Learnit Live - Agenda The future of learning is now MONDAY 8 MARCH 2021
Building Back Better: The future of learning is now COVID-19 upended everything: homes, classrooms, communication, technology, schools and funding. McKinsey estimates that Covid learning loss will equate to 1% of US GDP every year, the Education Endowment Fund predicts learning loss could erase a decade of efforts to close gaps between low and high income kids, and UNESCO has raised the alarm about the 24 million students who may never return to education. But the pandemic, and the world’s largest unplanned technology experiment, also created an unprecedented opportunity for real, transformational change. Day one of LearnIt Live showcases systems leaders who are using this crisis to build back better and drive system-level change. TUESDAY 9 MARCH 2021
K-12: Inclusion, well-being and tech are no longer optional Covid-19 cast a bright and unforgiving light on educational inequality, from who has devices and connectivity to who has space to work and access to adults to support home learning. Successful and equitable remote learning requires time and investment, and what works for one school community needs adapting for another. Well-being and socio-emotional learning have overtaken content delivery and narrow versions of achievement as key priorities, a widely praised reframing. But will this change of priority hold? On day two of Learnit Live, we’ll be showcasing K-12 school leaders supporting their learners and teachers so that success becomes the new normal, accessible to all. WEDNESDAY 10 MARCH 2021
Higher Education: the reckoning and the renaissance Covid-19 has accelerated higher education’s reckoning. International student enrollment has plummeted, and without the social aspect of campus life, high-priced online education has become less appealing. Meanwhile, employers are removing the need for a university degree and models of online skill-based training and learning are flourishing. Slow-to-change higher ed institutions have had to adapt or risk dying, while innovative new models of learning and recognising learning are emerging. Is this the beginning of the end for higher education as we know it? On day three, Learnit Live will put higher ed under the microscope. THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021
Learning and Work: meaningful, purposeful work for all ‘Lifelong learning’ has long been common parlance for educators. It has now gone mainstream as the barriers between work and learning have collapsed. Surging unemployment means workers need to reskill and upskill while continued automation and warp speed technological change have driven a need for all of us to constantly adapt and learn. A different work and learning ecosystem is
needed to rebuild our economies in more sustainable and entrepreneurial ways. On day four we’ll explore how organisations are working to create more pathways to meaningful and purposeful work for all.
The Business of Education: how will big investment lead to the lifelong learning ecosystem we are looking for? 2020 was edtech’s big year with over $16.1B of venture capital invested in edtech. HolonIQ predicts edtech will attract an additional $87B of investment over the next decade as parents,
teachers, school leaders and work places continue to look to the sector to help with new ways of connection, engagement and learning. Online tutoring, language learning and study aids are attracting some of the biggest investments, with MOOC providers and others that connect learning and work also experiencing large-scale growth. As investors from outside the specialist education investment world take new interest in learning, what are they looking for? What sectors are floundering and which are flourishing? And underpinning all of this: are the technologies attracting the biggest investments the ones that will deliver the outcomes parents, students and educators need? Find out more and register for your ticket now. As a K-12 leader, you can get a free ticket, 6, personalised 20-minute virtual meetings and a £100 (c. $140) donation to a charity (or gift voucher) as part of our Virtual Introductions Programme. R ead more and apply here. Alternatively, you can p urchase a ticket here (note there is an option for those without budget to get a free ticket too).