SPHC Sponsorship Kit

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Jockey Club Home for Hospice 賽馬會善寧之家 Family-oriented care



HOSPICE IS A PHILOSOPHY OF CARE THAT VALUES LIFE FROM THE MOMENT IT BEGINS TO THE MOMENT IT ENDS. ~ Dame Cicely Saunders Founder of the first hospice and forerunner of the global hospice movement

寧養照顧是一套關顧生命的理念, 重視生命從開始到終結的每一刻。 ~ 西西莉 · 桑德斯爵士 第一家寧養中心的創始者及全球寧養運動的先驅


Contents 目錄 Foreword 前言


Hospice Care 寧養照顧


Jockey Club Home for Hospice 賽馬會善寧之家


Designed for Every Need 悉心設計


Care That Matters 關愛爲本


One with Nature 融合自然


Comforts of Home 舒適環境


Body and Soul 身心關顧


Pursuit of Excellence 追求卓越


Giving Opportunities 體現關愛


Mission and Core Values 使命及核心價值



Foreword 前言 Core Belief:

When facing lifelimiting conditions, all individuals should be able to live their final days with dignity and in comfort with their families. 核心信念:

每 個 人 皆 有 權 利,在 祥 和、舒 適 和 有 尊 嚴 的 環

境下與家人一起活至其 天賦生命的終結。 2

Not many people in their lifetime would get heavily involved in the establishment of two hospices. That’s a privilege and an immense responsibility. I have the unique and rare opportunity to experience this and to see how a vision can be turned into reality. More than two decades ago when we mapped out the service model of Bradbury Hospice, which was Hong Kong’s first specialist hospice, we were amazed by how supportive the community was for this ‘novel’ care concept. After having operated Bradbury Hospice for three years before it came under the umbrella of the Hospital Authority, we saw the seeds of this holistic care concept sown and nurtured in Hong Kong. Today we are building another hospice but the care concept is no longer novel. The past two decades saw the establishment of close to 20 palliative care units in Hong Kong’s major hospitals. I feel enormously proud of the impact we have created, and have recently been humbled by the funding granted by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for the construction of Jockey Club Home for Hospice. Located right opposite Bradbury Hospice, Jockey Club Home for Hospice reaffirms our belief that all individuals, when facing life-limiting conditions, should be able to live their final days with dignity and in comfort with their families.

This hospice experience that we are making it happen today encompasses total care, respect for individual choices, and quality of life and time. And the key to making it work is the continuous support from our community. This enables putting people in need to remain at the heart of what we do. With many generations of visionaries and supporters, we are seeing this hospice movement go from strength to strength in Hong Kong.

Raymond Wong, MBE Chairman, Executive Committee Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

我有幸全程參與籌辦和興建本港兩家寧養中 心,從零到設備齊全、全面投入社區服務, 這是人生的一份重大榮幸,亦是一個偌大的 責任。這個人生難得的經驗,讓我親歷到願 景得到實現,當中所賦予的意義和喜悅。 二十多年前,當我們正在規劃本港第一家 獨立寧養中心「白普理寧養中心」的服務 模式,社群對「寧養照顧」這個新穎的關 顧概念所持的認受和開放態度,令我們感 到振奮。其後,白普理寧養中心運作了三 年,並成功建立其服務模式,正式納入醫 院管理局的體制內,我們看見了寧養照顧 已在香港扎根。 接著二十年,我們看到本港的主要醫院設立 總數差不多二十個紓緩服務單位。今天,我 們正籌辦另一所獨立的寧養中心,寧養照顧 這個概念對市民來說也不再陌生。對此我倍 感自豪;而最近得到香港賽馬會慈善信託基 金承諾資助籌建費用,當中所給予我們的重 大支持,為我們再向前推動社區寧養照顧給 予極大的鼓舞。

我們今天所確立的寧養服務模式,包含著全 面的關顧和對個人自主的尊重,讓服務使用 者能保持生活的質素、和諧有序地安排生活 的時光。而我們成功的關鍵,全賴社會各界 持續給予我們的支持,使我們以服務使用者 的需要為先,達致以人為本的全面關顧。 今天我們偕同不同年代的高瞻遠足之士和來 自社會不同界別的支持者,看著賽馬會善寧 之家即將確立的寧養照顧模式,為推動社區 寧養照顧所跨出的闊步感到欣慰。

王紹强 MBE 善寧會執行委員會主席

賽馬會善寧之家座落於白普理寧養中心的對 面,它的籌造重申我們的信念 --- 每個人皆 有權利,在祥和、舒適和有尊嚴的環境下與 家人一起活至其天賦生命的終結。


Hospice Care 寧養照顧 Hospice Then:

In Medieval Europe, hospice was a place of shelter for weary and sick travellers. Hospice Today:

Hospice is not an institution but a way of care to enable individuals with a life-limiting illness to live the last weeks and months of life as fully and as fulfilling as possible. 昔日的寧養照顧:

起源自中世紀歐洲,當時的寧養 中心是給倦怠的旅者和病人提 供庇護的地方。 今天的寧養照顧:

寧養中心並不是一所院舍,而是 以人為本的一套全面關顧理念, 令臨終病者能在生命的末段活 得充實和完滿。 4

A hospice gives people choices, comfort and dignity in the final stage of life. Not only their physical needs, but the emotional, psychosocial and spiritual needs of people receiving hospice care are well taken care of. Jockey Club Home for Hospice creates this paradigm of care in Hong Kong, ensuring family members and close friends take an active part in the care support system. Professional staff and a community of trained, dedicated volunteers also work seamlessly together to provide holistic, integrated care.

寧養照顧重視人的自主,讓人有尊嚴地在祥和的環境下活至其天賦生 命的終結;寧養服務除了為臨終病者提供身、心、社、靈的關顧外, 其家人在擔當照顧者工作的每個階段,亦享有這全面服務。 賽馬會善寧之家就是在本港開創這個寧養照顧的典範,讓親屬和摯友 能積極參與照顧臨終病者。賽馬會善寧之家的專業團隊和受過專門訓 練的義工會合作無間地保持服務的質素,提供照顧周全的服務和體現 全面的關顧。

Jockey Club Home for Hospice 賽馬會善寧之家 Key Design Concept:

Homelike design within a natural environment to facilitate family participation Number of Suites:

30 units equipped with patient’s bed, family member’s sleeping facility, private washroom and pantry (including 15 units at subsidized rate for the underprivileged) 設計核心概念:

家庭參與 主要設施:


The care provided by Jockey Club Home for Hospice is centred around the entire family. We understand the difficulties faced by families when their loved ones are living with life-limiting conditions. We stand side-by-side with the hospice residents to give individual care while offering their family caregivers all the support and help that is needed. Jockey Club Home for Hospice is fitted with 30 selfcontained residence suites with ample space and sleeping facility for family members and friends to visit at any time or to stay overnight. Other amenities include: • Multipurpose function rooms • Communal dining area • Gardens • Lecture theatre • Quiet room

賽馬會善寧之家提供以家庭為本的寧養照顧。 我們明白到家人在親人臨終階段所面對的處境。因此,我們 致力為臨終病者提供切合個人需要和合乎個人意願的關顧, 提供照料的家人亦得到他們各方面所需要的支援。 賽馬會善寧之家提供30間獨立的套房,每間套房提供足夠的 空間和家人的休寢設施,讓家人及摯友可以隨時探訪或留宿 照顧。 其他設施包括: • 多用途活動室 • 公用用餐設施 • 花園 • 演講廳 • 靜思室

設有病床、家屬睡床及設備、獨立洗手間和小 廚房的套房(包括15間資助套房,供低收入人 士入住)


Designed for Every Need 悉心設計


In a lushly landscaped setting, the four-storey Jockey Club Home for Hospice reinforces the structure’s sense of harmony with the natural environment. The garden is located on the same level of the residence suites on Level 3. Residents and visitors on Level 4 can stroll down to the footbridge connecting the structure and garden to spend time in the fresh air and sunlight.

樓高四層的賽馬會善寧之家,抱擁葱郁的園林,翠綠的景緻,營造出和諧、與大自然合一的 意境。花園設在三樓樓層的戶外,以天橋連接著四樓的房間,在這裏漫步至花園,沿途可享 受清新的空氣和陽光。


Care That Matters 關愛爲本

The care we provide is individualised to meet the needs and wishes of each individual and family. In addition to shortterm inpatient care, we offer: Home care - Some people prefer to receive care in the comfort of their home and with their families. The family members serve as primary caregivers while our Hospice team makes regular visits to provide additional care and services, including condition assessment, dietary assistance and emotional support. Day care – This service allows individuals to get a variety of holistic support at the Hospice while living at home. The care and support includes medical care, rehabilitation and complementary therapies. Transportation to and from the hospice home will be available. Our day care services also give people the chance to interact with other people having similar experiences.


Our Care Team and Services Our care team includes: • Medical professionals • Hospice aides • Counsellors • Specially trained volunteers Our services include: • Short-term inpatient care • Continuous home care • Day care • Complementary and alternative medicine (including traditional Chinese medicine) • Adjunctive therapies (including art, music and horticulture) • Emotional and spiritual support • Bereavement counselling • Volunteer services • Academic exchange

我們按每一位服務使用者的需要和意願 提供照顧。除短期的寧養照顧外,我們 還提供: 家居照顧 – 部分人士希望能夠在自己舒適 的家居環境和得到家人的護理下獲得紓緩照 顧。家庭成員成為主要的照顧者,而我們的 專業團隊則會定期探訪,提供額外的關顧服 務,包括狀况評估、營養建議和情緒輔導。 日間照顧 – 接受日間照顧的服務使用者可 以無須居住在寧養中心,而得到中心全面 的支援服務。我們的日間照顧提供包括醫 療照顧、復康照料和輔助治療設施,並會 提供來往中心的接送服務。我們的日間服 務亦讓服務使用者可以與其他病者保持社 交的聯繫。

我們的照護團隊及服務 我們的團隊包括︰ • 醫護人員 • 護理輔助人員 • 輔導員 • 受過專門培訓的義工

我們的服務包括︰ • 短期寧養照顧 • 定期家居探訪 • 日間照顧 • 替補及另類醫學治療 (包括:傳統中醫醫學治療) • 輔助療法 (包括:藝術、音樂及園藝) • 情緒及心靈支援 • 善別輔導 • 義工服務 • 學術交流

One with Nature 融合自然

The gardens and therapeutic landscapes promote serenity and spiritual wellbeing, bringing the residents and their visitors a sense of peace, tranquility and feelings of connectedness with self and others.

花園及清幽的園林景緻帶來遠離煩囂的恬靜和心靈的洗滌, 讓服務使用者和探訪的人士在靜謐中感受到自己、摯親和環 境的融匯與心靈的共鳴。


Comforts of Home 舒適環境

This inpatient facility will have rooms large enough to accommodate overnight stays by family members and places for families and friends to gather. Each suite is fitted with a pantry where the resident can share meals and quality time together with family and friends.


房間有足夠的空間讓摯親留宿照料,親朋亦可相聚談天。每 個房間均設有小廚房,讓病者與摯親好友共膳。

Each suite has its own bathroom which is equipped with a call system, grab bars, a toilet and bathing facility for individuals with mobility impairments.

房中的設施及間格是為年老體弱及殘障人士精心設計的。 每個房間均設有獨立洗手間,內有扶手、緊急呼救裝置,及 供行動不便人士使用的厠所和沐浴設施。

The facilities and the room layout are carefully designed in such a way that all the basic needs of the frail elderly and/or physically challenged persons are provided for.


Body and Soul 身心關顧

Aside from physical symptom relief, we offer emotional and spiritual support to the residents as well as their families. Complementary and alternative medicine such as traditional Chinese medicine will also be available, allowing residents to make choices of their own. Our new hospice home provides ample indoor and outdoor spaces for residents to participate in inspiring activities such as art, music and horticulture. Reading areas and multipurpose rooms provide opportunities for social interaction among residents, visitors, care workers and volunteers.

除協助紓緩病徵不適外,我們更為入住病者及其家人提供情緒和心靈上的 支援。我們亦提供各類替補及另類醫學治療,如傳統中醫中藥等,讓入住 病者作出適合自己選擇。 新的寧養中心將提供充足室內外空間,入住病者可參與各式各樣啟發性的 活動,如藝術,音樂和園藝。另外更設有閱讀區和多功能室,增進入住病 者、訪客,護理人員和義工間社交互動的機會。


The sky-lit room, allowing different nuances of light into the indoors provides a perfect space for memorial services. Family and friends may also make use of the tranquil space for thought and reflection, seeking needed respite from the stress and strain of providing care.

設有明亮天窗的靜思室,提供一個安謐的場地作追思之 用。摯親及好友在照顧病者之餘,亦可在這個寧靜的空間 休養生息。


Pursuit of Excellence 追求卓越

Designed to promote capacity building and dynamic exchanges, the lecture theatre delivers the highest level in academic research and learning outcomes related to hospice and palliative care. It brings cutting-edge training programmes, workshops and conferences to practitioners within and beyond Hong Kong, regionally and internationally.

賽馬會善寧之家附設演講廳,內裏配備先進的設施,除了 供本地醫護人員從事或接受專業培訓外,更讓亞洲區以至 國際有關寧養及紓緩照顧的學者參與研討會及會議等學術 交流,並發布學術研究成果。


Giving Opportunities 體現關愛

With your help, we will be able to provide people with quality hospice and palliative care – today and tomorrow. Support from the community is critical for the fitting-out of Jockey Club Home for Hospice and purchase of necessary furniture and equipment. A subsidisation programme is also in place to help care for individuals with limited income and resources.

to make a permanent tribute to your loved one.




Gifts-in-kind such as toys, books, electricals, electronic devices, kitchen appliances, craft materials, nutritious food, medical equipment, and supplies and need items for our residents are appreciated at any time. We shall regularly update our in-kind donation wish list to make sure that gifts donated meet our real needs.

You may name areas and items in the facility (see enclosed list) as a way to leave a legacy to the community or


我們任何時間都歡迎社會人士捐贈玩 具、書本、電器、電子產品、廚具、手 工材料、營養食品、醫療器材、病者的 個人護理和衛生物品。我們將定期更新 所需物品的清單,確保所有捐贈的物品 用於所需。

惠及社群的服務。 我們需要社會各界的捐助和支持,資助寧 養中心的內部裝修工程、購買必要的傢具 和設備。 賽馬會善寧之家的部分房間將以募捐得來的 善款補貼經濟有困難的使用者。您的慷慨捐 助,將讓這項援助貧困臨終病者的資助計劃 得以持續。

Become a major donor Your contribution, one-off or annually, can help Jockey Club Home for Hospice address the most pressing priorities. It helps us maintain excellence in total care, bereavement support, volunteer training and a broad spectrum of vital projects to engage the community in our hospice care work.



成為我們的捐款者 For further information on how you can make a difference to our community by becoming a benefactor of Jockey Club Home for Hospice, call our Development Team on 2230 9119 or email frp@hospicecare.org.hk.

無論是每年或一次性,您的捐獻均可幫助 賽馬會善寧之家解決最迫切的服務需要, 讓我們維持卓越的全面照顧、喪親支援、 義工培訓、以及提供不同形式的重要項 目,讓社區參與我們的寧養善終服務工作。 我們眾多的設施及場地(見所附清單)均可 讓善長命名, 作為對社區留存著一個永摯的 紀念,或向摯愛送上祝福和敬意。

如欲查詢更多有關捐助賽馬會善 寧 之 家 設 施 和 服 務,及 慷 慨 惠 贈 的詳情,請聯絡我們的發展部門 2230 9119,或電郵 frp@hospicecare.org.hk。


Mission and Core Values 使命及核心價值

For more than two decades, people of all ages and from all walks of life in Hong Kong hike and raise funds to support hospice care in the community. 超過二十年,香港各界不同年齡的人士參與我們的登山善行活動,籌務經費支持我們普及社區寧養照顧的工作, 身體力行協助推動本會的使命。 Our Mission

Our Core Values

We work to promote and improve the experience of hospice, palliative and end-of-life care in the community through education, advocacy and bereavement support.






Care Empowerment Excellence


尊重 關懷 承諾 授能 卓越

Jockey Club Home for Hospice is designed and operated by the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care, which is a non-profit organisation registered in Hong Kong. We receive no government subvention or annual grants to support its administrative expenses. We are funded entirely by voluntary contributions made by benevolent individuals and companies, and charitable foundations.

賽馬會善寧之家由善寧會設計及管理。善寧會是在香港註冊的非牟利團 體,所提供的服務和社區項目全賴善心人士、熱心商界和慈善基金的 慷慨捐助。我們的行政開支並無政府資助或公益團體的每年經費撥款。

Business Card

Business Card

Printed on woodfree paper



Jockey Club Home for Hospice A Kung Kok Shan Road, Shatin, New Territories, HONG KONG

賽馬會善寧之家 沙田亞公角山道

Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care G/F 16 Ngoi Man Street, Shau Kei Wan, HONG KONG

善寧會 香港筲箕灣愛民街16號地下 Phone 電話: +852 2868 1211 Fax 傳真: +852 2530 3290 Email 電郵: sphc@hospicecare.org.hk Website 網址: www.hospicecare.org.hk

When days cannot be added to life, add life to days 18

天爲生命定壽元 人爲生命賦意義

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