Narcos review - Ulysse R.
The acting is of a high level, showing a gritty and raw representation of the infamous drug wars. Wagner Moura’s performance as Escobar was especially memorable as he created a highly layered character, both cruel and evil but also loving: he managed to reconcile the intricacies and contradictions of Escobar. The first two seasons both overbrim with action and intensity, and the intrigue proves to be very unpredictable, making for a thrilling watch. The ironic narrative voice of character Steve Murphy (played by Boyde Holbrook) guides the viewer and helps for an easier and more enjoyable watch. On the other hand, the constant violence does become slightly repetitive and tedious, especially by the third season as the same types of scenes tend to come back It feels like the death of Pablo Escobar in the second season should have been the natural end of the series, making it seem like the filmmakers desperately wanted to elongate the series as much as possible with a third. All in all, the Narcos series does still remain an exciting and thrilling watch which will hook you in from its very beginning.
The Narcos series, released in 2015 by Netflix, offers a great insight on the famous drug war and the Colombian conflict during the 1980s. It gives the opportunity to learn a lot about a delicate and gripping subject that isn't often discussed. Of course Narcos (as its name indicates) mainly focuses on drug trafficking, which only represents one of the many actors of the Colombian conflict, such as the FARC and paramilitary groups.However, the series is useful in learning about the major drug lords of the time, whose wealth and influence truly shaped the era.