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a Black Man in America By: Eric J. Harris


nyone who knows me, know I NEVER speak on the “topic of the moment”. I leave that to the pseudo intellects and the fake bleeding hearts that speak out for personal gratification more than an attempt to affect change or policy. There was a recent rally (or march…or protest…or whatever the “IT” demonstration word is for the moment) in the streets of my city. Apparently, it was done to demonstrate the outrage that is felt due to recent tragic events involving police related killings. It is no secret that I am no fan of the police…I don’t like them…I don’t talk to them…I stay outta

their way…they stay outta mine. I too am saddened by what has taken place and what continues to take place, however, there won’t be any “demonstrating” going on over here. What bothers me is not the injustices that take place so often that it looks like a primetime television re-run, but the disingenuous “plea for change” that takes place immediately following. Are we so caught up in popularity that we will take ANYTHING and turn it into a self-promoting tool? Was it not a month or so ago that we were all flocking to the Red Cross’ throughout the city to “volunteer”

for victims of the floods that ravished our communities? Oh, what a photo op that was! Social media timelines were flooded (pun intended) with “calls to action” from every Greek organization, club promoter, religious group and minority business looking to “help the community”, all while making sure they had their logo, address or phone number conveniently placed where everybody could see and recognize the “GOOD DEEDS” done by said group. Are those flood victims not important anymore? Last time I checked, it takes more than a month to piece back together a lifetime worth of loss. And before that, the issue of the moment was the contaminated water in Flint Mi. Yes, that was a really popular one. I remember seeing a flyer saying “Free to get in with a bottle of water!” Dumbass…it’s FREE to get in everywhere ANYWAY! Never did I see a flyer that said “Everybody come to this club/bar. Yes, we are charging and yes, you will have to pay for drinks; however, 100% of ALL money (not just proceeds) will go to help provide clean water for the people of Flint MI.” Oh no, didn’t see that advertisement anywhere. I have so many examples that it would

be funny, if it were not so sad. Which leads me back to the issue at hand. It is difficult to determine who is genuine and who is just “putting on”. Each individual knows what is truly in their heart. I will say this though, the ONLY change I see happening is the change that takes place in the home. Black men (and I’m only speaking to US right now because it appears that WE are in the most danger), WE need to change what’s happening from within. We all know that the game is rigged from birth. Nobody understands what it means to be a black man EXCEPT the black man. ONLY BLACK MEN understand how every single time we see a police officer we have to straighten up just a little bit. Doesn’t matter if

we have a gun in the console…or a brick in the trunk…or a collared shirt on with a tie, or have zero warrants, we are ALWAYS conscience of the police and always just a little nervous when one rides behind us for longer than 10 seconds. ONLY BLACK MEN understand how we have to raise our voice a half octave higher when speaking to white people (especially white women) as to not appear too “threatening”. ONLY BLACK MEN understand how we have to work twice as hard at the same job as everyone else to get the same pay/recognition as everyone else and STILL feel like we have to justify why we deserve to get what we get. ONLY BLACK MEN have to explain our success, because if our face isn’t recognizable, i.e. athlete/entertainer, then we MUST

be doing something illegal. So, if we are riding in a nice car at 11:00 a.m. on a Thursday or having lunch during the middle of the day at a nice restaurant on a Tuesday, ONLY BLACK MEN get approached by total strangers with the question “What do you do?”. What do I do? How about we talk about what I DON’T do. I DON’T bullshit! I DON’T rob. I DON’T kill. I DON’T rape. I have been arrested, which makes me a FORMER criminal, but I DON’T t commit crime currently. The ONLY difference between you and I is I got caught…OR… you got caught and you had a better lawyer than I did. I DON’T walk away from my responsibilities. I DON’T treat the world like it owes me something. However, I WILL stand up for my rights. I WILL be treated equally. I WILL be respected as a man, NOT just as a BLACK man. I WILL protect my home. And if that means that I have to put a foot in my son’s ass, I will. I’d much rather MY FOOT in his ass than YOUR BULLET in his head. So, pardon me if I DON’T want to be my child’s BFF. I refuse to let anyone decide my son’s fate but me. So, you new-school parents can walk around and encourage your children (boys) to be “free-thinkers” and “question authority” all you want to…but as for me and my house… I think my mama said it best “you gone mind me…or you gone explain to Jesus why you met him so soon!” I’m trying to prevent what is happening to so many of my brothers from happening to our sons. I will kill you myself, before I allow THEM to kill you. At least I will take solace in knowing that you died at the hands of someone who loved you! And that’s all I have to say about that! -e-

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