin Shui Wai brings much-awaited cancer support services to patients and their families living in New Territories West, one of the most densely-populated and needy areas of Hong Kong. The area, which accounts for 15% of Hong Kong’s overall population, includes the communities of Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun.

Sally Lo, Founder & Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Cancer Fund.

The role of CancerLink is not only to address the immediate needs of patients and their families, but serve as a beacon to build awareness about cancer prevention and screening. Health talks, information booklets and public education programmes are a core part of


CancerLink’s free service, serving to educate the public about cancer and dispel common myths. The Cancer Fund is also pleased to announce the start of a new service called the ‘Rainbow Club’, specifically dedicated to helping children affected by cancer in the family. Sally Lo, Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s Founder and Chief Executive said: “New Territories West is somewhat isolated from the urban centre of Hong Kong, and clients need access to our services, within close reach to their home. We’re here to make a positive difference to peoples’ cancer journey and ensure no one faces cancer alone.”


Being a social worker at CancerLink is rewarding and challenging. Individuals touched by cancer are not only affected in a physical sense, but also emotionally and that is why my job is so important. I am able to listen to their concerns about cancer and offer advice, which I know gives patients and their families some peace of mind, during what can be a very worrisome period. I am so fortunate to meet with so many wonderful, strong and inspiring people every day; it truly is a wonderful job!� Chow Sau Fong, Centre-In-Charge, CancerLink Tin Shui Wai



Rainbow Club The Rainbow Club is a free service of Hong Kong Cancer Fund, helping children who have a family member with cancer. With a preliminary opening in October 2010, the Rainbow Club was established to ensure no one faces cancer alone, including children. Over the past many years, our free services have been devoted to caring for the patient and their spouse or carer. We realised that the needs of children were often being overlooked during the overwhelming stages of a parents’ cancer journey and developed the Rainbow Club as a result. The truth is, cancer affects the entire family and children need to



have cancer explained to them by professionals in a language they can understand and receive support to cope, just like adults. Through playtime, art, activities, fun and simply sharing, we help restore children’s smiles and confidence, so that they never feel alone. This is the essence of the Rainbow Club; providing a safe and caring environment where children can express their feelings, restore confidence and understand what’s going on in the family.



Education Highlights Public education and awareness are key to building a cancer-smart community and promoting the importance of early detection. Prostate Cancer Campaign


e Problem

Prostate cancer is now the 3rd most commonly-diagnosed cancercancer in men. year’s campaign was For designed symptom of prostate or partThis and parcel of the aging process? many men, subtle y habits are often overlooked as minor problems, when in fact prostate cancer may be to encourage men over 50 to go for regular prostate ancer Fund advocates why every man over 50 should get to know their prostate. screening. Full-page advertorials were published in major Chinese and English newspapers describing who is at , a semi-retired have no symptoms at all. afterward that, because the malignant cells had as something he In an effort to build a more cancer-smart overtaken 10 percent of the prostate and were risk, along with common signs situated and near symptoms. This was is 60s, Mike had community, the Cancer Fund is running a multian edge, there was a chance the oing regular tests media education campaign throughout the cancer had spread to nearby parts of his body. coupled with a 30-second television commercial, health two common month of August to spotlight what men can do Armed with a positive spirit, Mike has since prostate health. talks to safeguard their health against prostate cancer, throughout recovered from hisHong cancer ordeal following and roving exhibitions Kong. understanding more about their prostate. a trying period of recuperation, and is now

Colorectal Cancer and Genetics -Are You at Risk?

Sally Lo, Founder & Chief Executive of the cancer free. However, he has made some drastic Cancer Fund, sees education as the first step changes to his lifestyle, ensuring to be careful towards prevention. “Understanding cancer is about his living, eating and drinking habits. important for everyone. Knowing your body, “My suggestions and advice for others is that the importance of screening and when to see most forms of cancer can be treated, certainly your doctor is fundamental in boosting the if caught early enough. Not only are medical rate of early detection. Many people take what checks and tests essential on a regular basis as Prof. says, “Individuals n Hong Kong, colorectal is the they hear from friends or family as being fact, cancer one gets older, but youAs must seeYuen a doctor when but fail to distinguish between truth and fiction. youraffecting body is not functioning as ittwo should,” he diseases known as possessing inherited second leading form of cancer Empowering yourself with knowledge best over said. 4,000 “It’s not worthFamilial spendingAdenomatous your life in a Polyposis (FAP) and men and women.is the In 2008, way to protect your ” were diagnosed. Whilst toilet.”diet, Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer newhealth. cases Like many other cancers,and life during and after For more on prostate (HNPCC) have cancer a cumulative lifetime risk of smoking environmental factors is information treatment can often be more difficult than or recommended screenings for men, readers developing cancer largely responsible fortheits increasing cancer itself. The treatment of prostate cancer can visit Cancer Fund’s campaign website: prevalence, up to 10% of cases are caused of the colon can have unpleasant side effects - pertaining to www.cancer-fund.org/prostate or call the 25 times more by inherent faulty genes. fertility, urinary incontinence, bowel problems CancerLink Hotline on 3667 3000. than the average and impotence - making all the to more vital to the incidence of In aniteffort minimise person.” ensure detectioncancer and treatment at an earlythose stage. at high-risk of and safeguard “It’s inevitabledeveloping that many of the us will be For example, disease, the University of The prostate is a small gland, about the size touched by cancer at some pointHereditary in life, but Gastrointestinal patients Hong Kong’s of a golf ball, found only in men. It sits just what can make the difference between a good Laboratory has with FAP are Cancer Genetic Diagnosis below the bladder and surrounds part of the and bad experience is how early it’s found,” Lo characterized been offering free genetic screening to urethra. The prostate’s main job isby to make says. “Catching cancer early gives you more development individuals from high-risk families under most of the fluid the that carries sperm, called treatment options and the possibility to undergo of hundreds to research sponsorship from the Cancer semen. less invasive treatment - thus minimising the thousands of precancerous colorectal Fund. burden – physically, emotionally and financially. polyps. These polyps usually start to We want to encourage people to get cancer- are classified as High-risk individuals develop at the age of 16, and by age 40, smart.”Mike Kennedy, have his thosewho withdecided one ortomore direct family one of these polyps may have evolved into prostate removed after considering the various members diagnosed with colon cancer, i.e. treatment options, concurred with Lo, saying, “If colorectal cancer. Without Early prostate cancer rarely has symptoms. mother, father, brother, sister; especially if anything, the operation was the easy part.” appropriate This is because the cancer is nottreatment, large they were diagnosed at a younger age. “For the next 2 1/2 months following surgery, enough to put pressure theFAP urethra. If will almostonall patients I struggled with an Professor inability to urinate, returning S.T. Yuen and Professor S. Y. grows,eventually the cancer it may causedevelop the following colorectal to the hospital four timesoffor catheter insertions Leung the Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory problems: cancer. and laser treatment,” Kennedy. helpsaid high-risk families by providing genetic • Pain or burning when urinating Sally Lo, Founder and Perhaps even more difficult, he said, was the aware •ofPain during ejaculation testing and making them their Chiefflow Executive of Hong uncertainty he faced after the procedure. Mike • Weak orisinterrupted cancer risk. In doing so, the Laboratory had gone into the operation assuming that he Kong Cancer Fund, whose Blood in the urine effectively helping to reduce the•incidence would likely be cancer-free once the prostate organisation has invested • Pain in the lower back, hips or upper thighs of new cases. was removed. So he was distressed to learn

more successful recovery. This applies than HK$37millionCampaign towards local Breastmore Cancer not only to high-risk individuals, but the research, clinical trials and screening


er survivor Mike Kennedy

fell hair

evated PSA result ater declaring mour in his

id Mike. “It all nosis and options me in about 15 completely taken t all.” housand men in Hong as the 4th most gst men in Hong ecoming more being largely uisance symptoms g condition of y referred to as BPH). In some r or BPH can

What is the Prostate?

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Colorectal Cancer Campaign

Following lung cancer, colorectal cancer is the most commonly-diagnosed cancer in Hong Kong. Across men and women, more than 4,000 new cases are diagnosed in our community every year. Among all forms of cancer, colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable with screenings such Family History of Colorectal Cancer? as ‘colonoscopies’ able to Genetic detect and remove early signs Access Free Screening of the disease. In the year under review, we ran a series of If a first-degree member of your family has been diagnosed educational messages, from print toage TV-commercials, radio with colorectal cancer under 50, your risk of developing the disease may be higher. To apply for free genetic and health talks to encourage men and women or those screening that can safeguard your health and offer peace with a family ofhistory, to seethetheir doctor about screening. mind, contact Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory. Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital


Tel: 2830-3729 Fax: 2894-9501 Email: colonreg@hku.hk


projects like the Hereditary Gastrointestinal general public as well.”

A brand new TV commercial and print was Cancer Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory in advertisement While colorectal cancer commonly Hong Kong since 1996 said: “screening is affects those over the age of 50, over developed to promote the importance of being breast aware the past two across Hong Kong. Featuring the tagline; “Unhook your bra decades, there been a more “ Finding cancer early offers more treatment choices, and check regularly”, women were encouraged to take an has than two-fold in and the chance of a more successful recovery. This active role in safeguarding their health by promoting the increase colorectal cancer applies not only to high-risk individuals, but the importance of early detection. The new campaign generatedcases among people aged general public as well.” impressive increases in campaign website traffic with 132,156between 40 and 50. visits versus 32,335 the year before. the key to prevention.” “Finding cancer early offers more treatment choices, and the chance of a

As people succumb to poor lifestyle choices in terms of diet, and exercise; and subjected to environmental factors such as pollution/

CancerLink is important because not everyone has a family. And even if they do, they can’t understand how you feel because they don’t have cancer. Every day is a challenge when you are living with cancer. CancerLink gives you a sense of belonging and reassurance that helps you overcome that overwhelming sense of helplessness and isolation. People I meet with often say it’s like holding onto a life vest when you are drowning; CancerLink keeps you afloat.” Mei Sun, Uterine Cancer Survivor & husband



Research Highlights Each year, Hong Kong Cancer Fund raises money towards valuable cancer research projects that contribute towards the fight against cancer. Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme for high-risk individuals in New Territories West This program served to educate highrisk individuals about the importance of screening and provide them with a free screening in order to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer. Up to the end of March 2011, 120 colonoscopies were performed in


Colorectal cancer is caused by cancerous polyps in the colon. Most tumours grow slowly as it almost takes five to ten years or longer for normal cells to turn cancerous. Therefore, if polyps are detected and removed earlier, it could prevent colorectal cancer.� Dr MA Yiu-keung, Tuen Mun Hospital and Pok Oi Hospital Resident Specialist (Medicine & Geriatrics)



Tuen Mun Hospital. Nearly half of the subjects (57/120) had colonic polyps detected during the screening and among those 57 subjects with polyps detected, 40 had pre-malignant changes present.

Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer Programme, University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Cancer Fund continued to fund a Colorectal Cancer Screening project at the University of Hong Kong to develop an on-going prevention screening programme targeted at high-risk individuals, i.e. those with a family history of colorectal cancer or who may have defects in their genes so that early

symptoms of colorectal cancer can be detected and proactively treated. In the year under review, 112 new families and 275 individuals were recruited in which 56 individuals tested positive for carrying the germline mutation. These patients were either receiving appropriate treatment or under observation.

Dr. Yuen Siu-tsan, Medical advisor to the Hong Kong Cancer Fund and Honorary Clinical Professor at HKU’s Department of Pathology

A Three Phase Study on Chinese Women Facing Breast Cancer, University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Cancer Fund funded a psychosocial research study to examine the reasons why Hong Kong Chinese women choose to delay medical consultations upon detecting any abnormalities in their breasts. The project also served to study these women’s decisions in regards to

treatment in order to develop better strategies to assist patients. The whole recruitment process and follow-up interview was completed in August 2010. Researchers also prepared a manuscript to present the study findings at the 17th HKICC and won the young investigator award.

Research for the Development of a Successful Vaccine Treatment for Cancer Linked to the Epstein Barr Virus, Prince of Wales Hospital, Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Cancer Fund sponsored a two-year study (2009-2011) to develop a safe and successful vaccine treatment for cancers linked to the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) such as NPC and Hodgkin’s disease. As of March 2011, a total of 60 NPC patients have been screened, in which 18 patients were enrolled in the vaccine study (phase 1).

The updated results from the phase 1 EBV vaccine trial were presented in poster form at the 2009 American Association of Cancer Research conference in December 2008 and the final result was presented at the annual meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology in 2011. Based on the promising preliminary results from the phase 1 vaccine study, Hong Kong Cancer Fund will continue to fund phase 2.



Improving Hospital Environments Pok Oi Breast Service Centre In the year under review, we helped Pok Oi Breast Service Centre renovate their premises, improving the comfort, facilities and waiting area for patients. This breast centre mainly serves the New Territories West (NTWC) - Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai district.

A crowded and busy environment can add to the anxiety of patients. The new Breast Services Centre provides a completely new experience for our clients.” Dr. Danny Wong, Associate Consultant (Surgery) at Pok Oi Hospital’s Breast Care Service



An official opening ceremony was held on 3rd December 2010. As of 31st March 2011, the breast health centre served a total of 7,270 patients. 5,038 were follow-up patients and 2,232 were new patients.

Prince of Wales Hospital Redevelopment of the Integrated Oncology Clinic Hong Kong Cancer Fund made a commitment of HK$5million towards improving the service and facilities of the Prince of Wales Integrated Oncology Clinic. Funding will enable the Integrated Oncology Clinic to increase capacity, improve the treatment and waiting areas, as well as provide family consultation rooms to improve the flow and planning of Radiotherapy treatment.

Renovation commenced in January 2011 and is expected to be finished in September 2011. Upon completion of the project, it is expected that 150 sessions of Radiotherapy will be delivered per day for the whole 2011/12 – increasing the total number of patients who can be served from 1,640 to 1,800 per year.

Tuen Mun Hospital Department of Clinical Oncology Receives a Fresh Look Hong Kong Cancer Fund helped to fund the expansion and renovation of Tuen Mun Hospital’s Cancer Patient Resource Centre (CPRC) to improve the efficiency, comfort and capacity of the centre, which commenced in

February 2011. In March 2011, we also committed extra funding to help Tuen Mun Hospital renovate its entire Oncology Out-patients wing.



Fundraising Highlights

Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s annual breast cancer awareness and fundraising campaign ‘Pink Revolution’ continues to grow in size each year. In 2010/2011 during the month of October, the community and corporate sponsors gave generously and as a result we raised over HK$2.6million, far exceeding our target. With the support of more than 50 corporate organisations, we had over 2,500 participants joining our ‘Dress Pink Month’. A special thanks to our major sponsor The Body Shop®, together with other loyal sponsors Zojirushi, PizzaExpress and Shanghai Tang who also joined the ‘Pink Revolution’ by selling pink items.

This annual walkathon event raises money for local cancer research and clinical trials. Since our first ‘Stride for a Cure’ in 1996, we have raised over HK$34million towards local cancer research. In November 2010, we held our 15th annual ‘Stride for a Cure’, joined by over 2,800 participants including 350 cancer survivors. There were 23 corporate teams, 3 participating schools and the support of many local organisations including the Kowloon Cricket Club who raised more than HK$300,000 for the event. ‘Stride for a Cure’ 2010 saw over HK$4million raised with funds going towards four specific local research projects.



Monthly Giving

Total Income Distribution 2010/2011



Expanding our ‘Circle of Friends’ remains a priority. The more friends we have the better our services become.

Monthly Donation (‘Circle of Friends’)




‘Circle of Friends’ raised HK$37,501,017 - an increase of 12.34% when compared with last year.


The average monthly donation was HK$156.


We have 21,606 active donors, an increase of 10.7% from the previous year.

Snapshot of a ‘Circle of Friends’ donor gathering

‘Circle of Friends’ - Our Key Source of Income ‘Circle of Friends’ is our monthly giving programme and is also one of our key income sources, providing stable funding for our free and on-going services delivered throughout our network of CancerLink Support Centres and Cancer Patient Resource Centres in the hospitals.

Both of us have cancer survivors in our extended families and know the impact cancer has on not just the individual, but families as well. We always felt the need to help others, especially those in need, so we decided to join Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s ‘Circle of Friends’ 12 years ago and continue to be a supporter today. We mustn’t forget that many people are suffering from cancer everyday. ” Mr. & Mrs. Bjork, COF members since 1999



Financial Highlights 2010/2011 Source of Overall Income Interest & Investment Income

Expenditure Office Administration

Designated Income

General Donation Fundraising Fundraising Events Monthly Donation

Fundraising Events


Monthly Donation


General Donation


Interest & Investment Income


Designated Income


Total Income

Services Fundraising Office Administration Depreciation

HK$ 91,124,735


Monthly Donation Income: 5 Year Development Financial Year






Monthly Donation Income (HK$)






(HK$) 37,501,017

40,000,000 33,382,304

35,000,000 27,042,263

30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000

19,516,046 14,106,759

15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 -









Service Distributions


Cancer Research

Fellowship Programmes

Other Services


Cancer Support Services

Publications & Public Education

74.62% 16.23% 8.43% 0.72%

Cancer Support Services


Publications & Public Education


Other Services


Cancer Research


Fellowship Programmes


Total Services

HK$ 61,705,087

HK$ 46,044,126

Services: 5 Year Development Financial Year






Total Service Expenditure (HK$)







50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000









35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 -


(Extracted from audited financial statements for the year ending 31st March 2011) Auditors: Chang Leung Hui & Li C.P.A. Limited, Certified Public Accountants




Thank You to Our Supporters Annual Gift 袁運南先生 Mr. & Mrs. Nagyel Azar Ms. Christine Chuang Reyna & Mahesh Harilela Merle & Miriam Hinrichs Mrs. Rani R. Hiranand Mr. & Mrs. Adam Keswick Mr. Frederick T. F. Lam Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Miller Mr. John Shaw Alan & Penny Smith Mr. Vincent Lo Hong Sui Chelsea Securities Ltd. Lloyd George Management (H.K.) Ltd. The S. H. Ho Foundation Ltd. Wei Lun Foundation Ltd. William E. Connor & Associates Ltd. Winning Metal Products Mfg. Co. Ltd. Yin Expressions Ltd.

Appeal Autotoll Limited CL P Power Hong Kong Limited Hang Seng Bank Macau Jockey Club Nanyang Commerical Bank Limited The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. Wing Lung Bank

Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign AsiaSpa Magazine AsiaXPAT.com BabeKiss International Co. Limited BACCARAT Magazine Benchmark Magazine Dr. Wendy Lam Dr. William Foo GeoBaby.com GeoExpat.com Grey Hong Kong Hong Kong Bars Clubs Parents’ Journal Playtimes Magazine TimeOut Hong Kong Magazine

CancerLink Central 周永昌醫生 傅惠霖醫生 林冰醫生 陳志偉醫生 廖敬賢醫生 鄭嘉樑醫生 Woon Ltd Green Pastures Fitness & Beauty Center Ltd Niksun Beauty Company Ltd Heart Touch Charity Foundation Limited HK Hobby Art Academy Cat Huang On Hing Paper Co. Ltd

CancerLink Tin Shui Wai 馮黃慧珍女士 潘德俊先生 Mr. Eugene Chuang & Friends Ms. Karen Lo Mr. Rusy M. Shroff, BBS, MBE, and Mrs. Purviz R. Shroff Amoena Hong Kong Ltd. BNP Paribas Burger Collection The D. H. Chen Foundation Drs Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation Great Eagle Holdings Ltd. ICA P (Hong Kong) Ltd. Mangunhardjono for South East Asia Lan Kwai Fong Holdings Ltd. Lee Hysan Foundation The Bank of East Asia The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust The Kadoorie Charitable Foundation The Lees Charitable Foundation Ltd. The Ohel Leah Synagogue Charity


Thomas and Linda Lau Family Foundation Wei Lun Foundation Zheng Ge Ru Foundation Quality Hair Centre Nu Pro Nurse Clinic

CancerLink Wong Tai Sin 蘇名輝先生 黃雅麗小姐 伍蔡寶釧女士 徐溫婉瑩女士 林麗雲女士 張寧女士 廖桂芬女士 李鎧而小姐(英國註冊營養師) 袁彩鳳女士(註冊香薰治療師) 朱佩嘉小姐(愛笑俱樂部副會長) 鄧覺正先生 胡若佩女士 陳玉佩姑娘(香港理工大學結合保健所主任) 陳家聰先生(東區醫院註冊藥劑師) 馬卓嫻(基督教家庭服務中心日間社區康復中 心職業治療師) 羅錦超先生(資深觀星導師) 袁淑敏(物理治療師) 周家偉(物理治療師) 史砡博士 方佩儀(物理治療師) 區永河先生(中國香港體適能總會體適能講師) Ms. Adeline Chan Dr. Rainbow Ho Ms. Ritchie Kwok Ms. Connie Lam Dr. Lee Ka Yan Ms. Yasmine Li Dr. Rico Liu Ms. Caroline Sze Dr. Tsang Wing Hang, Janice Ms. Angela Wong Mr. Ken Wong Dr. Keary Zhou Alter mode Association of Relive Bauhinia Club CBH, HKU Cheong Hong Club Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong Comfort Care Concern Group CPRC , QEH CRN Wang Tau Hom Centre HK Pioneers Mutual Support Hong Kong Adult Blood Cancer Club Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Hong Kong Christian Cancer Care Association Hong Kong Health Assiocation Hong Kong Stoma Association Kin Lok Club Mutual Aid association Orchid Support Group QE Patient Retraining and Vocational Settlement Services Stoma group of TMH Sunflower Network The Brightening Association (Hong Kong) Limited The Cancer Crusade Angels Service Society of Hong Kong The Hong Kong Bone Marrow Transplant Patients’ Association The New Voice Club of Hong Kong The Rising Sun Yan Chai Hospital cum Hong Kong Baptist University Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Ha Kwai Chung) Yin Chun Club Yin Hong Club

Celebration of Life Samsung Electronics Hong Kong

Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign Ms. Rosanna Leung Dr. Tam Kar Fai


Colorectal Cancer Awareness Campaign Dr. Leung Suet Yi Dr. Yuen Siu Tsan Cheung Hong Club Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory St. Paul’s Hospital

Gala Dinner Principal Sponsor Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. Major Sponsor Mr. Eugene Chuang Diamond Sponsor Graff Diamonds (Hong Kong) Emerald Sponsor The Advantage Trust Ruby Sponsor The Most Honourable Andrew S. Yuen & Lady Yuen Platinum Sponsors Mr. Rusy M. Shroff, BBS, MBE and Mrs. Purviz R. Shroff Grosvenor Ltd. The Rockowitz Family Gold Sponsors Mrs. Daisy Ho Mr. Gabriele Telesio Ms. Carol Tin AON Bain & Company Burger Collection Goldman Sachs Green Dragon Gas Ltd. HSBC Insurance (Asia-Pacific) Holdings Ltd. Lan Kwai Fong Holdings Ltd. Lindt & Sprungli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd. H. K. Louis Vuitton Asia Pacific Silver Sponsors Dr. Aron Harilela & Mr. Christopher Johnson Mr. Alastair Lam Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Samantha Lawrence Mrs. Mahnaz Lee & Friends Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Sally Lo Mr. & Mrs. Phillip & Natalie Lord Mr. Manuel Scolamiero Mr. Diedrik van der Reijt Mr. Gilbert Yeung Adler Jewellery Ltd. CI TI - Mr. David Ratliff Hutchison Port Holdings Limited RBS Coutts Bank Ltd. Donors Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Abram Mr. Karim Azar Dr. Jason Brockwell Mr. & Mrs. Max Burger Dr. James Chan Ms. Joanne Chan Mr. Scud Wan-Cheung Cheng Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Chow Mr. Eugene Chuang Mr. Andrew L. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Marc Compagnon Mr. Anthony Couse Mrs. Betty da Silva Mr. & Mrs. Boris de Vroomen Mr. Damien Dernoncourt Ms. Nancy Ferriman Mr. & Mrs. David Fried Mr. Jeremie Gougenheim Mr. Colin Robert Grant Ms. Jennifer Po-Chun Gui Mr. Ivan Guidi Mr. & Mrs. David Harilela Mr. & Mrs. Mahesh Harilela Ms. Pansy Ho Mr. & Mrs. Hans Michael Jebsen Mr. Evgeny Klyucharev Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ka-Wing Kwong Mr. & Mrs. Raphael le Masne de Chermont Dr. & Mrs. Harold Kwok-On Leong

Mr. & Mrs. Alain Li Mrs. Charmaine Li-Jepson Ms. Karen Lo Dr. & Mrs. William Wing-Yan Lo, JP Mr. Nicholas J. Loup Mr. Anil Melvani Mr. Vinod Narain Mr. Francis Ng Mr. Gordon D. Oldham Mr. Robert Charles Partridge Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Peel Mrs. Noreen Siu Richards Mr. & Mrs. Grant Rippetoe The Rockowitz Family Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M. Root Mr. Rusy M. Shroff, BBS, MBE, and Mrs. Purviz R. Shroff Mr. Antonio Pedro dos Santos Simoes Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Stopford Sackville Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Yu-Ming Tang Mr. & Mrs. Paul Teague Mr. Gabriele Andreotti Telesio Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Trainor Mr. David Tuthill Mr. Diederik Van Der Reijt Countess Elizabeth Von Pfeil Ms. Kit Wan Ms. Yasmin Wong Mr. Charles Yang Mrs. Yuen Wu Yen Lan Daisy Teresa Supporters Mr. Simon Birch Mr. Barney Cheng Mr. Jehan Chu Mr. William Furniss Mrs. Rani R. Hiranand Mr. & Mrs. Hans Michael & Desiree Jebsen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Emerald Lau Mr. Tom Price Mrs. Noreen Siu Richards Mr. & Mrs. David and Melissa Toms Mr. Geoff Wong Mr. Charles Yang Mr. Michael Yeung Aēsop Aman Resorts Banyan Tree Private Collection Baros Maldives Bergé Studio BMW Concessionaires (HK) Ltd. Brooks Brothers Chloé Christian Dior Far East Ltd. Cipriani Classified Central Coach Cocoon Conrad Hotel Cosmic Dance Country Holiday Devi Garh Devi Ratn Estēe Lauder Group Envirosax Asia Limited Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong Gaia Group GA M Hong Kong Ltd. Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Graff Diamonds (Hong Kong) Grebstad Hicks Communications Gucci Hayman HSBC InterContinental Hong Kong Island Shangri-La Hong Kong Iyara Day Spa Jashan Jet Airways Kaprice Karma yoga Kwanpen La Bandita Lalique

Leaf tea boutique Lee Kum Kee Co. Ltd. Leica Lindt & Sprungli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd. H. K. Louis Vuitton Asia Pacific Macallan Mae Von Marc Jacobs Marguerite Lee Maxxium Hong Kong Ltd. MCM MELISSA LO Jewellery MGM Macau MINOX Moët Hennessy Diageo H.K. Ltd. Mooi Living / Valcucine Moshi Moshi Occasions PR & Marketing Ltd. Papyrus Philips Electronics Hong Kong Ltd. Prestige Hong Kong Quintessentially Quintessentially Travel Relais & Chateaux Richemont Asia Pacific Ltd. Rio Mints Roger Vivier Sanskrit Schmidt Marketing (H.K.) Ltd. Sense of Touch Spa Serenity Fair Sevva Shanghai Tang Shiv Niwas Palace Sunseeker Asia Ltd. Swire Island East Tabla Taj Hotel The Indian Maharajah The Retreat The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong Winepatio Ltd.

Halloween Parade ACE Insurance Ltd. Adjusting Services (Hong Kong) Ltd. aimHigher Consultancy Limited Alliance Bernstein Hong Kong Limited Allianz Global Investors Hong Kong Limited Asia Capital Reinsurance Group Pte Ltd Barclays Capital Asia Limited Berkley Re Asia BNP Paribas Cigna Worldwide Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Deloitte Actuarial and Insurance Solutions Edison Morgan Epro Telecom Services Limited FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Limited GAM Hong Kong Limited GENERAL ATLANTIC ASIA LLC HK Typhoons Ice Hockey Club Ltd. Hong Leong Insurance (Asia) Limited HSBC Global Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited HSBC Insurance (Asia-Pacific) Holdings Ltd. Human Scope Limited ING Asia / Pacific Ltd. Inter Partner Assistance H.K. Ltd. Invesco Hong Kong Limited Jansun Printing Co Ltd Manpower Services (Hong Kong) Limited Mayer Brown JSM Metro Medical Centre Munich Reinsurance Company Nomura Singapore Limited Norton Rose (Services) Ltd Partner Reinsurance Co. Ltd. (Hong Kong Branch) Ping An of China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd. Pricewaterhouse Coopers Foundation RGA Reinsurance Company (HK & Southeast Asia) Sailing Boat Catering Management Ltd Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited SCOR Reinsurance Co. (Asia) Ltd. Storfield Insurance Consultants Limited Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Taiping Reinsurance Co. Ltd The Star Ferry Company Limited Transatlantic Reinsurance Company

TT International ZeShan (H.K.) Foundation Zung Fu Company Limited

Pink Revolution Mr. Simon Birch Mr. Phat Chan Ms. Vicky Chan Dr. William Foo Mr. Ho Chi Ho Ms. Johanna Ho Ms. Josie Ho Ms. Judy Ip Ms. Karen Lam Mr. Edmund Leung Ms. Lisa Selesner Ms. Helen To Ms. Sherry Tsai Dr. Wong Ting Ting Aikon International Limited aimHigher Consultancy Limited Allen & Overy Hong Kong Amma Holdings Ltd. Ann Taylor Sourcing Far East Limited Australian Association of Hong Kong Limited Barclays Capital Asia Limited Bubies Canadian Consulate CePOR T, School of Public Health Cha Cha Moon Restaurant Cisco Systems Coach Hong Kong Limited Conrad Hong Kong Crown Worldwide Holdings Ltd. Deacons ECCO Asia Pacific Ltd. Edelman Public Relations Worldwide (HK) Ltd. Financial Times Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong GA M Hong Kong Limited Glenealy School Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Grey Hong Kong Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin Island School-Amalgamated Charities Jardine Lloyd Thompson Limited Kuehne & Nagel Ltd. Lane Crawford (Hong Kong) Limited Li & Fung (1906) Foundation Limited Li & Fung (Trading) Ltd. M Moser Associates Manulife (International) Limited Marks and Spencer (Asia Pacific) Limited MCI Hong Kong Metro Broadcast MTR Corporation New Media Group NIKE 360 Holding B.V. Pacific Coffee Company Limited Pfizer Hong Kong PizzaExpress (Hong Kong) Limited Polo Ralph Lauren Queen Elizabeth Hospital Quintessentially (HK) Ltd. RBS Coutts Bank Ltd. Regatex Manufacturers Ltd. Regina Miracle International Ltd. ReVive Richards Butler Salvatore Ferragamo Shanghai Tang Strategic Focus Research & Consultancy Ltd. Swarovski ELEMENTS Tanner De Witt The Body Shop The Quintessentially Foundation The Swank Shop Limited The Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Co. (HK) Ltd. The University of Hong Kong Top Form International Ltd. Trinity Ltd. TUMI Union Hospital United Christian Nethersole Health Services You Eal (HK)

Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign Dr. Li Shu Keung MTR Corporation Limited The Link Management Limited

Stride for a Cure 大業織造廠有限公司 信高國際有限公司 Mr. Geoff Wong 192nd Kowloon Scouts of Beacon Hill School Aēsop Air Biz Co. Allen & Overy (H.K.) Ltd. Asiaone Printing Ltd. Auxiliary Police Voluntary Services Cadre Baker & McKenzie Banana Boat Bobbie Brown Byrne, Hickman & Partners Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centres Camp Quality Hong Kong Citybus Limited Clover Group Int’l Ltd. Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd. CSL Limited CYS Associates (Hong Kong) Ltd. Delia School of Canada First Pacific Company Limited Four K Knitters Ltd. Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong Furgo Technical Services Ltd. German Swiss International School Haitong HI T Community Caring Group Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong Hong Kong International School Hong Kong St. John Ambulance HSBC Insurance (Asia-Pacific) Holdings Ltd. Kimberly-Clark (Hong Kong) Ltd. Leadtheway Hook & Eye Tape Ltd. Metropolis Enterprises Ltd. Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. Ocean Park Hong Kong Pacific Coffee Company Limited PCCW Limtied Phonographic Performance (South East Asia) Ltd. PizzaExpress (Hong Kong) Limited Polo Ralph Lauren Sourcing Company Limited PPD Development Pure Fitness Robiff International Limited Sacred Heart Girls College San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Limited Serendipity House Limited Sha Tin College Shui On Construction and Materials Ltd. Spicer Paper (Hong Kong) Ltd. Swissôtel Beijing Hong Kong Macau Center The Bank of Nova Scotia The Body Shop The Kowloon Diary Ltd. The Peninsula Hong Kong The Rotary Club of Kowloon North Thong Sia Watch Co., Ltd. (SEIKO) Toppan Printing Co., (H.K.) Ltd. Wildfire from Igor’s Group Wisdom Helpful Co. XTC on Ice Gelato Ltd. Z Marketing Ltd.

Patron The Hon. Donald Tsang, GBM The Chief Executive, HKSAR

Honorary Presidents Mrs. Sally Lo, MBE Sir David Tang, KBE

Executive Committee Mr. Robert Lo, Co-Chairman Dr. Andrew Yuen, Co-Chairman Mrs. Sally Lo, MBE, Founder, CEO Dr. Wesley Shiu Mr. Alan Smith, JP

Medical Advisors Dr. Anthony Chan Prof. Cecilia Chan, JP Dr. William Foo Dr. Candace Ho Dr. Ava Kwong Dr. Anne Lee Dr. Tony Mok Dr. Jonathan Sham, JP Dr. William Wei Dr. Vivian Wong Dr. Siu Tsan Yuen

Investment Committee Mr. Henry Lee Mr. Robert Lo Mr. Alan Smith, JP Mr. Christopher Smith

Professional Advisors Prof. Richard Fielding Ms. Camila Li Mr. Christopher Marriott Mr. David Ratliff Prof. Sheila Twinn Ms. Angela Wang

Misc. Sponsors/Supporters Ms. Rose Chan Ms. Ho Wai Ling Dr. Tony Mok Mr. Siu Kwok Wah Professor John Smythe Mr. Szeto Wah Ms. Agnes Tin Ms. Angela Wong Mr. Wong Chi Wing Abbott Laboratories Ltd. Brits Overseas Magazine Dibb Lupton Alsop Kennis, Yiu Dance Studio Planet Yoga Pure Yoga Pure Fitness Savills (Hong Kong) Ltd. The Hongkong Bank Foundation Yoga Mala








So no one faces cancer alone.

The 2010/2011 Annual Review is published by Hong Kong Cancer Fund 2501 Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong TEL 3667 6300 | FAX 3667 2100 | WEBSITE www.cancer-fund.org | DONATION HOTLINE 3667 6333

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