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Students who withdraw or who are administratively withdrawn and later return to the College have forfeited their merit scholarships. Readmission of a student requires written permission from the assistant dean for student success and retention (undergraduate students) or the program director (graduate students). All admission and degree requirements will be re-evaluated at the time of the request for readmission.

Students who notify the College of a withdrawal or leave of absence due to military service may be readmitted to the same academic program, with the same number of completed credits, and with the same academic standing status they held when last attending the College, provided they apply for readmission within three years of completion of their military service. (An application for readmission is not required if the student was granted a voluntary leave of absence and is returning within the period of the leave.) If the program a student pursued when last enrolled is no longer available, the student will be readmitted to a comparable program or to another program of their choice, subject to any program-specific admission requirements. Students enrolled in graduate programs must complete degree requirements within seven years from the date of the admission.


Depending on the circumstances, the College reserves the right to withdraw a student from the College immediately. Such action will be taken only when a student demonstrates the inability to continue as a student or presents an immediate danger to self or others. Such action will be the responsibility of the vice president of student affairs and dean of students, or their designee, in consultation with other members of the College professional staff. The last date the student attended class or participated in an academically related activity will be used as the effective date of the withdrawal.

After an emergency withdrawal or medical leave of absence, an evaluation supporting return is required and must be submitted to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students, or their designee. Such clearance includes full written documentation from the attending psychologist or psychiatrist to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students substantiating competency to return to the demands of the College environment, and documentation setting forth what follow up treatment is required, if any. The student may not return to campus without this documentation. Additionally, the student is required to meet with the vice president of student affairs and dean of students, or their designee, before finalizing re-enrollment responsibilities.

Students found in violation of the student conduct code are subject to disciplinary action, as stipulated in the Student Handbook. When sanctions result in suspension or dismissal from the College, a student is dropped or withdrawn from courses in accordance with registration policies. The last date the student attended class or participated in an academically related activity will be used as the effective date of the suspension or dismissal. A permanent disciplinary dismissal is recorded on a student’s academic transcript.

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