Le Bilingue 2022 06 June

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LE BILINGUE Ecole Jeannine Manuel Paris’ student newspaper

June 2022

Table of contents School news: Drawing contest result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3-7 Le concours de poésie Jeannine Manuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 8 Literature and culture: How to get into reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.9 -10 Interview Littéraire: Cécile Alix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.11-12 Swan Lake by the National Opera Maria Biesu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.13-14 selection of timely articles: Abstract : pandemic’s effect on teenagers mental health . . . . . . . . . . . . P.15 Le Village Reille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.16-17 Creative work : Creative writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.18


Letter from the editors Dear readers, Chers lecteurs, First off, we hope you are all doing well despite the workload. As most of you probably know, this is our last issue of the year. We know that the terminales and some of the premieres are already done with the school year and are cramming for their bac exams so, of course, we wanted to wish them good luck. Nous voulions remercier tous ceux qui nous ont envoyé des articles et vous encourager à continuer de le faire tout au long de l'année prochaine car nous sommes évidement là pour cela. Nous voulions aussi remercier nos éditeurs sortants qui ont fait un travail énorme, nous ferons de notre mieux pour être à la hauteur. We hope that you will find this issue interesting, and that some of you will be joining the team in September. Nous vous souhaitons une très bonne lecture et de bonnes vacances ! Sincerely, The editorial team of Le Bilingue


Chinese New Year drawing contest - Jade J. In late February, the Chinese Club organized a Drawing Contest among primary and middle school students to celebrate the New Year of the Tiger. We would like to thank the 73 artists who have all submitted extremely creative and beautiful artworks! The artworks were divided into two sections: drawings and posters. The Chinese Club is now pleased to announce the results of the contest. (Unfortunately, certain artworks have been taken down before we recorded their names, so we will only be showing the picture for some of them) The drawing section is divided into primary and collège-lycée submissions. For collège-lycée, 1st prize goes to Lilas FROMAGER-CAMARD in 1ere 3 and Veronica TABACARU in Terminale for their stunning artwork; 2nd place goes to Énora Gutmann’s (3eme 2) Pencil sketch and Dora’s (3eme) oil painting; 3rd prices go to Joshua Oakes (6e7), Arthur Ennabli (6ème 3), and two other unknown authors whose works are presented below. In fact, one of them only relied on Chinese painting tools such as Chinese ink and rice paper to create their painting of the tiger head, which impressed the juries a lot!








Unknown (Chinese ink)


For the primary students, the 1st prize goes to Sophie TRNTA in CM2-1 with her vivid representation of the zodiacs; the second prize goes to Margaux YIP LAU and another unnamed artist; 3rd prize goes to Louise BITBOL, Elea PETTEX and Anouk MELKI. Margaux








Now for the poster section in which we only received submissions from collège-lycée, the first prize goes to Chloé BENJOAR in 5ème with her beautifully illustrated and decorated poster presenting characteristics of the Chinese New Year; the second prize goes to Vénice in 4ème 8, Jules MARIN in 4ème 6 and an unnamed artist; third prize goes to Irene TIELEMAN in 5ème 2, Samuel COMMONS in 6eme 3, Emilien IRISH in 5ème, Victoria NGUYEN-KHOA in 5ème 5, Lucas KURNESTON in 5ème 2, Gabriel TJONG TJIN TAI in 5ème, and an unnamed 6ème chinois débutant artist.








Emilien Victoria





The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Le Concours de poésie Jeannine Manuel - Anna H. (Terminale) Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer l’ouverture de la deuxième édition du Concours de poésie Jeannine Manuel. Cet événement que j’ai initié l’année dernière, avec la précieuse collaboration des départements de français et d’anglais, met à l’honneur la poésie ainsi que le talent des élèves de notre école. Comme l’année dernière, la participation est ouverte à tous les collégiens et lycéens. Vous avez jusqu’au 30 juin 2022 pour soumettre vos créations à l’adresse suivante : concours.poesie.jm@gmail.com. Par ailleurs, aucun thème ou format n’est imposé, afin que vous puissiez laisser libre cours à votre imagination et votre créativité pour donner vie aux mots. Trois gagnants seront distingués dans chacune des deux langues et se verront décernés un premier, un deuxième et un troisième prix. Le mode de sélection est objectif, anonyme et impartial. L’annonce des lauréats ainsi que la remise des prix se feront en septembre. Le jury sera constitué de membres des départements de français et d’anglais, et se réjouissent de la perspective de lire vos productions ! La première édition du concours de poésie Jeannine Manuel, clôturée mi-juin 2021, fut couronnée de succès. Sa mise en œuvre est née de mon désir de promouvoir l’art de la poésie, touchant notre sensibilité toutes et tous quel que soit notre âge. J’ai également souhaité stimuler la créativité des élèves à travers un tel concours, pour leur permettre une évasion à travers les mots en une période de l’année psychologiquement rude car lourde en échéances pour la plupart d’entre nous.

Je me livre moi-même à l’écriture de poèmes pendant mon temps libre depuis ma tendre enfance et j’ai été agréablement surprise par le grand nombre de participants, qui indique que cet amour pour la poésie est commun à beaucoup d’élèves. L’ensemble du jury a été réellement impressionné et touché par la beauté ainsi que la finesse des poèmes soumis. Félicitations aux lauréats de l’édition 2021 du concours qui ont été très difficiles à départager ! Voici leurs noms : Dans la catégorie : français ● 1er prix : Quentin GROSS (promotion 2022) ● 2ème prix : Victoria PONSIN (promotion 2022 ● 2ème prix ex-aequo : Ruben LIM-DAJCZMAN (promotion 2024) ● 3ème prix : Just PELAEZ (promotion 2022) Dans la catégorie : anglais ● 1er prix: Lilya BARNARD (promotion 2022) ● 2ème prix: Sofia MIRZOEVA (promotion 2021 ● 2ème prix ex-aequo: Andrea BERKOVIC (promotion 2024) ● 3ème prix: Achille BANOS (promotion 2023) ● 3ème prix ex-aequo : Rax Maya UYGUN (promotion 2022)

oeuvres et sources d'inspiration des lauréats du Concours de poésie Jeannine Manuel 2021


How to get into reading! - Luisa G. 1)KNOW YOUR READING PREFERENCES. Read Good Books that you will actually enjoy to avoid getting into a Book slump. Whether you like romance, thrillers or non-fiction books it is important to know your book preference in order to enjoy reading! Don’t force yourself to read books you don’t enjoy only because other people are reading them. Find the books that YOU like in order to engage in all the pleasures of reading. Here are some recommendations: The Best Books of all time (according to me;) CLASSICS The Book Thief - Markus Zusak Little women - Louisa May Alcott The Great Gatsby - F.Scott Fitzgerald The Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Orczy Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte The Catcher in the Rye - Novel by J. D. Salinger

ROMANCE Where The crawdad Sings - Delia Owens The song of Achilles - Madeleine Miller Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Heartless - Marissa Meyer ACTION The Firm - John Grisham The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins THRILLER/ MYSTERY Literally ANY Agatha Christie Book!! (And then there were none, The ABC murders, Death in the Nile, Murder is Easy, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd…) The Silent Patient - Alex Michaedilis Verity - Colleen Hoover The Guest List - Lucy Foley NON FICTION: Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari A brief History Of Time - Stephen Hawkins Atomic Habits - James Clear


2) KEEP TRACK OF THE BOOKS YOU READ To become a reader it might be useful to keep track of your progress and books you read. To do this I like to use an app called GOODREADS which is free to download and use. The app helps you track the books you have read and make a list of the books you want to read. You can also read reviews on books from different people all around the world and follow your friends to see their reading progress. You can also rate the books you read and set yourself Goals & Challenges. I find Goodreads extremely useful, however not everyone has to agree. If you don’t want to keep track of your books online, find a way to do it that works for you! I think keeping track of your reading progress is a fun way to keep accountability for the books you read and keep you motivated to keep on reading! 3) BE CONSISTENT It is important to be consistent in your reading to be able to form it into a habit. If you find a place where you can read or a time of day specifically for reading; then reading can be incorporated much more easily into your life. This is the easiest way for reading to become automatic rather than something you force yourself to do. 4) MAKE IT ENJOYABLE! Reading itself is already enjoyable, however there are ways to make it even more fun! You could switch up your reading location regularly and visit nice forests and parks to find new reading spots nearby. You can also make your favorite snack to enjoy hand in hand with a good book. Lastly you could join or even form a book club. This way you can bond with people over your passion for books. Reading can become more fun when shared with friends and other people and it’s also a great way to find new book reccomendations!

– Lastly, I would like to end by sharing this quote from George R.R. Martin (the author of A Game Of Thrones)

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” Everyone interprets stories differently and no two people visualize the same world in a book. Reading strengthens your mind and helps center your memory while allowing leeway to travel anywhere without leaving the comfort of your couch. That is what I believe to be the splendor of reading; being able to step into infinite universes and hold the reigns that control your imagination.


Interview Littéraire: Cécile Alix - Auxane B. J’ai eu la chance d’interviewer par écrit Cécile Alix, auteure pour la jeunesse connue pour ses romans humoristiques, tel que «Léonard de Vinci vu par une ado» (20, Poulpes Fictions) . Son premier roman Young Adult « A(ni)mal », sorti ce 3 février en librairie, parle du voyage périlleux d’un jeune migrant, Miran, pour arriver en France depuis le Moyen Orient. Le résumé du roman: « Tu ne dis pas d’où tu viens, tu ne dis pas ton nom, tu oublies ton pays, compris ? Tu m’oublies. Et tous les autres que tu connais, que tu as connus, tous, tu les oublies aussi. Et qui tu es, tu l’oublies. À partir de maintenant, tu n’es personne, tu n’es de nulle part. À toi de redevenir quelqu’un, c’est possible. C’est possible, tu m’entends ? À ton âge, tout est possible. » Avoir 15 ans dans un pays en guerre, être forcé de devenir un homme, se retrouver projeté sur les chemins de la clandestinité, effleurer les limites de l’humanité, apprendre à survivre, s’effacer, oublier… Puis Vivre – à nouveau Ressentir – encore Faire confiance – petit à petit Garder espoir – toujours Le parcours d’un migrant, des difficultés indicibles de son voyage jusqu’à la résilience. L’interview ! Q: Quelle a été votre motivation et votre inspiration pour écrire ce roman ? Je me suis toujours intéressée au déracinement, au fait que fuir son pays c’est mourir un peu, et j’avais envie de parler d'événement dans lequel un personnage serait expulsé de sa vie quotidienne et aborderait des questions existentielles, par exemple ‘qu'est ce qui me fait avancer dans la vie’, ‘pourquoi est-ce que je suis en vie’ et ‘pourquoi je continue à vivre’. Q: C’est votre premier roman Young Adult, pourquoi vous êtes vous tourné vers cette littérature? C’est surtout que j’avais envie de parler d’une histoire qui met en scène un adolescent, et donc avec de la violence parce que, à travers l'histoire de Miran, j’aborde les sujets comme la dictature et la terreur qu’impose les passeurs, la quête désespérée d'humanité, ce genre de sujet, et je trouvais que m'adresser à un public plus adolescent/young adult, me permettait de m' exprimer plus librement, pour exprimer toute cette violence et cette soif d’humanité.


Q:Une anecdote sur le processus d’écriture ? Dans la première version, le personnage du jeune homme que Miran croise à Lyon au début de la troisième partie était trop adorable et l’emmenait dans une association pour qu’il soit hébergé. Mes éditrices ont trouvé ce personnage beaucoup trop sympa ! Alors qu’il existe, mon fils qui habite Lyon a connu cette expérience. Q: Votre passage préféré du livre ? Les pages que j’ai préféré écrire et que j’avais pensées dès le début sont les trois derniers chapitres…

Merci beaucoup à Cécile Alix d’avoir pris le temps de répondre à mes questions ainsi qu’à son podcast que vous pouvez retrouver sur France Info, sur lequel je me suis appuyée!

"Medicine, law, business, engineering, those are noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for” - Dead Poets Society


Swan Lake by the National Opera Maria Biesu - Raphaëlle D. Context with the war in Ukraine I went to see the ballet Swan Lake at the Palais des Congrès in Paris. However things didn’t go exactly as planned. Indeed, as the war between Russia and Ukraine just started, the Bolchoï Ballet of Moscow could not perform in France anymore and was replaced by the Moldavian National Opera Maria Besu. The impact of the war on the diffusion of Russian art is unfortunate but the Moldavian ballet did not disappoint. Moreover, we need to take into account the fact that the ballet’s score is by Tchaikovsky, a Russian composer. Therefore, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Belarus and Czech dancers performing to a Russian score is quite a beautiful symbol in such conflicting and hard times. History behind Swan Lake “Swan Lake” is described as a very “national” ballet. In fact, swans are very present in romantic Russian novels and the ballet’s choreography includes a lot of Slavic dances. It is also important to note that it is the first ballet with music written by a symphonic composer. Indeed, Tchaikovsky (who had never written a ballet score before) wrote the score between august 1875 and April 1876 and was very inspired by the leitmotiv technique (normally used by ballet composers) which consists of associating a song to a specific character or atmosphere. As surprising as it might sound, the first representations of the ballet in 1877 were catastrophic and the ballet underwent a lot of cuts and substitutions. It only gained success in 1895 thanks to Marius Petipa, an important figure in the history of Russian ballet.


Since then, there have been many versions of the piece, coming back more and more to Tchaikovsky’s original ideas and not those of its first choreographs. It is now the most performed ballet in the world, more than a century after its creation, and it has inspired many different artworks, such as the movie “Black Swan” with Natalie Portman or the BTS song of the same name. Summary of the ballet “Swan Lake” is a beautiful fairytale about a prince named Siegfried and his beloved Odette. It starts one evening as the prince goes hunting and finds a group of beautiful girl-swans in the forest. Those swans are actually women that have been cursed by a sorcerer and turn into swans during the day. He falls in love with one of them, Odette, and swears that he will love her forever and break her curse. However, the dark magician finds out and decides to trick the prince by sending his daughter Odile, who has become Odette’s double, to the ball organized in the castle. The Prince first falls for the magician’s trick and chooses her to be his future wife before realizing his grave mistake. Once he does, he runs back to the lake to tell Odette he loves only her. He then defeats the evil sorcerer and breaks the curse, setting his beloved free. Presentation of the National Moldavian Opera The National Theatre of Opera and Ballet Maria Biesu was created in 1957. The Moldavian ballet is known for its authenticity as it keeps

traditional elements of classical dance while still adding Slav and Balkan elements. It is internationally recognized for the beauty and quality of its performances and has counted famous dancers such as Vladimir Vasiliev, Ekaterina Maximova and Nicolaite Tsiskaridze. It has also received numerous prizes. The ballet for Swan Lake consists of Igor Onoshko, Jan Vana and Artem Bankovsky for Prince Siegfried, Liudmila Ulanstava, Olga Golista and Oksana Bondareva for Odette/Odile, Andrieu Gura for Rothbart and Ion Breahna for the Jester. My opinion What I really liked about the ballet were the sets, which were splendid and completely fitted the atmosphere of the piece. For example, the decoration for the place where the prince and Odette meet is very somber, with just a moon shining in the background and swans gliding along the surface of a lake. It really helped me feel more immersed in the ballet as the sets were all very imposing and awe-striking. Moreover, the costumes of the dancers were also very nicely done. I found the vivid pink outfit for the jester very appropriate for the character. The beautiful and elegant white dresses of the “swans” were also perfectly chosen and truly gave a “swan” look to the dancers. The colorful costumes of the people in the prince’s court also helped give life to the scene and embrace the movements of the dancers. My favorite dancers were the Jester and Odette who I found particularly good at bringing their character to life through dancing. In my opinion, the Jester was full of energy and was constantly making crazy jumps, meaning he stole the show every time he was on stage. With his bright costume and fun choreography, it was hard to take your eyes off him. Odette, on the other hand, wasgraceful, delicate and each one of her movements looked natural.

The prima ballerina truly embodied the “swan” : her arms and legs looked as light as a bird’s wings. She was also able to perfectly represent the sad emotions of the character who feels trapped by her curse and her dance was truly mesmerizing. However, I also disliked a few things about the ballet. For example, the opening scene where we can see the prince and his court is a bit long and boring, with a lot of repeating movements. I also didn’t find that the dancers (who were not playing main characters) were completely synchronized and they did not form a completely united ensemble. This was especially true for the scenes where the court is present, since the ballerinas playing the girl-swans were much better. I think that the standards are really high for ballet and that the Maria Biesu Opera didn’t reach the precision and perfection that would have made the performance truly magical. Moreover, the whole character of the prince was underwhelming, from his costume to his performance. The dancer was good but you immediately forgot about him as soon as the Jester or Odette was on stage. Even though he was one of the main characters, he really didn’t stand out and his overly simple black and white outfit did not help. In addition, the orchestra was average; I felt as though the musicians were not adding anything to the piece. In my opinion, the music felt too “emotionless” and “cold”, not quite as grandiose as I had expected it to be. Conclusion Overall, I really enjoyed this ballet and I obviously already loved the score by Tchaikovsky. It was a nice experience and I would love to go see another ballet by the same composer. It wasn’t exactly “perfect” but in general it was still very pleasing to watch and hear. I hope that Swan Lake continues to be performed all around the world and that the art of dancing continues to shine through the dancers’ hard work and graceful movements


The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Teenagers’ Mental Health And Their Education - Joséphine D. Abstract: The spread of Covid -19 as a global pandemic over the last two years has plunged the world into unprecedented and drastic changes to everyday life. This paper will focus on how young adults in high school between the ages of thirteen and eighteen have been affected. Those teenagers in the prime of their character development phase of their lives have profoundly felt the obligation of the pandemic to stay indoors, thus creating a disruption in their routines. Between the lack of social interactions with their peers, the lack of outdoor activity and the collective anxiety and fear due to the presence of an unknown new virus, the abrupt spike in mental health issues during this pandemic shows the strong impact of COVID-19 on this age range. The change that has most affected teenagers is the need to stay inside to prevent the spread of this virus. This has increased the amount of screen time for teenagers, contributing to their lack of social interaction and feelings of self-isolation, and left them unable to physically exercise in the way they used to. Some of them need this release of endorphins to keep from exercising self-harm, and the pandemic has pushed many to go back to old tendencies. This has not been helped by the collective trauma caused by the virus and the amount of misinformation available on the internet. Fear and anxiety of this virus added to changes in the routine of a developing adult created by the pandemic have been the main effects of this pandemic. To add a more personal dimension to this paper, I have added my personal experience throughout this pandemic and how the lockdown personally has affected me. Context: My article was published in the scholarly review online platform in order to spread awareness on how the Covid 19 has affected teenager’s mental health as well as their education. My article was published on the 8th of March 2022 and can now be accessed with this link: https://scholarlyreview.org/journal-issues .

« On est pas sérieux quand on a dix sept ans » - Arthur Rimbaud


Le village Reille: un engagement au coeur de la ville - Filippa, Clara, Maeve,et Carmen

Récemment, le groupe d'adaptation de l'École Jeannine Manuel est allé visiter le Village Reille pour rencontrer certains de ses acteurs.

Qu'est-que c'est le ‘Village Reille’? Le Village Reille est installé dans un ancien couvent de Franciscaines du 14e arrondissement depuis avril 2021. Ce lieu est géré par une coopérative en lien avec des associations. L'objectif est de profiter de lieux vides pour accueillir des personnes qui cherchent un local de travail ou un logement peu cher. C’est une occupation légale et temporaire, qui peut durer entre 1 an et demi et 3 ans, le temps qu'il faut aux propriétaires pour obtenir une autorisation pour commencer leurs travaux.

beaucoup d'argent de démarrer leur activité avec un local très peu cher. De plus, les jeunes créent des relations avec les autres , ils peuvent apprendre et enseigner, et tous les cours ou les consultations pour les résidents sont gratuits. Ce jour-là, il faisait beau et c'était vraiment agréable d'être dans ce lieu ! Les gens que nous avons rencontrés au Village Reille: Le calligraphe, Alexandra:

Quel est l'objectif du Village Reille? Le Village Reille accueille 55 associations aux univers variés. On trouve des associations culturelles (peinture, photo, musique...), solidaires (aide alimentaire, aide à l'insertion) et des artisans (couture, reliure, pâtisserie, etc.) L'idée est non seulement d'accueillir des gens mais aussi de faire en sorte qu'ils se rencontrent Ce lieu permet également à de jeunes entrepreneurs ou thérapeutes qui n'ont pas

Son espace de travail Instagram: @lacobilondon


Nous avons vraiment pu constater à quel point Alexandra aime la calligraphie. C'est sa passion. Alexandra a expliqué qu'être au Village Reille a vraiment été une opportunité incroyable pour elle, et Alexandra a exprimé à quel point elle était heureuse d'être là. Cette artiste française travaillait auparavant à Londres dans un lieu similaire au au Village Reille. Alexandra a déclaré qu'à l'avenir, elle souhaiterait posséder une boutique, où elle vendrait ses créations, telles que des cartes. Elle a également dit qu'elle donne des cours de calligraphie et de reliure.

La couturière, Marie:

Marie enseigne depuis 4 ans à des personnes qui veulent passer au CAP de couture.

Elle de travaillait auparavant dans la publicité, mais ce n'était pas sa passion. Elle s'ennuyait, alors elle a décidé de suivre ce qui la rendait heureuse : coudre et créer. Marie a monté un atelier de couture, où elle répare également des machines à coudre. Cet atelier s'appelle "Jeanineemoi". Enfin, Marie nous a expliqué combien elle aimait faire partie du Village Reille, que cela lui avait apporté beaucoup de bonheur et d'opportunités de rencontres.


Creative writing - Anonymous

La musique m'emporte dans un ciel profond et hypnotisant. Mes doigts glissent sur les notes comme le vent sur le sable de la terre. Les notes résonnent, étoiles scintillantes dans ce ciel coloré, ce ciel tellement beau. Les yeux fermés, je ressens l’énergie de ce son coloré, arc en ciel bruyant mais mélodieux, remplissant l’espace de milles et un soleils rayonnants. Je flotte, les notes s’envolent et je ressent ce frisson dans mon corps, jusque dans mes doigts voltigeants sur ces touches blanches et noires. C’est si beau, je crois rêver, la lumière brille et la musique m’emporte encore plus haut, plus loin, plus beau… Cette mélodie rose et bleue, lever de soleil étincelant, ce son d’aurore me remplit de bonheur, je suis seul, dans ma bulle. Silence. Ce son fatal. La musique s'arrête, j'ouvre les yeux. Il n’y a que moi, je suis seul, assis sur cette chaise bleue bancale. Le ciel s’efface sous la peinture sale du mur, le papier de chine, une image, seule trace de couleur. La réalité fait toujours mal, et le vélo rouillé de mon grandpère, posé au fond de la pièce, ne m'emmènera jamais dans un paradis tel que celui de la musique. Mais ce paradis ne m’est pas accessible. Je suis seul. Seul au milieu de cette pièce insalubre, angoissante, bruyante, qui pèse sur mes épaules. Le trideau de mes paupières tente toujours de dessiner ma bulle bleue, mais ce n’est pas suffisant, le rêve s'arrête toujours et je demeure seul, isolé de mon univers. La musique m’emporte dans des rêves trop lointains, et plus je vole plus je chute, le choc toujours plus important, bouleversant tout mon être avec la même puissance que les vagues de notes que j’aimerais pouvoir jouer. Mais je suis seul, et il n’y a pas de piano devant cette chaise bleue.

"La Musique exprime ce qui ne peut être dit et sur quoi il est impossible de rester silencieux." Victor Hugo


Our Team Anna H. Charlotte M. Luisa G. Raphaëlle D. Auxane B. Jade J.

Co-editor in chief & layout Co-editor in chief Reporter Reporter Reporter Reporter

A SPECIAL THANKS TO Anna H. (Terminale) Josephine D. Filippa, Clara, Maeve, and Carmen Our anonymous writer Ms. Stathopulos and of course all of the students who contributed to this issue with their work

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