Activity Book 1

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A Positive Approach to Increase Resilience and Wellbeing



INDEX Note Taking............................................................................. 3 Understanding How Am I Smart?......................................... 7 Goal Setting.......................................................................... 11

Understanding Your Emotions............................................ 15 How Well Do You Know Your Emotions?........................... 19 Prioritising............................................................................ 23 Tell The Truth........................................................................ 27 Importance of Referencing................................................. 31 Managing Your Time Online................................................ 35

Healthy Eating...................................................................... 39 Bullying................................................................................. 43 Home Study Area................................................................. 47 Study Timetable................................................................... 51

How’s Your Self-Confidence?............................................. 55 Good Friends........................................................................ 59 Credibility Online.................................................................. 63

Road Safety - Distractions.................................................. 67 Friend or Acquaintance....................................................... 71

What is Body Image?........................................................... 75 Organisation Skills............................................................... 79 Cyberbullying....................................................................... 83


Know Your Impulses............................................................ 87 2014 student activity book


How do you choose what to do when? You can’t do everything even though you may want to. Sometimes you need to prioritise and find balance in your life. Your time can be divided into two categories: • those activities you have no choice in are called MUSTS such as study, jobs, family commitments. • those you do have a choice in are called OPTIONS such as TV, social media, recreational activities.

There is also that time between your musts and options, which is called ‘nothing time’. It is good to sometimes have down time but you need to be careful not to waste your time.

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5/02/2014 2:05 pm

MUSTS Write down all the MUSTS you have in a week.

LET’SISE! IT PRIOR Write down your OPTIONS and then put a number next to each option in order of importance to you.




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Where does my time go? For three typical school days summarise how you spend your time within 15 minutes for each activity you are involved in. Find out what you spend your time on. How much time do you spend...

Day one (hours)

Day two (hours)

Day three (hours)

In bed sleeping? Preparing/ordering and eating food? Showering, grooming and dressing? Travelling to and from school and other activities? At school including before and after? Studying or being tutored? Sport, training, exercising? Watching TV, DVD? Surfing the Internet? Social Networking (such as Facebook, Twitter)? Part-time jobs? Practising hobbies (such as a musical instrument)? Socialising? Other activities? TOTALS GRAND TOTALS

Do you spend too much time on one activity? Are there any big time wasters? If so, what are they? _____________________________________

___________________________________________________ What are three things you can do to improve the use of your time?

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ activity book 1 • YEAR 7 & 8 5

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activity book 1 • YEAR 7 & 8

Home Study Area

To learn effectively at home you need a special place to study. When studying: wear warm loose fitting clothes keep your feet warm move your arms and legs to maintain blood flow to your brain keep a glass of water on your desk. Keep your learning area: colourful, colours that stimulate the brain neat and tidy well equipped with stationery have a computer close at hand well lit quiet, no loud music or TV away from distractions preferably in the one spot.

Why do you think it is important to have a good study area at home?

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Think about your home study area. What are the good points about where you study?

Describe your home study area.

How could you improve your hom e study area?

What two things might you change to your study area? 1. 2. 8

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You’re a room designer and have been assigned to create the perfect study area for a 14 year old boy or girl. Money is no object. What can you design?

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activity book 1 • YEAR 7 & 8

Note Taking

HOW TO BE AN EFFECTIVE NOTE TAKER: Always use your own words Ø Use headings to group main points Ø Use key words to trigger important ideas Ø Use abbreviations to save time Ø Use plenty of colours in your notes, highlighters are great Ø Use quick diagrams or symbols to help explain something. Use the 80/20 principle Listen 80% - note take for 20% When note taking be actively involved, don’t just write – think about how what you are learning What could you do to improve connects with what you already know. TIP: Think first, then write!!

your note taking?

Why is note taking important?

Do you like to take notes? Why?

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How do you gather information? Brainstorm the different ways you take notes or gather information. Think outside the square. What do you like to use? Recording equipment, laptops, highlighting, pictures, headings.


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Share your ideas about note taking with three other people and create your own list of ideas you may not have tried.







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activity book 1 • YEAR 7 & 8


WHAT IS CYBERBULLYING? Cyberbullying occurs when someone is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. Cyberbullying refers to children and teens, when an adult is involved it is referred to as cyberharassment or cyberstalking. Read these questions and in your head answer with or Signed into someone else’s email or social networking profile to gather information? Sent an email or message from someone else’s account without their permission? Changed your profile message or status to embarrass or frighten someone? Posted pictures or information online about someone without permission? Pretended to be someone else online? Teased or frightened someone online? Forwarded an email or message without permission of the person who sent it to you? Used online information to tease, embarrass or harass someone in person? Sent rude or scary things online, even as a joke? Used someone else’s password without permission? Insulted someone online? Voted on an online poll saying rude or mean things? If you have answered yes to any of these questions you have participated in cyberbullying. activity book 1 • YEAR 7 & 8 15

Think about your own online behaviour. List 3 positive ways you use the Internet...

1 2 3

Write 3 things about your use of the Internet you could change or improve...

1 2 3 16

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Share your comments and experiences with a partner. Brainstorm with a partner, what would you say to someone who told you they are being bullied online? As a comic strip!

Or use speech bubbles!

To find out more try these websites: &

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activity book 1 • YEAR 7 & 8

What is Body Image? Brainstorm...

B What is What is positive negative body body image? image?



Compare your ideas with a partner, then discuss what is considered a popular body image. Using the letters from the words Body Image, write an acrostic poem from words, phrases and feelings associated with popular body image.


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Draw a picture of yourself. Don’t worry how realistic or artistic it is.


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Make a list of all the things you like/love/appreciate about your body (at least five things). Explain why you like it. eg. I like my eyes because they are the same colour as my mum’s eyes. 1. __________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________

You can only write one thing you don’t like about your body. 1. __________________________________________________

Share your list with two friends. It is important you are talking positively about your own body. It might feel a little uncomfortable as we usually share what we don’t like.

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The Learning Curve Activity book contains a variety of activities to encourage learning and thinking about your own wellbeing. Each activity focuses on one of the five categories: Study Techniques and Approaches Relationships Personal Health Research and Operational Skills Career and Time Management The activities ask you to review, analyse and share your thoughts and ideas about everyday experiences. It provides you with strategies to help develop lifelong learning.


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