The Importance of Science Communication

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Science Communication Scientific understanding and knowledge has been achieved over the centuries, and, until the nineteen century, science was not exposed to the public. However, because science brought about significant improvements in many aspects of life and society, the pursuit of scientific knowledge developed into a science profession. The 20th century saw groups founded on the basis they could position science in a broader cultural context and allow scientists to communicate their knowledge to the general public. Science communication is also an academic discipline, focusing on applied and theoretical communication issues. There is growing agreement that everyone should have some grasp of science, which should be introduced from a young age, by teachers and science communicators. Indeed, the continuous investigations and the progressive acquisition of in-depth scientific knowledge, requires professionals to communicate effectively science to non-experts. Science communication is very important, as the public can gain knowledge about health and wellbeing, physiology and biology, as well as computer science, engineering, and other subjects. A better scientific literacy contributes significantly to improving public health and promoting technological progress, and consequently, a nation can become more competitive economically. Dr Luigi Vorluni applies his expertise in the areas of science and communication to disseminate scientific information effectively. He has designed and conducted a study focusing on how the public engages with science, and the impact of video tutorials on learning. Luigi has developed the ability of presenting complex scientific knowledge in a simple way so that general public can understand and get involved. The focus is to take complex, detailed science from a range of fields, distil it to its key points, and translate those points into a publicly accessible language. In the implementation of science communication campaigns, Luigi utilises a variety of tools, such public talks, video tutorials, articles, diagrams, relevant images and graphs. He believes that an important aspect of science communication is to express scientific concepts in an engaging way by using storytelling, metaphors, and where appropriate a bit of humour, so that the experience become “entertaining” for the public. This without compromising the quality of the scientific information presented verbally or written.

Science communication talks Talks are traditionally the natural way of communicating with public, and also to disseminate scientific information. This method has the advantage of being direct, and the scientists can interact with the public, allowing for two-way dialogue. Any scientific study is very complex, with details about the methods of investigation, data analysis and so on. All this information is very relevant to the scientific community, however, generally this is not of interest to the public. Furthermore, communicating science to the public requires an adequate language to augment understanding. There is the need to tell the “story of science”, because an academic presentation works very well when the audience knows the background of the research area, but when talking to non-scientists, the language and content must be accessible and engaging for audience. Therefore, it is extremely important to extract the scientific elements and concepts that are interesting and relevant to the public. The key points that should be included are: why a particular research was carried out and why it matters. A crucial point of science communication is about informing and connecting non-scientists with research and its role in everyday life. When Dr Luigi Vorluni delivers talks, these scientific facts and concepts are broken down and expressed in a simple form, so that the public can fully understand. Furthermore, the talks are often combined with other methods, such as audio-visual material and posters to augment learning.

Science communication and technology Using the current technology, such as online methods to communicating science, have the potential to reach huge audiences, and the content is available to the public anytime and accessible from anywhere. Videos, blogs and websites are examples can be used for online science communication. This method allows for both one-way and two-way communication, and the science communicator can interact with the public. The research that Dr Luigi Vorluni has conducted focusing on learning, indicated that when the information is delivered in clear and concise form, and also it is a bit entertaining, results in increased public interest and facilitates learning. These results are consistent with other studies. The key points to successful science communication is a keen interest in disseminating information, using accessible language, and making it relevant to the audience. Luigi is passionate about the potential and impact of effective communication methods and approaches, and the use of technology to enhancing science communication. Â



Contacting Dr Luigi Vorluni Luigi is interested in delivering science communication talks and creating learning resources for colleges and institutions to offer the most effective learning experience. If you are interested please contact Dr Luigi Vorluni Email: Phone: +44 7428 493 740

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