Dear friends, the story of Ohr Torah is a miracle. Many times this light of transmission and pedagogy could have been extinguished. But its flame continues to burn even brighter every year. Last November's alumni evening will remain an unforgettable moment: the authenticity, warmth and dynamism of all those young people who wholeheartedly wish to support their school, Amir's voice, his artistic sincerity, the radiant faces of Yaacov and Yafa. Our former students expressed their deep gratitude to this school "unlike any other", which allowed them to pursue personal and professional paths that they did not even dare to consider at the beginning of their schooling. They all spoke of the values that had been transmitted to them by Ohr Torah: a deepattachment to the Torah and its teachings, a taste for effort, work and surpassing oneself. Today, they know it, this mindset is priceless! May we continue to pass it onto many more students to come.
Alexandre Elicha President of Ohr Torah - Toulouse
Yaacov Monsonego Principal of Ohr Torah - Toulouse
e are at the dawn of a new year and it is for me a great
satisfaction to offer you this guestbook in order to share with you, both the great and the small moments of our school, of your school. This book will make you relive through images the story of the many adventures experienced by our students. When I say "our students", I am obviously also thinking of our alumni who play such a great role, the students of the Lev Tahor association who meet regularly in our walls, the members of the Kollel, our teachers and their daily commitment, and all the parents and friends who meet us at gatherings organized all over the world to help us pursue our mission. All of this would simply not be possible without your tireless help, without your deep commitment to our educational project. Know that every day we think of you, and every day you give us the energy to continue the task and to improve it. You can be proud of that. Thank you to all of you who surround us and make the Ohr Torah family grow larger every day!
A middle school and a high school : A path and a method oriented towards excellence.
"For the past year, I've been facilitating this A.P class. I have been delighted to have been with a small group of high school students looking for advice and help with their homework."
Tutoring classes (A.P) work but in a relaxed atmosphere!
- LaĂŤtitia Sirach, French teacher
A.P class is the opportunity for each student to get involved and find their method to learn their subjects and do their homework, but not by themselves!
"I arrived in Ohr Torah in grade 10 thanks to my friends from Gan Rachi school and my family. I really want to thank them because I think it is the best choice I’ve ever made so far."
june 2018
- Shana lĂŠvi, former student.
The boarding school in Ohr Torah : a unique experience, remembered forever.
"We feel welcome and quickly form a close family like relationship among the borders. I will advise to all students in difficulty or failing school to come here because the boarding school saved my education." -David Hanau, Grade 9.
They have chosen the boarding school at Ohr Torah. Some students do not go home after class, they stay in school and are entitled to a special program...
...including the evening study, a place of studious exchanges where we review, in order to better overcome the possible difficulties of the lessons in the privacy of small groups.
Bat Mitsva : Grade 6 and 7 girls in the spotlight !
YOM Ha'atzmaut The entire school celebrated the anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel.
Travel broadens the mind. That’s what was experienced...
By two boys in Manhattan
Sacha and YoĂŤl spent 17 days in the United States of America. Welcomed in the heart of New York City in a Jewish school, SAR (Salanter Akiba Riverdale High School), which has nearly a thousand students. They immersed themselves in the life of the school and took classes in this very different environment, while living with a foster family, which allowed them to meet new people...
THE BAC BLEU BLANC : A unique experience, a rich and varied program that introduced the students of grades 11 and 12 to the land of Israel "differently".
Lev tahor
The students' association organizes themed evenings, Shabbatot and Torah classes.
A Kollel that shines in the teaching and exchange around the Torah.
March 19th, 2019 Rememberence ceremony in the presence of the Interior Minister Christophe Castaner.
November 2018 The Alumni Gala with the guests of honour : Alexandre Elicha & Amir Haddad
Ohr torah IS ...
A middle school and a high school for the Jewish community of the Greater Southwest region and the only Jewish boarding school in France.
An association of Jewish students from Toulouse that organizes activities, themed parties, Shabbaths.
A Kollel that shines in the city
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